I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 202 Zhao Wuji’s arrangement, Lou Gao’s arrival

"You think too much. What treasures you can find have nothing to do with me."

Lin Xiao looked at Zhao Wuji's helpless look and shook his head slightly.

He understood the deep meaning in Zhao Wuji's eyes.

"Boss, I believe whatever you say."

Seeing that Lin Xiao was unwilling to admit it, Zhao Wuji couldn't say much.

I had no choice but to keep Lin Xiao's kindness in mind.

In fact, Zhao Wuji's reaction was not exaggerated at all.

When his cultivation was not yet strong, he had no famous teachers to guide him. Hunting for soul rings all depends on one's own will, and many detours have been taken.

Regardless of the age of his soul ring, it looked pretty good, but Zhao Wuji knew that his strength was completely dragged down by the third, fourth, fifth, and three soul rings.

It has only a limited number of years, but it has several functional abilities attached to it.

Is it useful?

If you are fighting against a soul master whose strength is not as good as yours, you can use this ability to end the battle quickly.

But if he were to fight against a soul master like Titan whose strength was far superior to his own, his disadvantage would be obvious.

For example, the fourth soul skill: positioning tracking.

When fighting against a strong person, you wish you could escape as far away as possible. Who would risk their lives by charging at others?

There is also the fifth soul skill: gravity squeezing, which can be said to be similar to positioning tracking.

The difference is that one is proactive and the other is passive.

Don't forget, Zhao Wuji is a powerful attack-type soul master. These two abilities are simply useless to him.

If he could choose again, Zhao Wuji would definitely choose a soul ring that could directly enhance his attack power.

For example, a powerful attack can be unleashed directly like the powerful Vajra Palm. Or it could be Dai Mubai's original White Tiger King Kong transformation, which after use can greatly strengthen the body for a period of time!

These are all skills that can actually improve your strength. I don’t know how many streets there are with the soul skill of positioning and tracking.

"To sum it up in one sentence, my future goal is to only be responsible for Dali and leave the rest to Miracle!"

Working hard to create miracles is Zao Wou-ki's position for his future.

Holding two bottles of water from the Forgotten River, Zao Wou-Ki feels that the future is full of infinite possibilities.

"When I regain two soul rings, my strength will probably reach level 80 in one go. Then I will go to Tiandou City to seek revenge on that old orangutan!"

"Hit the young one and then the old one. I would like to see who else the old guy can find after he is beaten."

Zhao Wuji couldn't wait to go to the Star Dou Forest immediately to exchange for a soul ring.

But as soon as he thought about the benefits he got, he left.

Isn’t it a little heartless?

"It's a fair deal for everyone, everyone gets what they need. There's no need to talk about feelings."

Lin Xiao looked at Zhao Wuji's hesitant look and waved his hand, indicating that he could do whatever he had to do.


Even if this is true, is it really okay to say it so bluntly?

After hearing Lin Xiao's words, Zhao Wuji was stunned.

But with Lin Xiao's words, he felt relieved.

"Since Boss Lin said so, it would be disrespectful if I didn't leave." Zhao Wuji said goodbye to Lin Xiao immediately.

After Zhao Wuji left.

Lin Xiao rested his elbows on the counter and held his chin with one hand: "Today is also a day full of hope.

I just don’t know who will come? "

Qiandaoliu, Sword Douluo, Qianjun, Jiangmo, each name flashed through Lin Xiao's mind.

"Erlong, Wuhun City is ahead. We are finally arriving."

At the same time, on the avenue not far from Wuhun City, Flanders pointed at Wuhun City that was vaguely visible in the distance and said loudly.

As for Yu Xiaogang, he was subconsciously ignored by him.

It could be said that he looked down on Yu Xiaogang more and more.

Don't talk about past friendships.

It's been wasted long ago.

"Yeah, it's finally here!"

"Xiao Gang, look at it quickly."

Liu Erlong, who had a dusty face, looked at Yu Xiaogang with a smile on his face.


Yu Xiaogang's expression was complicated.

When he got here, he unconsciously thought of someone.

That is a beautiful figure!

"I thought you had something to hide, and you never came to me."

"But after you became pope, I thought you would come, but you didn't either."

Yu Xiaogang's heart was full of complaints.

In his opinion, Bibi Dong must have been greedy for power and abandoned herself.

"What's wrong with me, Yu Xiaogang, am I not as good as the Pope? If I have the chance, I must ask clearly in person," Yu Xiaogang thought in his heart.

"Erlong, Flanders, thank you. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here."

Yu Xiaogang calmed down and said to Liu Erlong and Flender.

Liu Erlong smiled.

Flanders snorted disdainfully.

He finally saw it.

Yu Xiaogang is a typical player who uses people to move forward and does not use people to move to the back.

Along the way, I could hear him thanking Liu Erlong constantly.

But what about yourself?

I have never heard Yu Xiaogang say a word of thanks!

It seems that I should do these things myself.

the other side.

In front of the gate of Wuhun City.

An old man with an unattractive appearance, he said directly to the guards of Wuhun City:

"I'm looking for a ghost!"

The guard was startled, "How dare you, are you able to see the ghost elder just by saying you want to see him?"

