I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 195 A thousand ways to avenge shame, Tang Chen runs away

"Qiandaoliu's strength does not seem to be as weak as grandpa said."

Tang Hao, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, felt excited.

On the way here, Tang Chen talked a lot about how Qian Daoliu was not as good as him.

Tang Hao felt that it was as easy for Tang Chen to defeat Qian Daoliu as it was to defeat his children.

However, there is still a big gap between ideal and reality.

The hammering took a lot of effort.

There is even a tendency to be turned over and beaten.


At this moment, there was a loud noise, like thunder.

Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu reappeared in front of everyone.

The two confront each other in the air!


Tang Hao called in a low voice, and even pinched the corners of his clothes unconsciously because of nervousness.

Soon he realized that it was out of style and quickly let it go.

In fact, he had to worry. Regardless of Tang Chen, Qian Daoliu seemed to be fighting equally. In fact, he could feel that Tang Chen was at a disadvantage.

It's just that Tang Chen is trying hard to suppress himself and prevent himself from showing signs of decline.

"Why don't we retreat now and think about it in the long term."

Tang Hao said to Tang Chen secretly using the method of forcing his voice into a line.

"Retreat? Why go?"

"I, the members of the Haotian Sect, will either not fight, or we will fight with all our strength!"

Tang Chen glanced at Tang Hao subconsciously. Suddenly, Tang Chen's somewhat annoyed voice sounded in Tang Hao's mind.

Hearing the sound, Tang Hao shrank his neck and did not dare to speak anymore.

But, the ancestor is really domineering

"Qian Daoliu's strength is indeed beyond my expectations, but that's all."

"But it doesn't matter if you think about it. After all, decades have passed, even a pig has to improve. Qian Daoliu has always been inferior to me, so it is normal for his strength to improve."

Tang Chen's voice sounded again.

Hearing the sound, Tang Hao was startled, and couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "Just now you said that Qian Daoliu's cultivation level has reached its peak, and it is as difficult as climbing to the sky to make progress. It has so quickly become that after decades, it has become impossible to improve your strength. Normal?"

"You really have a long mouth. Or are you men so fickle?"

However, he only dared to complain in his heart.

Otherwise, Tang Chen would most likely choose to clean up the house first.

On the other hand, Tang Chen didn't know what Tang Hao was planning for him. Instead, he frowned and made up his mind.

He reminded: "Hao'er, please step back a little further. I'm going to use our Haotian Sect's most powerful secret method. I'm afraid that my power will be too great and you won't be able to bear it."

"The most powerful secret method."

"Grandpa, you want to use it."

Tang Hao's pupils suddenly shrank and he thought of a possibility.

"Yes, what I want to use is the ring explosion."

"I want Qian Daoliu to know that even if he has mastered the powerful skills of Haotian Jiujue, he will still be vulnerable to the real Haotian secret method."

Tang Chen's cold voice sounded in Tang Hao's ears.

He has absolute confidence in the ring explosion.

It was also because of this secret technique that Qian Daoliu was able to knead at will without being pressed down by him.

"Ancestor, think twice"

Tang Hao was also thinking a lot, "Ancestor, have you ever thought that even if you defeat Qian Daoliu, there will still be many strong men in the Wuhun Palace. How should you deal with it then?"

"Those stinking fish and rotten shrimps are countless levels behind Qiandaoliu. Even if I don't use the ninth soul ring, I can beat them casually. Believe it or not." Tang Chen's voice was very disdainful. .

It can be said that in Nuo Da's Wuhun Palace, apart from Qian Daoliu, there is no other titled Douluo in his eyes. In Tang Chen's heart, defeating Qian Daoliu was equivalent to defeating Wuhun Palace.

"Okay, since you have plans, my grandson won't dissuade you."

Seeing this, Tang Hao could only grit his teeth and agreed with Tang Chen's decision.

At the same time, he did not forget to retreat far away. I was already worried about Tang Hao.

"What, are you going to fight to the death?"

Qian Daoliu looked at Tang Chen. As an old rival for many years, he guessed the other party's intentions in an instant.


Tang Chen was slightly startled when he heard the sound, then shook his head: "That's not the case, I just think it's boring to continue fighting with you like this, and I want to end this insignificant battle as soon as possible."

Tang Chen's voice was full of contempt.

It seems to be saying that it was just a warm-up, and now I am getting serious.

Normally, Qian Daoliu must be furious when he behaves like this.

But this time Sendaoliu didn't.

Of course he knew what Tang Chen's words meant. He was just using the secret method of Haotian Sect to explode the ring, hoping to have the final say.

Compared to Zeng Jin, he would definitely be invincible.

But after all, today is different from the past.

Qian Daoliu smiled, "What a coincidence, I also created a secret method. I want to see if your explosive ring is stronger or my secret method is stronger."

"Have you also created your own secret method? Do you still want to compare it with my Haotian Sect's explosive ring?"

Tang Hao was startled when he heard the sound, and then he picked out his ears with his hands, as if to say, did I hear it correctly?

However, Qian Daoliu remained unmoved.

"Then knowing the name of your so-called secret method, what qualifications does it have to compare with my Haotian Sect's secret method?" He asked in a deep voice.

"Name?" Qian Daoliu was startled. He really hadn't thought about it.

But it doesn't matter. After seeing Tang Chen, he knew what to call it: "Just call it Haotian's fall, destruction, destruction, whatever!"


Anyway. The Haotian Sect is not cured, right?

Tang Hao took a breath of air when he heard the sound.

It can be said that Qian Daoliu's words are not loud, but they are extremely insulting.

This name is full of pertinence.

Subconsciously, he looked at Tang Chen.

