I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 252 Boss Lin plays us? Are we worthy?

"Oh my god? This... is actually an external soul bone?"

“It’s really happening now”

Everyone present was not stupid. After being stunned for a short time, they all understood the meaning of Lin Xiao's words.

Ghost Leopard Douluo was shocked at first. The shock was followed by a look of ecstasy.

"Dean, I know about soul bones, but what are external soul bones?"

Shui Yue'er asked in a low voice with a puzzled look on her face.

This was the first time she heard this word in her whole life.

Although I don't fully understand what it means, but with the word "soul bone" attached to it, it must not be simple.

After Shui Yue'er asked this question, Shui Bing'er also pricked up her ears.

She was also very curious about what it was that possessed the soul bone that made both Ghost Leopard Douluo and the dean so moved.

"As we all know, soul bones are divided into six categories: right arm bones, spine, etc. The external soul bones are special existences outside the six categories.

If the chance of ordinary soul bones appearing from a soul beast is one in a thousand, then the chance of externally attached soul bones appearing is not even one in ten thousand. "

"Even before this, I once thought that externally attached soul bones might only appear in records."

Dean Tianshui also calmed down at this time and whispered.

There was still an inevitable look of sadness in his eyes.

"Then for such an important treasure, why haven't the teachers at the academy told you any relevant information?"

Ting Shui Yue'er asked in confusion.

"The main reason is that it is too rare."

Dean Tianshui smiled bitterly and said: "Because the existence of externally attached soul bones exists like a legend. Many people even think that it is a legend and something in their imagination. Therefore, we are afraid of misleading students in the courses taught in the Soul Master Academy. There was no relevant content said.”

"To be honest, this is also the first time I have seen an external soul bone. Before that, I thought there was no such thing as an external soul bone in the world."

Externally attached soul bone only has two more words than soul bone, so it is more than twice as precious! ?

Sisters Shui Bing'er, Yueshui Yue'er, were really shocked.

Then they looked at Lin Xiao again, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Is this shop owner crazy? Such a valuable thing is still in a jar?

"Boss, I wonder what kind of soul beast this soul bone comes from?"

At this moment, Ghost Leopard Douluo looked at Lin Xiao again and asked somewhat confused.

Apart from anything else, even after searching through the memories in his mind, he could not find a suitable owner for the tooth in his hand.

Could it be that the origin of this soul bone is as mysterious as the previous one? Ghost Leopard Douluo secretly guessed.

"The name of this attached soul bone is the Fang of the Ice Tiger. As for what abilities it has, you have to develop it yourself."

Lin Xiao's eyes flashed and he said slowly,

Item: [Ice Tiger’s Sharp Teeth]

Level: [Artifact]

Type: [Tradable]

Description: [Taken from the teeth of the ice tiger in the dungeon. 】

Effect: [Unknown, discover by yourself after fusion. 】

It has to be said that the external soul bone is indeed very powerful. This is the first time Lin Xiao has seen an item that can discover its own abilities.

At this time, everyone was confused after listening to Lin Xiao's words.

What is an ice tiger?

Can it be eaten?

Not to mention Ghost Leopard Douluo, even Dean Tianshui, who knew a lot about water and ice soul beasts, looked confused.

Even in the far north ice field, she had never heard the name of this kind of soul beast.


It is normal that they have never heard of the Ice Tiger's name.

Like the soul bones produced before, the Ice Tiger is indeed not a soul beast on Douluo Continent.

But it comes from the snowy land in the underground city.

“Forget it, if you don’t understand it, don’t do it.

I don't care about the origin of this ice tiger, now I just want to see what kind of abilities this soul bone can bring to me. As long as the strength can be improved, it's not a loss! "

Ghost Leopard Douluo murmured in a low voice, an uncontrollable look of anticipation appearing in his eyes.

Improving strength is always the first priority for soul masters.

As he circulated his soul power, traces of soul power fluctuations began to emanate from his body, and were instilled into the tooth-shaped soul bone in his hand.

Refining begins!

On the side, the eyes of the three people from Tianshui Academy also lit up.

They also wanted to see what kind of abilities the legendary externally possessed soul bones had.

Only a moment passed.

The soul bone in Ghost Leopard Douluo's hand disappeared with a 'whoosh' sound.


Ghost Leopard Douluo also had an abnormal reaction, and he couldn't help but let out a painful roar,

"What's going on here?"

Shui Binger shrank back in fear.

"Don't be too nervous, react normally"

Lin Xiao remembered that in the original work, Tang San also suffered a lot of pain when he fused the Eight Spider Spears.

