I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 259 The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is shocked. Open jar of your choice

"Erlong, what happened to that aura on your body just now?"

After a moment of silence, Flanders couldn't help but ask.

As a former member of the Golden Iron Triangle, he had planned to use the martial soul fusion skill Golden Holy Dragon with Liu Erlong countless times, so he felt very familiar with the aura on Liu Erlong's body just now.

Just not sure.

"Boss Fu, I believe you must have thought of something." Liu Erlong blinked at Flanders mysteriously.

Suddenly, Flanders couldn't hold himself any longer.

"Have you really awakened the bloodline of the Golden Holy Dragon?"

he said in shock.

"To be precise, it is the bloodline of the Holy Dragon of Light."

"Sacred Dragon of Light?" Flanders was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, it's the Holy Dragon of Light!" Liu Erlong said solemnly: "This is the change caused by using the amplifier. Unfortunately, there are too few amplifiers, which did not allow me to fully awaken the bloodline of the Holy Dragon of Light."

"So how many have you awakened now?"

Flanders asked tentatively.

"Probably, 30% to 40%"

Liu Erlong made an estimate and said slowly.

"Thirty to four percent? But I feel that your strength has improved a lot."

Seeing Flender's confused look, Liu Erlong smiled: "Boss Fu, you are right. My strength has indeed improved a lot.

You also know that what I possess is the Fire Dragon Spirit that is a mutated version of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit. The martial spirit level is not weak, but it is still inferior to the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Having said this, Liu Erlong's voice paused slightly, and an astonishing look appeared in his eyes, "But after experiencing this change, it is different. The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus at the same level is probably a bit weaker than me. In terms of the quality of the martial soul alone, In other words, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex is also weaker than me!"

Ah this

For a moment, Flanders was stunned.

First of all, he saw the amazing energy in Liu Erlong!

Secondly, has Liu Erlong’s martial spirit surpassed the best beast’s martial spirit in the world?

So scary!

At the same time, he couldn't help but curse, "Why are there such big differences between people?"

You know, his martial spirit has also increased, but the improvement is far from that big!

the other side.

Yu Xiaogang walked on the long deserted street.

There was no sparkle left in the empty eyes.

Lonely, empty, cold.

In addition, he still felt a deep sense of frustration in his heart.


"That's not right. Liu Erlong's bloodline breakthrough did not come from talent. Such changes also occurred in Flanders!"

Yu Xiaogang suddenly figured out the key.

He was very convinced that Liu Erlong's breakthrough had nothing to do with his talent, it was entirely due to external forces!

"Yes, that must be the case! Flanders' Cat Eagle Spirit doesn't have much potential, so there aren't many unusual changes.

But Liu Erlong's martial soul is different. She is a mutated version of the blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex martial soul. Deep in her bloodline, there is still an older and more powerful power left, which was awakened under the stimulation of the amplifier! "

He whispered to himself.

There was some sparkle in his eyes again!

"Liu Erlong can awaken the mutated blue electric tyrannosaur spirit possessed by him, but what about the pure blue electric tyrannosaur?

In other words, I am also a variant of the Blue Dot Tyrannosaurus Rex martial spirit. If I use an amplifier, will I also have a chance to awaken the bloodline of the Holy Dragon of Light?

When that time comes, who in the whole continent will dare to look down on me, Yu Xiaogang? "

Yu Xiaogang became more and more eager as he thought about it.

He deduced it repeatedly and came to the conclusion that it was very possible!

He didn't even notice that his thoughts and desires had changed.

The breakthrough in the evolution of the martial soul from the beginning to become the soul master has been transformed into the power of awakening the holy dragon of light, standing at the top of the continent.

However, delusions are delusions, and he also knows how much he weighs.

"It's definitely not possible to rely on me alone. I can only rely on the sect. Now that I have mastered the secret of the awakening of the Holy Dragon of Light, I believe they will not ignore me!"

Yu Xiaogang felt that he had the trump card again.

As for Liu Erlong, will he contact the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family?

This is impossible!

He knew that Liu Erlong still had deep resentment towards Yu Luomian.

"Fortunately, I still remember the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family's emergency communication method."

"About early tomorrow morning, father will receive the news."

Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed and he strode toward the darkness.

the next day.

Yuluo Mian was woken up by a heavy knock on the door in the early morning.

Pushing away the annoying concubine beside him, he got dressed and came to the door.

"What's wrong?"

He came to the door and asked the waiting waiter in a deep voice.

"Second Master, the clan leader invites you to come over." The waiter said respectfully.

"Brother, why are you looking for me at this time?"

Yuluo Mian couldn't help muttering.

