I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 260 The Demon Bear is heartbroken, slaps one million, and it’s gone!

After listening to everyone's words, Lin Xiao showed a look of surprise.

Yes, many people like Magic Bear, Ghost Leopard, or the Golden Trio are regular customers. As long as you purchase ten jars this week, you will meet the conditions and you can get an extra lucky prayer jar.

After opening it, you can choose an item of rare level.

No wonder people are looking forward to it so much.

Looking at everyone, Lin Xiao was also very excited.

He has foreseen that the store's sales today will hit a record high. At least it would cost two hundred or three hundred, right?

"If I open two to three hundred cans in a row, can I be promoted to level 90?"

"No matter what happens, Contra should be fine!"

Unknowingly, Lin Xiao's heart became hot. It was as if I saw a higher realm waving to me.

"Which one of you will come first?" he asked, looking at the people outside the store.

Who comes first?

Demon Bear Douluo, Ghost Leopard Douluo and other Spirit Hall elders looked at each other in confusion.

To be honest, they had all been waiting for a long time until today, and everyone wanted to come first.

Ning Fengzhi, Ghost Douluo, Sword Douluo and others also frowned slightly.

It can be said that the self-selected jar is also very attractive to them!


Wouldn't it be nice for everyone to fight in front of the shop just because of who can open the can first?

"Then first come, first served. Who of you came first in the morning?"

Lin Xiao saw that no one came out for a while, so he had to ask again.


"And I!"

As soon as he said this, someone made a sound.

Lin Xiao looked over and saw that it was Demon Bear Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo.

"Did you two come together?" Lin Xiao asked.

"Yeah, we came together in the middle of the night when we couldn't sleep."

Demon Bear Douluo scratched his head with his generous hand and grinned.


"I met you in the middle of the night. Didn't you say you were going to pee?"

"You actually came here to open the can? You are so scheming."

Suddenly, Ghost Leopard Douluo's voice sounded at this moment, and he stabbed Demon Bear Douluo unceremoniously in the back.


Demon Bear Douluo was still a little embarrassed when his old story was revealed.

At this moment, Snake Spear Douluo patted him on the shoulder and said, "He's here, don't pay attention to what he said. He's just jealous."

With that said, he stood out from the crowd, came to the door of the shop, turned around, clasped his fists and said to everyone: "Everyone, I, She, will go first."

When the voice fell, he had already stepped into the shop.

"Yes, anyway, I opened the jar first today."

Demon Bear Douluo said with a grin and walked into the shop.

Ghost Leopard Douluo could only stamp his feet in anger.

However, when Demon Bear Douluo came to the shop, Snake Spear Douluo had already paid the money and selected the jar he wanted.

"It's too late."

The smile on Demon Bear Douluo's face faltered.

"Boss, can I directly choose the lucky prayer jar now?"

When ten jars were placed in front of Snake Spear Douluo, he was not in a hurry to open them. Instead, he looked at Lin Xiao and asked.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao nodded slightly and said two words: "Okay."

That's right.

The prerequisite for purchasing the Lucky Prayer Jar is purchasing thirty jars.

Although Snake Spear Douluo has not opened the jar now, the money has been paid and the purchase conditions have been met.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Xiao did not speak anymore, but came to the middle of the counter and took down the lucky prayer jar placed in the middle. He held it with both hands and handed it to Snake Spear Douluo.

Excited heart, trembling hands. Snake Spear Douluo took the jar excitedly.

"Finally got it." On the side, Demon Bear Douluo also showed a blazing light in his eyes.

Snake Spear Douluo's current self is waiting for a while.

"Old She, have you decided what to change?"

Subconsciously, Demon Bear Douluo asked in a deep voice.

"No need to ask. I have already thought about what to open since I opened the jar for the first time."

Snake Spear Douluo looked confident, but he still gave it away, "As for what I want, you can just decide."

"Tch, you are still being mysterious with me." Demon Bear Douluo curled his lips in disdain, but his eyes were very honest, staring closely at the jar in Snake Spear Douluo's hand, for fear of missing the wonderful moment.

Even Lin Xiao looked over, wanting to see what choice Snake Spear Douluo would make.


There was a crisp sound and the jar shattered.

However, what is shocking is that there is nothing in the jar, only a purple light flashing.

"How is this going?"

Snake Spear Douluo was a little surprised,

This situation has never happened before.

"Just put your hand into this ball of light and silently recite the name of the item you want."

Lin Xiao's voice rang in Snake Spear Douluo's ears, clarifying his doubts.

“So that’s how it’s supposed to be”

Snake Spear Douluo's heart moved and he stretched his hand into the ball of light.

Suddenly, items appeared in his mind like a fleeting glance.

