I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 244 Xuexing takes action and Qian’s ability reappears


The next moment, under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, the soul saint holding the dog-headed knife resisted the soul skill of the dean of Tianshui Academy.

The powerful impact sent him flying backwards, smashing several walls in succession. The person has disappeared into the billowing smoke.

"Is he crazy? He actually chose to resist?"

On the side, the giant python soul saint and the soul saint who transformed into an earth-yellow giant bear were dumbfounded.

In their opinion, with Soul Saint's cultivation, it is not difficult to dodge this attack!

Got a brain twitch? Resistance?

More importantly, the five brothers took action together. In just a moment, two people had already died, and one more was dead or alive. It will be harder to fight next!

Is the dean of Tianshui College really only as strong as Contra?

Isn't it a little too strong?

"Oh my god! Dean Tianshui is hiding so much!"

At this moment, everyone watching the battle couldn't help but scream in horror.

"Sister, the dean is so strong. With this strength, let alone a Contra, I believe you even if you say she is a Titled Douluo."

The shock in Shui Yue'er's eyes was changing to excitement.

Who doesn’t want to have a strong man worthy of admiration by his side?

"But, why do I feel something is wrong?"

"The dean's performance today was a bit too extraordinary."

Shui Bing'er frowned, she always felt that no matter how outrageous things were, there had to be a limit.

No matter how powerful Soul Douluo is, it can't kill Soul Saint instantly.

"There's something about Ning Fengzhi."

Sitting in the auditorium, Hu Yanzhen sat calmly.

A pair of big copper-bell eyes kept scanning back and forth in the field, and finally the focus was all on Ning Fengzhi.

He was already a Titled Douluo, and his horizons were broadened.

Although Ning Fengzhi acted extremely strangely, he still found clues.

He concluded that the two fallen soul saints died either directly or indirectly in the hands of Ning Fengzhi,

The funny thing is, everyone is kept in the dark.

Ning Fengzhi even blamed everything on Dean Tianshui in order to cover himself up.

To be honest, Hu Yanzhen was shocked when he just came to this conclusion.

But he soon felt relieved again.

"There is no doubt that Qibao Glazed Pagoda has no combat power. Then Ning Fengzhi's ability to possess such combat power must be due to external forces."

"That's right! Ning Fengzhi has opened jars in the shop more than once. It's a bit outrageous to get some kind of treasure from Boss Lin to give him strong combat power, but it's normal."

Hu Yanzhen felt that blaming everything on Boss Lin would explain everything.

Even more than that.

Once Boss Lin is involved, you are talking about Ning Fengzhi, who has now become a titled Douluo. He Hu Yanzhen can also believe it.

After all, there’s nothing that can’t be solved by opening a can.

If there is, it is under-opened.

However, considering Ning Fengzhi's family background, will he be able to open fewer cans? It must be done at all times.

"It's harmful, the gap between people is too big."

Hu Yanzhen sighed.

Thinking about it, I almost sold everything in order to get enough money to open the jar.


It’s difficult even now

"Dean, Mr. Ning has to say thank you again."

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi said to Dean Tianshui, who also looked confused.

There was even a palpitating look on his face, and his voice was filled with the joy of surviving the disaster.

I'm afraid no one except Hu Yanzhen could tell that Ning Fengzhi was acting.

"Sect Master Ning, you don't need to thank me."

"Actually, I don't know what happened today. It's a bit outrageous."

Dean Tianshui’s eyes were also full of confusion,

She was very confused, was the current Soul Saint made of porcelain? Will it break when you touch it or become useless when you hit it?

"It's over, it's really over"

In the private room on the second floor, Xue Beng's face was ashen.

What the five soul saints failed to accomplish together, now there are only two soul saints left, can it still be done?

Definitely not.


Suddenly, Prince Snow Star stopped him.

"Uncle Wang." He looked at Xuexing in confusion, not knowing what the other party wanted to say.

"You have to take care of yourself from now on. The Tiandou Empire depends on you." Prince Xueye said to Xue Beng with complicated eyes.

"Uncle Wang, what do you mean?"

At the end of the avalanche, I was a little panicked.

Xuexing's words sounded haphazard, as if he was saying goodbye to himself.

"You can only walk on your own in the future. I can only send you here."

"Uncle Wang, what exactly are you going to do?"

"Ning Fengzhi must die!"

Xuexing's voice was extremely determined.

As said before, Ning Fengzhi is a high mountain, and they will not be able to shake Xueqinghe without getting rid of Ning Fengzhi.

"Uncle Wang, do you want to take action yourself?"

Xue Beng said in disbelief.

Snow Star nodded.

"No." Xue Beng suddenly panicked.

