I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 201 Re-select the treasure of the soul ring

"Boss, isn't this thing very useless?"

Zhao Wuji picked up the dropped items from the jar and asked tentatively.

He felt that this small thing in his hand had little to do with improving his strength.

"What you have in your hand is an experience capsule. After taking it, you can increase your soul power. Do you think it is useful?"

Lin Xiao looked at the items in Zhao Wuji's hands and said with a strange expression.

As for whether the experience capsule was useful, Lin Xiao let Zhao Wuji make his own judgment.

"Can this gadget increase soul power?"

Zhao Wuji was startled when he heard the sound. If it was really as Boss Lin said, then it would be more than useful.

Isn't this what I've always dreamed of?

There wasn't much hesitation.

He immediately chose to take it.


The next moment, it felt like the soul power was rising rapidly like a volcano erupting.

"Good fellow, such a mouthful has cost me several years of hard training?"

"I have a hunch that without more, with one or two experience capsules, my strength will be able to break through the current level and become a level 77 soul saint."

After experiencing the powerful effect of the experience capsule, Zhao Wuji licked his tongue excitedly, with a look of unfinished content on his face.

This is a real shortcut.

And there are no side effects.

"Boss, I, Lao Zhao, speak my mind and speak my mind quickly. If I say anything that offends you, please don't take it to heart."

Zhao Wuji thought about his suspicion just now. It was really inappropriate.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao shook his head, "It doesn't matter, opening the jar is inherently a controversial matter. There are too many items in the jar that are not recorded on Douluo Continent.

And their effectiveness is also unconventional, and it is normal to be controversial. "

"Hahaha, with you, Lao Zhao, I will feel relieved,"

After hearing what Lin Xiao said, Zhao Wuji couldn't help laughing.

After that, he picked up the hammer and opened the can.


The jar shattered and a bottle of potion fell out.

"Boss, can the contents of this bottle increase your strength after drinking it? If you say yes, I will spin one right away."

Zhao Wuji shook the small bottle in his hand.

"Cannot improve strength."

"But it's called teleportation potion. After using it, magical power will be born. It can take you wherever you want to go, and you can reach it in an instant."

Lin Xiao felt that Zhao Wuji was very lucky, as the second jar contained rare items.

"Can you go anywhere?"

Zhao Wuji thought in shock.

Lin Xiao's answer was affirmative: "Yes, even if you want to return to Soto City or go to the Star Forest in an instant, it is just a thought. Of course, this potion can only be used once to complete the teleportation."

That’s awesome enough!

Zhao Wuji was shocked.

Before today, he, Old Zhao, had never heard of any soul master with such a powerful ability.

Up posture.


Learned a lot!

Zhao Wuji thought to himself and carefully put away the teleportation potion.

Keep opening the jar.

"Mountain grape, there is nothing more to say."

"Wild strawberries, nothing special."

"The Goblin's hand bones are of some use. If you don't mind, you can give them a scratch when you go back."

Lin Xiao looked at the items that Zhao Wuji issued and said one by one.

On the other hand, Zhao Wuji didn't show much dissatisfaction or panic on his face.

In his opinion, Lao Zhao, it's completely unnecessary!

There are still six jars left, are you worried?

With this mentality, Zao Wou-ki opened the fifth jar.

The items in the jar surprised him: "Boss Lin, you don't need to tell me. I know this, an experience capsule."

Lin Xiao nodded, Zhao Wuji was right.


At this moment, Zhao Wuji's Adam's apple rolled and he had already swallowed the experience capsule.

But, this time, he got what he always wanted!

Feeling the surging soul power in his body, Zhao Wuji couldn't contain the joy in his heart and laughed out loud: "It's done! I have become a seventy-seventh level soul saint!"

Although it was somewhat different from what he expected, the result was better.

"Congratulations." Lin Xiao smiled lightly.

However, he didn't know that his two simple words were like a wake-up call to Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji couldn't laugh anymore, and instead secretly cursed himself for getting carried away.

"Zhao Wuji, Zhao Wuji, you just increased your strength to level seventy-seven. What does that mean?"

"Especially in front of an unfathomable strong man like Boss Lin, you should learn to restrain yourself!"

Thinking like this, Zhao Wuji quickly said: "I didn't disturb you just now, did I?"

Lin Xiao shook his head slightly: "No, just go ahead and open the can. Maybe you can get what you want."


After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Zhao Wuji nodded heavily and opened the can again.

This time, the good luck seemed to have been extended. Zhao Wuji took out a piece of paper with a light purple light from the jar.

"Is this something that can improve your strength?"

Zhao Wuji asked again.

In fact, he would ask every time an item he didn't recognize came out.

This shows how intense the expectations in his heart are.

But, as the old saying goes, the Emperor and Heaven pay off!

Zhao Wuji finally got it right again.

