I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 245 Sword Saint Lin Xiao!

"Sect Master Ning, you deceived me so hard."

"For a moment, I really thought my fighting power had skyrocketed again!"

At this moment, a voice sounded.

It was the dean of Tianshui College who looked at Ning Fengzhi with resentment.


Ning Fengzhi blushed, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

It is indeed unkind for Dean Tianshui to help him and then let others take the blame.

"Dean, now is not the time to talk so much. Ning will apologize to you after everything happens here."

Ning Fengzhi said in a deep voice.

At the same time, powerful soul power erupted from his body, and a series of wind blades slashed at Xue Xing.

At this moment, he actually had the upper hand!



At this time, the buildings in the field could not withstand the powerful fluctuations of soul power and began to break.

"Come on! This place is going to collapse!"

"Run away!"

Suddenly, people kept making frightened screams and running away.

For a time, it could be said that the venue was really empty.

Outside the auction.

Sisters Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er held their hands tightly together, their expressions full of tension.


I saw flames rising into the sky in the auction house.

The powerful soul power formed invisible air waves, making it difficult for many people to stand still.

"it's over!"

Hu Yanzhen in the crowd narrowed his eyes. He saw two figures coming out of the fireworks.


More people saw the two figures clearly,

"It's Sect Leader Ning, and the dean of Tianshui College."

"Oh my God, they actually won."

"It's unbelievable, really unbelievable, that Ning Fengzhi actually has such combat power. But hasn't it been rumored in the soul master world that the combat power of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda's martial soul is almost zero?"

"The combat effectiveness is 0? If the combat effectiveness is 0, then my combat effectiveness is definitely negative."


Everyone was talking about it.

However, they quickly shut up.

Swish, swish, swish!

Several figures flew from a distance and arrived in front of Ning Fengzhi in the blink of an eye.

Among the few people, the worst one has seven soul rings surrounding him.

There are even two or three with eight soul rings beating in rhythm.

"Meet the sect master!"

Everyone said in unison.

There is no doubt that they are the worshipers of the Qibao Glazed Sect. They noticed the change and hurried over.

"No need to be polite, just proceed as planned."

"Xue Xing is in the ruins and has been destroyed by me. Take him to the palace and ask your Majesty to deal with him."

"The remaining few dead soldiers, you can deal with them directly."

Ning Fengzhi explained in a low voice.


Everyone agreed and dived into the ruins.

At this time, everyone onlookers also left knowingly.

For a time, only Ning Fengzhi and everyone from Tianshui Academy were left in the field.

"Thank you, Dean, for your help."

Ning Fengzhi said to everyone in Tianshui Academy with a warm smile.

"Sect Master Ning, you hide yourself too deeply."

Dean Tianshui said resentfully.

She saw this battle most vividly, and you must know that even she dared not say that she could securely capture Snow Star. But Ning Fengzhi hit him hard in one fell swoop.

This kind of strength is shocking!

"Ning also had no choice but to do so. I believe the dean can understand."

Ning Fengzhi thought for a moment and said, "Let's do this. The right hand bone of the Frost Goblin will be given to the dean by me."

Give it to me?

Dean Tianshui was startled. He was indeed the Qibao Glazed Sect. He was indeed rich and powerful. He gave away soul bones worth more than two million gold soul coins as soon as he asked.


But Dean Tianshui shook his head: "One thing is different. This bad soul bone was bought by Tianshui College. I will not miss you even a gold soul coin."

"It's just that I still have a question, and I would like to ask Sect Master Ning to answer it."

Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "Dean, do you want to ask about the origin of the soul bones?"

"As expected of the unparalleled wisdom of Sect Master Ning." Dean Tianshui nodded in admiration.

It should be known that soul beasts with ice elements are still rare. If the location of this 'frost goblin' can be grasped, the soul masters of Tianshui Academy will have one more choice for hunting soul rings in the future.

"I don't know the origin of the Frost Goblin, but I can give you a suggestion. There is a small shop called the Lucky Magic Jar Shop in Wuhun City.

The shopkeeper is nice to talk to and knows a lot. If you go there and ask, you might be able to get the answer you want. "

Ning Fengzhi smiled lightly and said.

He was telling the truth, because the seller who sold him the soul bone was the soul bone that he extracted from the jar.

Therefore, as long as we find Boss Lin, all problems will be solved.

"Oh? Is there such a magical place?"

Dean Tianshui raised his eyebrows, very surprised.

