I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 270: Injury from Shura Demonic Sword, Treatment with Mutated Strawberry

Center of Poseidon Island.

In the wide square, seven tall stone pillars stand tall.

Under the stone pillars, there were two people standing.

They were both men and women, all dressed in black and looking solemn.

"Xiaosan, don't read too much. They should be the so-called guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island. All seven of them are powerful Titled Douluo-level people."

While Tang San was watching and wondering, Tang Hao's voice sounded in his mind.

Tang San's heart moved, but he didn't answer.

He knew that this was Tang Hao's voice transmission to him by forcing his voice into lines. Immediately and quietly he withdrew his gaze.

"I already understand your purpose. Come forward and accept the test."

Bo Saixi, the great worshiper of Poseidon Island, had already arrived in front of everyone. With his back to the seven sacred pillars and seven guardians, he said to Tang Hao and the others.


Tang Hao, Tang San, and Dai Mubai were moved in their hearts.

For a moment, it turned out to be a bit complicated.

Isn't it just for this step that I have come all the way here?

Whether it can soar into the sky depends on today!

"Dai Mubai, you go first." Tang Hao immediately ordered Dai Mubai beside him.

Dai Mubai was startled, why me?

Tang Hao rarely talked to him along the way, and Dai Mubai was caught off guard by the sudden order.

However, he was not stupid, and he quickly figured out that Tang Hao was using himself as a puppet to go to the grass!

"Huh?" Tang Hao saw Dai Mubai hadn't moved yet, glanced lightly, and let out a cold snort.

"Senior, don't get me wrong, I'm too excited."

"Having been taken care of by you all the way, Mubai finally has a chance to contribute."

Dai Mubai's tone and expression were very excited.

Of course they are all fake and staged.

He had already secretly recorded this account in his small notebook. When I become stronger, I will definitely settle things with you!

Dai Mubai thought fiercely as he stepped forward step by step, and finally stood three to five meters away from Bo Saixi.

"Haiba, let me take charge." Bo Saixi said calmly.

"As commanded."

Behind Bo Saixi, a thin Titled Douluo spoke in response.

He is one of the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars, Seahorse Douluo.

"Should we start?"

Tang Hao and Tang San both looked over with breathless concentration.

At this moment, Seahorse Douluo slowly raised his hands to his chest, with their palms facing each other half a foot apart, with a look of piety on his face.

Immediately afterwards, a blue light bloomed between his two palms, and at the same time, the entire Seahorse Sacred Pillar Platform behind him was filled with a clear blue light.

At this moment, Seahorse Douluo pointed his right hand towards Dai Mubai.

Suddenly, a blue beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped Zai Mubai's body.

"What is this doing?"

Dai Mubai, bathing in the beam of light, was a little dazed.

But the outside world has changed.

The light beam that enveloped him changed from blue to white like a lantern, and then quickly changed from white to yellow, purple

The purple color is getting darker

Finally transformed into black!

"Black level."

I don't know who made a soft cry, but it quickly calmed down again. However, everyone in the venue could clearly hear the horror in the voice.

It seemed like something extraordinary had happened.

Seahorse Douluo was also shocked.

But soon he was attracted by a sudden vision.

Black light flashed in the Seahorse Holy Pillar behind him. Immediately afterwards, a total of six black lights shot out and turned into a six-sided square light curtain, falling in front of Dai Mubai.

"Hey, what is this?"

Dai Mubai was curious.

However, before he could see the golden words on the light screen clearly, the dark light screen had turned into a black light spot and disappeared between his eyebrows.

He suddenly touched his forehead with both hands, but found nothing.

Then Dai Mubai seemed to feel something, and the confusion in his eyes was replaced by depth. Without saying a word, he quickly took a few steps back, sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

"What's going on?" Tang Hao looked at Seahorse Douluo blankly, hoping to get an answer.

"This is the test given by Lord Poseidon, the Sixth Black Level Test."

Seahorse Douluo had an expression of indifference.

When he looked at Dai Mubai, it was like looking at a dead person.

He had also experienced the test given by Poseidon, but he had narrowly escaped death in the fourth black level test.


Being able to survive can be said to have saved a life.

"Is the Black Level Sixth Exam difficult?"

Tang San frowned, glanced at Dai Mubai, and said subconsciously.

"The tests given by Lord Poseidon are divided into levels. Different levels have different difficulty levels. Like the colors of the soul rings, from low to high, they are white-level assessment, yellow-level assessment, purple-level assessment, and black-level assessment. and red top assessment.”

At this moment, Bo Saixi spoke calmly.

"The black one is not the best, he should be able to hold on."

Tang San breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

"Haha, ignorant."

