I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 198 Xiao Wu: It’s a showdown, I’m greedy for his beans

"No, I won't go there. It's good to be here."

Lin Xiao shook his head slightly, with a serious look on his face.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Seeing Xiao Wu like this, she just wanted to get close to him.

Lin Xiao flatly refused.

after all.

Women are the most troublesome.

"What's good is good, it's not good at all."

"Didn't you see such a big spirit beast? It's so fierce!"

Xiao Wu pointed at Er Ming and made a fierce look.

She was anxious.

Why can't this human being get enough food and salt? How can you not be afraid when facing Er Ming?

If you don't come over, how can we have an in-depth understanding?

But, I have to say, this person is very strange, isn't he afraid of looking at such a terrifying soul beast?

Or are you saying that you are scarier than the soul beast?

"Bah, that's impossible! How could anyone not like such a cute girl from the Lun family?" Xiao Wu thought narcissistically.

"It doesn't matter."

"I like small animals very much. Don't you think this little monkey is cute?"

Lin Xiao blinked and smiled slightly.

"You said that the Titan ape is a little monkey? Is it cute?"

Xiao Wu was depressed.

He even felt depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

boom! boom! boom!

At this moment, Er Ming was already approaching.

"Can't you idiot Er Ming see that things have changed? Those big eyes are really long in vain, and there is no wink at all."

Xiao Wu looked at Er Ming who was getting closer and said something bad in her heart.


In fact, Er Ming was also a little angry.

This little human soul master didn't run away when he saw him?

Who do you look down on?

Besides, if this human being doesn't run with Sister Xiaowu, how can he carry out the next plan?

How could Sister Xiaowu communicate with him in depth?

Er Ming decided to show this human being some color.


Before it could take action first, the human actually threw an object at it.

"What's this?"

Er Ming's huge pupils shrank suddenly, and he was filled with anger.

It doesn't matter what it is, the main thing is attitude.

This weak human soul master is provoking himself!

But at this moment, the small object exploded suddenly and turned into countless rays of light, shrouding it.


Er Ming let out a cry and became even more angry.

This made Er Ming feel that it was not very harmful, but extremely insulting!

Boom, boom, boom!

Er Ming stood up straight away and punched his chest with both fists, as if beating a war drum.

True to that sentence, when I get angry, I even hit myself!

"Er Ming!"

Xiao Wu subconsciously exclaimed to stop him. She could see that Er Ming's current state was already on the verge of going berserk.

If we let things continue to develop, I'm afraid it will be difficult to end.

That man cannot die.

At least, you can't die before you get his secret!

With this thought in mind, Xiao Wu moved her long legs and quickly approached Lin Xiao.

However, she stopped before taking two steps.

Because Er Ming is missing. It suddenly disappeared in front of Xiao Wu's eyes!

She looked stunned, what was going on?

Why did Erming's unlucky monkey child disappear?

On the other hand, Lin Xiao was also dumbfounded.

The system prompt sound in his ear shocked him for a long time.

[Ding, congratulations on successfully capturing a pet and getting a Titan Ape. 】

"Succeeded, captured Er Ming?"

"Not bad luck!"

After Lin Xiao was stunned, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Although the Titan Giant Ape doesn't quite fit Lin Xiao's taste, it is still a soul beast that is over 100,000 years old.

If you go out for a walk on a regular basis, this would still be very popular.

Open the system panel.

Lin Xiao discovered that there was indeed an extra pet pen. One of the ferocious-looking Titan apes is in the space.


Lin Xiao thought and gave the order.

The next moment, a huge figure reappeared in the jungle.

It is the Titan ape.

"Er Ming!"

Xiao Wu was overjoyed.

She quickly asked Er Ming in a way that only the soul beast could understand: "Where have you been and what happened just now?"

Xiao Wu wanted to know what had just happened, and her voice was filled with impatience.


Er Ming didn't blame her.

Those huge eyes looked straight at Lin Xiao, full of confusion.

However, this state of affairs did not last long. In a thick voice, it said two words: "Master!" "

Although its pronunciation was not standard, both Lin Xiao and Xiao Wu could hear it clearly.


It doesn't matter if you can't hear clearly.

Er Ming's next actions further demonstrated his attitude.


Like a landslide, Erming's small body suddenly knelt on one knee in front of Lin Xiao.

The huge head dropped directly to Lin Xiao's feet.

A gesture of surrender!


There was like a thunderbolt exploding in Xiao Wu's mind.

She was confused,

Da da da.

She took several steps back until her body leaned against a big tree, and then she stabilized her body.

"What on earth is going on? What happened to Er Ming? He actually called that man master!"

She couldn't understand what was happening.

At this time, Lin Xiao made an even more shocking move.

A big hand has already fallen on the dark hair of the Titan ape, scratching it as if teasing a pet cat or dog.

On the other hand, Er Mingzhen was like a pet, slightly squeezing Gong Lin Xiao's hand.

But, this guy has a lot of power.

