I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 219 Ghost Douluo, I am willing to use Yang Shou to open the can! (3 updates)

"Ah this."

"It's actually a bit difficult. If you say it's okay as a human, I can't handle this insect."

Ghost Douluo's expression suddenly changed.

Very complicated.

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "If you don't try it, how can you know that you are not good?"

Ghost Douluo shook his head, but secretly put off this plan.

"Old Juhua, this is for you." He said and handed one of the phone bugs in his hand to Ju Douluo.

"Give it to me?" Ju Douluo was startled.

Ghost Douluo nodded: "Yes, please contact me if you have nothing to do."

After saying that, he stopped playing Ju Douluo and turned around to open the jar.

Click click click.

Three cans in a row were smashed.

"One wild strawberry, two proficiency capsules."

Lin Xiao took a look at the items in the jar and said slowly.

"Haha, not bad, not bad, I'm very satisfied."

Ghost Douluo's face was filled with joy.

These items cannot be said to be very good, but they are very practical.

"By the way, one thing I want to remind you is that proficiency can improve the progress of Qin Wushu."

Lin Xiao remembered this matter.

"What? Does it still have this effect?"

"I'm just worried that the progress of Tang Sect's martial arts skills is slow."

Ghost Douluo's eyes lit up, this was definitely an unexpected surprise for him.

Immediately, he took the two proficiency capsules one after another.

It didn't take long.

Ghost Douluo said in surprise: "Breakthrough, my technique has achieved a breakthrough."

"So fast?" Ju Douluo was startled, and then hurriedly asked: "Old ghost, has your strength improved?"

"Haha, old chrysanthemum, why do I feel that there is a sour taste in your words?"

Ghost Douluo joked.

However, he also stared closely at the changes in Ju Douluo's expression, and before the opponent was about to attack, he quickly said: "My skills have broken through two levels in a row, and my strength has increased by about 10%."

"After such a short period of time, your strength has increased by 10%?"

Ju Douluo exclaimed softly, feeling very happy in his heart.

He felt that people who had learned martial arts techniques and soul masters who did not have martial arts techniques were completely different concepts.

Improving your strength is really as simple as eating and drinking.


Lin Xiao frowned secretly. Is this the difference between Tang Clan Kung Fu and Sacred Heart Art?

He estimated that if he had given Ghost Douluo the proficiency capsules he had eaten these days, his Xuantian Kung would have been perfected long ago, right?

"This is just the beginning. In the early stage, the advancement of skills is not very great, but in the later stage, it is amazing."

"Of course, the initial training time is also short. If you want to break through a level in the later stages of training, the difficulty of training will be several times, or even ten times, that of the early stage."

Ghost Douluo shook his head and sighed.

However, Ju Douluo waved his hand, "Don't pretend to be with me here. With Boss Lin here, how can you practice slower? It's just a matter of going from a few proficiency capsules to a dozen proficiency capsules. "


Hearing this, Ghost Douluo smiled: "If you say that, I won't refute you."

Ju Douluo's face turned dark and he said angrily: "Open your jar."


Ghost Douluo nodded and opened the jar again.

Click click click.

But this time, he obviously didn't have the good luck before, with three ordinary items in a row.

Lin Xiao looked over. The three items were magic juice, destiny coin, and sky tree fruit.

"It's not bad. In terms of value, it's much better than a rusty katana or something like that."

Ghost Douluo chuckled and said casually: "But I still hope that there will be two more powerful items in the remaining jars."

Ju Douluo curled his lips and said, "That's almost enough. As much as you want is more, and you're not afraid of losing your life. Your luck is already better than that of many people."

"Haha, if Zhe Shou can come up with something good, I'm willing to sacrifice ten years of my life in exchange for a +7 equipment enhancement scroll!"

Ghost Douluo chuckled, obviously not believing what Ju Douluo said.

At the same time, the lucky magic hammer in his hand fell again.


The jar shattered.

This time it’s a stunning pink glow!

Lin Xiao and Ju Douluo's eyes were instantly attracted.

Ghost Douluo also belatedly exclaimed: "Oh my god, I... I actually got an artifact-level item?"

But then, his heart skipped a beat again, and he thought secretly: "It can't be a +7 equipment enhancement volume, right?"

I don’t know why, but this premonition is very strong.

Subconsciously, he looked at Lin Xiao. But he found that Lin Xiao was also looking at him.

And he looked very strange.

And inside the jar is a piece of paper with a faint pink glow.

Oh my God!

This shouldn't be the case.

"Boss, if you have anything to say, just say it." He was a little panicked.


Lin Xiao let out a long breath and said, "I don't know whether I should congratulate you or say that you should eat whatever you like."

"As you can see, this is really a +7 equipment enhancement scroll, the kind that is 100% successful."


Really are!

Ju Douluo took a breath and subconsciously asked Ghost Douluo: "How old are you this year? If you were ten years younger, would you still be alive?"


When Ghost Douluo heard this, he gave Ju Douluo a big white eye, "I'm still young, not to mention there is a saying that goes well, children's words are unbridled, do you understand?"


Ju Douluo didn't say anything and just made a vomiting motion.

Ghost Douluo was immediately furious.

