I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 261 Qian Renxue comes again, I still want to see the future


Purple light flashed, and an item appeared in the hands of Demon Bear Douluo.

+7 Gold Amplification Volume!

Lin Xiao took a look and got the item information.

"Devil Bear, are you crazy?"

"You actually chose the Golden Amplification Scroll? This thing only has a success rate of 30!"

Snake Spear Douluo frowned.

In his opinion, this is not a wise choice.

Anyone who has ever opened a can knows that there is almost no big difference between the success rate of 30 and 0.

"Do you think I don't want papers with higher odds?"

"But there's nothing in the jar either!"

There was a look of helplessness on Demon Bear Douluo's face.

He remembered that Lin Xiao had said that the enhancement scrolls had different grades such as gold, platinum, jade, diamond, etc., and the success rates were also different.

But he searched carefully in the self-selection jar, but did not find the increase paper with a high probability of success.

The strengthening roll did have a +7 success rate of 90%, but he didn't like it.

He can still make a clear choice between doubling the life of the soul ring and doubling the strength of the martial soul.

Even a hundred thousand year old soul ring was not enough to make Demon Bear Douluo change his choice.

"Normally speaking, the grade of the amplification scroll is higher than that of the enhancement scroll. If you want an amplification scroll with a high success rate, you will definitely not be able to find it among rare items. At least you need an artifact."

Lin Xiao said, then looked at Demon Bear Douluo and asked: "However, the +7 enhancement roll should be able to choose one with a 90% success rate, right?"


Demon Bear Douluo scratched his head in embarrassment, "But between +7 increase and +7 enhancement, +7 increase must be the greater improvement."

The implication is obvious, he likes big ones


It's a big improvement.

"Brother, you are still too impulsive. Choosing enhancers, enhancement rolls, or upgrade rolls will improve your strength steadily.

But if you choose an increase roll with a 30 chance of success, your strength may increase by 0. I had to buy thirty jars in exchange for the jar of my choice, which was really a waste. "

Beside, Snake Spear Douluo sighed endlessly.

In his opinion, Demon Bear Douluo was a typical example of a person who was useless even if he was given a chance.

"A waste of opportunity?"

Hearing this, Demon Bear Douluo was startled for a moment, then quickly waved his hand and said with a smile, "No, no, people are different."

"Based on my luck, I believe that the increase will be successful. A 30% increase in volume is already a success for me."

do not know why.

Demon Bear Douluo had such an intuition this time, and it was very strong.

He believed that this must be a hint given to him by Boss Lin, and it must not be an illusion.

"It's hard to persuade someone who is looking for death with good words."

"Forget it, let it be."

In this regard, Snake Spear Douluo expressed his helplessness. Demon Bear Douluo had already made his choice, so he could only go to the dark side.


At this moment, there was a sound of cloth breaking, and Demon Bear Douluo had torn the +7 gold amplification scroll in his hand into two pieces.

In an instant, he was enveloped in a bright light!


Suddenly, the shadow of a giant bear with black body and blood-red pupils appeared behind Demon Bear Douluo, looking up to the sky and roaring.

Strong soul power fluctuations swept across like a strong wind.

Sudden changes occur.

Lin Xiao and Snake Spear Douluo could clearly see that Demon Bear Douluo seemed to be on drugs, and his body had swelled several times.

The phantom of the demon bear behind him seemed to be becoming real!

"The increase of +7 is so terrifying. If Demon Bear Douluo really succeeds, then his strength will make a qualitative leap!"

“Compared to before, it’s a huge difference.”

Snake Spear Douluo's eyes twitched slightly and he couldn't help but mutter.

I have to say that he suddenly felt a little envious.

Although the risk for Demon Bear Douluo to do this is not small, if it succeeds, the benefits will be huge.

However, at the next moment, Demon Bear Douluo's body mutated and regenerated!

In his sight, the virtual image of the giant bear behind Demon Bear Douluo was like a deflated rubber ball, gradually shrinking and returning to its original appearance.

"This is..." Snake Spear Douluo murmured in disbelief.

"Failed." Lin Xiao's voice sounded faintly.

[Reinforcement failed. 】

At this moment, there was also a mechanical sound in Demon Bear Douluo's ears.

These four simple words, even a bit mechanical, to Demon Bear Douluo, were like thunder exploding in his ears!


He actually fucking failed?

Just now I clearly felt that it was done!

Demon Bear Douluo's heart was extremely complicated and he didn't know what to say at all.


After a long time, he sighed and couldn't believe that it was a lie.

There is no doubt that thirty jars bring zero chance of improvement. It would be false to say that it is not heartbreaking.

