I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 220 Ghost Douluo’s hundred thousand year soul ring, Ju Douluo’s love

"Old ghost, tell me honestly, is there really a way to bring good luck to yourself by sacrificing your life span in martial arts?"

Ju Douluo was stunned and looked at Ghost Douluo with a puzzled expression.

Ghost Douluo's expression changed and he shook his head quickly, "I just said it casually. I didn't expect that the item I wanted actually came out."

"Forget it then,"

Ju Douluo nodded with a dark face. Although he got Ghost Douluo's answer, he still felt strange in his heart.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

What if he was right?

"Then I have to strengthen it."

Ghost Douluo picked up the enhancer and said excitedly.

He seemed to have seen the hundred thousand year soul ring waving to him.

Just once!

As long as I successfully strengthen it once, my ninth spirit ring will definitely become a hundred thousand year spirit ring. I'll stop then!

Ghost Douluo thought to himself.

Immediately, without any further hesitation, with a thought, the enhancer was activated!

next moment.

Under Lin Xiao and Ju Douluo's gaze, Ghost Douluo's dark ninth soul ring had separated from him and fell into the enhancer.

Ghost Douluo also clenched his fists nervously, feeling nervous.


There was a thought in his mind, should he make another wish?

But who are you trying to trick this time?


Who do you choose to help you?

Demon Bear, Ghost Leopard, or Snake Spear?

He hesitated.

However, after hesitating for a while, a mechanical voice sounded in his ears:

[Congratulations, the strengthening is successful! 】



Ghost Douluo was startled, I'm not ready yet, it's already over?

too fast.

elder brother.

At this moment, in the sight of Lin Xiao and Ju Douluo, a red soul ring slowly rose from the enhancer.

The gorgeous colors are dazzling.

"A hundred thousand year soul ring!"

Lin Xiao could hear some trembling in Ju Douluo's feminine voice.

Although this was not the first time he had seen such a scene, Lin Xiao also found it somewhat shocking.

The aura of a hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring is far beyond what an ordinary ten-thousand-year-old soul ring can compare to.

Even if Ghost Douluo had a spirit ring of more than 90,000 years before he was strengthened.

To put it simply, it’s just not strong enough!

Lin Xiao secretly said: "This is just like the equipment in the game. You don't care whether the player can play it or how the operation is. But when you wear the magic costume, others will know that you are the boss!"

"Oh my god~!"

"Old Juhua, is this not a dream? It's really happened. My ninth soul ring has really become a hundred thousand year soul ring?"

Ghost Douluo said with a look of disbelief.

It wasn't until the ninth spirit ring slowly fell back on his body that Ghost Douluo believed it was real.

"The last time you opened the jar, you revealed a martial arts technique. This time, you opened the jar and discovered a 100,000-year-old soul ring. Such luck."

"I'm envious."

Ju Douluo's voice sounded faintly.

It’s time to show off, stop pretending, I’m sore.

"Haha, you're envious. Didn't you just trade our two lifespans for this?"

Ghost Douluo laughed.

But Lin Xiao noticed that after he said these words, Ju Douluo's face turned obviously dark!


If you say this, I will be so angry!

Why do you open a jar and sacrifice it to me?

Ju Douluo felt like a small volcano was about to erupt inside his body.

Seeing this, Ghost Douluo quickly smiled and said, "Old Juhua, don't be angry. Come on, I'll show you a treasure. I'll show you my hundred thousand year soul ring skill."

A hundred thousand year soul ring skill?

Sure enough, Ju Douluo was immediately attracted by Ghost Douluo's words, and he became deeply curious.


Ghost Douluo smiled mysteriously when he saw this, then he looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "Boss, can I show you a soul skill?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "Okay. But my store is small, so you have to control the scope."

"Don't worry, I'm sure it won't cause any damage."

Ghost Douluo clapped his chest in assurance, and then the ninth soul ring on his body suddenly lit up, emitting a mysterious red light.

"Hell monster!"

The next moment, a dark wind blew up, accompanied by the sounds of ghosts crying and wolf howling, which made people feel chilly in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiao saw a dark arm wrapped with a ghostly aura protruding from the ground, and then the same arm emerged from the ground.

Then, his two arms were supporting the ground as if they were exerting force, as if something was about to come out of the ground.

The picture is extremely weird!

"Old ghost, isn't your soul skill wrong?"

On the side, Ju Douluo had a look of astonishment on his face.

He was very familiar with Ghost Douluo's soul skill, which was to summon countless ghost hands to attack or contain the enemy.

What's going on now?

Is it really necessary to summon a ghost?

But Ghost Douluo shook his head and said with a smile: "This is right, and it is very right!"

"Otherwise, how can you deserve the title of a hundred thousand year soul skill?"

"Now my hell sprites have changed. They are no longer ghost hands. Instead, they can summon real sprites!"

A real sprite from hell?

Hearing this, Lin Xiao and Ju Douluo were both startled.

Then they also saw what real monsters were.

I saw that the weird spirit body had been summoned.

The temperature in the shop suddenly dropped several degrees.

Lin Xiao saw clearly that it was a ghostly spirit with a green face and fangs.

"The aura of a complete sprite is enough to rival a titled Douluo."

Ju Douluo's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Haha, you must be scared. More importantly, I can summon more than one monster of this level!"