Proficiency capsules, experience capsules, mutant strawberries, enhancers, amplifiers, and even probabilistic enhancement rolls, etc.


"It would be great if I could have them all."

Snake Spear Douluo secretly sipped his saliva.

However, I also know that this can only be thought about.

"Forget it, stop reading. The more you read, the more you hesitate."

Finally he made up his mind.


Under the gaze of Lin Xiao and Demon Bear Douluo, an object appeared in the purple light group.

Amplifier? Lin Xiao immediately recognized the object in Snake Spear Douluo's hand.

"You actually chose it?"

Demon Bear Douluo frowned and couldn't help but say.

There was a hint of surprise in his tone.

"What, can't I choose the amplifier?"

Snake Spear Douluo asked puzzledly.

"Brother, if you could open an amplifier in normal times, it would definitely be a joyful thing. But it's different now. There are so many good things in the jar. It's definitely not worth choosing an amplifier."

Demon Bear Douluo shook his head and said.

Even sighing.

"You said it's not worthwhile to choose an amplifier? Then tell me which one is worth choosing?"

Snake Spear Douluo wanted to hear what Demon Bear Douluo had to say.

"Does this need to be said? Of course, choose the increasing volume or the strengthening volume. Give it a try."

Demon Bear Douluo expressed his thoughts without hesitation.

Give it a try?

Hearing this, Snake Spear Douluo was startled at first, then shook his head.

He didn't agree with what Demon Bear Douluo said. Instead of fighting for the illusory luck, he prefers to improve steadily.

On the side, Lin Xiao, as a bystander, couldn't help but take a second look at Demon Bear Douluo.

Compared to Snake Spear Douluo, he admired Demon Bear Douluo more.

Betting on dogs is the primary productive force in opening jars, and such people can stimulate people to consume more.

"Brother, have you seen it? Boss Lin also agrees with my idea."

Sensing Lin Xiao's gaze, Demon Bear Douluo puffed up his chest as if he had been praised, and said proudly: "We, the soul masters, should be willing to challenge and dare to climb the mountain.

If you don’t go through great dangers, how can you achieve great breakthroughs? It’s too comfortable, I might as well go back to my hometown and farm! "

After saying that, he glanced at Snake Spear Douluo provocatively.

Like a primary school student who has been praised by the teacher, he looks arrogant.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao shook his head as if it was unsearchable. I don't have that many deep meanings, it's all just made up by your head.

"Do you think I care about you?"

Snake Spear Douluo stopped looking at Demon Bear Douluo and used the amplifier in his hand with his backhand.

With the snake spear in hand, a more powerful aura burst out.

"Ma De, we are both old brothers from the beginning. Regardless of external forces, in terms of strength alone, She Long is definitely above me."

Demon Bear Douluo clearly sensed that Snake Spear Douluo had become stronger again.

Unexpectedly, the little brother at the beginning, Snake Spear Douluo, who was called the shameful title of Wuhun Hall, would suddenly become the big brother of the Elder Hall.

Demon Bear Douluo suddenly felt an unreal feeling in his heart.

"Fortunately, I still have weapons like the weightless gun, little friend." He was a little lucky that he still had some evil tricks, otherwise he would have been crushed by Snake Spear Douluo.

"But this situation won't last long. After a while, I will choose a probabilistic amplification scroll to increase my martial spirit to +7. I can crush Snake Spear Douluo even without relying on external force. "

As he thought this, a light seemed to flicker in his eyes.


At this time, Snake Spear Douluo didn't know what he was thinking, but he was focusing on opening the can.

Click, click.

Ten jars were opened in the blink of an eye.

Even when they were almost there, Demon Bear Douluo didn't see clearly what Snake Spear Douluo had opened, and the items in the jars on the counter were cleared away.

"Brother, you are too small. Didn't I just say a few words unintentionally? Didn't you drive so much that you didn't even show me anything?"

Demon Bear Douluo snorted with some dissatisfaction.

"It's not that I'm small, but there are so many people outside the store waiting to open the cans. They will come in only when we go out.

I am thinking about Boss Lin. "

Snake Spear Douluo said calmly.

This time, Demon Bear Douluo stopped talking, but he was muttering in his heart, "Snake Spear Douluo is using Boss Lin to pressure him. Okay, you win!"

Who makes the world the biggest, Boss Lin is the biggest?

Seeing Snake Spear Douluo retreating step by step from the counter, Demon Bear Douluo stepped forward without much hesitation.


A sculpture full of vicissitudes of life was placed on the counter.

"Boss, do you think this thing is worth one million gold soul coins?"

Demon Bear Douluo asked as he saw Lin Xiao making some progress.

