I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 277 Angel God, Nine Tests!


What does Erlong mean?

Does she think that I have no emotional experience and am not worthy of trust?

Flanders' mind suddenly changed and he thought of something.

"Erlong, it's not like that. If I've had one relationship with two, it would be three."

Flender thinks that this can be considered as having an emotional experience, right?


Isn’t this still nothing?

Liu Erlong thought a little speechlessly. In fact, she really wanted to tell Flender not to waste time on her.

It’s just that the words came to my lips and I couldn’t say them out.

Because a person appeared in front of her.

"Yu Xiaogang?"

On the side, Flanders couldn't help but make a sound.


"Two dragons."

Yu Xiaogang also saw the two of them clearly.

"What bad luck." Flanders said angrily.

"Boss Fu, let's go."

Liu Erlong frowned even more, turned around and walked back.

In her opinion, meeting Yu Xiaogang is an unlucky thing. Not suitable for opening cans.

Yu Xiaogang: "."

Am I the God of Plague? Are you really avoiding me? You were not like this before.

He had mixed feelings in his heart, but he couldn't say anything.

after all.

If you don't do it well, you will have to endure a severe beating from the public.

"Flanders, wait."

Seeing that Flanders was about to leave with Liu Erlong, Yu Xiaogang hurriedly stopped Flanders.

"Is something wrong?" Flanders looked at Yu Xiaogang and raised his eyebrows.

Yu Xiaogang smiled, "Give up. Erlong has understood your thoughts a long time ago, but she has been treating you like nothing, can't you see it?"

In terms of cultivation, he was far inferior to Flanders, so he had to find other ways to stimulate him.


Flanders' expression changed.

Then, he suddenly smiled again.

"Thank you, Yu Xiaogang. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that Erlong regarded me as so important."

Yu Xiaogang: "???"

What words? What is this nonsense?

He looked confused.

"A very simple question, who can survive without air?"

"You said Erlong treats me like air, doesn't that mean she can't live without me?"

Flanders asked rhetorically.

Can it still be understood this way?

Doesn't treating it as air mean to be ignored or non-existent?

Yu Xiaogang was stunned. I was shocked by Flanders' top-notch understanding.

"Haha, never seen again. Erlong can't see me anymore. I should be anxious."

Flanders felt much better and decided not to beat Yu Xiaogang this time.

When the voice fell, he was already chasing Liu Erlong in the direction where he disappeared.

"Perhaps this is the reason why Flanders has been able to like Liu Erlong for so many years?"

Yu Xiaogang looked at Flanders' retreating back with a complicated look on his face.

Unknowingly, he felt a little admired.

At night.

A powerful aura erupted like a mountain torrent, breaking the peace in the Spirit Hall.

"What a strong aura!"

"That direction seems to be Snake Spear's retreat, he broke through!"

Ghost Leopard Douluo noticed it, rose into the air, and looked in one direction.

The look of shock in his eyes grew stronger.

This aura is so strong that even Ghost Douluo can no longer give in compared to the previous Ju Douluo.

In other words, Snake Spear Douluo has become a peak ninety-five-level titled Douluo, which is far beyond what he can match.

Reminiscing about the past.

He can also suppress both ends of Snake Spear Douluo.


Suddenly, another roar echoed through the night sky.

Ghost Leopard Douluo turned his head and looked in another direction.

Even more amazing!

The phantom of a several-meter-tall demon bear stood upright, slapping its chest with both hands. Obviously that roar just now was caused by it.

"How much closer is the Demon Bear's cultivation?"

The corners of Ghost Leopard Douluo's eyes twitched, and a turmoil arose in his heart again.

You must know that the powerful aura displayed by Demon Bear Douluo is no weaker than that of Snake Spear Douluo in his opinion.

And this is also an old brother who is on par with him.


Ghost Leopard Douluo cursed in a low voice.

In this situation, the only word "fuck" can describe his mood.


Really sour.

"Devil Bear, Ghost Leopard, are they already at the peak level ninety-five?"

"It seems that it won't be long before our Wuhun Hall will have two more worshipers!"

At this moment, such a voice came from behind Ghost Leopard Douluo.

He looked back and saw that it was Qianjun, Jiangmo, and several other extremely rare offerings.

Obviously, the noise of the two breakthroughs was too loud and alarmed them.

"Devil Bear, are you ready?"

I don't know when, Snake Spear Douluo wearing golden armor was already standing in the sky.

His eyes were like lightning, and he looked at the shadow of the giant bear from a distance, his eyes full of fighting spirit,

To be honest, he was also surprised.

