I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 278: The benefits of being Lin Xiao’s pet, Emperor Tian was so sad

"Angel God"

"Nine exams."

Qian Daoliu repeated in a low voice. The shock in his eyes was gradually replaced by surprise.

"Okay. Okay!"

"Xue'er, you really did not disappoint grandpa. Even your father was far from reaching this level in the ninth test of the god level."

Qian Daoliu said, his voice gradually feeling a little sad and a little relieved, "It's just like what I said, in terms of talent, you are still above me."

"Grandpa, you are joking, how can Xueer be more powerful than you?"

Qian Renxue shook her head slightly, not agreeing with Qian Daoliu's statement.

"Haha, the facts are right in front of you, is there anything you can't believe?"

"You don't have to underestimate yourself. Your talent is unique in the entire Douluo Continent. You will definitely inherit the divine throne in the future and become a high-ranking god, overlooking the entire Douluo Continent."

Qian Daoliu said, as if there were blazing flames burning in his eyes, and he seemed to see the glory of the future Wuhun Palace.

"Grandpa, don't worry, Xue'er will work harder in the future and complete the divine examination as soon as possible to inherit the divine throne."

Qian Renxue nodded heavily.

"There is no rush for the divine test. You should not try it lightly if you are not completely sure." Qian Daoliu waved his hand slightly to indicate to Qian Renxue not to be too anxious.

"Grandpa, you are worrying too much. The divine test may not be that difficult after all."

Suddenly, Qian Renxue grabbed her clothes and said.

What words?

What words is this?

Qian Daoliu frowned slightly when he heard this.

He felt that Qian Renxue was a little distracted, and planned to use the experience of others to advise his granddaughter.

"Grandpa, it's not what you think."

Qian Renxue had been watching Qian Daoliu's movements closely. When she saw the other party's expression, she immediately explained: "If I were faced with such a test in the past, I might really have to exhaust my efforts and go through all the troubles. And there are also huge consequences. Maybe. But it’s different now.”

"What's the difference?"

"Have you forgotten Boss Lin? As long as I keep opening the jar, I can always open something that is good for me to inherit the divine throne. So, it's really not that difficult!"

"Boss Lin!"

After listening to Qian Renxue's words, Qian Daoliu's heart suddenly shook.

Yes, how could I forget about this? This is definitely a huge help.

After hesitating for a moment, Qian Daoliu nodded, "Then in addition to practicing from now on, you must remember to come back on time to open the jar."

Qian Daoliu thought for a while and added emphatically: "The jar can't stop!"


Seeing the look on Qian Daoliu's old mother's face, Qian Renxue couldn't help but smile, "Grandpa, don't worry, I understand. If nothing happens, Xue'er will leave. The Tiandou Empire is full of things and there are many things waiting for me. Go deal with it.”

Qian Daoliu did not refuse, "Demon Bear and Snake Spear will also go to the Tiandou Empire with you and guard you secretly. If there are any difficult things, you can leave them to them."

"What about the Pope?"

"I'll tell you."

the other side.

In a small shop.

Lin Xiao had already smashed ten jars.

Upgrade rolls, enhancers, teleportation potions, etc.

I have to say, there are still a lot of good things.

"Come on, can I post it today?"

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up and he murmured in a low voice.


Another set of jars were smashed, and the results were similar to the previous wave.

However, there was a rare item that Lin Xiao had never seen before.

Item: [Treasure Hunting Paper]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the world of Doraemon. 】

Effect: [As long as it is roasted with fire, you can get traces of the items you know. 】

"It's interesting."

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up, this was indeed a good thing.

But here comes the problem.

What should he be looking for with this thing? Generally speaking, the most famous treasures in Douluo Continent have already been delivered to your door without having to look for them yourself.

For those who don’t know, it’s probably the traces of the Blue Silver Emperor.

etc? Do you want to use this thing to find the Blue Silver Emperor?

Lin Xiao gently rubbed his chin, it wasn't impossible, he was idle anyway.

However, this all has to be said after opening the jar.

With this in mind, Lin Xiao waved his hand and took out ten more jars.

As a result, it is nothing more than prescribing some proficiency capsules, and experience capsules are more valuable.

Although it is a bit outrageous, it is also normal.

How can anyone bet on dogs and win every day?

Just keep driving and that's it.

Lin Xiao waved again, and ten more jars appeared on the counter.

After opening them one by one, I was pleasantly surprised.

Is that a strange-looking watch?