You know, it's just dawn now. Doesn’t this take up your morning exercise time?

When Yu Luomian came to the meeting hall, Yu Yuan Zhengao, the leader of the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Clan, was sitting on the main seat, obviously having been waiting for a long time.

From his face, Yuluo Mian could not see any expression.

No joy, no sadness, extremely dull.

It's hard to guess what he was thinking.

"Brother, what happened?"

Yu Luo Mian asked in a low voice.

Yu Yuanzhen stretched out a finger and said, "I came to you to talk about two things."


Two things?

Yu Luo Mian was speechless, then what are you doing with your finger?

He thinks Yu Yuanzhen is a bit boring, is he just teasing him so early in the morning?

"Ahem, something went wrong when I was practicing the sect's secret technique. My right hand is stiff and I can only move one finger."

"As for you, don't worry about these details."

Yu Yuanzhen coughed slightly, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

That's okay.

Yu Luo Mian was a little helpless and asked: "Brother, what are the two things you mentioned?"

Hearing this, Yu Yuanzhen didn't sell out anymore and said slowly: "The first thing is about Ning Fengzhi, the leader of Qibao Glazed Sect."


There was a brief silence.

"Ning Fengzhi has achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda has become the Eight Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda?"

Yuluo Mian said in disbelief.

In his opinion, this is probably the only thing that can make his eldest brother pay so much attention to it, right?

However, Yu Yuanzhen shook his head: "No, he is still level 79."

"Hey, I thought he had a breakthrough? Brother, you scared me with every startle."

Yu Luo Mian breathed out a sigh of relief, and then sat down on the chair where Yu Yuan Zhen's head was lowered.

He also picked up the tea on the table and drank it, calming down his shock.

In his opinion, it wouldn't be a big event as long as it wasn't for Ning Fengzhi's martial soul to break through.

"Then what if Ning Fengzhi seriously injured a Contra-level expert in a one-on-one battle?

In fact, if it weren't for the special identity of the opponent, it wouldn't be difficult for Ning Fengzhi to kill him! "

Yu Yuanzhen said slowly in a calm tone.


On the other hand, Yuluo Mian felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his mind went blank.

He slowly turned his head and looked at Yu Yuanzhen, who was not far away from him.

His eyes were full of inquiry, but he recognized the truth of the matter.

"Yes, it's what you think."

Yu Yuanzhen nodded slowly, and he understood the meaning in Yu Luomian's eyes in an instant.


Yu Luo Mian couldn't hold back any longer, and squirted out a mouthful of tea, all of which fell on Yu Yuan Zhen's face.

Yu Yuanzhen was silent.

However, his face was very ugly, and powerful soul power fluctuations were looming, like a volcano about to erupt!

"Brother, please calm down, impulsiveness is the devil."

When Yuluo Mian saw this, he quickly said with a smile.

All the good things said.

After confirming that Yu Yuanzhen would not take action, he asked: "Brother, are you telling the truth? Ning Fengzhi killed a Contra alone?"

When he mentioned this, there was inevitably a hint of doubt in his voice.

To be honest, if the news hadn't come from Yu Yuanzhen's mouth, he wouldn't even be suspicious.

Just give the person who conveyed the message a slap in the face and tell him to get as far away as possible.

Are you kidding me?

Ning Fengzhi, who was fighting against the five scum, killed Contra alone, which was as unbelievable as a sow flying into the sky.

"This news has been transmitted for two days. I have also investigated in many ways, and there is no mistake. There is no mistake about Ning Fengzhi's strength.

What's more, it should be noted that not only is his combat power extremely strong, but his attack methods are also extremely secretive and unpredictable. Before, two soul saints were killed by him inexplicably. "

Although this was not the first time he read this news, Yu Yuanzhen still felt complicated when he mentioned it.

He even felt that even if Ning Fengzhi's martial soul broke through and became the Eight Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, it would be easier to accept than this.

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

This time, Yu Luomian no longer had any doubts, and asked again: "Brother, did you send someone to investigate how Ning Fengzhi did it?"

"Yes, we have checked, but no news has come back yet." Yu Yuanzhen shook his head and said.

"That's it." There was undisguised regret in Yu Luomian's voice.

He had a hunch that if Ning Fengzhi could explode with such fighting power, he must be hiding a huge secret.

"Okay, don't think about it so much for now."

"I will inform you when there is news about Ning Fengzhi."

Yu Yuanzhen said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Yu Luomian nodded and asked, "Brother, what is the second thing?"

The second thing

Speaking of this, Yu Yuanzhen's plain face revealed a complex look.

This news came from his son Yu Xiaogang who left the sect.