The pain is only temporary.

Ghost Leopard Douluo just groaned twice.

However, his behavior was a bit weird, and a pair of big hands immediately covered his mouth.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xiao asked with a frown. Are you embarrassed?

But before Ghost Leopard Douluo could speak, he suddenly remembered something.


This is the soul bone attached to a tooth. Could it be that Ghost Leopard Douluo's teeth have mutated?

But if such a long fang grows out of the mouth,

Lin Xiao shook his head subconsciously. The picture was so beautiful that he couldn't even imagine it.

"Senior, what's wrong with you?"

Shui Binger blinked her big eyes and asked nervously.

It's just that her eyes have betrayed her. There is not much concern in them, but curiosity is very strong.

After a moment of silence, Ghost Douluo snorted.

"Hmph, forget it, since you are so curious, let me show you."

Ghost Leopard Douluo said, suddenly taking away his hands covering his mouth.

Everyone looked over immediately.

But when he discovered the changes in Ghost Leopard Douluo, his pupils suddenly shrank and he gasped.


How can there be such a big change after fusing the external soul bone? Isn't it a bit scary?

Especially Shui Bing'er, she felt like she might have a nightmare tonight.

"They are really sharp teeth." Lin Xiao muttered secretly in his heart when he saw this, and immediately made a comparison.

If he had to describe it, Ghost Leopard Douluo now looked a bit like a zombie in the zombie movie Lin Xiao had watched in his previous life.

It's just not ferocious.

But Ghost Leopard Douluo usually looks rather gloomy, so he is still a bit scary.

"Boss, do you think it's normal for me to be like this?"

Ghost Leopard Douluo asked Lin Xiao for help.

He didn't need to look in the mirror to know that he must look weird right now.

"Of course it's normal. Externally attached soul bones usually cause some external changes. It's just that the position of your externally attached soul bone is quite special, so the changes look a little weird."

Lin Xiao said slowly.

"Is this really true? I have never fused external soul bones and have no experience. Please don't lie to me."

Ghost Leopard Douluo was doubtful.

"Don't worry, I'm experienced and won't lie to you." Lin Xiao smiled slightly and said sincerely.

Hearing this, Ghost Leopard Douluo believed it, and then asked Lin Xiao: "Boss, I feel itchy at the root of my teeth, and I always want to bite something."

"Is there a possibility? Your teeth are initially fused and are in the growth stage."

"I think a teething stick is best for you."

Lin Xiao thought for a while and said tentatively.

He remembered that when he raised Erha in his previous life, he bought him a teething stick.

But those idiots are keen on demolishing the house.

"It makes sense."

Ghost Leopard nodded in agreement, then took out a piece of metal as thick as a baby's arm from the storage soul guide and stuffed it into his mouth.

Bang, bang.

I saw the iron rod being chewed up like popcorn

"Good guy, are you treating this iron rod as a teething stick?"

"It's more cruel than Erha."

Lin Xiao was secretly speechless when he saw this.

You must know that Ghost Leopard Douluo did not use soul power or soul skills, or even activated his martial soul. He had this power just by relying on his teeth.

This tooth mouth is definitely equivalent to a magic weapon.

"Is this the attached soul bone?"

Dean Tianshui and sisters Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er didn't know what to say.

In their opinion, this power is simply outrageous.

Judging from the sharpness of the teeth, if one bite fell on a person, it would be quite bearable.

"Boss, with these teeth, I believe there are few people on the Douluo Continent whose defenses I can't break."

Ghost Leopard Douluo was overjoyed when he felt the strength of his teeth.

You know, this is just a part of the power. If it is blessed by soul power, the power will be doubled.

As for how many times, you will know after trying it.

For no reason, Ghost Leopard Douluo suddenly missed his old brothers.

Counting the time, we haven't had any discussions for a few days.

"Boss, I have an unkind request, but I don't know whether to say it or not."

Ghost Leopard Douluo put away the sharp teeth of the Ice Tiger and suddenly said to Lin Xiao.

"Then don't talk about it." Lin Xiao smiled slightly and said jokingly.

Ghost Leopard Douluo: "???"

He was a little embarrassed. Lin Xiao was not following the rules.

"Boss Lin, even if you don't want to listen, I still have to say it."

Ghost Leopard Douluo said with great sincerity: "I beg you, raise the price."


Price increase?

"Ah, isn't this one hundred thousand gold soul coins expensive for a jar?"

After hearing what Ghost Leopard Douluo said, Lin Xiao hadn't spoken yet, and Shui Yue'er couldn't help but be speechless.

