I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 271 Incomplete Nine Tests of Poseidon (one big chapter)

Qian Daoliu took Lin Xiao's words seriously.

"Boss, do you think so highly of me?"

Qian Daoliu's eyes flashed with surprise.


Lin Xiao was a little stunned at first, and then said two words: "Come on."


Qian Daoliu nodded solemnly, and his confidence suddenly increased.

He firmly believes that as long as he keeps driving, he will definitely gain something good.

Click click click.

After opening several more jars one after another, Qian Daoliu frowned silently.

its not right?

Why are they all ordinary-level items?

According to what Boss Lin said, I should be able to reveal good things!

There was a murmur in his heart.

But now, there is no reason to stop!


Another can was smashed!

The shining luster made Qian Daoliu couldn't help but exclaim: "Pink! Another artifact-level item!"

"Great offering, you've made it again!"

After Qian Daoliu, Golden Crocodile Douluo also exclaimed.

Shocking! Really shocking!

This was the first time he had seen someone get two artifact-level items in succession.

At the same time, he couldn't help but admire: "It is indeed a great offering. Few people can match this luck."

"If I had one-tenth or one-fifth of the luck in making a large offering, I would probably have taken off on the road of opening jars!"

Qian Daoliu's luck is indeed good today.

After seeing the contents of the jar clearly, Lin Xiao was slightly surprised.

"Congratulations, another bottle of water from the Forgotten River." He looked at Qian Daoliu again and said.

Got a bottle?

Qian Daoliu felt a little stupid after hearing what Lin Xiao said.

He looked into the jar numbly.


There is a bottle of water from the Forgotten River quietly placed in the jar.

After picking up the items, Qian Daoliu's whole body was trembling.

You know, this means a hundred thousand year soul ring.

And with the blessing of two more hundred-thousand-year-old soul rings, when he is using his own soul skills, even if Tang Chen becomes a god, he will still have the confidence to fight against him!

"Qian Daoliu, Qian Daoliu, Boss Lin is so helpful to you, and you actually doubted him just now. You are so inhumane!"

Thinking of the disappointment of opening three jars just now, Qian Daoliu felt a little guilty.

I feel sorry for Lin Xiao.

"Stop getting excited and carry on."

Seeing Qian Daoliu's expression changing, Lin Xiao couldn't help but remind him.

"All right."

Qian Daoliu nodded hurriedly and broke the remaining two jars according to Lin Xiao's words.

He no longer insists on getting something good.

Because I have received enough,

A person must be content.

Especially the greed that cannot be realized in front of Boss Lin.


It really goes with the saying that if you plant flowers intentionally, they will not bloom, but if you plant willows unintentionally, they will create shade.

The ninth jar was just fine.

The tenth jar suddenly burst into intense purple light.

"Big offering, amazing!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo was extremely shocked.

He really couldn't think of any words to describe Qian Daoliu.

Ten jars, two artifacts, one rare, what are they but gods?

The main rare item comes from the last jar, and one rare item becomes two rare items.

God of can opening!

"I didn't fucking expect that I would be so angry today!"

Qian Daoliu was also shocked, and his heart was filled with ecstasy.

No, I have to think about what I have done when I go back today and do it again next time I open the jar.

"It's actually an enhanced scroll. And it's jade-level?"

Lin Xiao was slightly surprised after seeing the items clearly.

"Boss, you mean emerald? Do you want emerald?"

Qian Daoliu asked with some hindsight.

"It's not jade for you, it's for you."


Qian Daoliu was a little confused.

"You should know about the equipment enhancement roll, right?"

At this time, Lin Xiao pointed to the items in the jar and said: "These two are enhanced papers with a +7 probability, but they are not golden papers with a 30% success rate, but 70% success rate." Jade Paper!"


Seventy percent success rate?

Such a high success rate, isn’t it a success!

Qian Daoliu's eyes suddenly widened, and he stretched out his trembling hand to take the +7 Emerald Equipment Strengthening Scroll in his hand, very excited.

"Hey, I was thinking of finding a way to hunt down two hundred thousand year soul beasts before.

Now it seems that there is no need to waste so much trouble at all, seventy or eighty thousand years is enough! "

Qian Daolun sighed.

"Then I would like to congratulate you in advance on the gift of two hundred thousand year soul rings." Lin Xiao said slowly with a smile on his lips.

Qian Daoliu said with an extremely solemn expression: "Boss Lin has given me such a generous gift. I, Qian Daoliu, will definitely be grateful to me in the future."

Lin Xiao waved his hand and did not dwell on this issue.

