I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 284 Bright Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex

Wuhun City.

In the small shop, Yu Luomian suddenly felt a little cold.

Although the weather outside is still bright and sunny, the main reason is that I feel cold.

"Second uncle, you only have the last jar left. Are you also panicking?"

Yu Xiaogang muttered quietly behind Yu Luo Mian.

In fact, there was a hint of joy.

After all, except for an amplifier, Yuluo Mian doesn't have any other good things. After all, I also opened an artifact-level item.

Although, the final result was that his strength did not improve, and even weakened a lot.

But, at least I have it.

"Hmph, am I panicked? You didn't know you saw that I was panicked?"

Yu Luo Mian did not look back, but turned his back to Yu Xiaogang and snorted.

Anyone could hear the dissatisfaction in his voice.

Yu Xiaogang shrank when he heard the sound and did not dare to say any more.

Although Yu Luomian usually looks very amiable, he is actually a smiling tiger. He felt in his heart that it would be better not to really anger Yuluo Mian until he clicked.

Otherwise, you will be the one who suffers.

"Boss Lin, you said that there should be no ordinary items in my last jar, right?"

Yu Luo Mian looked at Lin Xiao and asked nervously.

"Here, it's up to you to discover it yourself."

Lin Xiao said a little funny.



Yuluo Mian sighed and broke the last jar.


The dazzling purple light made everyone unable to open their eyes.

"I remember this is a double can, right? Doesn't it mean that two rare items were opened this time?"

“It’s not a loss, it’s definitely not a loss!”

Yuluo Mian suddenly became excited.

On the side, Yu Xiaogang felt sour in his heart, "I didn't expect that Yu Luo Mian was so lucky, and he really made a comeback."

"Two more amplifiers."

At this time, Lin Xiao also saw the items in the jar clearly and whispered.

"What? Amplifier?"

What kind of strength was Yuluo Mian? Within a radius of ten meters, he could hear even a mosquito flapping its wings, let alone being so close to Lin Xiao.

Yu Luo Mian heard his words clearly.

He immediately looked at the jar.

Suddenly startled.

"Amplifier, it's really an amplifier!"

"This is better than I thought!"

Yu Luo Mian was so excited that she was a little incoherent. If there weren't so many people around, he would probably be dancing with excitement.

"Hahaha, it seems I can't do it today even if I don't want to awaken the bloodline of the Holy Dragon of Light."

he said with a laugh.

‘What kind of luck is this? If I had two amplifiers, why would I risk seeking a breakthrough in the soul ring? ’

Yu Xiaogang also just woke up at this time, with a look of envy on his face.

There was still desire and jealousy in his eyes.

Now he wished he could enjoy these two amplifiers instead of Yu Luo Mian.

"Don't get excited, let's try it and see how it works."

At this moment, Lin Xiao glanced outside the door, and then said to Yu Luo Mian.

The reason why he chose to urge was because he saw someone coming outside. But I saw someone in the shop who didn't come in immediately.

If you don't send these two people away quickly, won't you delay your own business?


"Use it, use it quickly!"

"I don't believe it. You can't wake up even after using two amplifiers?"

Yu Luomian said, and even secretly added in his heart, 'If I still can't awaken the bloodline power of the Holy Dragon of Light this time, I will find a piece of tofu and kill him when I go out, or I will find a noodle and hang myself. ’


Yuluo Mian activated the amplifier, possessed the martial soul, and powerful fluctuations in soul power swept through the shop like a strong wind.

"Wake me up!"

The jade crown looks like a crazy demon.

Not crazy, not live. Lin Xiao looked at him and suddenly remembered this sentence.

[Congratulations, the increase is successful. 】

After a while, a mechanical voice sounded in Yu Luo Mian's mind.

He knew this was not an illusion, because after the previous increase, such a voice also appeared in his mind.

Without giving him much time to think, a powerful force merged into the martial spirit at the next moment.


He looked up to the sky and roared like a dragon.

Yu Xiaogang simply couldn't bear such a large fluctuation in soul power, so he took several steps back, using his limbs to support the ground to stabilize his body.