Lin Xiao was very curious, and then the corresponding item information appeared in front of Lin Xiao.

Item: [Watch that changes the date]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the world of Doraemon. 】

Effect: [As long as you adjust the date on the watch, the time in the store will change. 】

"This thing is amazing."

Lin Xiao noticed that this watch was still somewhat different from the one in the Doraemon anime.

The largest scale in the world of Doraemon is the month.

But Lin Xiao had an extra deadline in his hand, that was, years.

In other words, this watch can change the time in units of years?

"If this is adjusted to ten years or twenty years, wouldn't I be invincible?"

Lin Xiao thought about it and couldn't help but want to try it.

However, he turned the knob of the watch to adjust the time until sparks appeared, but there was no change.

"What the hell? It's been a hundred years and there's still no change?"

"The system won't be such a jerk to play pranks on me, will it?"

Lin Xiao cursed secretly in his heart.

Too much!

Subconsciously, he wanted to throw away the watch in his hand.

"What's going on, what's going on?"

Suddenly, Ditian's voice came from the backyard.

"Di Tian, ​​come in."

Lin Xiao frowned and shouted coldly.

After his voice fell, Di Tian, ​​dressed in black, ran in dejectedly.

"Lin Xiao. What do you want from me?"

Di Tian hesitated and couldn't help but said.

He even shrank subconsciously. He is no longer so stubborn, and is still a little scared when he sees Lin Xiao.

"Let me ask you, what is the ghost's name?" Lin Xiao asked in a low voice.

"No. It's nothing. I was just chopping wood, and my cultivation level inexplicably increased for a hundred years." When mentioning this matter, Di Tian looked puzzled and confused.

Although a hundred years of cultivation is nothing to Ditian, it is outrageous to obtain it in this way.

"Wait a minute, you said you just gained a hundred years of cultivation?"

Lin Xiao lowered his head and looked at the watch in his hand. Wasn't it turned to the hundred-year position?

Could it be that the effect of this watch is not only for you, but for others?


Hasn't Xiao Wu turned into a hundred-year-old woman?

He quickly called to the backyard: "Xiao Wu."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Wu ran into the front hall with long legs.

Still so young.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"How is this going?"

Lin Xiao frowned and waved his hand, two rays of light fell on the shop.

Roar! Roar!

Two deafening sounds sounded, echoing continuously in the shop.

It was Da Ming and Er Ming who appeared in the shop.

It's just that both of them are huge, and they are almost squeezed into the small shop.

Looks extremely frustrated.

"What are you guys calling me again?"

Lin Xiao frowned again and shouted.

Suddenly, the shop suddenly became quiet.


After a while, the Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape shouted weakly.

Lin Xiao waved his hand, "Stop making any noise, I'll show you a treasure."

As he spoke, he began to twist the watch in his hand again, but his eyes were closely watching the changes in the two of them.

Ten years, twenty years, thirty years

Under Lin Xiao's gaze and perception, the size and cultivation of both of them were increasing.

By the way, there is Di Tian on the side, and his aura is also getting stronger.

"I see."

Lin Xiao's eyes showed a look of surprise.

The watch in his hand is actually useful for soul beasts. In other words, by twisting this watch, the spirit beasts in the shop can increase their lifespan and improve their cultivation level.


Why doesn't Xiao Wu improve her cultivation?

Strictly speaking, soul beasts that transform into humans are humans. It just has one more function than normal people, the ability to explode soul rings and soul bones after death.

"It's cool."

"Two breaths can improve your cultivation for decades."

Di Tian, ​​Azure Bull Python, and Titan Giant Ape all felt a sense of relief.

However, Ditian soon became unhappy.

A golden light enveloped him, preventing him from enjoying the benefits of time acceleration anymore.

"You" Di Tian looked around. The Azure Bull Python and Titan Ape were not affected in any way. It can be seen from the ever-increasing number of reminders that their cultivation is increasing.

"Are you dissatisfied?" Lin Xiao looked at Di Tian with a smile.

Of course I am not satisfied!

However, Ditian could think about this in his mind.

On the surface. He said very aggrievedly: "Can't you be the same beast?"

He still wanted to be happy if Akito didn't say anything secret.

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and asked three words: "Are you worthy? Ask the locksmith in Wuhun City how many locks do you deserve?"

Ditian: "."

I have never been so speechless in my life.

"You feel speechless, don't you? That's because you haven't met me. If you had met me, you would have been so speechless."

Lin Xiao said with a smile.

I have to say that he was very happy to see this soul beast overlord deflated.

