I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 266 Lin Xiao’s smile, one of the mysteries!

In the Angel Temple, under the tall and majestic angel statue, Qian Renxue suddenly opened her eyes.

There was a look of surprise that could not be concealed in her beautiful eyes.

The powerful soul power fluctuations are vague and uncertain.

"Amazing, really amazing!"

"The upgrade scroll can really improve your cultivation without any drawbacks!"

She muttered in disbelief.

You know, if she hadn't experienced it personally, she would never believe that there were such outrageous things in the world.


At this moment, the door of the temple was opened and Qian Daoliu walked in.

"Hahaha, it seems that my perception is correct. It was indeed you who made a breakthrough."

Qian Daoliu's eyes moved slightly and he said with a smile.

"Grandpa, you are back."

Qian Renxue's eyes flashed with joy.

"I'm back, I'm back. Grandpa didn't expect to get a big surprise as soon as he came back."

There was an unstoppable smile on Qian Daoliu's lips.

There is no doubt that Qian Renxue is outstanding and has won the favor of Qian Daoliu.

"Grandpa, look at what you said, my cultivation has only improved by two small levels, it's not a surprise."

Qian Renxue tugged at the corner of her clothes and said with some embarrassment.

"This is not a small improvement. I think your current cultivation level is not far from Contra, right?

When grandpa was as old as you, he didn't have the cultivation level you have now. "

Qian Daoliu shook his head slightly, with a hint of reminiscence in his eyes.

Of course, what he said was more about his appreciation for Qian Renxue.

The more outstanding a person is, the more he needs encouragement.

"Grandpa, how can Xue'er compare with you? The reason for my breakthrough in cultivation is because of a trick. If I rely on my own efforts to achieve my current state, I'm afraid it will take a year or two to have any hope."

Qian Renxue said with a somewhat complicated expression.

A trick?

Qian Daoliu was startled for a moment, but soon thought of something.

"Did you get the experience capsule or upgrade coupon in the store?" He asked tentatively.

In his opinion, only these two things can improve strength.

"It's an upgrade volume."

Qian Renxue thought for a moment and then added: "And there's more than one upgrade coupon."

Unconsciously, there was a smile in her voice.

Seems very cheerful.

"Quick, tell me what happened."

Hearing the sound, Qian Daoliu couldn't restrain his curiosity and asked hurriedly.


Qian Renxue let out a sigh of relief, briefly sorted out her thoughts and said, "This is what happened."

She spoke slowly.

She not only told what happened this time, but even what happened last time.

"So, you are able to ascend to the position of Emperor Tiandou, thanks to Boss Lin."

Qian Daoliu couldn't help but say after listening to Qian Renxue's story.

"If Boss Lin hadn't allowed me to see a glimpse of the future and my future failure, I wouldn't have chosen such a radical way to obtain the throne."

"I also have to thank Boss Lin. If he hadn't allowed me to obtain the destiny coin, it would be difficult for me to find a treasure that would allow Xue Ye to take the risk."

Qian Renxue's expression became increasingly complicated.

She believed that her success today was inseparable from Lin Xiao's help.

Although, Lin Xiao has always denied his help and repeatedly emphasized that whatever he can get is his luck. But Qian Renxue doesn't think so.

If you don't do it deliberately, you can still get so many things you need?

Qian Renxue didn't believe it.

Besides, among the many elders of Wuhun Hall, no one in the worship circle knows that Boss Lin is a philanthropist who does good deeds without leaving his name.

"Hey, Boss Lin really helped us."

Qian Daoliu sighed slightly.

The voice was full of emotion.

When it comes to the emergence of can stores, which force will benefit the most. Qian Daoliu felt that he must belong to the Wuhun Palace.

As long as you are an elder or an enshrined Douluo or above, your strength can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds.

For example, Snake Spear Douluo, known as the Shame of Titled Douluo, has long been proud and has washed away his previous shame.

"Grandpa, when it comes to Boss Lin, I've always wanted to know who he is."

Qian Renxue was silent for a moment and then asked suddenly.

She believed that her grandfather was well-informed and would be able to give her a satisfactory answer.

Who is Boss Lin?

Qian Daoliu was startled for a moment, shook his head and said: "To be honest, I think he is probably not a human being!"

not human?

Qian Renxue was startled at first, and then she said a little bit coquettishly: "Grandpa, how can you curse others? Boss Lin has never treated our Wuhun Palace badly!"

"How could I curse anyone?"

Qian Daoliu spread his hands helplessly, with an innocent look on his face.

But he couldn't help but curse in his heart: "I can't tell that there is something wrong with my granddaughter's arm."

Typical elbows turned outward.