I thought that after opening the jar this time, the benefits would be enough to defeat Demon Bear Douluo. It now appears that he was wrong.

It seems that Demon Bear Douluo has indeed found a lot of good things from the jars, and his strength has actually risen to the point where he can compete with him.


Only the can opener can beat the can opener.

"Fight, fight!"

The giant bear responded, then crouched and jumped. Several jumpers have arrived at a huge martial arts arena.

This is a place specially provided for battle training for Titled Douluo level experts.

And Snake Spear Douluo also held a snake spear and fell from the sky at an extremely fast speed like a golden meteor falling to the ground!


The next moment, the two of them collided heavily, making a thunderous sound.

Outside the Wuhun Hall, countless people raised their heads. Why was it thundering after everything was fine?

Immediately afterwards, bursts of bright light were seen lighting up the sky above the Wuhun Palace.

After a long time.

The martial arts performance field of Wuhun Hall was in a mess.

The Demon Bear and the Snake Spear faced each other awkwardly.

"Are you surprised, are you surprised? In addition to the vitality scroll, I also opened the amplifier."

Demon Bear Douluo had a proud smile on his lips.

You must know that Snake Spear Douluo's previous martial soul strength was already higher than his. Normally, since the two are at the same level, he cannot be his opponent.

I never thought that the outcome would be reversed after opening the jar this time.

In his mind, he won this time.

"Are you proud?"

Snake Spear Douluo's pupils shrank, and he understood why Demon Bear Douluo had the courage to fight him to the end.

Then, not to be outdone, he said: "No one of us fell down, even if there is no winner or loser. I am really not afraid of anyone now."

Demon Bear Douluo shook his head, "It's impossible."

But in the middle of the sentence, he couldn't speak.

Because Snake Spear Douluo waved his hand, four or five red mutant strawberries and a dozen bottles of magic juice were suspended in front of him.

"What kind of big dog are you?"

"You want to fight with me for battery life, right?"

Demon Bear Douluo's expression immediately changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Can't you afford it?"

He doesn't have so many mutant strawberries for healing and magic juice for recovery.


Snake Spear Douluo snorted coldly, "Stop talking nonsense and prepare to face the violent storm."

If he didn't steam the steamed buns to win his reputation, he would have to do it for Demon Bear Douluo today.

The next moment, he had magic juice in his left hand, mutant strawberries in his right hand, and put away the rest.

However, a voice suddenly sounded, with great majesty, causing the anger in the field to stagnate.

"That's enough, do you really want to fight to the death or not?"

As the voice fell, everyone's eyes blurred. A figure stood between Demon Bear Douluo and Snake Spear Douluo, with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Big, big offering"

Snake Spear Douluo's expression changed, as if a fish bone was stuck in his throat and he was speechless.

"We just discuss and learn from each other."

Demon Bear Douluo also scratched his head in embarrassment.

Qian Daoliu's expression changed, and he glanced at the crowd watching the excitement, "Don't you have anything to do? Have all my previous explanations fallen on deaf ears?"

Ah this

Qianjun, Demon Subduer, Ghost Leopard, and other titled Douluo all showed fear on their faces and scattered like birds and beasts.

"Since you are so idle, I will find something to do for you."

Qian Daoliu's eyes fell on Demon Bear and Snake Spear again.

"I am willing to listen to the instructions of the Great Priest!"


The two responded hurriedly.

"The current situation is turbulent. When Xue'er returns to the Tiandou Empire, you should secretly protect him."

Qian Daoliu said in a deep voice.


Demon Bear and Snake Spear looked at each other and answered quickly.

"Go get ready."

Qian Daoliu's voice spread in the field, but the person had disappeared.

Da da da.

The sound of footsteps echoed in the empty Angel Temple. Qian Renxue turned around and saw the majestic figure of Qian Daoliu.

"Grandpa, you are back."

"How was the harvest?"

There was both surprise and curiosity in her eyes.

"Haha, very good, very good."

Qian Daoliu couldn't help but smile.

Hearing this, Qian Renxue unconsciously showed a smile on her face.

"I knew Boss Lin wouldn't let us down." She thought in her heart.

"Not to mention anything else, Xue'er, are you ready to accept the test of the Angel God?"

Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue and asked in a deep voice.


Qian Renxue let out a sigh of relief. The complicated look in his eyes disappeared and turned into a look of determination.

"Ready." Her voice was extremely solemn.

"Okay, let's get started."

Qian Daoliu lowered his voice, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and muttered something with a pious look on his face.

Qian Renxue tried to listen, but she was disappointed.

