I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 283 Yuluo Mian, am I a waste?

"Yu Xiaogang, step back."

Seeing that Yu Xiaogang still looked unwilling, Yu Luomian said in a deep voice.

"Second uncle."

Yu Xiaogang shouted subconsciously.

Yu Luomian frowned, and the expression on his face suddenly turned cold, "Stop messing around. You are also an adult and should be responsible for your own decisions.

The enhancement failed and you lost a soul ring. What if it succeeds? Have you not already reached level 30? Danger and opportunity coexist, do you need me to teach you about this truth? "

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang stopped talking.

He lowered his head and clenched his fists tightly in his sleeves.

After that, he came behind Yu Luomian without saying a word.

"Waste is waste. Such a mind is destined to make it difficult to achieve anything great."

Yu Luo Mian shook his head slightly and ignored Yu Xiaogang.

"Boss, please bring me ten jars."

Arriving at the counter, Yu Luomian took out one million gold soul coins with ease and randomly selected ten jars.

"No problem." Lin Xiao nodded slightly and without saying much, turned around and took down the ten jars one by one and placed them in front of Yu Luomian.

"I won't go into details about the rules. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me directly." After Lin Xiao finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, indicating that Yu Luo Mian could start.

However, Yu Luo Mian hesitated.

"Boss, what did Erlong find in the shop? How did he awaken the power of the blood of the Holy Dragon of Light?"

At this point, how could he not see that Liu Erlong's awakening was entirely due to Lin Xiao?

As for Yu Xiaogang, he is at best an information porter. Rather than hoping for an answer from Yu Xiaogang, it would be better to ask Lin Xiao directly.

"Good guy, Liu Erlong has awakened the bloodline of the Holy Dragon of Light?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiao felt a little shocked.

It has to be said that this was something he did not expect.

Thinking about the evolution of Zhu Zhuqing and Zhu Zhuyun's martial soul, Lin Xiao immediately had the answer.

"Amplifier, among the items Liu Erlong sold in our store last week, only the amplifier can make the martial soul stronger."

Lin Xiao simply gave Yu Luo Mian a reminder and didn't say much more.

He believed that the amplifier alone was enough to attract Yuluo Mian.


Yu Luo Mian repeated softly, but there seemed to be blazing flames burning in his eyes, "Okay! It's time to get the amplifier!"

"Boss, I won't open any other jars. I just want a jar that can open an amplifier. How about that?"

He suddenly looked at Lin Xiao and suggested again.

Good guy, here comes another can-buying wizard? Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows and said two words lightly: "No."

"Boss, please think about it carefully. This is a sure profit for you. You must think clearly. I only want a jar with an amplifier for one million gold soul coins.

And you also said that the items found in the jars are all random. If I'm lucky, items more valuable than the amplifiers are found in these ten jars. Wouldn't you be at a big loss? "

Yu Luo Mian persisted in persuading.

To be honest, he really has no idea. He was even more convinced after watching Yu Xiaogang open the jar. It was really hard to tell what would be opened.

However, since it's a bargain, you can't overestimate your luck, right?

On the other hand, Lin Xiao smiled: "Let's go, I'm willing to do it even if it means losing money."

Actually, does he care?

As the old saying goes, you may make a profit, but I will never lose.

"Hey, why are you so disobedient?"

Yuluo Mian sighed helplessly.

He thought he could convince Lin Xiao.

"Then I'll open the can. When I get something good, boss, don't regret it." Yu Luomian made his final struggle.

Lin Xiao waved his hand, "Don't worry, even if you regret it, I won't regret it."

Men are numb and spitting is a thorn.


Yu Luomian nodded heavily, picked up the lucky magic hammer and smashed the first jar.


An object fell out.

"Sky Tree Fruit, a fruit that can explode. Enemies within the range will be knocked away."

Before Yu Luo Mian could ask, Lin Xiao had already taken the lead in explaining.

"Oh, it's an interesting little thing." Yu Luomian put it away with interest.

However, no matter how interesting the fruit of the Sky Tree is, he thinks it is not worth 100,000 gold soul coins.

However, he is the second-in-command of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and even if his family wealth is not as good as that of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, which is known as the richest sect in the world, it is not comparable to that of ordinary titled Douluo. One hundred thousand gold soul coins are enough to buy Lehe, which is acceptable.

"Then go ahead."

"As long as you give me an amplifier, I'll be satisfied."

Yuluo Mian muttered secretly in his heart.

Click click click.

In the blink of an eye, three more jars were opened.