He looked at Snake Spear Douluo and said bitterly: "If I had known, I would have listened to you before."

"Let the past pass, and look forward as if nothing happened." Snake Spear Douluo gently patted Demon Bear Douluo's shoulder to express comfort.

"That's what I say, but it's too difficult. I can't do it."

"Even if I just chose an amplifier and increased my martial soul to 1, didn't my strength increase steadily?"

Demon Bear Douluo shook his head and sighed.

"The opportunity has been wasted. What's the point of waiting for it to be an afterthought?"

When Snake Spear Douluo mentioned this, he became very angry, "The way you looked just now, it was as if I wanted to trick you."


"It's too high. It was too high just now."

Demon Bear Douluo heard the complaints in Snake Spear Douluo's words, and looked embarrassed.

"People should look forward. Although you have lost one jar, there are ten jars waiting for you in front of you. The opportunity is always in the next jar."

At this time, Lin Xiao spoke slowly: "If one amplification scroll doesn't work, just two, if two doesn't work, then three. People can only be black for a while, but they can't be black for a lifetime."

Hearing this, Demon Bear Douluo was startled, "Is there really still a chance?"


Lin Xiao nodded slightly and pointed to the ten jars on the counter, "The papers with a 30% success rate are in the jars of your choice, and there are also ordinary jars.

As long as you are lucky, every jar will be a self-selected jar. It is even said that ordinary jars have greater potential than self-selected jars, and it is not impossible to open an increase scroll with a higher probability of success. "

Hearing this, Demon Bear Douluo looked at the jar on the counter with confusion in his eyes.

Gradually, there was a bright light in his eyes again.

"Indeed, the most that can be found in the self-selected jars are rare-level items. If I'm lucky, artifact-level items can also be found!"

With that said, he picked up the lucky magic hammer and prepared to open the can.

the other side.

Deep in the Star Forest.

The lake of life, which was as calm as sapphire, started to boil like boiling water.

"There is something strange. Could it be that the Lord is leaving seclusion again?"

By the lake, Zi Ji, Bi Ji, Xiong Jun and other soul beast overlords were waiting. At this time, they were all looking at the Lake of Life nervously.

After Ditian left two days ago, Gu Yuena returned to the bottom of the lake to practice and never appeared again.

"Where is Ditian?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded. At the same time, Gu Yuena's peerless figure also appeared in front of everyone, floating quietly above the lake.

"Welcome the Lord to leave the seclusion."

After seeing Gu Yuena's figure clearly, everyone hurriedly knelt down on one knee and said respectfully.

Needless to say, Gu Yuena's powerful aura makes people want to surrender involuntarily.

Everyone felt that Gu Yuena seemed to be stronger this time.

"Who can answer my question?"

At this moment, Gu Yuena's faint voice sounded again.

"My Lord, Lord Di Tian went to pick up Xiao Wu, but he has not returned yet."

Finally Zi Ji spoke. There was still a lot of worry in his voice.

"Not back yet?"

"It seems something happened to Ditian."

Gu Yuena frowned slightly and whispered softly. ,

Then he suddenly disappeared under the gaze of everyone.

"Where has your lord gone?"

After another moment, Mr. Xiong said in a low voice.

"He must have gone to Wuhun City to find Di Tian."

Brigitte said softly.

"I hope the Lord can bring Lord Ditian back safely."

Zi Ji said quietly.

"Tch, Zi Ji, what are you talking about?

It’s not like you don’t know how powerful the Lord is. You don’t think there are things that the Lord can’t do in this small Douluo Continent, right? "

After listening to Zi Ji's words, Xiong Jun said angrily.

the other side.

Wuhun City, in a small shop.

Demon Bear Douluo waved goodbye to Lin Xiao with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, boss. I feel much better after driving these things."

On the side, Snake Spear Douluo said angrily: "Stop laughing, you can see your stomach."

It was not difficult for Demon Bear Douluo to hear some complaints in his voice.

"Haha, brother, don't blame me. Didn't you show me the result of opening the jar before?"

"Now we are even."

Demon Bear Douluo sneered.

Snake Spear Douluo heard the sound and sneered angrily, "Little chicken intestines."

Demon Bear Douluo sneered in return, "Isn't this someone I learned from?"

"Okay, you have the guts."

"It looks like you should have gained something good, right? How about we compete tonight?"

Snake Spear Douluo was furious and took the initiative to invite a fight.

"Haha, okay, let's fight, whoever shoots whom? Then I will let you know that your eldest brother will always be your eldest brother."

Demon Bear Douluo sneered and walked out of the shop door first.