He believed that Xuexing must have hidden strength, and it was definitely not as rumored by outsiders that 'His Royal Highness has no talent in cultivation.'

After all, they are both owners of the Swan Spirit, so how could his talents be different?

He knew that Uncle Wang must be hiding his strength, and he must actually be a strong man.

However, attacking Ning Fengzhi is not a good choice!

It's just that as long as Xuexing dares to take action against Ning Fengzhi, no matter what the result is, there will be no return.

First of all, Ning Fengzhi is the person who was entrusted by Emperor Xueye and is the emperor's master! Attacking Ning Fengzhi and others are treasonous.

Secondly, and most importantly. Ning Fengzhi is the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect. There are so many powerful people in the sect, how could he let Xue Xing go?

"This assassination used up all the elites in my hands. At the same time, Ning Fengzhi was also careless, and there was no strong person guarding him. It can be said that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"If we miss this time, we won't have another chance."

Xuexing shook his head,

In fact, he was also very desperate.

"Who says we don't have a chance? Don't you still have the Poison Douluo from the Prince's Mansion? If he takes action, he will definitely be able to kill Ning Fengzhi without anyone noticing."

Xue Beng said excitedly. It's like finding a life-saving straw,

"Poison Douluo? It's impossible."

Xuexing shook his head and sighed, "He has done a lot for me over the years, and the kindness he once had has been repaid long ago.

Not long ago, he sent me the news that he was going on a trip. Don't know when I can come back. It’s unrealistic to expect him to take action. I’m afraid Xue Qinghe’s throne is secure and we won’t see him come back.”



Xue Beng opened his mouth and was speechless.

Thousands of words are stuck in my throat like fishbones.

"Dean Tianshui is indeed very strong, but we still have two soul saints. Even if they lose to Dean Tianshui, there will be no problem in taking them for an instant."

"And I was enough to take Ning Fengzhi's life in the blink of an eye."

Xuexing said, showing off his strength.

The swan martial spirit possessed him, and a pair of golden wings extended from his back.

At the same time, eight soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and black, emerged from his feet and moved slowly around him.

"Eight Rings, Contra!"

Avalanche was shocked.

He thought Xuexing was powerful, but he didn't expect it to be this strong.

There are not many powerful Contra souls in the entire Tiandou Empire.

It can be said that apart from Wuhun Palace and the Shangsan Sect, Soul Douluo is definitely the top powerhouse!

"As a member of the royal family, who is not a genius?"


Xuexing looked proud and laughed heartily. Then he took a step forward and turned into a golden stream of light, rushing outside the private room and hovering in the air.

"Who is that? It's wrapped in golden light, it's a bit dazzling!"

Immediately, someone discovered the anomaly here and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's actually Prince Snow Star!?"

"Didn't you say that he has no cultivation talent? Why did he become a Contra!"

In the field, someone still saw clearly the figure wrapped in golden light.

Very surprised.

"You're a bunch of trash, you're going to pester Dean Tianshui, and I'll take action to kill Ning Fengzhi."

Xuexing knew that time was tight and the task was heavy, so he ignored the horrified people and gave the order coldly.

On the other hand, the remaining giant python soul saints and the khaki giant bear soul saints rushed towards Dean Tianshui with determination in their eyes.

And he himself, like a falling star, hit Ning Fengzhi!

He did not use any soul skills in this attack, but it should not be underestimated.

Because, it is almost reaching its extreme!

"Sect Master Ning, be careful."

Dean Tianshui only had time to let out an exclamation to remind Ning Fengzhi.

At this time, the two soul saints' lifeless attacks had arrived, and she was a little overwhelmed for the moment.

"Xue Xing, you finally took action!"

"Contra, it seems that everyone underestimates you."

Ning Fengzhi smiled.

Xue Beng took action, and his goal was finally achieved.

Therefore, there is no need to hide and use yourself as bait.


I saw that his hands were as fast as afterimages, crossing across the void. Two invisible wind blades three to five meters long cut through the sky in an 'X' shape and slashed towards the snow stars.

"What is this that actually gives me a sense of crisis?"

Xuexing's pupils suddenly shrank when he saw this, and he was keenly aware of the approaching crisis!

At the same time, with his level 85 strength, he personally experienced Ning Fengzhi's attack and finally captured the shadow of the wind blade for him.

"Ma De, Ning Fengzhi has been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. In fact, he is the real big-tailed wolf. Those two dead soldiers died in Ning Fengzhi's hands!"

At this moment, he figured out the key and knew that he had been deceived by Ning Fengzhi from the beginning!


I saw Xuexing's figure flashing in mid-air one after another, evading and not striking the wind blade that Ning Fengzhi slashed.

Because he was in a hurry, he didn't have time to activate his soul skill. So I could only choose to dodge.