In fact, he was not interested in Qian Daoliu's heavy thanks.

He looked at Golden Crocodile Douluo and said, "Now it's your turn to open the can."

"My turn?"

Golden Crocodile Douluo was startled, and then said with some embarrassment: "Boss, my demands are not high, as long as you return your ruined cultivation to me."

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and said two words calmly: "Pay the money."

the other side.

On Poseidon Island.

The black color on the Seahorse Holy Pillar turned into blood red, and a ray of light shot straight into the sky!

Its scale was more than ten times greater than the previous anomaly caused by Tang Hao!

Boom boom boom!

Then bursts of thunder sounded over Poseidon Island.

Huge waves hundreds of meters high, rising vertically upward. In the huge waves, intense blue light erupted.

However, the changes did not end there. A huge earthquake occurred throughout Poseidon Island.

"How could this happen~!"

"The holy pillar actually started to move on its own!"

"I feel like I've lost control of the Holy Pillar!"


In the central square, all the guardians of the sacred pillar were panicked and nervously looked at the sacred pillar behind them.

"do not panic."

"This is Lord Poseidon's will, which governs everything. Just watch."

Bo Saixi's voice sounded at this moment, making everyone's hearts calm down.

No one said a word, they all silently watched the changes in the field.

I saw the same six huge bloody light pillars rising into the sky, heading straight into the sky.

After that, seven beams of light converged at one point in the air. The next moment, the blood faded, and from the point where the seven bloody beams converged, an extremely brilliant golden light fell from the sky.

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped. Everyone's eyes were firmly attracted by the golden light falling from the sky.

Majestic, magnificent, vast, and atmospheric.

The moment it appears. The people and objects on the entire Poseidon Island were completely rendered golden at this moment.

But there is only one end point for this golden light. That was Tang San, standing under the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, a little dazed.

"Such a powerful momentum has far exceeded the previous top-level assessment caused by dad."

"Could it be said that this assessment is already above the top assessment?"

The more Tang San thought about it, the more he couldn't calm down in his heart.

Because this will involve another level, God!

And they have gone through so much trouble to come here, isn’t it for the so-called inheritance of God?

"When someone is given a great responsibility by heaven, he must first work hard for his strength. Even the gods favor me. It seems that I, Tang San, who traveled to Douluo Continent, am truly destined by destiny and am truly a person with great luck!"

At this moment, Tang San felt extremely happy and wanted to let out a loud voice, letting out the unhappiness and annoyance in his heart.

He really wanted to show those who used to look down on him and laugh at him, how glorious Tang San was now!

Swish swish swish.

At this moment, a series of sounds broke through the air.

Nine square golden light curtains broke through the air and appeared in front of him.

However, after flickering for a while, they all dimmed again. Then, just like Dai Mubai and Tang Hao, they turned into streams of light and disappeared between Tang San's eyebrows.

At the same time, a voice sounded in his heart and issued two tasks to him.

Tang San frowned, could it be that Tang Hao and Dai Mubai also experienced something like this?

Thinking like this, he looked at the two of them blankly.

Unexpectedly, the two of them had already woken up from their thoughtful state and looked at him blankly.

"Senior, red is the top test. So what kind of test is this gold?"

Destined to not get the answer from Tang Hao and Dai Mubai, Tang San looked at Bo Saixi again and asked.

Although he believed in his heart that his abnormality was related to God, he still felt a little uneasy when he could not get an accurate answer.

While saying this, he also noticed that the guardians of the seven sacred pillars had also gathered over, and they pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what Bo Saixi had to say.

There was no way, Tang San's question already touched upon their blind spot of knowledge.

"Child, what is your name?"

Only then did Bo Saixi remember that she actually didn't know Tang San's name.

"Senior, my name is Tang San."

Tang San answered loudly.

"Tang San?"

Bo Saixi was in a daze for a moment, and then nodded. Appreciation flashed through his eyes without hesitation: "You are very good, even better than your father. Even enough to rival Tang Chen."

What this means is

When Tang Hao heard this, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. With his wisdom, he has already thought of a possibility.

"From the time Poseidon Island appeared to now, this is the first time this situation has happened to you. What you have to endure is not the top nine tests. It is the Poseidon nine tests."

Bo Saixi's leisurely voice spread throughout the entire audience, and immediately there were gasps of air.


Poseidon Nine Exams, no need to think too much, they all know what this means.

"Ah haha, as expected, my son Tang San has the appearance of becoming a god!" Tang Hao's heart was filled with joy, his hands clenched into fists, and his whole body was trembling with excitement.