Even though he didn't use much strength, Lin Xiao couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"You have to work hard to improve your strength, otherwise even a pet might be injured."

Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head.

But such a scene made Xiao Wu even more shocked.

She was numb.

Really numb.

You know, she is the only one in the entire Star Dou Forest who can treat Er Ming like this!

But what is this now?

"Get up and take me around the Star Forest."

Lin Xiao suddenly said something, and then a rise and fall fell on Er Ming's shoulders.

Its shoulders are very broad, let alone standing, even lying down is not a problem.


Er Ming growled lowly in response.

Lin Xiao understood what Er Ming meant. To put it simply, 'Sit tight, hold on, it's time to start! ’

"Wait, Er Ming, you can't leave!"

Xiao Wu stopped Er Ming. She couldn't let Er Ming leave until she figured out what was going on.

However, Er Ming obviously didn't want to offend her, and shook his big head, "Sister Xiaowu, no way. The master has given the order, and I have to carry it out."

"Er Ming, what's wrong with you? I'm the person closest to you! By the way, there's also Daming!" Xiao Wu was confused and didn't care that his identity was exposed. He pointed at Lin Xiao and said, "Who is he? You actually called him master?

And he is only a human. You are the soul beast overlord in the Star Dou Forest, and you actually call him master? "

Hearing the sound, Lin Xiao smiled and said nothing, Xiao Wu was now a self-destructing truck.

At this moment, Er Ming waved his hand and said, "Sister Xiaowu, stop talking. That is all in the past. I didn't meet the master before, but after I saw the master, I realized that I was wrong before."

"Actually, I have to thank you for being able to recognize the master."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Wu was dumbfounded.

She felt something was wrong.

As if to lose something.

"Means nothing."

"Just don't contact me in the future. I'm afraid the owner will misunderstand me."

Er Ming's voice fell and he walked away without looking back.

Lin Xiao also looked at Xiao Wu and found that Xiao Wu was dumbfounded.

"Leave, they actually left!"

"And that dead monkey Erming told me not to contact him again!"

After a long time, Xiao Wu finally recovered.

She didn't understand at all what methods that man used on Er Ming to make him so desperate.

"No, I can't find Er Ming by myself. I have to ask Da Ming for help." Xiao Wu glanced at the direction where Er Ming and Lin Xiao disappeared, turned around and ran deep into the Star Dou Forest.

"Xiao Wu, didn't you ask Er Ming to go out with you? Why didn't he come back with you?"

In a cold pool that looked like sapphire, the azure bull python with a snake head and a bold body asked aloud.

In its sight, Xiao Wu just clutched the corner of his clothes and looked a little nervous, "Da Ming, Er Ming said he would never come back again."

He extended his head with a knife and retracted his head with a knife. Xiao Wu could only forcefully tell the truth.

"What? Not coming back."

Da Ming was a little surprised when he heard this, and then quickly shook his head: "I am already more than ten thousand years old, but I still have the mentality of a child.

Then let it go crazy and indulge. Although Er Ming is a bit reckless and unwilling to use his brain, he is actually very measured and comes back when he has had enough fun. "

In the past, when Er Ming said this, he was having fun in the Star Dou Forest for two days.

"But this time it's different!"

Xiao Wu shook her head and explained directly without waiting for Da Ming to ask: "I'm afraid Er Ming is going to the human world this time. It, it has found a human master."

"What did you say?"

"Er Ming found a human master?"

Daming was shocked.

Soul beasts and humans can be said to be enemies of life and death. Basically, there will be no situation where soul beasts surrender to humans.

What's more, it's the soul beast overlord in the Star Dou Forest like Er Ming.

That is even more impossible.

"Da Ming, please calm down. Although I think this is outrageous, it is the fact."

Xiao Wu pinched the corner of her clothes nervously and told what happened.

After learning the whole story, Daming became angry: "What did you say? That fool Erming actually told you not to contact you?"

Boom boom boom!

With Ming's anger, the lake became no longer calm.

A stream of water pillars rose into the sky, but it was difficult to calm down the anger in Daming's heart.

"Let's go, let's go find Er Ming and come back. At the same time, I also want to see what magical ability that person has that can actually make Er Ming choose to surrender!"

Daming's voice was deep and powerful.

There is also the supreme majesty of the soul beast overlord.

He even secretly swore in his heart that he must destroy that human being.

Otherwise, keeping it would be a disaster.

"Da Ming, please don't be impulsive. Can you let me deal with it after you catch that human?"

Xiao Wu suddenly said.

"What, what do you think of him?" Daming looked at Xiao Wu with a pair of bull's-eyes, full of scrutiny.

"No, it's not!"

A trace of unnaturalness flashed across Xiao Wu's face.

"Humph, your expression has given you away."

The Azure Bull Python snorted coldly.

With no choice, Xiao Wu chose to show off: "Okay, I won't pretend anymore. In fact, I'm just greedy for his beans."

A 3,000-word chapter.

Next chapter later.

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