She couldn't understand anything Qian Daoliu said at all, and it was even difficult for her to even remember it.

However, at this moment, golden light feathers appeared out of thin air in the Angel Temple, which was extremely gorgeous.

"What a nice view."

Qian Renxue raised her head slightly, with a slightly confused look in her eyes.

"Please ask my God to give you a test!"

Suddenly, Qian Daoliu let out a clear shout and stretched out his right hand to point at Qian Renxue. Immediately afterwards, the huge angel statue behind him also changed. As if he had come to life, the golden holy sword in his hand was also pointed at Qian Renxue.

"What's going on? I can't move!"

Qian Renxue suddenly felt a little frightened.

At some point, a bright golden light pillar enveloped her. And the light is getting stronger and stronger!

Gradually, Qian Daoliu could no longer see Qian Renxue's figure clearly.

"I hope Xueer is qualified to receive the inheritance of God"

Qian Daoliu prayed in his heart, his eyes filled with nervousness.

Click, click, click.

Although not long had passed, Qian Daoliu felt extremely long. The golden light that shrouded Qian Renxue in his sight shattered like an eggshell.

A graceful figure appeared in front of him.


He couldn't help but call softly.

Hearing the sound, Qian Renxue also looked over.

However, Qian Daoliu was frightened because Qian Renxue's pupils were filled with golden light, like a high-ranking god overlooking the humble ants.

"too horrible!"

"But this is a good thing!"

Qian Daoliu was shocked and then ecstatic.

He knew that what he had been looking forward to for a long time was likely to succeed.

the other side.

In the small shop, Lin Xiao returned to the front hall after eating the dinner carefully prepared by Xiao Wu.

After a busy day, it’s time for the exciting can-opening session.

"Qian Renxue, Demon Bear, Snake Spear, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuyun, Qian Daoliu, Jin Crocodile, and Gu Yuena will open the jars, which means there are ninety jars that can be opened."

Speaking of this, Lin Xiao didn't appear too happy.

Originally, he thought he was going to have a violent outburst today. It's a pity that the battle between Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen was disrupted.

The actual difference is too much from the expectation.

"Lin Xiao, Lin Xiao, you are floating."

"Didn't you keep it up when you sold ten or twenty cans a day in the past? Ninety cans are not enough, what do you need a bicycle for?"

After thinking about it, Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile bitterly.


It is when there is no contentment.

Opening the system panel, he was about to take out the system reward jar, but was stunned.

A message appeared in front of me.

Lin Xiao then remembered that he had not received the reward for selling 600 jars.

"Let's see what it is. The jar is there anyway, whether you open it or not, it's there."

He thought and opened the unread message with a thought.

Suddenly, a large amount of information entered his mind.

After a while, Lin Xiao's eyes regained their luster.

He waved his hand and a jar appeared on the counter.

If you look closely you can see that this jar is different from the ones on the shelf.

It has a pink pattern.

Lin Xiao learned that this jar was also called a lucky prayer jar, but it was the artifact version.

As the name suggests.

It can choose artifact-level items.

"You need to purchase 80 jars to be eligible to open the jar."

"Dog system, you are so evil."

"But, I like it."

Lin Xiao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a smile.

There is no doubt that the appearance of this jar will definitely set off a wave of can-opening craze again.

The allure of artifact-level items is far beyond what a rare-level self-selected jar can match.

Gently picking up the jar, Lin Xiao placed it in the most conspicuous position, and then clapped his hands with satisfaction.

"Yes, everything is ready, just waiting for the willing one to take the bait."

"I wonder if Ning Fengzhi, the mugger, can still remain calm after seeing this jar?"

Lin Xiao muttered and simply stopped thinking.

With a wave of his hand, ten more jars appeared on the counter.

He couldn't help rubbing his hands excitedly.


After watching others open jars for a day, I finally had the fun of it myself.

at the same time.

In the Angel Temple, Qian Renxue's eyes regained clarity.

What caught his eye was Qian Daoliu's nervous look.

"Grandpa, I made you worry." There was some guilt in her voice.

"no problem, no problem."

Qian Daoliu didn't pay attention to this question at all, but asked eagerly: "Xue'er, tell grandpa what the result is."

Qian Renxue thought seriously for a moment and said slowly: "Angel God, nine exams!"


Let me tell you, in yesterday's chapter, Lin Xiao did not agree to Gu Yuena. Please see this clearly.

Moreover, Boss Lin’s principle is not to accept, not to reject, and not to be responsible. It has the advantage of having it delivered to your door without any effort, so why not?

In the end, there was nothing he could do to interfere with what came out of the jar, at least not yet.

Good night.

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