I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 196 Lin Xiao’s breakthrough, Xiao Wu’s shock (2 updates)

Wuhun City.

Dozens of miles away.

Tang Chen's breath suddenly weakened.

"Ancestor, what's wrong with you?"

Tang Hao was about to stop.

"don't want."


Tang Chen looked pale and spoke out of breath.

Hearing this, Tang Chen took a deep breath and said, "I said don't stop. Qiandaoliu will probably catch up. There are so many powerful people in Wuhun Palace. Once we are deeply surrounded, it will be difficult to deal with it."

"But your injuries?"

Tang Hao was very worried about Tang Chen.

"It's okay, I can't die."

Tang Chen waved his hand.

"Grandpa, where are we going now? We can't just run aimlessly like this, right? Why don't we go find the remaining members of the Haotian Sect, or return to the Killing City?"

Tang Hao panicked and didn't know what to do now.

"Do you want to kill the clan members, or should I say, kill me?"

Tang Chen's voice suddenly became cold and stern.

"Grandpa, why did you say that?"

Tang Hao panicked.

He was really panicked, and Tang Chen's sudden coldness made him a little unbearable.

"Now that we are looking for the disciples of Haotian Sect, aren't we just going to bring disaster to them?"

"As for returning to the Killing City, do you want to watch me lose my body to that beast of the Nine-Headed Bat King again?"

Tang Chen gave Tang Hao a cold look and then said.

Tang Hao's face suddenly stiffened, and he really didn't know what to say.

He didn't have any ideas either.

"Go overseas, to Poseidon Island." Tang Chen expressed his thoughts.

Poseidon Island? Tang Hao was startled.

He had also heard about the failure of Wuhun Palace, so Poseidon Island was obviously not a very good place.

"Haha, don't worry, Qiandaoliu is Qiandaoliu, and I, Tang Chen, am Tang Chen. What can he compare to me?:"

Tang Chen sneered and said with relief: "I have an inseparable relationship with Bo Saixi, the great priest of Poseidon Island. With her help, the beast in my body will not be afraid. When the time comes, I can show my strength to my heart's content, and I will not be afraid of Qian Daoliu." ?”

Tang Hao was startled when he heard the sound. It was such a familiar scene.

Tang Chen also said the same thing before.

However, he still followed Tang Chen and followed Tang Chen towards the seaside.

the other side.

Lin Xiao walked leisurely in the Star Forest, as if he were walking in his own shop.

Even though his current cultivation base has not yet broken through to the soul master realm, it is hard to say how strong he is.

After all, with the victory and defeat gloves, who is not a 50-50 fight?

"It's a pity that the gloves have a limit on the number of times they can be used, otherwise there really would be no need to work hard."

Lin Xiao felt a little sorry.

However, at this moment, his ears twitched slightly, and there was a rustling sound in the dense forest in the distance.

Apparently there was someone or a spirit beast walking through the forest.

"The sound is getting louder and louder, and it's getting faster and faster. It's obvious that this guy is coming for me."

Lin Xiao frowned slightly, already seeing the other party's intention.

However, no matter who it was, he was not afraid. Just stood there and waited.

Not long after.

A black shadow jumped out.

Lin Xiao made a mistake with his foot, his soul power circulated, and he launched the Immortal Step.

Swish, swish, swish.

His body turned into countless afterimages, and he easily dodged the opponent's attack and stood aside.

At the same time, he also saw clearly that the opponent was a huge spider.

"What a coincidence, I recognize this spirit beast, it is the Crypt Demon Spider!"

Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly and he recognized the origin of the other party, and his age was about four thousand years.

Just right for his fourth soul ring.

"It's you!" He held a long sword with flashing light in his right hand.

It was his martial soul lightsaber.


The Crypt Demon Spider also roared at this time.

It was dissatisfied with the miss just now, and was angry that this weak human didn't run away after dodging its own attack!


This damn guy actually wants to counterattack him?

Who gave him the courage?

The Crypt Demon Spider became even more angry.


It roared and attacked again.

Boo hoo hoo.

The spider webs seemed to be covering the forest sky.

Lin Xiao frowned slightly. The spider web seemed messy, but in fact it was very elegant.

It can be said that Lin Xiao's escape route was blocked.


"Did you think I would quit?"

Lin Xiao sneered disdainfully.

The next moment, he charged forward, his sword shining brightly. Lin Xiao's whole body was covered with an orange light.

Breaking the Army and Rising Dragon Strike!

Effect: Overlord, displacement, floating!


It was seen that the spider web did not exert any control over Lin Xiao. In an instant, he was in front of the Crypt Demon Spider, waving the lightsaber in his hand from bottom to top.


The huge underground demon spider was picked up directly,

It is the floating effect that triggers!

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiao pulled his left hand and pulled out another lightsaber from the lightsaber in his right hand.

Then he waved his swords, and the Crypt Demon Spider was in mid-air and couldn't fall down!


And the reason why he was able to do this was entirely because it was the ghost swordsmanship in the form of a lightsaber.

If it is a blunt weapon or a giant sword, the ghost swordsmanship will also be in another form.

"But I have to say, beating like this is really a bit scratchy."

Lin Xiao continued to hit continuously, but at the same time he was very dissatisfied.


Such a scene must be horrifying for others to see.

After all, it is rare to see a soul master who can suppress a cave demon spider for more than four thousand years by himself.

Hiss hiss.

The Crypt Demon Spider kept roaring.

However, the voice conveyed in this voice was no longer shouting.