Qian Daoliu felt that this was a disease and needed to be cured.

"Aren't you swearing?" Qian Renxue refused.

If it were anyone else, it would be fine, but when it came to Boss Lin, she just felt a little uncomfortable.

"Good people should not be insulted like this"

"Yes, that's right!"

Qian Renxue secretly told herself that this was the reason.

"You really misunderstood."

Qian Daoliu smiled bitterly and said: "What I mean is that Boss Lin is not a human being. But, he is a god!"



Qian Renxue was suddenly shocked.

How do gods exist?

Supreme, overlooking all living beings.

No one can offend or blaspheme.

The so-called strong men on Douluo Continent are just like ants in front of them.

Even Qian Daoliu, as the great enshrinement of Wuhun Palace, may appear to be beautiful, but in fact he is just a servant of the God of Angels.

"Grandpa, are you kidding me?"

Qian Renxue said in disbelief.

In other words, she really couldn’t believe it!

"At the beginning, I thought Boss Lin was the same as me. He was also the spokesperson of a certain god on Douluo Continent."

"But the more contact I get, the more I feel that my inference is wrong."

"If nothing else, Boss Lin's strength far exceeds mine."

As Qian Daoliu spoke, all the things he had done with Lin Xiao appeared in his mind involuntarily.

He became more and more determined in his thoughts.

"Is it just because of strength?" Qian Renxue asked again.

"You should know Bo Saixi of Poseidon Island. She is the high priest chosen by Poseidon. Her strength is only about the same as mine. This is what a ninety-nine-level titled Douluo with divine power should have. Divine power.

But Boss Lin went far beyond this limit. I felt that if he wanted to kill me, it would be no different than crushing an ant to death. I have lived for so many years, and apart from God, I can’t think of anyone who could bring me such pressure. "

Qian Daoliu said with some palpitations: "Of course, this is just one of them."

Qian Daoliu said, then looked at Qian Renxue and asked: "Xue'er, if you think carefully about the things Boss Lin did, there is nothing that humans can do!

Enhancers, amplifiers, upgrade scrolls, and other magical items can increase one's strength without any reason. "

Qian Renxue nodded, "Indeed, I have never seen these things even if I look through the history of Douluo Continent."

"That's not all. The most shocking thing is that these items have almost no restrictions. Even if they are used by a powerful Titled Douluo, the benefits obtained remain unchanged.

For example: magic juice, amplifiers, enhancers, and other treasures, even if I use them, I will still get corresponding benefits."

"You must know that this is extremely amazing. Even the God of Angels cannot improve my strength with external force. But Boss Lin can. So I doubt that Boss Lin's strength is a real god! It may even be better than the God of Angels. Want a powerful god!”

Qian Daoliu said, his voice couldn't help but tremble.

Look at him, Bo Saixi, and even the gods that Tang Chen serves. They are ethereal and aloof.

Boss Lin is different, he is in the human world.

"Boss Lin, is he really not a human being!?"

After listening to Qian Daoliu's analysis, Qian Renxue didn't know what to say at all.

She had been stunned, shocked, and now she was numb.

And at this time.

In a small shop.

Zhu Zhuyun, Zhu Zhuyun looked at the items in Ning Rongrong's hands in astonishment.

Ning Rongrong was seen dragging a small jar in his hand.

It’s none other than Yunmi’s marriage jar.

"Rongrong, why did you choose this!"

"Isn't this nonsense!"

Zhu Zhuqing was startled at first, and then said with an ugly expression.

She really regarded Ning Rongrong as her best friend, so she felt angry about Ning Rongrong's weird behavior.

You know, it's such a pity that the opportunity that I waited for three weeks was wasted like this.

On the side, Zhu Zhuyun was extremely complicated.

What does it mean? Could it be that the Qibao Glazed Sect is actually a silver-like pewter spearhead?

The clouds blowing outside cover the world, and the richest man in the world is actually empty inside. Ning Rongrong needs to open a jar of gold coins to gain luck and change her destiny?

No way?

Really not!

No one knew that Zhu Zhuyun had already started to brainstorm the script.

And if Ning Fengzhi knew about this script, he might laugh out loud.

"Hehe, Zhuqing, don't be angry. I've been looking at it for a long time, but it's not what I'm after. It's better to open a gold coin jar and seek some excitement."

Ning Rongrong was not angry when she saw Zhu Zhuqing rising, but said with a smile.

"What does it mean to have no pursuit? If you open an enhancer or amplifier, your strength will be truly improved. Even the upgrade coupons can be worth your months of hard work."

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but list them one by one for Ning Rongrong.

"Okay I'm sorry."

"I admit, I just felt itchy for a moment. I just wanted to see how many gold soul coins I could open."