He was surprised that Yu Xiaogang could deliver the news.

He was even more surprised to receive such important news.

"The news is here, see for yourself."

Yu Yuanzhen said and handed a letter to Yu Luomian.

"It's still the most urgent news!"

Yu Luo Mian took the letter in his hand and his pupils couldn't help but shrink suddenly.

He realized the seriousness of the problem.


Taking a deep breath, he calmed down his troubled mind and then slowly unfolded the letter.


In just a moment, he was firmly attracted by the content of the letter!

Gradually, Yu Luo Mian's body began to tremble involuntarily.


"Brother, is what is recorded in this letter true?"

"There are really family disciples who have mastered the method of bloodline evolution."

Yu Luo Mian asked in disbelief.

"It shouldn't be wrong. The person who sent the letter is the direct bloodline of our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Although the strength is not very high, the vision is not low. Even if I am better than you and me, I won't give in. It shouldn't be wrong."

"Besides, didn't he say that he has already awakened part of his bloodline? You can tell the authenticity at a glance."

Yu Yuanzhen said slowly.

However, even though he tried his best to hide it, Yu Luo Mian still heard the excitement in his voice.

Can you not be excited?

Everyone knows that the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus is the best beast in the world, but they don't know that there is a more powerful bloodline above the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus.

The Golden Holy Dragon is also called the Bright Holy Dragon. This is the source of their bloodline.

However, this matter has always been a secret in the clan, and almost no one knows about it except the real direct descendants.

And people who know it have always listened to this matter as a story.

Some people even believed that the legend about the Holy Dragon of Light was just a false prosperity created by the ancestors of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family in order to make the family appear more established.

"The ancestors bless you, the ancestors bless you!"

"The Holy Dragon of Light is definitely the top martial spirit in Douluo Continent!"

Yuluo Mian was very excited.

But gradually, Yu Luomian's eyes changed again, and he said with some uncertainty: "Does this handwriting look like Yu Xiaogang's?"

As he said that, he looked at Yu Yuanzhen.

A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on the latter's face, and he nodded unnaturally, "The news did come from Xiaogang."

He also knew what happened back then.

Yu Xiaogang almost made a big joke.

Fortunately, Yu Luo Mian stopped him.

"Brother, forgive me for disagreeing with this matter. I suspect this is probably Yu Xiaogang's plan."

"What's even more outrageous is that his letter said that awakening one's bloodline requires a lot of money and luck. Why do I feel like he's trying to steal money?"

Yu Luomian changed his previous excitement and put on a calm look.

There was still deep disbelief in his eyes!

"Second brother, are you prejudiced against Xiaogang?"

Yu Yuanzhen asked with a frown.

Yu Luo Mian smiled, "Is it so obvious?"


It is clear!

Those who are riding horses are not hiding it at all!

Yu Yuan was shocked and cursed.

"Second brother, you should let go of those old memories."

"Xiao Gang is also unintentional."

Of course what Yu Yuanzhen was talking about was Yu Xiaogang's affair with a girl back then.

Yu Xiaogang's desire to kiss him was something he didn't expect.

"Brother, when Yu Xiaogang said he didn't recognize Liu Erlong, do you believe it?"

"I believe this..."

Yu Luomian said in a deep voice: "Brother, don't deceive yourself. He has read so many books. Although his theory is not very good, he still has a good vision. It is impossible not to recognize that the second dragon is my Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus after being exposed to it for so long. The blood of the family.”


Yu Yuanzhen sighed, not knowing what else to say.

He knew what Yu Luo Mian said was right.

Yu Xiaogang licks his face and acts as a master outside. His so-called theory is a joke, but his vision is not bad. It was impossible not to be able to bear Liu Erlong's identity.

"Brother, don't be embarrassed. Leave Yu Xiaogang's matter to me. If what he said is true, he is naturally a hero of my Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family. I can settle the differences with him and personally welcome him back. ."

"If what he said is false, I will completely expel him from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and he will not be able to step into the sect in this life. How about that?"

Yuluo Mian said in a deep voice.

Yu Yuanzhen hesitated for a moment and nodded heavily: "Okay!"

the other side.

Wuhun City.

Lin Xiao opened the door to receive guests as usual.


It's open for business.

Just, I was stunned.

Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Hu Liena, many titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace, and even Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo are also here

There's even someone behind

"Good guys, what brought you all here?"

Looking at the many familiar faces outside the store, Lin Xiao was really shocked.

Someone outside the store immediately answered:

"Boss, it's the third week, and we're all here for the cans of our choice."

Good night.

Asking for votes.

In addition, Liu Erlong was level 79 yesterday, but my skill level was level 89, and I have already made changes.

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