As a result, he panicked a little.

They are all ordinary-level common items.

"You won't even give me a good thing, right?"

The more Yu Luo Mian thought about it, the more possible it became.

Otherwise, why would Lin Xiao refuse to use all the jars and replace them with jars equipped with amplifiers?

"Second uncle, can you understand my mood now?"

Yu Xiaogang whispered at this time.

I don’t know why, but seeing that Yuluo Mian hasn’t opened anything of value one after another, I still feel comfortable in my heart?

"What's this? I don't feel sorry for the gold soul coins, I just feel like it's a waste of time. If every one of these jars by Boss Lin can get what I want, I will buy them even if each jar costs one million. "

"As a human being, you must have a pattern."

Yu Luo Mian glanced at Yu Xiaogang lightly and said slowly.

Of course, he also added in his mind.

If it were really a million pieces, buying ten of them at a time would be enough. Because even he would have to go bankrupt.

However, it would be a different story if it were the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family.

"Ah this."

Yu Xiaogang's expression changed.

Lin Xiao could tell that he was quite shocked by Yu Luo Mian's words.


Yu Luo Mian snorted softly and withdrew his gaze. He smashed the next jar with a nonchalant expression.

Finally, a different brilliance appeared, purple!

Things have turned around!

Yu Luo Mian hurriedly looked over and was immediately overjoyed.

What I saw in the jar was an item that was very similar to the enhancer used by Yu Xiaogang before.

He tentatively guessed: "Boss Lin, could this be it?"

Lin Xiao nodded, "Yes, as you guessed, this thing is an amplifier."



Yu Luo Mian first took a breath of air, then was overjoyed.

Wasn't he just talking to Lin Xiao so much to get this treasure?


"It's a dream come true, it's really a dream come true."

Yuluo Mian said excitedly.

Holy Dragon of Light, that is the legend of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Will it come true for me today?

He was very excited.

"Why is he so excited? Can an amplifier completely awaken him?"

Lin Xiao shook his head. To be honest, he thought it was impossible.

According to his prediction, he has to use the +10 amplification scroll to achieve the expected effect of Yuluo Mian, right?


At this time, Yu Luo Mian could no longer contain the excitement in his heart and had already begun to increase his strength.

"I'm so jealous."

Yu Xiaogang looked at Yu Luo Mian, who was wrapped in mysterious power, with a look of envy on his face.

There was even a hint of deeply hidden jealousy in his eyes.

However, this process is very short.

The anticipation and excitement on Yu Luo Mian's face soon turned into astonishment.

"That's it. It's over."

When a mechanical prompt sounded in his ear, Yu Luo Mian woke up as if from a dream.

If you feel it carefully, the strength of the martial spirit has indeed increased.

His strength has also improved a lot.

However, in his bloodline, he didn't feel the bloodline of the Holy Dragon of Light?

"How is this going?"

"My daughter has clearly awakened the bloodline power of the Holy Dragon of Light, but I don't have it."

Yu Luomian looked at Lin Xiao with a puzzled expression.

Lin Xiao rubbed his chin, thought carefully and replied: "Based on your condition, I think there may be the following situations:

One, blood is passed down from generation to generation.

Second, Liu Erlong showed signs of atavism.

Third, there is something wrong with you, and your bloodline is not strong enough.

Fourth, the number of times the amplifier is used is too few. "

Lin Xiao listed the possibilities one by one, while Yu Luo Mian's face became increasingly ugly.

He understood what Lin Xiao meant.

To put it simply, he, Yuluo Mian, is a waste.

"The mutated martial spirit is a strange existence in itself. No one can say what kind of potential is hidden in it."

Yu Xiaogang's voice also sounded behind Yu Luomian.

"I don't know what kind of strength other people's mutated martial arts have, but your mutated martial soul is absolutely useless. I'm sure of this."

Yu Luo Mian glanced at Yu Xiaogang and said lightly.

Suddenly, Yu Xiaogang's face froze and he was speechless.

no way.

A useless martial soul has no human rights.

"If one amplifier doesn't work, use two. If two amplifiers don't work, use three. I don't believe that the pure blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex bloodline can't awaken the bloodline power of the Holy Dragon of Light."

Yu Luomian's eyes fell on the jar again, with the fire of desire burning in his eyes.

the other side.

Xingluo Palace is magnificent.

As a prince, Davis' life can be said to be a life of luxury and luxury.

There were more than a dozen girls in gauze skirts around him, and they were so happy.

"Your Highness, we have urgent information."