"Oh my God, didn't I see it wrong? Ning Fengzhi waved his hand and Prince Xuexing actually dodged it?"

"It's fake, it must be fake. As we all know, the combat effectiveness of the number one auxiliary soul master in the world is almost zero. This is an indisputable fact. How could Contra be afraid!"

"Then what do you think is going on?"

"Is there a possibility that Prince Xuexing wants to tease Ning Fengzhi?"


The field, at this moment, completely exploded.

"You don't show your true face. Ning Fengzhi didn't expect you to have such combat power. Everyone in the world underestimates you."

In mid-air, Prince Xuexing flashed his golden wings, letting himself fly into the air, looking down at Ning Fengzhi, his voice full of surprise.

"Didn't everyone in the world expect that the averagely talented Prince Snow Star is actually a powerful Contra?"

Ning Fengzhi said with a warm smile on his face, as if two old friends were reminiscing.

"It's a good idea to use yourself as bait. In the end, I couldn't hold back the impulse and took action against you."

"As expected of you."

Now Snowstar has woken up.

It turned out that his foolproof plan was actually a trap deliberately set by Ning Fengzhi.

However, his expression quickly became extremely cold, "But, you have underestimated my strength after all. Level 85 Soul Douluo is more than enough to kill you, even if you have a combat power comparable to the peak of Soul Saint." no."

"Okay, then I hope you seize the opportunity."

"By the way, my people will be here in about ten more breaths."

Ning Fengzhi smiled lightly.

In order to eliminate Xuexing's worries and let him kill her with confidence, Ning Fengzhi really took great pains.

The guards had long since been transferred.

After all, Xuexing is a master who doesn't let go of hawks when he sees no rabbits.

"Okay, then I will learn from Sect Master Ning's clever tricks!"

"The eighth soul skill: Golden Feathers Fill the Sky!"

As the voice fell, Prince Snow Star suddenly flapped his wings.

Countless golden feathers, like sharp swords, slashed at Ning Fengzhi with a sharp edge!

He believed that a dozen breaths were enough to kill Ning Feng ten times!

"Blade Storm!"

Suddenly, Ning Fengzhi let out a low shout, flicked his hands, and countless wind blades erupted!

Like a storm!

From the moment he met Prince Snow Star, he seemed relaxed and contented, but in fact he was not idle at all. He had been secretly accumulating strength and started a big game!

Blade Storm was exactly the name he gave to the ultimate move he was researching!


It is unimaginable that the collision of the two soul skills actually made a sound like gold and iron clashing.

Countless golden feathers exploded into pieces and turned into a shower of golden light.

However, more wind blades disappeared silently.

"Ning Fengzhi is at a disadvantage!"

Anyone who is not blind can see that Ning Fengzhi's condition is not very good.

"Hmph, the attack is quite powerful, but the gap between the seventy-ninth level soul power and my eighty-fifth level soul power is too big."

"It's like a natural chasm that cannot be repaired."

Prince Snow Star sneered,

Although Ning Fengzhi was powerful, he was not unable to cope with it.

It's just a waste of time from the instant kill before.

After three or five breaths, you can finally deal with the opponent, right?

He thought confidently.

"Is there really no way to make up for it? Naive!"

Ning Fengzhi smiled secretly in his heart. He immediately took out two bottles of magic juice.

Don't make it too easy to replenish your soul power.

"What is he really going to do?"

Xuexing saw clearly that Ning Fengzhi was pouring blue liquid into his mouth with both hands.

Then, he continued to launch the 'Blade Storm'!

"My soul power was almost exhausted, but it was replenished?"

"What on earth was he drinking? So magical?"

Xuexing witnessed everything and was a little dumbfounded.

Because, let alone three or five breaths, even ten or eight breaths may not be able to defeat Ning Fengzhi.


It’s so evil!

"So what if I replenish my strength? This top of my head is equivalent to the soul power of a Contra, and I am an eighty-fifth level Contra. I can't beat him despite all my efforts?"

Xuexing gritted his teeth and increased his soul power output.

In the blink of an eye, he had the upper hand again.

Ning Fengzhi, on the other hand, drank two bottles of blue liquid again with a calm expression.

After that, just like spring, another wave broke out!

"Made, is it over?"

"My eighty-fifth level Contra, can't beat you?"

Xuexing was secretly annoyed.

But soon, he only felt a chill on his back.

Ning Fengzhi took out two more bottles of blue liquid.

It's endless, right? Aren't you cheating? Xuexing's mentality suddenly collapsed.

If Ning Fengzhi breaks out again, he won't be able to handle it!

"Magic juice seems to be free of charge. How many jars will it cost?"

On the other side, Hu Yanzhen was secretly speechless, "Is this the legendary Qian ability?"


Good night.

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