I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 251 The first externally attached soul bone

"Boss, why don't I open the can first?"

Ghost Leopard Douluo glanced at the hesitant three people, then looked at Lin Xiao and suggested.

Hearing the sound, Lin Xiao also withdrew his gaze and nodded.

He believed that since these people came into the store, the jars would still be sold.

After they witness Ghost Leopard Douluo opening the jar, they may change their minds.

Boom, boom, boom

Seeing Lin Xiao nod, Ghost Leopard Douluo didn't hesitate and directly placed the boxes filled with gold soul coins on the counter.

"This golden luster, if I read it correctly, are all gold soul coins?"

Shui Yue'er blinked her big eyes and asked tentatively.

"That's right, one box has two hundred thousand gold soul coins, five boxes has one million gold soul coins."

Ghost Leopard Douluo gave accurate figures.

How many?

One million gold soul coins?

What a fuss is going on!

The three of them looked at each other and couldn't help but secretly sighed.

At this time, my sister Shui Bing'er, who has a relatively more stable personality, spoke up: "Senior, do you want to buy a jar with so many gold soul coins?"

It’s no wonder they don’t know enough.

It's true that they came late yesterday, and all the people watching the excitement left.

I came early today, and those people watching the excitement outside the store have not yet arrived.

"Of course." Ghost Leopard Douluo replied affirmatively.

"Do you need so many gold soul coins to buy these jars?" Shui Yue'er stuck out her tongue and said in disbelief.


Ghost Leopard Douluo shook his head, "With such a small amount of money, I can only buy ten jars."

"What? One million gold soul coins can only buy ten jars? Doesn't that mean that one jar costs one hundred thousand gold soul coins?"

Shui Yue'er covered her mouth, shocked.

"Isn't this too expensive?" Shui Bing'er couldn't help but slap her mouth.

"Is it expensive? The Frost Goblin soul bone in your hands was scooped out of the jar."

Ghost Leopard Douluo reminded.

The implication is obvious, it wouldn't be a loss if such a thing was prescribed.

Hearing the sound, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er sisters all looked at the soul bone in Dean Tianshui's hand.

"Then, is the chance of the soul bone being released high?"

Dean Tianshui looked at Ghost Leopard Douluo and asked.

"It's hard to say what the odds are."

Ghost Leopard Douluo said: "Anyway, none of the elders and worshipers of our Wuhun Palace have developed a soul bone so far. However, someone among the younger generation of our Wuhun Palace has. But there is only one."

"Ah, this"

The three people from Tianshui Academy looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

Based on this calculation, is the probability too low?

"Is it difficult to accept it? Once you get enough benefits from it, you will feel that the price is very cheap."

After speaking, Ghost Leopard Douluo shook his head slightly and stopped looking at the three people who were lost in thought.

Instead, he told Lin Xiao his favorite choice.

After a while, Lin Xiao placed ten jars neatly on the counter.

"Dean, it's time to open the jar. I'm so excited." Shui Yue'er pinched the corner of her clothes nervously and whispered.

It looked like she was about to open a can.

"Be silent and just watch."

Dean Tianshui explained in a low voice. In fact, he was also very nervous. She really wanted to see what magic was in the jar that dared to sell 100,000 gold soul coins.

Shui Yue'er, who had a calm temperament, said nothing, but her bright eyes were full of expectation.

Click click click.

Ghost Leopard Douluo is also an expert at opening jars, and his shots are quick and accurate.

Of course, the most important thing is speed.

In the blink of an eye, three jars were broken.

Shui Yue'er, Shui Bing'er, and Dean Tianshui immediately looked over.

Suddenly, I was a little stunned.

It's actually three crystal gems

"I think these things are worth dozens of gold soul coins, right?" Dean Tianshui asked tentatively.

Lin Xiao nodded: "Absolutely."

I bought a bunch of these things with 100,000 gold soul coins. Isn't that a huge loss?

Although gems are valuable, compared with the cost of 100,000 gold soul coins, they are really not worth mentioning.

Dean Tianshui, Shui Yue'er, and Shui Bing'er subconsciously looked at Ghost Leopard Douluo.

They believed that Ghost Leopard Douluo would not look good after such a huge loss.

However, they were surprised that Ghost Leopard Douluo didn't show any ugly expression on his face. Instead, he smiled.

"Senior, aren't you angry?" Shui Yue'er asked with a blank look on his face.

If it were her place to experience such a thing, she would definitely not be able to accept it.

Could it be that he couldn't stand the excitement and went crazy? She thought to herself.