Ning Rongrong raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"You, this is an opportunity that cost you three million gold soul coins. If you don't use it to improve your strength, you will suffer a big loss!"

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing shook his head helplessly.

Things have already happened. Well, there's no point in saying more, right?

"No, no, no."

"The jar you exchanged for three million gold soul coins will be even more of a loss if you use it to improve your strength. Only by choosing the items you like and want can you realize its value!"

"To be honest, when you finished opening the gold coin jar, my hands were itchy. I thought I would open one and try it out to experience it."

Ning Rongrong said, excitedly rubbing Yunmi's bonding jar with her little hands, with a look of joy on her face.

Very good, it also explains what it means to be rich and willful!

When Lin Xiao saw Ning Rongrong's appearance at this time, he somewhat understood why the rich people in the previous life spent money to do outrageous things.

In short, it can be summed up in one sentence: If money is hard to buy, I am willing!

"Hey, then you can start it. I hope you can face the results calmly after opening it. Don't be frustrated because you can't meet your expectations."

Zhu Zhuqing sighed and said helplessly.

It was also a reminder to Ning Rongrong.

Ning Rongrong gently placed the jar in her hand on the counter, then tilted her head and said to Zhu Zhuqing: "Zhuqing, actually it doesn't matter how much it costs, and I'm not interested either. I just want to experience opening a gold coin jar. It’s just a process.”

"In other words, as long as the jar is broken, my goal has been achieved."

Zhu Zhuqing: "."

Lin Xiao: "As expected of Ning Fengzhi's daughter, she also has these pretentious sayings."

He could only comment on this in two words: excellent!

"Stop talking, I can't wait to smash this jar."

Ning Rongrong was very excited: "If nothing else, I opened twelve jars of one million gold soul coins today, which is already a huge profit."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuyun couldn't hold back any longer.

I cried out in my heart: Good guy, this is the first time I have heard that someone just enjoys opening cans. No matter what you open, as long as you open the jar, you will make money, right?

However, I would like to see how much you can see.

One hundred thousand, one million?

Well, no more.

Zhu Zhuyun thought to himself.

This was not because she was cursing Ning Rongrong, but because she was a person who had experienced it, she knew how deceptive the gold coin jar was.

Except for Zhu Zhuqing's entrustment, it is impossible for anyone to open millions more gold soul coins.


At this moment, Ning Rongrong smashed Yun Mi's bonding jar.

Clatter, the crisp sound of the gold soul coins colliding suddenly resounded throughout the shop.

"Kekeke, Zhuqing, look at it. Isn't my gold coin fountain pretty?"

Ning Rongrong burst into laughter excitedly.

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but smile.

There is no one else who can buy Lehe with three million gold soul coins.

In the whole world, except for Miss Ning, probably no one would be willing to give it up.

On the side, Zhu Zhuyun also had the mentality of watching the fun.

She secretly estimated: "It seems that there must be 70,000 to 80,000 gold soul coins now. It should be over soon."

Eighty thousand, ninety thousand, one hundred thousand.

Behind the counter, Lin Xiao also secretly counted the number.

In the blink of an eye, the number of gold soul coins issued by Ning Rongrong exceeded one hundred thousand.

“The trend hasn’t stopped yet?”

"Ning Rongrong actually broke the barrier of one hundred thousand gold soul coins!"

At this moment, Zhu Zhuyun also realized it later, and had a look of disbelief on his face.

"It's just one hundred thousand gold soul coins, what's the fuss about."

"Zhuqing opened a lot more than that."

Ning Rongrong waved her hands disapprovingly, and then she suddenly looked at Lin Xiao and asked: "Boss Lin, you said that this jar of mine cost three million gold soul coins, so it doesn't make sense if I don't get more gold soul coins, right?" ?”

She stared at Lin Xiao with her eyes, as if she wanted to see something from Lin Xiao's face.

On the other hand, Lin Xiao just smiled lightly, but he was still complaining in his heart: Asking me to do knitting, how can I know if it is right?

Besides, is it up to me how much money to offer? You should watch your fate!

"Boss, you smiled."

"Every time you laugh, something good happens."

Ning Rongrong said firmly: "It seems that my luck will not be bad today."

Lin Xiao: "???"

If you want to open a jar and engage in metaphysics, I have no objection.

What should be opened first, then open later, as long as the weather and location are favorable, you will be happy.

But, how come my laughter has become one of the mystical things?

Does it have anything to do with what you prescribed?

If there is.

That's the problem.

I have something busy today, so the update is a bit late.

Good night then.

I don’t ask for votes anymore. Because I believe in the consciousness of readers.

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