I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 267 Boss Lin’s special hobby

After a long time.

In the small shop, gold coins are brilliant.

That’s right, it’s gold coins!

The room was filled with yellow-orange light reflected from the gold coins, which was very dazzling.

"How much does this cost?"

Zhu Zhuyun was stunned.

At this time, the stone paved floor in the shop was completely invisible. Even their feet were filled with gold coins.


"I didn't expect to have so much money."

"It seems that the quantity is not much worse than the last time Zhuqing opened it."

On the side, Ning Rongrong was really surprised.

I have to say, very surprising.

Very unexpected!

Originally, I just wanted to experience the feeling of exploding gold coins, but I didn't expect the situation to be serious. Not to mention anything else, the pile in front of me is worth at least 18 million gold soul coins.

After confirming the numbers, Lin Xiao said slowly: "These gold soul coins are exactly 10 million!"

"How much? Ten million?"

Not to mention others, Zhu Zhuyun immediately screamed like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

You know, this is not a small number. The entire Netherworld Grand Duke's property combined does not amount to more than 10 million gold soul coins.

"Why are you excited?" Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly.

I feel ashamed for my sister who has never seen the world.

“I couldn’t hold it back for a while.”

Zhu Zhuyun's pretty face suddenly became covered with red clouds.

She didn't blame Zhu Zhuqing for saying that her performance just now was indeed embarrassing.

"But I'm also very helpless."

"Who lets his dream be realized by someone else?"

Zhu Zhuyun thought helplessly.

A full ten million? Ning Rongrong was also slightly stunned.

But after he calmed down, he waved his hands repeatedly: "Boss, you can't do this, you really can't do it!"

Lin Xiao looked at Ning Rongrong frowning, with a serious look on his face and couldn't help but smile and asked: "Why can't you do it?"

"Boss, I appreciate your kindness. But I can't accept the money. I can't bear to take your things that I usually get for free."

But those treasures are very useful to the Lun family, and I can't bear to shirk them. But the money is different. To me, it's just a number, dispensable. "

Ning Rongrong said seriously.

Is this possessed by Ning Fengzhi? Lin Xiao thought a little speechlessly.

No matter what, he couldn't accept the money.

What are you collecting them for? Are they going to eat ashes?

"Boss, don't force me!"

Seeing that Lin Xiao was unmoved, Ning Rongrong also became a little anxious.

"So what if I force you?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and asked coldly.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun also looked at Ning Rongrong, and they also wanted to see what she would do if she was pushed into a hurry.

Do you really dare to fall out with Boss Lin?

"I'm in a hurry"

"I can only ask you to accept it!"

Ning Rongrong shouted helplessly.

Everyone: "."

Ning Rongrong typically used a tough tone and said the most cowardly words.

Please accept it?

Why did you have the nerve to speak?

Everyone secretly slandered.

Lin Xiao said: "I can't accept the money, but I can keep it for you. In the future, if you come to buy jars, you can pay directly. Or you can pay to other people."

Ning Rongrong hesitated for a moment, "Okay then."

She could see that even if she begged Boss Lin for the money, Boss Lin would not take it back.

It's better to store it with Boss Lin in this way.

Rounding up, it can be considered that Boss Lin accepted the money.

"Since you agree, let's do it."

Lin Xiao waved his hand as he spoke, and the gold soul coins in the shop seemed to be pulled by invisible forces, slowly rising into the sky, and then disappearing into thin air.

"Boss Lin, I'm more curious about how much storage space you have."

Ning Rongrong was secretly speechless when she saw that the gold soul coins scattered in the shop were half emptied in an instant.

As far as she knew, even the largest space soul guide of the Qibao Glazed Sect did not have such a large storage space.

Hearing this, Lin Xiao immediately gestured with his hands, "It's about this long."

"You're not bluffing me, are you?"

Ning Rongrong looked in disbelief.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you." Lin Xiao smiled and took back his hand.

He did not deceive Ning Rongrong, but after he collected the ten million gold soul coins, they simply became a number;

Just like the gold coins displayed in some media.

If it weren't for the large panel displayed in front of him, the display of 10 million gold soul coins wouldn't even cover a foot long distance.

"Boss, don't get me wrong. I don't believe it."

"I was kidding you."

Ning Rongrong saw the smile on Lin Xiao's face disappear and quickly apologized.

Lin Xiao didn't speak, just looked at her lightly.

Suddenly, Ning Rongrong became even more panicked, "Well, I won't say anything else. Open the can, open the can."