On the other hand, Ghost Leopard Douluo looked puzzled: "Why are you angry? This is a good sign."

"How does that saying go? If you get fat first, you won't be fat. If you get fat later, you will lose weight. Let me tell you, if you open the jar and there are some good things at the beginning, the chance of opening some incredible treasures is very low."

Ghost Leopard Douluo slowly talked about his experience in opening the jar.

"Is it really?"

Dean Tianshui and the three of them were stunned. Could it be that releasing so much garbage is a good thing?

"Haha, in any case, just watch it. Next is the moment to witness the miracle." Ghost Leopard Douluo smiled coldly and opened the jar again.


The fourth jar shattered.

Shui Yue'er and the other three immediately cast their gaze over. They wanted to see what Ghost Leopard Douluo said was the heaven-defying treasure.

However, after seeing the items clearly, the three of them showed strange expressions.

In the jar, there is another gem worth thirty or fifty gold soul coins.

That's it?

Another hundred thousand gold soul coins were lost!

Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, and Dean Tianshui looked at Ghost Leopard Douluo at the same time. Trying to find a look of disappointment on the other person's face.

However, it was they who were disappointed

They even noticed that the smile on Ghost Leopard Douluo's face became even wider.

"This is a good thing."

"I wonder if you have ever heard of Black Elephant Hu Yanzhen?"

Ghost Leopard Douluo said faintly.

"Hu Yanzhen, what happened to him?"

Dean Tianshui, remembering some things related to Hu Yanzhen, couldn't help but ask.

"He opened cans in Boss Lin's shop before, and for the first time he opened a bunch of things that were of little use. He even lost a bunch of supplies from the sect. That's why he was called the Black Elephant!"

"But even so, he didn't give up. Finally, after opening the can for the second time, he opened two upgrade rolls, and his strength broke through to the realm of Titled Douluo!"

Ghost Leopard Douluo said faintly.

However, although his voice was soft, it rang in Dean Tianshui's ears like a bell.

It can be said that the fact that Hu Yanzhen became a titled Douluo caused quite a stir in the soul master world.

It’s not an exaggeration to say it’s a big storm!

"But, the source of this storm is actually this small shop?"

Dean Tianshui murmured in disbelief.

Looking at Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, they were even more shocked. They suspected that they were listening to a myth.

"The so-called upgrade scroll can make people become titled Douluo. This is simply outrageous." Shui Yue'er said in a low voice.


Lin Xiao smiled: "What's even more outrageous is that even a titled Douluo can increase his soul power by one level if he uses an upgrade scroll!"

What? It's actually even effective when used by Titled Douluo?

The three of them looked confused.

Such a treasure is truly unimaginable.


Dean Tianshui's mind became uncontrollably active at this moment.

If I could get such a treasure, would I also have a chance to become a titled Douluo?

If that happens one day, Tianshui College's statement and status will reach an unimaginable height!

It will definitely leave behind the two major element schools of Kamikaze and Blazing Fire with which it is named.


At this moment, Ghost Leopard Douluo smashed a jar again.

A burst of purple light flashed!

"What exactly is in the jar? Why do I feel a cold breath?"

Shui Yue'er said with some surprise.

There was actually doubt in his voice.

"It seems, it's not an illusion, I feel it too." Shui Bing'er also widened her beautiful eyes and looked nervously at the items in the jar.

Finally, the purple light dissipated, and a crystal bone lay quietly in the jar.

"It's confirmed! This is the soul bone!"

"And it's also a soul bone with the power of ice element."

Even with Dean Tianshui’s qualifications and experience, he couldn’t help but exhale softly.

His autumn-like eyes were full of surprise.

Lin Xiao also looked over and saw that it was a piece of bone that was dark blue in color and crystal clear in texture.

Item: [Frost Stone Giant’s Left Arm Bone]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Tradable]

Description: [Taken from the frost stone giant in the snowy area in the dungeon. 】

Effect: [Extreme Cold Storm: activates the power of the soul bone, punches out, and launches a powerful strike. At the same time, an ice tornado is formed, attacking enemies within the range, and adding attributes such as freezing and slowness. 】

Ice stone giant.

Lin Xiao is no stranger.

It's a monster that lives in the snowy land

When mentioning the snowy map, Lin Xiao thought of a monster called Bing Xin Boy.

Brush until you puke.

But there is no other way. In the early stage of the game, you can only upgrade by brushing the map and killing monsters.

"Boss, I seem to be lucky. The soul power of this soul bone fluctuates for about ten thousand years."