But ask for help

This human soul master is so fierce that it is unable to resist.

No, it is no longer a question of whether to resist or not.

It can't come down from the sky!

"Hey, there's someone. Bah, there's a soul beast asking for help again?"

At the same time, not far from here, there was a girl with bunny ears in pink clothes and pink skirt, whose ears moved slightly.

She looked in the direction of the sound and whispered.

"Forget it, things like this happen every day."

"But, if you are idle, you are idle. If you just go and have a look, you won't get pregnant. I have seen enough of Da Ming and Er Ming every day."

Xiao Wu thought for a while, then couldn't hold back her curiosity and walked over.

After a while, she passed through the dense forest and came to the place where the sound was.

In a pair of bright eyes, a young man in gray clothes was seen fighting a crypt spider that was more than four thousand years old.

It's him!

But why is he so strong!

Xiao Wu's eyes suddenly condensed, she remembered Lin Xiao.

She saw it with her own eyes when Lin Xiao absorbed the second soul ring, and she even laughed at it in her heart.

After all, who would a serious soul master choose a soul beast with little fighting ability as a soul ring?

But now

Isn't this combat power a bit too strong?

A soul master actually suppressed a soul beast that was more than four thousand years old?

Somewhat outrageous!

"Wait, that's not right!"

"His soul ring!"

Xiao Wu's eyes suddenly focused and she discovered another problem.

"Three thousand-year soul rings, what kind of perversion is this!"

She was shocked.

In her knowledge, let alone seeing them, she had never even heard of the existence of the first and second rings of the Millennium!

"Did I admit my mistake?"

Subconsciously, Xiao Wu began to doubt herself.

"Tired, destroy!"

At this time, Lin Xiao suddenly whispered and put away the lightsaber.

"Is this because your soul power is exhausted?"

Xiao Wu was startled, a little confused.

But the next moment, she realized she was wrong.

Because the young man spoke again.

Ice cold!

The next moment, countless icy powers gathered.

Click click click.

In an instant, under Xiao Wu's gaze, the 4,000-year-old underground demon spider was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant.

The thick ice looks so crystal clear.

Immediately afterwards, the young man clapped his hands lightly.


The ice sculpture immediately fell into pieces.

A purple soul ring slowly emerged.

"Hey, in the early stage, the unique skill of Sacred Heart Technique is still useful."

Lin Xiao murmured in a low voice, then casually crossed his legs on the ground, pulling the soul ring to land on his head.

However, from the beginning to the end of absorbing the soul ring, Lin Xiao only took about ten breaths.

Under Xiao Wu's gaze, Lin Xiao just sat down and then stood up again.

The only difference is that the other party has never been a level 40 soul master, but has become a level 40 soul sect.

"Even Xiao San and Dai Mubai can't achieve such a strong endurance. It's amazing!"

Xiao Wu was stunned.

This was the first time she had seen someone absorb a soul ring that was close to the limit so easily.

On the other hand, after Lin Xiao absorbed the soul rings, he didn't rush to see what soul skills he had obtained. Instead, he took out experience capsules and ate them one by one.

Lin Xiao was anxious to improve his strength and hunt for the fifth soul ring.

Moreover, there are dozens of jars waiting to be opened in the shop. If it passes zero, it will be refreshed.

The loss would be great.



Lin Xiao ate experience capsules one by one like chewing beans, and in the blink of an eye he had already eaten ten.

Xiao Wu was puzzled.

This person is really strange.

After others absorb the soul rings, they either try their new soul skills or leave this place of right and wrong. But luckily for him, he actually started eating?


This crunchy thing must be delicious, right?

Xiao Wu licked her lips subconsciously.


Really hungry.

Since returning to the Star Dou Forest, she has never eaten delicacies from the human world.

But, the next moment, she threw all thoughts behind her.

His eyes widened and he couldn't calm down anymore.

"That person's cultivation level has reached a breakthrough."


Xiao Wu subconsciously stretched out her hand and gave her slender thigh a hard squeeze.


She grimaced in pain and took a breath.

"Oh my god, is this true? But it's wrong. Although the cave spider is old, it still can't let his soul power breakthroughs one after another. The first level of cultivation is already the limit!"

Xiao Wu was puzzled.

Very confused, she had no idea what was going on.

What happened to that young man was completely unreasonable.

However, before she could figure it out, something even more unreasonable happened again.

I saw that the young man did not show too much shock at the breakthrough in cultivation.


It should be said that there was no expression of shock at all, and it seemed that this breakthrough was expected. Continue to eat the beans calmly.

Eat, eat, and break through again!

"Level 443?"

Xiao Wu's heart was trembling.

She was numb.

Really numb.

In all her life, and in the hundreds of thousands of years she has been a soul beast, this is the first time she has seen such an evil thing.

“When will Pacman break through?”

"Could it be said that human soul masters have invented some new way of cultivation?"

Xiao Wu couldn't understand what happened to that young man at all.

However, an idea emerged uncontrollably in her mind.

That is to grab the other person's beans and eat two of them yourself.

See if you can break through?

She was eager.

But at this moment, she suddenly noticed that the young man shook his head.

It seems that you are very dissatisfied?

Isn't he crazy? What’s not to like about this speed of improvement?

"If this happened to me, I would wake up laughing even in my dreams."

Xiao Wu shook her head, feeling that this was an illusion.


It must be an illusion.

A big chapter of 3000+ words.

There will be a chapter later.

Before twelve o'clock. Those who are sleepy, go to bed early and wake up to watch tomorrow.

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