After hearing Tang San's words, Seahorse Douluo couldn't help but sneer:

"The sixth black-level examination is the most difficult among the black-level examinations. In the past hundred years, there have been a total of thirty-one black-level examinations, of which seven passed and twenty-four failed. And the seven people who passed are Now the guardian of the Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island.

Among the seven of us, only Sea Dragon Douluo, the guardian of the Sea Dragon Holy Pillar, has passed the sixth black level test. He is also the strongest among us, and his soul power has now exceeded level 95. "

Seahorse Douluo said, unconsciously looking at the majestic Sea Dragon Douluo, his eyes filled with awe.

After retracting his gaze, Seahorse Douluo looked at Tang San again and asked: "Isn't it difficult for you to tell me? And you have to know that the soul master assessment interval on land is only one year, but we sea soul masters have ten years. , do you compete with each other? "

Ah this

Tang San was stunned.

Being retorted by Seahorse Douluo, he didn't know how to speak.

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain!"

"I believe Lord Poseidon will not force people to a dead end."

Tang Hao gently patted Tang San's shoulder and said slowly.

He secretly glanced at Dai Mubai and said in his heart: "It seems that this boy's talent is quite good. If he cultivates it, he will become a titled Douluo. He will be of some use in the future."

Tang San nodded and suggested: "Dad, let me take the test next."

Unexpectedly, Tang Hao shook his head.

"I'll do it first." He said, took two steps forward, looked at Bo Saixi and said, "Your Majesty, please grant me the test of Lord Poseidon."

"Grand Enshrined, he is already as powerful as a Titled Douluo."

Seahorse Douluo hesitated. Tang Hao's strength was obvious to all. Can he still participate in the divine examination?

Bo Saixi nodded, "Let him participate."

"Haha, thank you so much for your blessing."

Tang Hao smiled with a cheerful expression on his face.

Then he looked at Seahorse Douluo and said, "Thank you, Your Excellency."

Seahorse Douluo nodded. Although he had objections in his heart, he did not dare to say anything.

On Poseidon Island, apart from the supreme Poseidon, the great worshiper has the absolute right to speak.

To oppose the great sacrifice is to blaspheme Lord Poseidon.

Seahorse Douluo activated his soul power again, and the Seahorse Holy Pillar behind him was awakened again.

As he stretched out his hand, a ray of light fell on Tang Hao.

Blue turned into white, then turned into yellow and purple without stopping.

The purple gradually deepened and finally turned into black. Seeing the black magic pattern slowly climbing up on the Seahorse Holy Pillar, Seahorse Douluo couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Because this is not the limit!

Even the other guardians of the sacred pillar were attracted. They almost forgot to breathe while looking up at the Seahorse Holy Pillar.


No one noticed that there was a flash of strange color in Bo Saixi's eyes, which passed quickly.


At this moment, the black-rendered magic pattern that originally covered the Seahorse Holy Pillar instantly changed color and completely turned into a beautiful crystal red.

A red light also shot into the sky. Straight into the air.

The blood-like light pierced straight into the sky, causing the clear blue sky to flash with blood.

At this moment, those who could see the vision clearly were no longer limited to the people in the central square of Poseidon Island. On the entire Poseidon Island, thousands of pairs of eyes were cast into the sky almost simultaneously.

So amazing!

"Unexpectedly, I actually triggered the top red assessment?"

In the beam of light, Tang Hao murmured softly.

Gradually, a look of pride appeared on his face.

I, Tang Hao, am a genius wherever I am!

The Haotian Sect was like this, the Killing City was like this, and it is still like this on Poseidon Island!

"The top seven exams!"

"It's actually the top seven exams!"

"It has been many years since anyone on Poseidon Island has been able to trigger the top level test!"

There was a commotion in front of the sacred pillar.

Many of the guardians of the holy pillars could no longer hold their nerves, and voices of horror kept rising one after another.

"Sir, it is an honor to be your examiner."

Seahorse Douluo's attitude suddenly changed 180 degrees.

"Why are you doing this?" Tang Hao was confused by Seahorse Douluo's sudden 'sir' call.

You know, he had just noticed Seahorse Douluo's hostility towards his group. Now there is none.

“Unlike the black-level assessment, there has never been a record of failure in the top-level assessment from the first time it appeared until now.

The last time the top-level assessment appeared, it was opened for me. In other words, you are the future great worshiper and will also be the future person in charge of Poseidon Island. "

At this moment, Bo Saixi's kind voice sounded, clearing up everyone's doubts.

"What? I will take your place? Become a great worshipper!"

Tang Hao couldn't help but exclaimed.

Where is Poseidon Island?

Compared to the Haotian Sect, which is only stronger but not weaker, the Poseidon Island Great Enshrined One is powerful enough to be as famous as the ancestor of Tang Chen.