Ghost Leopard Douluo said in surprise.

Lin Xiao nodded: "This soul bone is called: the left arm bone of the Frost Stone Giant. After it is activated, it will launch a powerful strike on the designated target, and enemies within the range will also be attacked by the ice tornado."

"Hahaha, treasure!"

After listening to Lin Xiao's introduction, Ghost Leopard Douluo couldn't help laughing.

"Yes, a rare treasure."

Dean Tianshui slapped his mouth, with a look of longing on his face.

Of course, in other words, it's very sour.

"Suck, is this soul bone really that good?"

After Shui Yue'er swallowed hard, she asked quietly.

Shui Bing'er shook her head helplessly and whispered in her younger sister's ear: "I usually tell you to study more, but you just don't listen."

"Think carefully about what the boss said. Although this soul bone only has one soul skill, it has two effects. After launching a powerful blow against the designated target, targets within the range will also be affected by the storm."

"Rounding up, it's equivalent to two soul skills."

Ah, Shui Yue'er was stunned.

This ten thousand year soul bone is a bit awesome!

"How's it going? Do you understand what I'm saying now? Is a jar worth 100,000 gold soul coins?"

Ghost Leopard Douluo looked at the three people from Tianshui Academy and asked.

The three of them shook their heads.

A thousand-year soul bone costs more than two million gold soul coins.

Although Ning Fengzhi later generously gave her the soul bone directly, but where was the value?

Now there is a ten-thousand-year-old soul bone in front of them, and its value is self-evident.

Not to mention bringing such a powerful skill.

If it weren't for the fact that Ghost Leopard Douluo didn't look like he was short of money, she would have directly asked him to make an offer.

As long as it doesn't break the bank, the price is easily negotiable.

But, money is not an issue.

The problem is that people may not sell it.

"Good baby, wait until I get back to refine it."

Ghost Leopard Douluo happily put away his soul bone.

Can you be unhappy?

Even though he is a titled Douluo, in fact he only has one soul bone in his body. And the attributes are not very consistent with myself.

Although, this frost stone giant's left arm bone doesn't particularly fit him. But this soul bone is strong!

It was infinitely stronger than the soul bone on his body.

Afterwards, Lin Xiao watched Ghost Leopard Douluo smash two more jars.


Even the magic juice hasn’t been opened yet

Lin Xiao really didn't know what to say when he saw this.

But this time, Shui Yue'er didn't express any questions.

learn from mistakes.

She knew that by releasing this rubbish, Ghost Leopard Douluo would be holding back something cruel.

It might be in the next jar!

"It doesn't matter. Even though I didn't get a heaven-defying treasure like the upgrade scroll, I'm content with it."

Ghost Leopard Douluo said with a satisfied look on his face.

At his level, every improvement in strength is a matter of joy.

Lin Xiao smiled when he heard the sound and thought to himself: "This guy is quite Buddhist."

But sometimes it's so strange. The more you have no desires and desires, the more surprises you will get that exceed your expectations.

Obviously, Ghost Leopard Douluo is like this.

With a 'click', the contents of the jar once again refreshed the perceptions of Dean Tianshui, Shui Yue'er, and Shui Bing'er.

"Pink light, what is this!"

"It seems to be very powerful!"

Shui Yue'er whispered ignorantly.

"This breath is so powerful."

"Didn't he create another soul bone?"

Shui Bing'er's heart moved, and she thought of a possibility, and was immediately shocked.

If this is really the case, Ghost Leopard Douluo is very lucky!

"Bing'er, you are right. This is indeed a soul bone, and it is even stronger than the previous one."

Dean Tianshui vaguely felt that the items in the jar were extraordinary.


Another soul bone!

More importantly, it must be stronger than the previous one!

Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er were both numb.

How many treasures are there in this jar?

at this moment.

The light finally dissipated.

It's just that the contents of the jar are a bit strange.

It's a sharp tooth that's two feet long!

"This doesn't look like a soul bone."

Shui Yue'er was puzzled.

"But there are soul power fluctuations above."

Shui Binger also frowned.

Even Dean Tianshui has some doubts about life. Am I wrong in my perception?

Even Ghost Leopard Douluo took the piece of tooth in his hand and looked left and right, but he couldn't see anything. Finally, he looked at Lin Xiao with a puzzled expression, hoping that he could give a reasonable explanation.

What on earth is this?


At this moment, Lin Xiao couldn't help but cough slightly and asked: "I don't know, have you ever heard of a kind of soul bone called external soul bone?"

Something happened today, so the update is late.

Good night.

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