Snake Spear Douluo said 'goodbye' to Lin Xiao and followed closely behind.

"What a pure plastic brotherhood these two have."

When Lin Xiao saw this, he couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

However, he really wanted to see the outcome of the duel between the two tonight.

Da da da.

Just as Demon Bear and Snake Spear left, a crisp sound sounded.

Lin Xiao looked up and saw Qian Renxue in a gorgeous dress walking in slowly.

"Boss Lin, long time no see."

Qian Renxue smiled.

Incomparably beautiful.

Lin Xiao noticed that Qian Renxue was a little different this time. There was less solemnity and worry between her brows, giving people a relaxed feeling.

Maybe it's because he has mastered the Tiandou Empire.

Lin Xiao could roughly guess the girl's thoughts.

"Long time no see? It seems like it's only been a few days, right?"

Lin Xiao touched his nose gently and joked.


The expression on Qian Renxue's pretty face froze.

Lin Xiao was left speechless after just a polite word from him.

"However, I didn't expect you to come so early."

Lin Xiao's voice sounded again.

"After returning to Wuhun City, I came here non-stop. But even so, the two elders, Demon Bear and Snake Spear, were still ahead of me."

Qian Renxue's voice was a bit sad.

Lin Xiao nodded lightly, "Let's get started, you can't wait any longer."

Uh, what kind of nonsense is this?

Besides, they are also very reserved, okay!

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Qian Renxue's pretty face suddenly turned red.

More or less, it's a little embarrassing.

There was no way, given her status, almost no one would dare to speak to her like this.

Even if there were, the grass on the grave would probably be two meters high!

Lin Xiao can be said to be the only one!

"Hey, an iceberg beauty can also be shy?"

Lin Xiao thought to himself.

I have to say, it’s really a bit of a surprise.

But, did I say anything too much? no?

Putting away the millions of gold soul coins that Qian Renxue used to buy the jar, Lin Xiao did not forget to explain: "Counting this time, this is only the second time you have opened the jar.

There is no way to open the Lucky Prayer Jar and choose the contents of the jar like most people do outside the store. "

"I understand." Qian Renxue nodded slightly, raised her hand and held the Lucky Magic Hammer in her hand.

"Boss, may I still have a chance to draw the divination card that I got last time?" Qian Renxue suddenly asked.

The last time she saw a glimpse of the future, it made her feel uneasy. Although she ordered a nationwide arrest for Tang San, there was no result.

However, it didn't mean that everything was accomplished. At least she succeeded in becoming the emperor of the Tiandou Empire.

She wanted to see what changes would happen in the future after what she had done.

"Yes, yes."

Lin Xiao nodded, "But whether you can get what you want depends on your own luck."

Qian Renxue heard the sound and nodded gently, then raised and lowered her jade hand.


The jar shattered, and there was a flash of purple light.

But Qian Renxue didn't stop, and came down with another hammer.


Another jar shattered.

Another flash of purple light.

"You're lucky. I don't know how long it's been since I've seen someone get two rare items in succession."

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he praised in a low voice.

"Is that true?"

On the other hand, after Qian Renxue heard Lin Xiao's words clearly, an undetectable smile appeared on her lips. Smashed another jar again.


It’s purple light again!

"Three rare items in a row, what kind of luck is this?"

When Lin Xiao saw this, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

I have to say that Qian Renxue's luck is somewhat unreasonable.

If Demon Bear Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo who just walked out of the door saw this, their jaws would drop in shock, right?

Look at people, this is just opening a can.


Looking at Qian Renxue again, she couldn't help but gasp.

To be honest, she was also shocked.

"I thought my luck would not be too bad, but I never thought it would be so good."

She opened three rare-level items in succession, and even she was surprised.

"Try again and see, maybe there will be surprises."

At this moment, Lin Xiao's voice sounded softly in Qian Renxue's ears.

He calmed down.

Thinking about it now, although the probability of what happened to Qian Renxue was outrageous, it was normal.

It is true that the probability in the dungeon is ridiculously low.

However, there is a group of people who are simply like dog bearers. For example: to strengthen a weapon by +10, click three times to get thirteen, and click two times to get fifteen.

Compared to this, Qian Renxue's opening of three rare items in a row was nothing.

However, Lin Xiao soon stopped thinking so.

Because Qian Renxue opened the can again.

Click, the fourth jar, purple light.

Click, the fifth jar, purple light.

Excuse me, is it normal for five jars in a row to be all rare?

Waiting online, quite urgent.

Unfortunately, I got a stomach flu.

I didn't go to work today and took time off for infusion. After feeling a little better, I got up from bed and coded these two chapters.

No more talking, I went to bed.

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