In other words, in the future, I, Tang Hao, will be invincible on the ocean?

It seems that this trip to Poseidon Island is really a wise move!

With such great benefits, I don’t know how many jars I need to open to make up for it!


Bo Saixi nodded, "As long as you complete the assessment, the position of the Great Enshrinement on Poseidon Island will be yours."


By the way, let’s first take a look at what the assessment content is.

Tang Hao thought like this, and pieces of information suddenly appeared in his mind. The whole person was similar to Dai Mubai, lost in thought.

Bo Saixi took a deep look at Tang Hao, and an obscure look flashed in her eyes.

Excitement and relief to name a few.

However, her expression returned to normal in a moment, and no one noticed anything strange about her.

"Little one, it's your turn." She looked at Tang San again and said softly.

"Okay." Tang San nodded heavily and strode forward.

This time, Seahorse Douluo didn't need anyone to remind him. He raised his hand and pointed, and a ray of light fell from the Seahorse Holy Pillar, falling on Tang San in the blink of an eye.

If the color of the light beam changes gradually when others are tested by the Poseidon's Light, then the color of the light beam covering Tang San's body changes in leaps and bounds.

Blue, white, yellow, purple, black, these colors all flash for a moment and then change to the next one, like a revolving lantern!

The speed is so fast that it has surpassed everyone who has been tested before.

"Oh my god, is this another top-level assessment?"

Seahorse Douluo found that his heart could no longer bear such stimulation.

At this time, let alone him, even the other six guardians of the Holy Lord were inevitably breathing rapidly.

They felt like they were going to witness history today.

Bo Saixi's eyes also flashed, and she thought to herself: Isn't there another choice?

She is looking forward to it!

the other side.

In the small shop in Wuhun City, Qian Daoliu looked stunned. The items in the jar made him feel dazzled!

"Great offering, great offering"

Golden Crocodile Douluo called softly.

What is this? The big enshrinement seemed to have been affected by the petrification spell. He stood there for more than ten breaths.

He even saw Boss Lin behind the counter starting to pick his ears out of boredom.


"It's really a big deal this time!"

Qian Daoliu was awakened and exhaled excitedly.

Sent? Golden Crocodile Douluo was a little confused.

"Do you know what this is?"

Qian Daoliu picked up the items in the jar and asked.

It was a small bottle shining with pink light, which contained liquid that Golden Crocodile Douluo couldn't help but drink.

"The water of the Forgotten River!"

"This is the water of the Forgotten River that will allow me to regain my soul ring!"

Qian Daoliu looked at Golden Crocodile Douluo and explained: "With him, I will once again have a hundred thousand year soul ring!"


Now Golden Crocodile Douluo understood why Qian Daoliu was so excited.

A hundred thousand year soul ring!

That’s the soul master’s belief!

In particular, Qiandaoliu also has self-created soul skills similar to the Haotian Sect's ring-exploding secret method. The older the soul ring is, the stronger he will be!

"Congratulations on the great sacrifice!" he said hurriedly.

Qian Daoliu looked at Lin Xiao and said, "Thanks to Boss Lin for this!"

Lin Xiao just smiled lightly. I secretly cursed, stop talking nonsense and open the can! If a player like Hu Yanzhen opened the can, it would be over now.

"If you're grateful, Qian won't say much more. If you need to use my place, just ask."

After Qian Daoliu said another sentence, he looked at the remaining five jars.

The hands also started to move.


There was a flash of light and an item fell.

"Mutant strawberry!"

Qian Daoliu's pupils shrank, and then he was a little surprised.

It just so happens that this thing can be used to heal wounds.

He grabbed the strawberries and stuffed them into his mouth.

Only he knew that under the gorgeous robe, there was a hideous wound that penetrated his abdomen and was healing.

“It really works!”

"It's ridiculous that Tang Chen said that he couldn't eradicate Shura's divine power. He never dreamed that such a small injury would be a scum in front of the mutant strawberry, right?!"

Qian Daoliu was pleasantly surprised.

You must know that this was injured by Tang Chen's Shura Demonic Sword, and the divine power contained in it has been preventing his wound from healing.

He had been using his angelic power to resist suppression before, but now this hidden danger has finally been eliminated.

Blood appeared again on his slightly pale face. Qian Daoliu felt better than ever.

He sincerely praised: "Sure enough, the products produced by the small shop must be high-quality. It would be great if there are two more mutant strawberries as spares."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly: "Don't be discouraged, you will always get what you want from hundreds of millions of jars."

I'm off tomorrow and plan to update more.

Those who vote and reward are ready.

If you are good enough, I will smash the keyboard to pieces!

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