Sure enough, Tang Chen was already furious.

"Okay, okay, okay,"

"Qian Daoliu, I'm angry, really angry."

"And it's the kind that won't dispel the hatred in my heart even if I don't destroy your Spirit Hall."

Tang Chen's voice was full of coldness and madness, and the next moment he suddenly shouted: "Explode the ring!"

The voice fell, and under everyone's gaze, the red soul ring on Tang Chen exploded into pieces,

Immediately afterwards, Tang Chen's aura suddenly surged and became even more terrifying. It was much better than before!

Tang Chen glanced at Qian Daoliu provocatively: "Now it's your turn. If it's not as strong as you say, then you will only have one result."

"Just be beaten to death by me!"

Finally, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Haotian. Destruction!"

Qian Daoliu shouted, and the soul ring on his body exploded.

Countless bits of light merged into his body.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, light continued to condense behind the Seraphim, and finally another pair of wings was born.

Eight wings!

Tang Chen's eyes narrowed. He was shocked,

There was a storm in my heart!

"horse rider"

"What Qian Daoliu said is actually true. He actually understood the secret method of ring explosion!"

If we say that Qiandaoliu in the Seraphim state is already a demigod, he is a peerless existence on the Douluo Continent.

Then Qiandaoliu in the eight-winged state has reached another level!


This already has god-level strength!

At this moment, Tang Chen only felt his scalp numb! The current angel martial spirit has shown the power that a god-level martial spirit should have!


Qian Daoliu looked at the stunned Tang Chen and felt comfortable in his heart.

In one word, cool!

Back then, Tang Chen relied on this unique skill of exploding rings to beat him. Who can't do it now?

"Huh, so what, the outcome is still unknown!"

Tang Chen snorted coldly, then suddenly exerted his strength, and the eighth soul ring on his body suddenly lit up.

"Ling Tian strikes!"

Then he spun his body and suddenly threw the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand.

Woo woo woo.

The Clear Sky Hammer broke through the air and made a sound of wind and thunder.

The momentum was so huge that it was shocking.

However, no one felt scared, but looked shocked.

Because the Clear Sky Hammer did not hit Qian Daoliu, but was thrown behind Tang Chen.

Then, under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Tang Chen stretched out his hand to grab Tang Hao, and flew down onto the Clear Sky Hammer.

Grandfather and grandson actually drove the Clear Sky Hammer through the air and flew away.


Everyone was astonished.

Damn it, the thunder was loud and the rain was small, no one thought that Tang Chen used so much strength and actually chose to run away?

"This guy."


Qian Daoliu was also shocked. He had already made plans to fight Tang Chen for his life. Who knew that the other party actually just feinted a shot.

This is a bit uncomfortable.

In other words, I have taken off my pants and you are actually showing me this?


At this moment, in Wuhun City, there were figures flying in the sky.

It was none other than a group of worshippers headed by Golden Crocodile.

In the distance, there are Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo and others who are also trying their best to come.

"Dacheng, are you okay?"

Golden Crocodile Douluo asked eagerly.

"It's okay." Qian Daoliu waved his hand gently, looked at Golden Crocodile Douluo and said, "Jin Crocodile, I'm going to leave Wuhun City for a while, and I'll leave all the affairs of the Enshrinement Hall to you for the time being."

Golden Crocodile Douluo was startled when he heard this, and quickly asked: "Great Enshrinement, where are you going?"

Qian Daoliu was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "Poseidon Island."

Tang Chen is not a fuel-efficient lamp, nor is he stupid.

Even if Haotian Sect's revenge was not avenged, he would not be willing to stop.

However, it won't be long before today's showdown spreads throughout the Douluo Continent, large and small. Who dares to help Tang Chen?

There is only Poseidon Island overseas!

"Poseidon Island"

"You should think twice about making big offerings."

Golden Crocodile Douluo was a little panicked.

Back then, Qian Daoliu had gone overseas and came back without success. Now I'm afraid it wouldn't be a wise choice to go again.

"It doesn't matter. I could retreat easily back then, and now no one can stop me."

"At the same time, I also want to see Poseidon Island's attitude towards Tang Chen. If the two sides join forces, then we must make plans in advance."

Qian Daoliu's voice was somewhat solemn.

"In that case, Golden Crocodile is willing to listen to your arrangements."

Golden Crocodile Douluo has no objection to this.

Qian Daoliu nodded, and the next moment he transformed into a stream of light and chased after Tang Chen and Tang Hao in the direction where they disappeared.

As Qian Daoliu left, the crowd gathered in Wuhun City gradually dispersed.

Among them, Lin Xiao was included.

"Unexpectedly, Qian Daoliu actually understood a soul skill similar to ring explosion, and Tang Chen actually chose to retreat without fighting."

Lin Xiao muttered secretly, feeling a little surprised,

However, it is reasonable.

After all, the current Qiandaoliu is too strong. If Tang Chen still fights to the death with him knowing that he is defeated, that is not brave, but stupid.

"I've seen the excitement, and now it's time for me to hunt for soul rings. And I have to do it quickly. Otherwise, I'll be late when I come back, and the sixty jars sold today won't be able to be opened."

Lin Xiao didn't forget the business and thought to himself.

The next moment he activated the teleportation potion, he had disappeared from where he was.

A big chapter of three thousand words.

There will be one or two chapters later, but I’m not sure yet.

However, if there are no accidents, the update will reach 10,000 words today.

Just later.

Thank you all for supporting me.

Also, the fans at Midu Reading are the channel. I don’t know when it will be updated. It just happens and is beyond my control.

I said updating later is to ensure the starting point, QQ reading, browser readers can see it before 12 o'clock.

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