I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 197 Xiao Wu’s plan, Lin Xiao meets Titan

"Compared with the upgrade volume, the speed of improving one's cultivation by eating experience capsules is much slower."

"But then it's time to use the upgrade coupon."

Lin Xiao thought and took out a stack of upgrade coupons.

I have to say that he is a little distracted now, and he doesn't even care about the experience capsules.

"I took out another pile of paper. What is this?"

Xiao Wu was puzzled.

Her intuition told her that something beyond her understanding must be happening.

Both of his eyes were red, and he stared at Lin Xiao closely, wanting to see what else he would cause trouble.


Xiao Wu was not disappointed.

She saw the young man tear up a piece of paper, and then his soul power suddenly surged!

Level forty-four?

First beans, then paper, can make people increase their soul power. What on earth is going on?

Xiao Wu was extremely shocked. She tried her best to use her little brain, but she didn't know what was going on.


Really incomprehensible.

In this way, under her prying eyes, the young man's strength continued to skyrocket.

Level forty-five!

Level forty-six!

Level forty-seven!

Still continuing

In the blink of an eye, it has reached level 50!


"I thought he could be directly promoted to the level of Titled Douluo."

Xiao Wu muttered secretly.

She wasn't being sarcastic, she really meant it.

She felt that no matter how outrageous the young man in front of her did, it didn't seem outrageous.

All are acceptable.

"After reaching level 50, as long as I hunt the soul ring, I will become a soul king."

Lin Xiao thought to himself, feeling comfortable in his heart.

After looking around, Lin Xiao found his direction and walked towards the depths of the Star Dou Forest.

At level 50, you need to hunt for ten thousand year soul rings. It is impossible for a soul beast of this level to still be in the fringe zone.

However, Lin Xiao was not idle either. He took out the proficiency capsule and started eating it while walking.

Don't say it.

It's also crunchy and crunchy.

"Eating beans again?"

"But it doesn't seem to be the same as before. His cultivation doesn't seem to have changed much after eating this bean."

Xiao Wu frowned.

But she knew that the beans eaten by that young man must have extraordinary effects. It's just that she doesn't know what the effect is.

"Now how to do?"

Xiao Wu looked hesitant in his eyes as he gradually entered the depths of the Star Dou Forest.

Normally, it is the best choice for two people to pass each other on their own terms.


"His strength has improved so fast and it's so unusual. If I figure out what's going on and can improve my strength at such a speed, will I have the strength to take revenge?"

Xiao Wu felt longing in her heart.

She longed to become stronger, otherwise she would not have chosen to transform from a soul beast into a human being.

Isn’t it just to quickly improve your strength?

Sadly, though, she gradually lost herself in the human world over the years. As a result, the speed and progress of practice are much slower.

It was only after she stabilized herself in the Star Dou Forest that she came to her senses.

"If I ask him directly about his origins, or ask him directly for that magical thing, will I be beaten to death?"

Xiao Wu was very doubtful about this, "But now that I have discovered him, I can't let him go. This is related to the issue of strength improvement, so we must ask clearly."

He hesitated for a long time.

Xiao Wu finally had a plan in her mind: "How about a beautiful woman comes to save the hero? Even if he is the Soul King, there will be no problem if he encounters some danger in the Star Dou Forest, right?"

"Well, it's normal. I'll ask Er Ming to cooperate with me."

Thinking like this, she ran towards the depths of the Star Dou Forest with her long legs.


Lin Xiao was sneaking in the Star Dou Forest.

Looking for new goals.


"The smell of blood is so strong. There is probably a battle between soul beasts ahead."

Lin Xiao raised his nose and keenly noticed something strange.

"This is no longer the outskirts of the Star Forest. The spirit beasts that can fight here are likely to be over ten thousand years old. Go and have a look, maybe you can find something."

Just from the familiarity, Lin Xiao made a decision.

He used the Sacred Heart Art to restrain all the aura, and like a ghost, he headed towards the direction where the smell of blood came from.

Another moment passed.

Lin Xiao quietly climbed up a giant tree, hidden in the canopy, and observed.

Below, it was a mess.

A fiery red rhinoceros faced off against a soul beast with white scales.

"Fire Cloud Rhinoceros and White-armored Earth Dragon."

Lin Xiao recognized two soul beasts.

In the past two days, he had read a lot of books about soul beasts in Wuhun City, and he easily recognized these two powerful soul beasts.

He smiled: "I'm really lucky. Judging from the body length of these two soul beasts, they are both in their early ten thousand years. Any one of them can meet my needs.

Now it's time to decide the winner between the two, and the winner will be my soul ring. "

Lin Xiao looked at the sky and saw that it was still early and there was still some time before dawn.

The battle between the two soul beasts has obviously entered a fierce stage.

If you wait a little longer, the winner will be decided.


In Lin Xiao's opinion, Huo Yunxi's situation was very bad.

Large pieces of flesh and blood on his body have been torn off by the white-armored earth dragon.

On the other hand, the white-armored earth dragon is protected by scales and has no obvious damage.

Lin Xiao understood that the bloody smell he just smelled should be emanating from the blood of Huoyunxi dripping on the ground.

Suddenly, two powerful soul beasts moved.

The movements are nothing fancy, simple and crude.

The white-armored earth dragon looked at the correct position and launched a fierce attack on the sores on Huoyunxi's body.

If you want to enlarge the wound, just take out its internal organs.


Fire Cloud Rhinoceros is an even more ruthless character. He would rather let the White-armored Earth Dragon tear open his wound than pierce his sharp horn into the White-armored Earth Dragon's heart.

