I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 272 Poseidon’s Second Mission (Two Chapters)


Tang San's eyes lit up and he soon showed joy.

Tang Hao's words are definitely good news. If they are accurate, it will bring him one step closer to starting the Poseidon Nine Exams.

Just one step away!

"Don't worry, I'll do the work. It's already done. You don't have to worry about the Vast Sea Universe Cover."

Tang Hao said confidently: "Let's talk about the next thing."

"Next thing."

Tang San's face looked a little ugly, he stretched out his right hand, and Bluesilver Grass appeared.

"Is it related to Bluesilver Grass?"

Tang Hao's heart moved and he said,

"Yes." Tang San nodded, "The second thing is to awaken the bloodline power hidden in the Blue Silver Grass and let it evolve into the Blue Silver Emperor."

Then he smiled bitterly, "I have been studying with the teacher for so long, and I have never heard of the existence of the Blue Silver Emperor."

However, he couldn't laugh anymore because he noticed a strange look on Tang Hao's face.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" He couldn't help but asked.

Tang Hao said with a complex expression: "Xiaosan, there is a Blue Silver Emperor in the world. You can understand that your mother's martial spirit is the Blue Silver Emperor. And your Blue Silver Grass is actually the Blue Silver Emperor, otherwise there would be no martial arts." The soul is qualified to coexist with the Clear Sky Hammer."


Tang San had a look of disbelief on his face. He had no idea that his Blue Silver Grass was so extraordinary.

"Unexpectedly, you actually have twin martial souls. Now I understand why Master Poseidon would do tests other than the Ninth Poseidon Test."

At this moment, Bo Saixi spoke quietly.


It attracted everyone's attention to look at her.

Bosaxi said calmly: "Master Poseidon is not interested in him now, but in him in the future. So you should understand, right?"

Only by obtaining the Heart of Poseidon and awakening the so-called Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline can he be qualified to inherit the throne of Lord Poseidon, and Lord Poseidon is willing to start the real Nine Tests of Poseidon for him. "

I see!

This time everyone understood.

"Dad, do you have any ideas about awakening the power of the Blue Silver Emperor's bloodline?" Tang San was very anxious.


Tang Hao obviously hesitated for a moment before slowly speaking: "There is a way. Originally, I wanted to wait until you became the Soul King to discover it on your own, but now it seems that we can only do it earlier."

When he mentioned this, he had to recall a past event.

"What method?" Tang San immediately asked curiously.

"I know that there is a place where there is a Blue Silver Grass that is more than 80,000 years old. It can also be called the Blue Silver King. If you sacrifice it, you will be able to awaken the power of the Blue Silver King's bloodline in the Blue Silver Grass."

"Blue Silver King? Then let's go find him now." Tang San suddenly became impatient.

"Okay." Tang Hao nodded.

However, Bo Saixi stopped them: "Wait a minute."

"Poseidon Island is not a place where you can come and leave whenever you want."

Tang Hao was startled and said: "Senior, don't get me wrong, we just want to get out of the island to experience and help Lord Poseidon's successor start the divine examination. At the same time, we also prepare for our own examination."

What he said was right.

On the other hand, Bo Saixi said slowly: "I don't care what your purpose is. If you want to leave, you have to accept the test."

As she said that, she slowly stretched out a finger and said, "As long as you can hold on to my hand for one stick of incense, you can leave."

Immediately. Tang Hao nodded and accepted it happily, "No problem."

In his opinion, this is no different from releasing water directly.

Wuhun City.

In a small shop.

The jars on the counter were opened one after another by Golden Crocodile Douluo.

But looking at the items in the jar, Golden Crocodile Douluo felt a little doubtful.

"Does it mean that my character is so bad? I haven't even found a single useful thing?"

On the counter, without exception, are ordinary-level items.

The best thing is magic juice

Subconsciously, he looked at Lin Xiao and couldn't help but mutter in his heart, has Boss Lin not forgiven him yet?

It shouldn’t be!

Most of my net worth will not be wasted like this.

"Don't think so much. Boss Lin is an open-minded person. If he says he doesn't blame you, he will definitely not do anything secretly."

"The result now only shows that your character is not good enough. Instead of hesitating, it is better to open all these jars in one go."

"It can be regarded as early death and early rebirth. There is no need to embarrass yourself."

At this moment, Qian Daoliu's voice came to mind.

Golden Crocodile Douluo stiffened when he heard the sound, feeling that what the Great Enshrinement said was very reasonable.

However, when I think about it carefully, I feel that it doesn’t taste very good.

What does early death and early rebirth mean?

I think I can still save it!

"There is a saying in small shops that people can only be black for a while, but not for a lifetime. I believe it will be equally useful for me."

Golden Crocodile Douluo does not believe in evil, nor does he admit defeat.

Immediately, another jar was broken.


Suddenly, purple light flashed in the jar, and he stared at it closely without even blinking.

Finally he saw it clearly. What appeared in the jar was a piece of paper, glowing with lavender light.

"This is."

Golden Crocodile Douluo's eyes widened, but there was no hint of contempt in his eyes.

This is not the first time he has opened a can, so he has some experience. Know that the more humble something is, the more valuable it is.

"What did you say you wanted to do before?"

Suddenly, Lin Xiao's voice sounded in his ears.

He hurriedly replied: "I want to regain my strength. Wait, is this it?"

"The upgrade scroll can increase your strength by one level after use. Of course, after level ninety-five, you can only improve it if you have enough understanding."

Lin Xiao pointed at the items in the jar and said slowly.

"Upgrade volume?"

"That's no problem!"

Golden Crocodile Douluo was startled at first, and then he was overjoyed: "Although my soul power level has dropped by one level, my realm is still there. As long as I accumulate enough, I can still break through."

There is no doubt that this upgrade roll is just right for him.

"Then I congratulate you for successfully breaking through level ninety-eight."

Lin Xiao said with a slight smile.


Golden Crocodile Douluo was startled, are you a devil?

Shouldn’t I be able to reach level ninety-seven thanks to your gift?

He couldn't help but complain in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it at all. Then he gave up the desire to use the upgrade scroll immediately and quietly put the upgrade scroll away. I plan to return to Wuhun Hall to use it again.


"After opening the jar, I will return to Wuhun Hall for retreat."

Golden Crocodile Douluo felt extremely stressed in front of Lin Xiao.

Fortunately it was only a short stay in the shop to open the jar. If time passes, he feels that he is likely to have a short life.

Thinking again about his limited lifespan, he can't stand such a torment.


Sometimes, the more you have no desires and desires, the more surprises you will find in life.

This is what Golden Crocodile Douluo thinks now.

With a 'click', the last jar shattered and the two items fell out at the same time.

Moreover, he also felt that there was something familiar about him.

"Big, big offering, if I read it correctly, are these two amplifiers?"

He was a little unsure and subconsciously looked at Qian Daoliu.

On the other hand, Qian Daoliu nodded with deep meaning in his eyes, "That's right. You did it too."

You must know that two amplifiers can increase Golden Crocodile Douluo's martial spirit strength by at least 30%.

And the greater benefit of increasing the strength of the martial soul is the potential!

Originally, Golden Crocodile Douluo's level ninety-eight was already the limit, but once he succeeded in increasing his level, he would have a chance to break through to level ninety-nine.

A level difference makes a world of difference.

There will be a 4,000-word chapter later. Today I am also making a fortune.

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