However, the corner of the old man's mouth revealed a cold and arrogant arc: "I am Lou Gao. Didn't your Wuhun Palace spend so much effort just to let me come?"

Building, building high?

The guards in front of Wuhun City were startled when they heard the sound, and then their eyes flashed with shock.

Obviously he had heard of Lou Gao's name.

Of course, what is even more shocking is His Majesty the Pope’s ability to predict the future.

As early as a few days ago, His Majesty the Pope had issued an order that if Lou Gao came, he would bring Elder Gui with him.

"You come with me."

The guard spoke respectfully to Lou Gao.

"Hmph, I would like to see what kind of medicine your Wuhun Palace is selling."

Lou Gao snorted coldly and said to the guard: "Lead the way."

The guard didn't hesitate, turned around and walked towards the Elder's Hall.

Wuhun City, in the Elder's Hall.

Lou Gao met Ghost Douluo.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the famous ghost elder actually changed his career to become a blacksmith. I really admire him for being able to build such a powerful hidden weapon."

Lou Gaopi said with a smile.

It can be said.

He didn't believe that Ghost Douluo could create insinuations.

After all, Ghost Douluo has been famous in Douluo Continent for decades. Have you never shown such a powerful talent?

It would be even more ridiculous to say that it was the ability that Ghost Douluo developed after he became famous.

Who is Ghost Douluo?

Titled Douluo Elder of Wuhun Palace!

What a privilege this is, how unimaginable it is to learn blacksmithing?

Therefore, in Lou Gao's opinion, the hidden weapon must have been made by someone else.

It's just that Wuhundian used hidden weapons to lure him here.

"Haha, President Lou said something serious."

"It's just a small skill, not worth mentioning."

Ghost Douluo seemed not to hear the sarcasm in Lou Gao's words.

Instead he laughed.

After all, he knew very well the origins of those powerful hidden weapons, which were all crafted by him.

Of course he won't feel guilty.

Haha, being able to become an elder of Wuhun Palace is really extraordinary. Not only is he strong, he is also kind-skinned to a certain extent. Seeing this, Lou Gao sneered in his heart, and was too lazy to talk nonsense to Ghost Douluo. He said straight to the point: "Me too. Don’t be too pretentious, I came here just to learn from the ghost elder and learn how this hidden weapon is forged.”

Lou Gao said, coming up with insinuations.

An expert will know if there is one as soon as he takes action.

He believed that after Ghost Douluo couldn't answer his question. You don’t have the face to talk nonsense with yourself anymore, right?

The master who created the innuendo will also surface.

However, Ghost Douluo's reaction was surprising.

He waved his hand and smiled at Lou Gao: "Insinuations are not worth mentioning. I have something else for President Lou to see."

Isn’t the insinuation worth mentioning?

Lou Gao was startled when he heard the sound, and then sneered in his heart, "What a shameless statement. Let alone me, even if we take out Tai Tai and Tang Hao, we still can't build such a powerful hidden weapon! Now you tell me it's not worth it." carry?"

Gradually Lou Gao's eyes changed, and he looked at Ghost Douluo with a bit of ridicule: "I think you know it, but you don't know why, and you can't explain the principle!"

He wanted to see what Ghost Douluo wanted to say and relieve the embarrassment.

How could I not know the principles of something I built with my own hands?

Ghost Douluo didn't bother to explain, but took out another dark box.

"The name of this object is Zhuge Liannu. Its power is at least twice as powerful as the insinuation. Just look at it!"

As he spoke, he took out a thick iron plate and threw it into the air.

Then the Zhuge Divine Crossbow aimed at the iron plate and pulled the trigger!


A series of sounds sounded, and the thick iron plate was shot through without causing any obstruction.

Ah this

Lou Gao was dumbfounded. He was also a powerful soul master and his eyesight was not bad.

Looking at the thickness of the iron plate, he could instantly determine that the defense power of the forty-level Soul Sect might not be comparable to this iron plate.

In other words, even the Soul Sect can't withstand the attack of this thing?

The power is too terrifying!

Da da da.

Step by step, Lou Gao stepped forward, bent down and picked up the iron plate.

"The iron plate has not been tampered with."

He was sure.

When he looked at Ghost Douluo again, his eyes changed.

"How did you do it?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"This object is called the Zhuge Divine Crossbow. It is different from the insinuation and concealment. It abandons the elusive and secretive nature and focuses more on attack."

Ghost Douluo simply talked about the advantages and disadvantages of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow.

"Every gain must come with a loss!"

"But just like women who are thousands of times more beautiful and have their own special features, this is also a kind of beauty."

After listening to Ghost Douluo's words, Lou Gao looked at Zhuge Shennu with eyes full of obsession.

It's like meeting a stunning woman full of charm.

Subconsciously, he reached out to touch the Zhuge Divine Crossbow.

But he took it back halfway.

It's like a man who has never had a girlfriend before trying to hold a girl's hand for the first time.

"You are a master craftsman after all, can you be generous?"

Ghost Douluo said something strange, and then without any explanation, he stuffed the Zhuge Divine Crossbow into Lou Gao's arms, "It's yours now."

A 3,000-word chapter.

There will be a chapter later.

Today, there are many more readers who voted and gave support.

The younger brother was very touched.


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