Ghost Douluo smiled excitedly, with undisguised pride in his voice.

"Hiss, such a powerful monster can actually summon multiple ones? Doesn't that mean that fighting you is equivalent to fighting multiple titled Douluo?"

Ju Douluo took a breath.

He even remembered the powerful hidden weapons and mysterious movements that Ghost Douluo had used. When the monsters entangled the enemy, I would sneak attack in the dark. It was terrifying!

"Hahaha, how is it?"

Ghost Douluo was even more proud.

"Humph, isn't this normal?"

"If the hundred thousand year soul skill is not strong, it will not become the faith that countless soul masters have been praying for throughout their lives."

Ju Douluo's expression changed upon hearing this, and he snorted angrily.

"Well, if you say that, I won't refute you."

Ghost Douluo nodded, thinking that Ju Douluo was praising himself.

Ju Douluo rolled his eyes at Ghost Douluo and said, "Show me your second hundred thousand year soul skill."

Although the changes in the hell monsters are somewhat beyond expectations, they are still reasonable.

What Ju Douluo is really looking forward to is the second soul skill of the ninth soul ring.

"The ninth soul skill: Soul Harvesting Scythe!"

Following Ghost Douluo's clear drink, powerful soul power fluctuations condensed in Ghost Douluo's hands.

It was a sickle with a simple shape and a dusty body.

However, the sickle is not real, it is also illusory and almost translucent.


Ju Douluo's pupils shrank and he gasped again.

The aura on this sickle made him feel frightened for a while.

Cold sweat even started to break out from behind.

"What a terrifying sickle. It actually has an aura that makes my soul tremble. If this sword were to strike at me."

Ju Douluo subconsciously made a comparison, and the final conclusion was that it was hard to say!

It's hard to say whether he was injured, seriously injured, or simply died!

"Hey, old chrysanthemum, is my sickle okay?"

Ghost Douluo chuckled and looked at Ju Douluo.

But Ju Douluo wisely didn't answer, he didn't want to give Ghost Douluo a chance to show off!

"Old Juhua, are you scared?"

Ghost Douluo refused to give up, and sure enough he saw a trace of unnaturalness flash across Ju Douluo's face!

"Ha, ha, ha, am I afraid? It's a joke!" Ju Douluo was still stubborn.


Ghost Douluo Hui Wu glanced at the scythe in his hand, and said with a sinister smile: "Hey, this scythe of mine is specially designed to attack people's souls. It is considered a spiritual attack. I wonder if you are interested in trying it?"

As he spoke, he reached out and touched the blade.

"Not interested in."

Ju Douluo immediately shook his head and refused, "Since you have finished opening the can, stand back and leave a place for the good people. Come to me now."

After the voice fell, he walked around Ghost Douluo and came to the counter.

But I was murmuring in my heart, as long as they are not stupid or have lived enough, no one is interested in receiving such a sickle, right?


Don't think I can't see that you are timid!

With Ghost Douluo's understanding of Ju Douluo, he could see through Ju Douluo's thoughts at a glance.

It was obvious that he was hiding his embarrassment by opening the jar.

In desperation, he had no choice but to collect his soul rings and soul skills.

And at this time.

Lin Xiao had already taken down ten jars according to Ju Douluo's request.

Suddenly, Ghost Douluo was keenly aware of a malicious gaze.

It's Ju Douluo!

"Old Juhua, what do you want to do? Why are you looking at me like this?"

He said, pretending to be horrified and holding his hands in front of his chest.


Ju Douluo smiled sadly: "What do you think I can do? Of course, I'm thinking of offering a sacrifice to Yangshou to make a wish!"


Ghost Douluo was startled, he really didn't expect retribution to come so quickly.

He refused decisively: "This is impossible!"


Ju Douluo ignored him, but looked at Lin Xiao and asked, "Boss, I have one more question before opening the jar."

Lin Xiao was startled and asked with some confusion: "You said it."

"I want to know if Poison Douluo found some magical items in the jar?"

When Ju Douluo mentioned Poison Douluo, he couldn't help but grit his teeth.

The old poison simply forgets to eat and not to fight.

The last time outside Wuhun City, he was severely repaired by me, and he said that he would never be skinny again. But it's only been a few days, and he came to provoke me again.

What's even more outrageous is that the opponent's strength has increased at an incredible speed, not to mention his enhanced cultivation, and a magical treasure to protect his body. Ju Douluo tried his best but failed to keep Poison Douluo behind.

"A magical item?"

"Can you be more specific?"

Lin Xiao frowned and thought about it. Poison Douluo had opened quite a lot of items. He didn't know what Ju Douluo asked about at the moment.

A look of memory appeared on Ju Douluo's face: "Even if I hit him, my body will be so painful that I won't be able to concentrate and attack with all my strength."

"It's very depressing anyway."

It turned out to be the counter-injury effect triggered by the Gila Monster's Bracelet. Lin Xiao immediately understood what was going on.


Ghost Douluo on the side said quietly: "Old Juhua, that's not some magical treasure."

"What is that? You understand again." Ju Douluo said angrily.

I saw that Ghost Douluo did not look at Ju Douluo, but raised his head to forty-five degrees and said: "That is love."

A 3,000-word chapter.

There will be more later.

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