After all, anyone who sees Di Tian's arrogant face wants to step on him severely, right?

"Forget it. I'm going to chop wood."

Di Tian felt very uncomfortable, out of sight and out of mind. He wanted to leave this sad place.


Even in the backyard, he could still feel the cultivation of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Ape growing again.

In the end, both of them were close to 200,000 years of cultivation.

"The one who rides on the horse has increased so much cultivation out of thin air, and no matter how hard he works, he will survive the catastrophe and become a ferocious beast."

Emperor Tian was sore. Really sour.

He never dreamed that Lin Xiao had the ability to directly increase the life of the soul beast, making the growth rate of the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty achieve a leap-like progress.

You know, countless soul beasts have practiced for a lifetime, but they are not as long as they are in just a few moments.

"Thank you Master for the opportunity!"


In the front hall, Da Ming and Er Ming made sounds at the same time. There was unabashed gratitude in his voice.

"Since you recognize me as your master, I will naturally not treat you badly. Now go and digest your experience and insights."

Lin Xiao said, waving his hand to bring them all into the pet space.


At the same time, he took a deep breath, and his body felt an extremely rare feeling of exhaustion, as if his body had been hollowed out.

However, Lin Xiao estimated that it would not be a big problem for Er Ming to improve his cultivation level by giving Da Ming three to five days of rest.

"Haha, if this continues, won't I be able to have two million-year-old soul beasts as pets before long?"

Lin Xiao's mind became a little more active.

A million-year-old soul beast should not be too imposing as a pet.

By then, whether it's the Star Dou Forest or the ocean, a bunch of spirit beasts will be shocked to death.


This is just thinking about it.

He remembered that soul beasts had to go through a tribulation every hundred thousand years. After surviving a surge in strength, they could not survive being annihilated by flying ashes.

"It seems that this thing can't be twisted casually. At least, don't use it anymore until the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty are not strong enough to deal with the catastrophe."

Lin Xiao thought about putting away the watch in his hand.

"Master, Xiao Wu, can I give you a squeeze?"

At this time, Xiao Wu was very colorful and immediately saw the tired look on Lin Xiao's face.

"No, you go and warm the bed. Go and make the bed."

"I still have some things to do, so I'll go to bed after finishing my work."

Lin Xiao waved his hands. In fact, he was really tired.

However, there are still some jars that have not been opened.

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Xiao Wu left.

He also got back on track again and continued opening cans.



In the blink of an eye, there were nearly seventy jars.

Finally, there was another burst of different light, orange.

"Fuck! Legend!"

"Whatever it is, it must not be an awakening scroll. Otherwise, I would have gathered three of them, which is enough for me to awaken again."

"That's so embarrassing, don't do it!"

In fact, the more Lin Xiao said he didn't want it, the more he wanted it.

But aren’t all can-openers like this? I thought I could feint the system with a shot!

Gradually, the light faded.

After seeing the items clearly, Lin Xiao was startled.

I saw that there was a bottle of potion in the jar, but what was different from the ones I had seen before was that the light blue bottle had a pair of white wings.

"I recognize this icon. If I read it correctly, it should be called Holy Blessing Potion?" He couldn't help but say.

Item: [Holy Blessing Potion]

Level: [Legend]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [Props taken from the dungeon world. 】

Effect: [After use, it will be resurrected immediately after death and restore one-third of its own status. 】

"The effect is almost the same as when playing dungeons. It's just that the level is not as high as I know."

After confirming that there was no problem with the item information, Lin Xiao murmured in a low voice.

But this is not difficult to understand.

Games are games, reality is reality.

The most precious thing in the game is equipment. But the most precious thing in reality is naturally life.

Therefore, there is no problem in upgrading the level of this potion that can bring the dead to legend.

"So, the resurrection coin that can resurrect a person to full status after death is an epic-level item?"

Lin Xiao had a guess in his mind. Even if it’s not epic, it’s a bit unreasonable.

Immediately afterwards, he grabbed the sacred blessing potion and drank it in one gulp.

"Tsk, tsk. Unexpectedly, in reality, this thing tastes like snowflake juice."

Lin Xiao's mouth was filled with unsatisfied thoughts.

As for why he did this?

Very simple.

Because after using the Holy Blessing Potion, a BUFF will appear on the body. It will automatically resurrect after hanging up. This BUFF will remain there until you die.

Use it in advance for an extra layer of protection, so that Lin Xiao can go out for fun with peace of mind.

Good night.

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