Then there is no need to go and see it.

She thought to herself.


"It's finally out!"

On the other side, in the small shop in Wuhun City, Lin Xiao was a little excited.

In his hand, he was holding a piece of paper with orange light.

Awakening volume!


"Finally able to cut the iron bee, finally able to awaken!"

Lin Xiao thought excitedly.

Lin Xiao immediately took out the previous awakening scroll and used it together.


The two upgrade scrolls were torn apart together, and then Lin Xiao was wrapped in a yellow-orange light.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the host for successfully awakening as a sword master! 】

The system beep sounded, and Lin Xiao felt a warm current flowing through his body.

Very warm and comfortable.

But Lin Xiao did not forget about the business and quickly opened his skill panel.


New skills have emerged.

First of all, two skills appeared in the fourth soul ring.

Phantom sword dance and raptor decapitation. Bah.

It’s the Raptor’s Sky-Breaking Slash!

[Phantom Sword Dance: Launch rapid and continuous slashes at the enemy on the spot, and the final blow will cause multiple damage to the enemy with the sharp sword energy. (Different weapons will have different effects.)]

[Rapid Dragon Cutting Through the Sky: Forming a dragon-shaped sword energy, it can launch rapid and violent slashes at enemies in any direction. 】

"Okay, this is very Sword Soul."

Lin Xiao nodded secretly, he could be said to have mastered Sword Soul's signature skill.

As for the damage, it doesn't matter.

That's it for being handsome.

Try moving down and you will reach the fifth soul ring skill.

It has to be said that the fifth ring has one more ring than the fourth ring for nothing, there is even one more soul skill.

The fifth soul skill is the three skills of Storm Style, Iron Cutting Style and Steel Cutting Style.

[Storm Style: Throw 24 swords to form a sword array. Enemies in the sword array will be violently attacked. 】

But the two skills except Storm Style are gray.

[Iron Cutting Style: After learning, the enemy's own defense will be reduced when it is damaged, and the effect lasts for a certain period of time; this effect can be superimposed, reducing the enemy's defense by up to 34%. And it can be shared with people around you. (Cannot coexist with the Steel Cutting Style.)]

[Steel-cutting style: After learning, the shared bonus effect of the Iron-cutting style will be transformed into increasing one's own skill attack power by 34%. (Cannot coexist with Zhantetsu Shiki.)]

"Without a doubt, this is a multiple-choice question."

Lin Xiao frowned.

According to the current situation, Zhan Tie Zhan Gang can only choose one of the two.

According to the calculation formula in the game, the attack power of skills is far greater than the reduction of the enemy's defense power.

The 34% skill attack power bonus completely defeats the 34% defense reduction.

But if you choose Zhan Gang, you can’t assist your teammates.

Lin Xiao thought to himself.

"Bah, Lin Xiao, what are you thinking about? It's already started like this, why are you still playing support?"

"You must have some ambition. You will never be a crane in this life. Cutting Iron Soldiers is 34c. You must be the master C!"

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao had other ideas.

After all, being an assistant is not that easy. He still remembers that in the game, all the credit goes to Master C. The pot is all auxiliary.

If we can't win, let's just blame the support together!

Therefore, he swore that he would never be an iron soldier again.

Immediately, he whispered: "Learn the art of cutting steel!"

With a thought, the Steel Cutting Skill suddenly lit up, and the Iron Cutting Skill icon disappeared.

However, Lin Xiao felt stronger than ever before!

It can be said.

Awakening and before awakening are two completely different professions!

"Even the Sacred Heart Art that I have cultivated is getting stronger!"

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed and he discovered something unusual again.

Although there is not as much increase as the soul ring skill, as long as there is progress, it is good and it is something to be happy about.

"If this continues, it won't be long before I can be invincible in Douluo Continent with my own strength, right?"

Lin Xiao's eyes flickered as he thought about it, full of expectation.

Finally, he turned his attention to the last skill, which was also his sixth soul skill.

[Meteor Fall: Leap high and throw dozens of meteor swords at the designated location in mid-air. 】

"A very good skill. Normally, I click one to use multiple skills."

Lin Xiao muttered and closed the skill panel.

But he didn't quit directly. Instead, open the world option.

At this time, the unlocking progress of Dou Po World is about 10%.

This was an added bonus for selling five hundred jars from his little store jar.

"It's coming soon. According to the plan, it will be unlocked after selling a few hundred jars."