"Everything is in the jar, I opened it."

As he spoke, he smashed a jar with a click.

However, this is just the beginning.

Click click click.

There were sounds of jars breaking, and she actually broke ten jars in one go.

In the small shop, various lights lit up first.

the other side.

In the Temple of Angels.

Qian Daoliu nodded when he saw Qian Renxue gradually regaining consciousness.

"Although Boss Lin's strength is not what we can match, he doesn't seem to have any bad intentions. As long as we don't provoke him, it will be fine."

"Don't think so much, get ready, there is a more important thing waiting for you to do."

Qian Daoliu said, the smile on his face faded and he looked solemn.

"What's more important?" Qian Renxue was startled when she heard the sound, with doubts in her pupils.


Qian Daoliu agreed, but he had already raised his head and looked at the tall angel statue with extremely complicated eyes.

"We at Wuhun Palace believe in the God of Angels and protect the God of Angels. You should know this."


"What you don't know is that we also shoulder a higher mission, which is to find the inheritor of the God of Angels! As long as those who participate in the divine examination can pass the numerous tests left by the God of Angels, they will become The new God of Angels!”

After listening to Qian Daoliu's words, Qian Renxue was shocked.

"Grandpa, what you said is true."

Her voice was trembling.

There is no way, the news is really shocking! If he can inherit the throne, he will become the true God of Angels!

That's a high-altitude god!

Qian Renxue also understood the profound meaning of Qian Daoliu's previous words. This is asking her to participate in God's support!

"Haha, don't be too nervous. Taking the divine examination does not mean that you will definitely inherit the divine throne."

Qian Daoliu said, pointing to himself: "For example, I also participated in the Divine Examination, but unfortunately my talent was still lacking and I failed to pass the Nine Angel Divine Examination."

Being able to only serve God but not become a God can be said to be Qian Daoliu's regret all along.

"Angel God, nine exams?"

Qian Renxue was startled, this was another unfamiliar word.

"Let's not talk about this for now. You will know it when you need to know it. What you need now is to calm down and adjust your condition to the best."

"Originally, I thought it would take some time for you to reach this point. But with the help of Boss Lin, this step has been brought forward a lot earlier. Speaking of which, I will have to thank him properly later."

Qian Daoliu stopped talking and said nothing more.

"Xue'er understands."

Qian Renxue nodded obediently.

"Great offering, Golden Crocodile asks to see you."

At this moment, Golden Crocodile Douluo's voice came from outside the Angel Temple.

"It came quickly."

Qian Daoliu's eyes flashed, "That's it, no more waiting, let's open the jar now. I hope I can get what I want this time."

"Grandpa, you will definitely get what you want. Boss Lin has always been responsive to requests."

Qian Renxue looked serious.


If I hadn't opened the jar myself, I would have almost believed it.

Qian Daoliu smiled slightly, said no more, and strode out of the Angel Temple.

He had two purposes for this trip.

1. Recover from injuries.

Second, improve strength.

As for how high he should be, he must be better than Tang Chen no matter what.

"If I also have a powerful artifact, even if Tang Chen becomes a god, I will be able to fight."

"After all, you don't reach peak strength just after you become a god. There is also a long road ahead after you become a god."

Qian Daoliu thought to himself.

The Angel Temple also has a divine weapon, which is the divine sword left by the Angel God, but he can't use it!

Helpless in capital letters.

Outside the Angel Temple, Golden Crocodile Douluo immediately said respectfully when he saw Qian Daoliu: "Great offering."

"Let's go."

Qian Daoliu walked past him indifferently, "Take you to atone for your sins."


Golden Crocodile Douluo agreed and quickly followed.

At this time, in the small shop.

Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at the pile of items Ning Rongrong handed out.

There are items of ordinary, high-end and rare grades.

For example, there are magic juices, overlord armor potions, and even vitality scrolls.

But what made Lin Xiao more concerned were two items that had never been released.

They are a hat and a pair of glasses respectively.

Item: [Monster Hat]

Level: [Advanced]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the world of Doraemon. 】

Effect: [As long as you put on this monster hat, your hands and feet will extend and your body will become as elastic as rubber. 】

Item: [Dream Viewing Glasses]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the world of Doraemon. 】

Effect: [As long as you wear these dream-viewing glasses, you can peek into other people's dreams. 】

"Boss, if I'm not mistaken, this is a hat, right? What's its use?"