Lin Xiao nodded with a strange expression and said slowly: "Congratulations on your correct answer. This piece of paper is called an upgrade paper."

upgrade? roll?

Zhao Wuji murmured softly, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Suddenly he showed an expression of disbelief: "Boss, you don't mean that"

"Can my cultivation level be improved by one level if I use it?"

In fact, after Zhao Wuji said these words, he was shocked.

Can it really be so magical?

Isn’t that outrageous!

However, Lin Xiao's answer was affirmative: "Absolutely correct, the effect of the upgrade volume is the same as you thought."



It's true!

Zhao Wuji was a little stupid!

It's one thing to speculate, and another when it's confirmed.

That means that I can now become a level 78 soul saint immediately?

Isn't this on the same level as Dean Flanders?


Zhao Wuji swallowed hard, his heart already beginning to surge.


Without much hesitation, Zhao Wuji tore up the upgrade scroll in his hand.

Under Lin Xiao's gaze, Zhao Wuji's strength was soaring.

In the blink of an eye, the breath has improved by more than one level.

"Congratulations, you have another breakthrough."

Lin Xiao watched Zhao Wuji's eyes gradually gain color and said with a smile.

"Boss Lin, from now on I will go up the mountain of knives and go down into the sea of ​​fire. As long as you have a word, Lao Zhao"


"Xiao Zhao, I will never frown, that's what you're told!"

Zhao Wuji looked at Lin Xiao excitedly and said loudly.

"Hahaha, not really, not really."

"You'd better go ahead and open the can."

Lin Xiao smiled and waved his hands quickly.

But he thought secretly in his heart: "If you really want to repay me, you don't need to deal with those vain people. Opening two more cans is better than anything else."

"Okay, I'll start right now."

Regarding Lin Xiao's words, Zhao Wuji did not hesitate.


Two cans shattered in succession.

No need for Lin Xiao to explain, Zhao Wuji also knew that it was worthless garbage.

In a blink of an eye, it was the last jar.

Zhao Wuji didn't hesitate at all.


The jar shattered.

A burst of intense pink light, dazzling!

"This seems to be a great treasure!"

Although Zhao Wuji had never seen an artifact-level item, just from looking at this card, he knew that the item was not simple.

Damn it!

Is this old boy Zao Wuji a little lucky?

It’s really unbelievable to find artifact-level items in double jars!

Immediately, Lin Xiao looked over impatiently.

Startled again.

Item: [Water of the Forgotten River]

Level: [Artifact]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [Taken from the magical props in the dungeon world, and transformed according to the characteristics of Douluo Continent. 】

Effect: [After drinking, the soul ring can be designated to be forgotten. After the soul ring is forgotten, the corresponding soul ring can be reacquired. (The reacquired soul ring can be the upper limit of the current maximum endurance.)]

"Good guy, another treasure has finally appeared. It's really a bit unbelievable."

Lin Xiao was secretly speechless.

He remembered that in the underground city, the Forgotten River was also called washing water.

As the name suggests, after use, all skills can be reset, returning the skills to their initial state, and returning skill points, which can be added again.

On the Douluo Continent, the ability to forget the river water is actually weakening.

After all, from all the skills to a single soul ring, forgetting and relearning.

But, games are games, reality is reality.

On Douluo Continent, being able to reacquire a soul ring to replace a soul ring is already an incredible ability!

In Lin Xiao's memory, only Tang San, the wall-hanger, had changed several soul rings.

"Boss, can these two bottles of purple potion be used to teleport, or can it increase strength?"

Zhao Wuji looked at it for a long time and didn't understand anything, so he could only suggest Lin Xiao.

"Well, it's really hard to say."

Lin Xiao rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and decided to let Zhao Wuji weigh it himself: "The liquid in these two bottles is called Forgotten River Water. It has only one effect. You can choose the soul ring to forget. If you succeed in forgetting, you will not have this soul ring. ”

"What? Doesn't that mean I'm missing a soul skill?"

Zhao Wuji's eyes widened and he whispered.

"However, you can replenish this soul ring. For example, if you choose the first soul ring to forget, then you will lose this soul ring and soul skills.

However, you can hunt for a first soul ring again to replenish the missing soul ring. Moreover, the newly hunted soul ring can also be selected to meet the limit that you can currently bear.

If the maximum age of the soul ring you can currently endure is 10,000 years, then you can hunt a ten-thousand-year soul ring. As your first soul ring, your soul skill will also become a well-deserved ten-thousand-year soul skill. "

After Lin Xiao finished explaining, he looked at Zhao Wuji and asked, "You should be able to understand what I said!"

is this real?

I actually have the opportunity to choose my soul ring again!

On the other hand, Zhao Wuji was still in shock. Subconsciously, she clenched the drop of Forgotten River water in her hand.

This thing is so important!

It’s so important!

Zhao Wuji even doubted whether Boss Lin knew his needs and put these two treasures in the jar specially.

A 3,000-word chapter.

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