"I can still see that day in my lifetime."

Lin Xiao secretly complained and closed the system interface.

Returning to reality is much simpler.

Open the can!

Golden Crocodile, Qian Jun, Jiang Mo, including Gu Yuena, Xiao Wu and Qian Daoliu, a total of sixty jars were sold today.

At this time, Lin Xiao was only half-open.

However, apart from one awakening scroll, the thirty jars did not produce any surprises.

However, there are still some experience capsules and proficiency capsules.

"I hope the remaining jars will bring me some surprises."

With this thought in mind, he summoned another set of jars.

Click click click.

In the blink of an eye, ten jars were smashed.

Among them are two bottles of rare teleportation potions,

"That's it? Don't you have any upgrade coupons today?"

Lin Xiao couldn't help but mutter.

In his opinion, improving strength is a good choice at any time.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for opening 500 jars. Reward: a random world experience card. 】


Do you have a reward experience card?

Lin Xiao was startled, and after thinking for a moment, he decided not to redeem the world progress yet.


Lin Xiao also opened the last twenty rounds of the can.

This harvest was pretty good.

An awakening scroll allowed him to successfully awaken and become a sword master from a sword soul.

Although no upgrade volume was issued after that.

However, Lin Xiao issued a lot of experience capsules, which directly promoted his strength from the 61st level Soul Emperor to the 63rd level Soul Emperor.

In addition, a large number of proficiency capsules also allowed his Sacred Heart Art to reach the peak of the sixth level.

As long as the cultivation level breaks through to Soul Saint, then it is a matter of course that the Sacred Heart Art breaks through to the seventh level.

"But today is strange. Not a single enhancer or amplifier has been activated? This is a bit outrageous."

Lin Xiao muttered while putting away the items.

I thought to myself, are you going to hold a big one for me?

"Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao, where are you? You black-hearted guy!"

Suddenly, at this moment, bursts of shouting came from the backyard.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiao looked over and was startled.

The person who walked out of the backyard was none other than Xiao Wu.

At this time, she had already arrived in front of Lin Xiao, pinched her waist, and looked at Lin Xiao angrily.

"Um, are you done?"

Lin Xiao touched his nose awkwardly,

To be honest, he had forgotten about Xiao Wu.

It was getting dark now, so Xiao Wu probably had a lot of work to do this afternoon.

As for being lazy?

No one can be lazy under the mark of slavery.

"I have never done these menial tasks since I was a child."

"The most I can do is work as a student in Notting City, but with the mistress here, I don't need to do anything."

Xiao Wu said aggrievedly.

"Don't worry, I will make up for your regret. From now on, you will be responsible for maintaining the environment of the store."

Lin Xiao said earnestly.

Xiao Wu: "??"

Did I say I was sorry? I'm saying I don't want to do these things. All right?

"You, you can't do this to me."

Xiao Wu was anxious.

"Okay, I know what you want? It's not impossible." Lin Xiao waved his hand and interrupted her.


Xiao Wu was excited, she longed for freedom.

Longing to return to the Star Forest.


Lin Xiao nodded, waved his hand and threw out a Gintama coin, saying, "Go ahead and buy carrots as a reward for you!"

What? He didn't want to let me go, but asked me to buy carrots?

I don’t want to eat carrots!

Xiao Wu was completely stunned.

Is he really confused, or is he pretending to be confused?

"I don't want to eat carrots, I want to go home."

Xiao Wu cried.

"Okay, I've read in the book that you girls want it even if you say you don't want it. If you say you want it, you don't want it."

Lin Xiao showed an "I understand you" expression.


Xiao Wu felt like he was struck by lightning.

Where did you hear this heresy? But, it’s quite accurate!

Then how about I communicate with him in another way?

Xiao Wu thought for a while and then said: "Actually, I want to eat carrots, and I don't want to go home. I just want to stay in the shop."

She said without conscience.

Lin Xiao smiled and nodded, "Okay, I agree."

Xiao Wu:''

She was depressed.

Ever since she was a child, she never expected to meet such a person who made her feel powerless.

the other side.

A piece of news shocked the Tiandou Empire.

Prince Xuexing was dismissed from his post because he attacked the emperor's teacher Ning Fengzhi and deliberately conspired to rebel.

Furthermore, his martial spirit and cultivation were abolished, and he was sent to the border areas, and was never allowed to return to Tiandou.

Good night.

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