"They actually died together?"

"They are all ruthless characters!"

Lin Xiao was secretly speechless.

Even if the white-armored earth dragon had thousands of years of cultivation, he would die on the spot if his heart was pierced.

On the other hand, Huo Yunxi was much miserable.

The internal organs were ruptured and blood was flowing across the face, which looked extremely painful.


Lin Xiao fell from the tree crown and stared at Huo Yunxi quietly.

In his opinion, Huo Yunxi must struggle to fight with him.


not at all.

Lin Xiao saw relief in Huo Yunxi's eyes.

"Perhaps you feel that living is too painful, and dying will be a relief, right?"

Lin Xiao vaguely understood the meaning of this ten thousand year soul beast.


The lightsaber in his hand flashed away, and Lin Xiao understood its pain.

Facing the ten-thousand-year soul ring exploded by Huo Yunxi, he immediately chose to absorb it.

The process was smooth.

Likewise, the absorption of a ten thousand year soul ring does not pose much of a burden.

In other words, the absorption process was completed in less than twenty breaths.

"Finally the Soul King!"

When he saw the five soul rings of purple, purple, purple, purple, and black dancing around him, Lin Xiao finally showed a look of joy on his face.

But, the next moment he couldn't laugh anymore.

"Holy shit, what's going on? I want to get level 50 skills, but I actually have to awaken?"

Lin Xiao was stunned.


What a surprise!

The conditions for completing the awakening are nothing short of abnormal.

It actually requires two awakening scrolls!

"An Awakening Scroll. You thought I would kill you if I opened one Awakening Scroll, but now you actually want two? System, can you give me a little face?"

"Besides, this is just one awakening, so you need two sheets. What about the second awakening? What about the three skills? You're not asking for the awakening scroll, you're asking for a human life!"

Lin Xiao no longer dared to think about it anymore.

The conditions for awakening are terrifying.

Really, a series in my lifetime!

"Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao, what qualifications do you have for not working hard in the future?"

"After I go back this time, I can no longer sell jars like a Buddhist. I have to study marketing to get more people to open jars."

Finally, Lin Xiao sighed helplessly.

If there's anything else, let's go back and talk about it first. After all, there are dozens of jars waiting to be opened at home. If you are lucky, opening two awakening scrolls can relieve your urgent need.

Boom boom boom!

But at this moment, the earth began to tremble.

Lin Xiao saw tall trees falling to both sides, and a terrifying black shadow walking in his direction.

At this time, Titan ape?

Even though he was far away, Lin Xiao could still clearly see the outline of the figure in the distance, and he immediately had a guess in his mind.

It is not difficult to guess that in the world of Dou Yi, the one who has such strength in the Star Dou Forest is the Titan Giant Ape.

"Don't panic when something happens. Use a teleportation potion first to calm the panic. In the end, even if you can't fight, you can still run."

Lin Xiao instantly had a plan to deal with it.

After drinking the teleportation potion, he suddenly felt much more at ease.

At least you can still run away if you can't beat him.

This time, when he looked at the Titan Ape again, a trace of struggle flashed in Lin Xiao's eyes.

"Should I capture it with a pet capsule?"

Normally, Lin Xiao would refuse.

The Titan Giant Ape was so bad as to be from District 8, and it was also covered in hair, which did not fit Lin Xiao's aesthetic sense at all.

However, now that there is a magic lantern without a lantern god, Lin Xiao has some other ideas.

It’s also good to use a pet capsule to capture a hundred thousand year soul beast.

"Pet capsules also have a chance of failure. It's better to try the water with the Titan Ape first. If the success rate is good, then try to capture other soul beasts."

"As long as you practice hard, you can one day capture all the soul beasts that are over 100,000 years old in the Star Dou Forest."

Lin Xiao once again set up a goal in his heart.

Besides, it was also a rare opportunity for the Titan Giant Ape to walk out of the depths of the Star Dou Forest alone.

Otherwise, Lin Xiao would have to go through a lot of troubles with the Azure Bull Python.

Thinking that the pet capsule was already in his hand, he would wait for the Titan Ape to get close and give him a surprise.

"Hey, who is that?"

"Are you scared out of your wits? What you are facing is the overlord of the forest, the Titan Ape. Hurry and hide!"

A voice suddenly came from behind, making Lin Xiao startled.

He looked back and saw a long-legged bunny-eared girl in pink clothes and stockings with scorpion braids calling him in the distance.

"Could this be Xiao Wu?"

Lin Xiao's eyes flickered slightly, and he roughly guessed Xiao Wu's identity.


Looking at the approaching Titan ape in the distance, Lin Xiao was 100% sure that it was Xiao Wu.


Why is she here?

And the titans?

Lin Xiao felt that there was some kind of connection between them.


An idea flashed in his mind.

“When I was absorbing the underground demon spider’s soul ring, I always felt like something was peeping in the dark.

Could it be that Xiao Wu was spying on him? "

Lin Xiao thought it was very possible.

He got it.

Look at Xiao Wu's attentive look again.

It's very possible that she wanted Er Ming to perform a scene with her, and then use this to get closer to her!

Otherwise, how could he encounter the Titan Giant Ape in such a huge Star Dou Forest?

Did you happen to meet Xiao Wu again?

On the other hand, Xiao Wu looked a little anxious when she saw Lin Xiao staying on the spot as if he was stupid.

After all, if Er Ming is really close, what should he do next?

It’s very possible that he’s wearing a gang!

She immediately called out again: "Hey, come here."

A 3,000-word chapter.

Today is another busy day.

good night.

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