Simply put, he was out of money.

I can only take out some items to exchange for jars.

This sculpture was given to him by a nobleman many years ago and is said to be of great value.

In fact, he even went to the appraiser to find out if he was afraid of making a mistake.

He believed that the appraiser who nearly died of fright after seeing his nine soul rings did not dare to deceive him.

[Precious antique statue: value 1001001]

Good guy, items worth millions of gold soul coins are really rare.

After getting the detailed item information, Lin Xiao subconsciously looked at the sculpture more anxiously.

After just a moment, he couldn't help but shake his head.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any artistic bacteria in his body, and he couldn't see the beauty of this sculpture after looking at it for a long time.

On the other hand, he didn't notice that Demon Bear Douluo's face turned dark.

Boss Lin shook his head!

He shook his head!

Could it be that this sculpture is a fake?

He thought to himself.

Anger was also ignited at this moment.

"Grudge, I was deceived. This thing is worthless at all."

"Forget it if it's not valuable, it's embarrassing to get it in Boss Lin's shop."

"Ma De, a little appraiser, dares to deceive even a titled Douluo? He really doesn't know who the big and small kings are!"

Demon Bear Douluo even felt ashamed.

So embarrassing!

Immediately, he slapped his palm on the sculpture on the counter with thunderous force.


The counter was intact, but the statue on the counter shattered and was beaten to pieces.


Lin Xiao was stunned, looking at Demon Bear Douluo with a puzzled expression, and asked: "What are you doing?"

Lin Xiao cursed in his heart, wasn't Demon Bear Douluo teasing me?

If you smash a sculpture worth millions of gold soul coins without changing the jar, it's just for fun, right?

Demon Bear Douluo waved his hand and said sternly: "Boss Lin, you don't have to worry about my sadness and comfort me. Such fakes should not exist in the world to prevent more people from being harmed in the future."

"Huh? I heard you right. You said this sculpture is a fake?"

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and said softly: "This is not a fake, but an antique artwork worth millions of gold soul coins."

After Lin Xiao finished speaking, the venue suddenly became quiet.

Woo woo

The early morning wind blew in through the window and gently hit Demon Bear Douluo.

"Boss, you, are you saying that this statue is not a fake. It is actually worth millions of gold soul coins?"

Demon Bear Douluo thought about what Lin Xiao had just said and couldn't help but ask again.

He wanted confirmation.

"It was before, but not anymore."

Lin Xiao looked at the scattered statues on the counter and said slowly.

This is not a lie, because the item information is like this:

[A pile of rotten stones, value: less than one copper soul coin. 】

Lin Xiao sighed: "You were so strong that you lost even a valuable piece. Now a gold soul coin is not worth anything."


Lin Xiao's words made Demon Bear Douluo feel like he was struck by lightning.

He is stupid!

Really stupid!

Millions of gold soul coins were taken away by me?

This is even less reliable than opening a can!


Blood loss!

He asked with a mournful face: "Boss Lin, since this is a treasure, why are you shaking your head?"

"I thought it was a fake. I was so angry that I wanted to take it out on this sculpture."

Huh? Isn’t that right?

Did he blame me for saying that?

No, I can’t take the blame for anything!

Lin Xiao frowned when he heard the sound, and said in a deep voice: "I shook my head because this item is so rare, and I was filled with emotion and amazement! I never said a word about 'fake'."

Is this really the case? Demon Bear Douluo expressed doubts.

At this time, Lin Xiao's gaze passed over Demon Bear Douluo and looked at Snake Spear Douluo.

The latter immediately understood, strode forward, and said to Demon Bear Douluo: "This is your fault! Boss Lin did not deceive you at all."

"I can see clearly that Boss Lin didn't say anything, so you just smashed the thing."

"I" After listening to Snake Spear Douluo's words, Demon Bear Douluo opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

The baby feels bitter, but doesn't say anything.

"Forget it, we have to continue opening the can, right?"

Thinking about it, Demon Bear Douluo took out another item and placed it on the counter.

Without exception, they are all rare things.

[Antique calligraphy and painting: worth 100,000 trading points. 】



Soon, Lin Xiao put away a large number of items and only returned two gadgets to Demon Bear Douluo.

"Enough, these things are enough to exchange for ten jars," he said to Demon Bear Douluo.

"Finally enough is enough."

Hearing this, Demon Bear Douluo took a deep breath, selected ten jars, and took the lucky prayer jar in his hand.

"I hope there are amplification papers in the jar with a higher success rate. Let me restore my health."

With this thought in mind, he smashed the lucky prayer jar without hesitation.

Good night.

I'm not feeling well today, so I'm reluctant to update. A little late.

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