Nine tests of Poseidon? Doesn't that mean Tang San can become a god?

Dai Mubai's eyes were extremely complicated, and for a moment he didn't know what he was feeling.


Suddenly Bo Saixi's voice sounded again.

"I can feel that Lord Poseidon has chosen you, but he has also set other tests for you, right?"

Bo Sai looked at Tang San again and asked.

Hearing this, Tang San was startled for a moment, then nodded, "Yes. There are two tasks in my memory. Only by completing both tasks can the divine test be started!"


Are there any additional tasks?

Tang Hao was startled, "What's going on?"

He looked confused and confused.

Bo Saixi glanced at Tang Hao thoughtfully, "Tang Hao, since you have taken the top seven exams, please maintain due respect for Lord Poseidon."

"In addition, Tang San's affairs are not something we can control. It is the will of Lord Poseidon."

As she said that, she stretched out her hand and pointed at Tang San, and saw a golden trident mark suddenly appeared on Tang San's forehead between his eyebrows.

However, this mark is extremely dim and cannot be found unless you look carefully.

"Did you see it? This is the mark left by Lord Poseidon. Only when this mark is completely illuminated can the divine test be officially started. Now can you tell me what additional tasks Lord Poseidon has assigned to you? I can take a look. Can I help you?"

Bo Saixi said.

Hearing this, Tang San didn't hesitate too much, but said: "Senior, Dad, there are two tasks in no particular order. The first one is to find the Heart of Poseidon."

Heart of Poseidon?

What is this?

Can it be eaten?

Tang Hao and Dai Mubai were confused.

Afterwards, the two of them looked at the guardians of the sacred pillars in unison, only to find that these people also looked confused.

Immediately afterwards, everyone looked at Bo Saixi in unison.

On the other hand, Bo Saixi looked thoughtful.

"The Heart of Poseidon is a sacred object of Poseidon Island, but it was lost for some unknown reason. Its whereabouts are still unknown."

"My child, I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter."

In the end, Bo Saixi was helpless.


Tang San sighed slightly, saying that he was not disappointed would be a lie.

However, he was also mentally prepared.

After all, it would be strange if the tasks assigned by Poseidon could be completed easily.

"Xiaosan, I don't know Poseidon."

"Have Lord Poseidon given you any additional tips? Having only one name is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

On the side, Tang Hao frowned and asked.


Tang San suddenly slapped his forehead, "There is a reminder."

As he spoke, he took out the banknotes from the space soul guide and drew on the stone slab in the square.

Not long after.

A three-dimensional triangle appeared in everyone's sight.

"This is what Poseidon's Heart looks like, except that its color should be blue. It's made of gem-like material."

Tang San tried hard to recall the image of Poseidon's Heart in his mind, and explained it to everyone.

However, this made Tang Hao, who looked at the picture carefully, startled.

How is this similar to the Tiandou Empire’s national treasure, the Vast Sea Universe Cover?

So he asked tentatively: "Xiaosan, is there a possibility that it is a blue crystal?"

"Crystal? There's nothing wrong with that." Tang San's eyes lit up, "Dad, you still understand me."

He felt that this was the tacit understanding between father and son.

Go up to the other side, the devil has a tacit understanding with you. Tang Hao was too lazy to express his feelings to him, and said in a deep voice: "To be honest, I am a little familiar with this thing."


Could it be said that the Heart of Poseidon is within the Haotian Sect?

Tang San suddenly thought of a possibility, and his breathing became rapid.

Even when he looked at Tang Hao, there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes.

"Ahem, mistress, you misunderstood."

Tang Hao couldn't help but cough slightly. Why couldn't he see that Tang San was mistaken?

"I once saw with my own eyes an object that is very similar to what you described, called the Vast Sea Universe Shield. However, it does not belong to our Haotian Sect, but is the national treasure of the Tiandou Empire." He whispered. .

The Vast Sea Universe Cover is the national treasure of the Tiandou Empire.

Tang San frowned slightly when he heard this. This is a bit difficult to handle.

"Don't worry, no matter how difficult this matter is, it has to be handled. Just leave it to me. Dad will snatch it for you even if it means taking it away."

Tang Hao saw Tang San's worried expression and immediately patted his chest in assurance.

To be honest, he couldn't do it alone against the Tiandou Empire's army.

But, is there any difference between going to Tiandou Palace to pick up something and picking something up in a bag?

More updates today, please vote for me.

I also recommend some good Douluo fanfics.

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Douluo: In the beginning, drunkenly breaks into Qian Renxue’s boudoir

Douluo: I have been searched by Bibi Dong for ten years across the continent

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