But he ignored it. Instead, Ju Douluo looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "Boss, can you return it? I think it would be a bit of a loss to exchange my ten years of life for such an enhanced scroll."

After all, he has a bright future now.

If it had been open for ten years, the benefits would have been much greater than they are now.

Lin Xiao shook his head and refused sternly: "As long as the items come out of the jars in the shop, they will not be returned or exchanged. Please be careful in the next life."

Why don't you just do it for the next life!

I haven't lived enough in this life!

Ghost Douluo groaned in his heart, and secretly reminded himself, "Bah, in the next life, you must not say anything casually in the shop from now on, let alone make blind wishes. If it is true, it will really be like using Yang Shou to open a jar."

Haha, I thought a jar worth one hundred thousand gold soul coins was already the limit.

Thinking about it now, it was still too naive.

This little shop no longer only costs money, but now it also costs lives!

Ghost Douluo looked at the strengthening scroll in his hand, and instantly it no longer smelled so good.

"Forget it, wouldn't it be a pity not to use up the things you bought with your life?"

Immediately, with tears in his eyes, he summoned his soul ring.

The perfect nine-ring ratio of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black.

Looking at the strengthening scroll in his hand, Ghost Douluo suddenly felt a very regretful emotion.

In other words, he regretted it a little.

"If I had known this, I might as well just wish for +10 equipment enhancement rolls."

"Anyway, it's a waste of Yangshou."


Under the gazes of Lin Xiao and Ju Douluo, Ghost Douluo finally tore up the strengthening scroll in his hand.

"Strengthen the ninth soul ring!"

Ghost Douluo's whisper rang in everyone's ears.

The next moment, the strange power emanating from the strengthening scroll enveloped the dark ninth soul ring.

"As the age of the soul ring increases, the soul power also becomes stronger. The old ghost's soul ring is undergoing amazing transformation. I don't know if it can grow into a hundred thousand year soul ring."

Seeing this, Ju Douluo immediately became excited.

Gradually, under the gaze of pairs of eyes, the originally dark soul ring became even deeper.

However, until the mysterious power disappeared, it never transformed into a hundred thousand year soul ring.

"What a pity." Ju Douluo shook his head slightly. He thought he could witness a miracle and see the birth of a hundred thousand year soul ring.

"It's a pity, but it's not unacceptable."

On the other hand, Ghost Douluo smiled helplessly and said: "This time's strengthening has made the age of my ninth soul ring reach more than 90,000 years, which is only one step away from 100,000 years."

"In the final analysis, I still have insufficient foundation. The age of my ninth spirit ring is barely close to fifty thousand years. If it is sixty thousand years old, it will be easy for my ninth spirit ring to evolve into a hundred thousand year spirit ring."

It would be false to say that I have no regrets. After all, I am just one step away from getting a hundred thousand year soul ring.

That is a hundred thousand year soul ring, a lifetime belief of countless soul masters!

And of course these soul masters also include Ghost Douluo!

But what's the use of regret? The foundation has been laid and there is no way to start over.

Can't resist.

can only enjoy


I have no choice but to accept it.

"It doesn't matter. In addition to the enhancement scroll, there are also enhancement devices. As long as you open the enhancement device and successfully strengthen it once, your soul ring will be strengthened by +8, and you will have a hundred thousand year soul ring in seconds."

It was rare that Ju Douluo did not attack Ghost Douluo. Instead, he spoke out to comfort him.

As a soul master, and a powerful titled Douluo up to the ninety-fifth level, he can certainly understand the significance of a hundred thousand year soul ring to a soul master.

That is faith!

Now that Ghost Douluo is only one step away from faith, how can he not regret it?

He knew that the other party must not feel very well.

"Hahaha, how can the enhancer be so easy to open?"

"Don't you know how to make wishes?"

Ghost Douluo smiled, "Okay, this time I am willing to use Ju Douluo's ten years of life in exchange for double the cans of enhancers."

As he spoke, he casually smashed the last jar.


The jar shattered, and a burst of purple light flashed.


"It's shipped again!"

Ghost Douluo rubbed his eyes in disbelief. The scene in front of him was really beyond his expectation.

On the other hand, Ju Douluo's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

He couldn't help but murmur to himself, was it really possible that Ghost Douluo had fired the enhancement device?


He didn't dare look at the contents of the jar.

Afraid of giving myself a big surprise.


If he doesn't look at it, there are still people watching.

Lin Xiao looked away from the jar, glanced at Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo with a strange expression, and said slowly: "Congratulations, you got what you wanted, two enhancers."

What the hell?


Ghost Douluo was shocked, he did not expect this result at all.

What a surprise!

Why didn't I realize that I had this ability before?

He did not show joy, but looked at Ju Douluo with some horror: "Brother, I just said it casually, I really didn't mean to hurt you!"

3000+ big chapters.

I saw a lot of comments from readers saying why there is no main plot yet.

In fact, the main plot of this book is destined to be different from other fan plots.

Strictly speaking, this is a book of group portraits.

Everyone is a protagonist in their own events.

Of course, the main protagonist is still our boss Lin Xiaolin. When he is strong enough, he will step out.

His rank is destined, and it is impossible for him to follow an ordinary path.

Simply put, debut is the peak.

Thank you again for your support.

good night.

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