At this moment, a waiter in silver armor suddenly walked in from outside the hall, with an eager look on his face.

Davis changed from half-lying in the arms of a young girl to sitting upright, and then waved his hand, and the hall suddenly became quiet.

He stared at the eager waiter and asked, "What happened? You are so panicked?"

The waiter did not dare to hide anything and said quickly: "Back to Your Highness, urgent news has been transmitted to the palace. Our people have discovered Zhu Zhuyun's traces."

"Zhu Zhuyun, where is she?"

Davis' pupils suddenly shrank and he asked in a deep voice.

Since the last time the Grand Duke of Netherworld broke off his engagement, he almost turned Xingluo City upside down and found no trace of Zhu Zhuyun.

He once thought that Zhu Zhuyun was hidden by the Grand Duke of Netherworld. Today I finally found traces of Zhu Zhuyun,

"Outside Xingluo City, we expect to arrive at Xingluo Imperial City tonight."

"Is there anyone with her?"

"No, there is only one person for now."

After listening to the waiter's words, Davis fell silent.

After a long while, he said in a hoarse voice: "Okay, if this is the case, I have to meet my former fiancée. I don't know if she will miss me as much as I miss her. .”

Davis said meaningfully.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has given instructions. Don't provoke the Grand Duke of Netherworld for the time being. You want to take action against Zhu Zhuyun. Isn't this inappropriate?"

The waiter's expression froze and he reminded carefully.

"Hmph, you bitch, do you know who your master is?"

Davis' face turned cold and he scolded.

"It's Your Highness. This slave will always be Your Highness's dog."

The waiter's expression changed and he answered quickly.

"Now that you know I am your master, don't question my decision."

Davis said with a gloomy face: "What's more, the Grand Duke of Netherworld has long been disobedient. I captured Zhu Zhuyun and held it in my hands. In the future, I will have another trump card to check and balance the Grand Duke of Netherworld. This is definitely a A strategy that kills several birds with one stone.”

The waiter did not dare to question this time, "I understand. I will go and gather people now."

With that said, the waiter was about to leave.

However, Davis shook his head: "Wait, don't call the palace guards, so as not to attract the attention of interested people."

"Over the years, I have also gathered some people who can just do these things with us."

Hearing the sound, the waiter hesitated and said, "Your Highness, with just us, won't there be any accidents?"

He was still a little worried.

"Didn't you say that? What kind of accident can happen to Zhu Zhuyun alone?"

"She is just a soul sect. I can't take her down with a dozen strong men of the same level and you with a soul ring standing in my way?"

"Even the Soul Emperor has to drink hatred. Even the powerful Soul Saint may not be able to escape unscathed!"

Davis said with great confidence.


"But what?"

"When Your Highness said these words, my servant's right eye kept twitching."

Hearing the sound, Davis' eyelids jumped. He looked at the waiter and asked in a deep voice, "Is there any explanation for this?"

"Your Highness, it's like this. There is a proverb in the Star Luo Empire: the left eye jumps to wealth, and the other eye jumps to disaster."

After the waiter finished speaking, he looked at Davis carefully.


Davis's face darkened.

What kind of depressing words are these?

He grabbed the wine on the table and drank it in one gulp. Then he narrowed his eyes and looked at the waiter: "I'll give you a chance to reorganize your language."

"It's my slave who remembered it wrong."

The waiter hurriedly replied: "It's because my right eyelid is twitching, good things are coming."


Davis gently put the wine glass in his hand back on the table, and then said in a deep voice: "Give me the order and set off immediately."

In fact, after he learned that his engagement was annulled, he had been feeling sulky in his heart.

who is he?

How could the prince of the Star Luo Empire, the future heir to the throne, be compared to a loser like Dai Mubai?

His engagement was annulled. Wasn't this a slap in the face of the future emperor of the Star Luo Empire? After he succeeds to the throne in the future, why not let others poke his spine?

Therefore, there is no such stain.

He decided that after capturing Zhu Zhuyun, he would have to cook the raw rice into cooked rice no matter what.

"If you want to get a woman, you must get her body before you can get her heart. Didn't Zhu Zhuyun beg me to fulfill the engagement with me after that?"

"No matter how powerful the Netherworld Grand Duke is, he wouldn't want to fight with his son-in-law, right?"

Davis still had his own plans in mind.

Whether it was for the stability of the empire or for his own throne, he had to capture Zhu Zhuyun.


I was too sleepy and tired yesterday, so there were many errors in yesterday's chapter, but they have been changed.

Good night.

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