Similar to Lin Xiao, the eyes of Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun were also attracted by these two things.

As Ning Rongrong spoke, he picked up the monster hat and put it on his head.

This is no problem.

You can guess by moving your toenails that the hat must be on your head.

"The hat you are wearing is called a monster hat. Your body will undergo some changes after wearing it."

"For example, it can be stretched freely"

As Lin Xiao said this, the first thing that came to his mind was the rubber man.

I have to say, this is a good ability.

Of course, for men, the effect is doubled.


Ning Rongrong was startled, and then her face turned red.

If she hadn't seen Lin Xiao's serious face, she would have thought that Lin Xiao was deliberately teasing her.

"You can control your body with your mind, lengthen or shorten it."

Lin Xiao thought for a while and explained.

“So that’s how it’s supposed to be”

Ning Rongrong was not stupid to begin with. It could be said that she knew everything at once.

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, she suddenly had an idea.


Suddenly, under the gaze of Lin Xiao, Zhu Zhuqing, and Zhu Zhuyun, Ning Rongrong suddenly lost half his head!

"Rongrong, what's wrong with you? Why is your neck gone?"

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned.

He let out a soft breath of disbelief.

Indeed, the reason why Ning Rongrong suddenly became shorter was because he had no neck.

It looked funny holding a head between its shoulders.

"Hehehe, don't panic. It's coming out."

Ning Rongrong said with a smile and returned to his original appearance with a pop.


Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing finally let out a sigh of relief.

However, Lin Xiao could still tell from her rising and falling chest that she had not completely calmed down yet.

"This hat is so magical, Zhuqing."

As she spoke, Ning Rongrong stretched out her white calf again, pointed at it and said, "Look, now I finally have two meters long legs..."

The voice fell, and under Zhu Zhuqing's gaze, this leg had indeed grown a lot.

"Don't stretch it, it's going to be deformed."

When Lin Xiao saw this, he finally couldn't help it anymore and complained.


Ning Rongrong's pretty face suddenly turned dark.

Really, Boss Lin is so disappointing!

Don’t all men like fair skin, good looks and long legs?

Are your legs bad?

She couldn't help but curse.

"Rongrong, put this ability away quickly."

Zhu Zhuqing helplessly tugged on Ning Rongrong's clothes.

"Why, are you jealous of my long legs too?"

"Is it okay to be so shameless?"

A hint of cunning flashed across Ning Rongrong's face, and she joked with Zhu Zhuqing.

"I'm jealous of you big-headed devil!"

Zhu Zhuqing said angrily.

"I just think this ability is very important to you. It's best not to let anyone know that you can stretch and shrink your body at will," she said with some seriousness.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Ning Rongrong was puzzled.

"She wanted you to hide such a trump card because your Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit is not capable of protecting yourself."

"If you are in a critical moment when you are attacked by a person or a spirit beast, you can completely avoid the vital parts of your body by activating this ability of free expansion and contraction."

At this time, Lin Xiao said angrily.

After all, Ning Rongrong was too playful.

With such a novel treasure, the first thing I want to do is play with it, rather than develop new postures.


I won't study the best way to use it.

"Ah, yes!"

After listening to what Lin Xiao and Zhu Zhuqing said, Ning Rongrong slapped his forehead and showed a look of surprise: "The soul masters of Qibao Glazed Pagoda's martial souls are targeted both on the battlefield and in soul fighting. If there are With this thing, I have some ability to protect myself."

"It seems that I will not take off this hat from now on."

As she spoke, she reached out and wiped the hat on her head with great care.

I have to say, this is indeed good stuff.

"What about these glasses?"

Ning Rongrong suddenly remembered that there was something she didn't recognize.

Lin Xiao immediately replied: "Dream glasses, wear them and you can see other people's dreams."


How could it be so

Irresistible stuff?

After listening to Lin Xiao's introduction, Ning Rongrong thought subconsciously.

Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun also had strange looks on their faces when they heard this.

And subconsciously took a few steps back.

They didn't expect that Boss Lin had such a special hobby.


This is Lin Xiao. If someone is found to have something like dream glasses in their hands, they will immediately point at each other's nose and scold them, "Peeping Tom!"

Seeing the expressions of the three people, Lin Xiao suddenly understood.

He spread his hands helplessly: "You wouldn't believe me if I said this thing has nothing to do with me, right?"

If you are interested, you can pay attention. Some short videos will be updated from time to time for everyone to have fun.

Good night.

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