"Yes, one hundred thousand gold soul coins is a lot."

"But compared to the items produced in Boss Lin's jar, it's really nothing."

Ghost Leopard Douluo looked at Shui Bing'er and said, "You all saw me opening the can. Not to mention anything else, the soul bones I opened earlier are worth two to three million gold soul coins.

You may not know that before this I opened a jar containing millions of gold soul coins."

"To put it bluntly, I, Guibao, haven't spent a single gold soul coin since I opened the jar."

Good guy!

No wonder Ghost Leopard Douluo doesn’t think it’s expensive, so he’s been having sex for nothing?

The three people from Tianshui Academy were startled, and they all heard the deep meaning in Ghost Leopard Douluo's words.

Suddenly, I was shocked.

"Boss, please do me a favor and raise the price. This will make me feel better."

"Since the price has gone up, I feel comfortable taking your things. I can barely make up for your losses, otherwise I'm really afraid that you won't be able to hold on any longer."

Ghost Leopard Douluo gradually became excited as he spoke.

He was really afraid that if Lin Xiao did this charity, one day he would be unable to make ends meet and go bankrupt.

"I can't hold on? Haha, what a joke."

"You may make a lot of money, but I will never lose money."

After listening to Ghost Leopard Douluo's words, Lin Xiao sneered in his heart.

However, a price increase is impossible.

One hundred thousand gold soul coins are sold in a jar, and the sales volume is appalling.

Still raising prices?


If it weren't for the ignorant look on your face, I almost thought you were trying to harm me.

In fact, if he could, Lin Xiao would have lowered the price long ago.

"No need to say any more."

Lin Xiao waved his hand and said sternly: "I, Mr. Lin, are a thorn in my spitting. The price of one hundred thousand gold soul coins has been set long ago. Even if I go bankrupt one day and can no longer support it, the price will not be increased." .”

"Boss, think twice"

Ghost Leopard Douluo wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Lin Xiao.

"There's nothing to think about. Just open the can and get out of here."

Lin Xiao laughed and cursed.


"All right."

Ghost Leopard Douluo sighed and finally smashed the remaining jar.

Even, everyone heard him muttering:

'Don't give me anything good.'

"I don't want Boss Lin to lose too much."

Is there anything like this?

Everyone was stunned.

Is it okay to curse yourself?

"Hahaha, okay, there are no valuables, that's great!"

After the jar was opened, Ghost Leopard Douluo couldn't help but burst into laughter after seeing the contents of the jar clearly.

If they hadn't known the cause and effect, everyone would have thought that Ghost Leopard Douluo was already stupid.

"Boss, since the cans have been opened, I won't bother you anymore. But I hope you can consider my proposal carefully."

"It's not just me. In fact, we have been discussing privately. Many brothers in Wuhun Palace also hope that you can increase the price."

Ghost Leopard Douluo put away the items in the jar. He said sincerely to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao helplessly shook his head: "Fuck you."

Ghost Leopard Douluo was sent away.

Lin Xiao looked at Shui Bing'er who was stunned on the spot. Shui Yue'er and others asked: "I wonder what you think? Can you understand what I said before?"

Dean Tianshui nodded blankly: "Ming, I understand."

"Dean, shall we leave here now?" Shui Bing'er asked.

She felt that finding a place to calm down was the best option.


Hearing this, Dean Tianshui shook his head: "No, we can't just leave like this."

"Do you want to open the can?" Shui Bing'er asked in disbelief.


Before Dean Tianshui could answer, Shui Yue'er said quickly: "Master Dean, you must think twice. A jar with one hundred thousand gold soul coins is not a small amount. Besides, the value of some of the things in it is hard to say. ah."

To put it simply, she felt that it was unreliable to open the can.

Although Ghost Leopard Douluo made a profit, if he didn't have two soul bones, he would lose blood.

"But if you get a soul bone, it won't be a loss," Dean Tianshui insisted.

"I feel like Ghost Leopard Douluo is just a drag," Shui Bing'er also tried to persuade him.


Dean Tianshui shook his head: "It's impossible. An ordinary soul bone is worth millions of gold soul coins, let alone an external soul bone. I think it's very possible even if it's worth tens of millions of gold soul coins."

"And you have also seen that Ghost Leopard Douluo directly fused the external soul bone. In other words, no one can get the soul bone unless he is killed. If it is really delayed, is this price? Is it too big? Even if the three of us open the can, it will only be three million gold soul coins.

Is it really worth using tens of millions of treasures to play us? "

In other words, are we worthy?

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