On the other hand, Lin Xiao's response was much simpler. With a slight wave of his hand, the invisible power burst out and overshadowed Yu Luomian's momentum.

No matter how much he howled, not a trace of energy leaked out.


"Boss, I just became perverted. Bah, I lost my temper."

Yuluo Mian also noticed something was wrong, he was a little too complacent.

It doesn't matter if he bumped into Yu Xiaogang, but it would be bad if he angered Boss Lin.

"It's just a small thing."

Lin Xiao waved his hand, indicating that he didn't mind, and asked: "How do you feel now?"

"Very good, very strong, very fierce, very confident."

"I think it's okay to have two more concubines."

Yu Luomian thought carefully and answered seriously.

Uh, is this what I'm specifically asking you about? Lin Xiao frowned, and three black lines appeared on his forehead.

When Yu Luo Mian saw this, his pupils shrank suddenly, knowing that he had said the wrong thing, "Boss Lin, please calm down."

"I might have made a mistake."

As he spoke, he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. It soon turned into a look of distress.

"Although my strength has become much stronger than before, and I am confident enough to fight even a titled Douluo in front of me, I still haven't found any signs of awakening the power of the bloodline of the Holy Dragon of Light."

"Boss, Erlong has opened several amplifiers."

However, before Lin Xiao could answer, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but said: "I followed Erlong to open the can. Well, I can only say that she didn't open as many amplifiers as you."

"You mean I'm not as good as Erlong?"

"Do you want to talk more?"

"Besides, don't I still have an amplifier that I haven't used?"

Yu Luo Mian snorted angrily.

Yu Xiaogang: "???"

Am I wrong?

This would be the same answer if Boss Lin spoke!

However, Yu Xiaogang concluded that Yu Luo Mian would not dare to speak to Lin Xiao in such a tone.

Unless he's had enough.

"Come again!"

At this time, Yu Luomian's voice echoed through the shop again.

The familiar amplification process appears again.

However, this time Lin Xiao discovered something different.

I saw that in the blue electric arc that was wrapped around Yuluo Mian like a spiritual snake, there were actually some white electric arcs.

In the beginning there were only wisps.

Soon it was densely covering Yuluo Mian's body.


Yuluo Mian roared again, and the electric light suddenly converged into the martial spirit.

The blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex behind Yu Luomian has undergone transformation.

The scales all over the body are faintly white.

"The martial spirit has evolved!"

Yu Xiaogang is known as the master and comes from the blue electric Tyrannosaurus family, so why can't he understand the changes in Yu Luo Mian!


What a shock!

"Now I have just embarked on the road of evolution. It is still too far to fully awaken the power of the Holy Dragon of Light in my bloodline."

"Now it can at most be called the Bright Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex."

Yuluo Mian spoke at this moment.

However, even if he tried his best to control his tone, Lin Xiao could still hear the tremor in his voice.

Obviously, he was not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

It is not difficult to understand, after all, it was the legend that came to him.

The bright blue electric tyrannosaurus is roughly equal to the bright holy dragon if rounded up.

"With such a treasure, our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is not far from rising!"

"When the time comes, the Haotian Sect, the Spirit Hall, and our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family will be the most powerful force on the Douluo Continent!"

Yuluo Mian thought of a lot at this moment.

"Okay, the can is opened and the amplifier is used up. Go ahead and get busy."

Lin Xiao saw Yu Luo Mian kept having sex here, and said while waving his hands.

"Boss, we're not busy. It's okay to stay with you for a while."

Yuluo Mian answered quickly.

The jar shop was so amazing that Yuluo Mian wanted to stay here to learn more.

"You're not busy, I'm busy."

Lin Xiao said helplessly.

That's it, is he still the second in charge of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family? He didn't even look at him. Didn't he see the people lining up outside the shop?

On the other hand, Yu Luo Mian also heard the sound and looked over, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart could not calm down for a while.

Who did I see?

Ning Fengzhi.

Bone Douluo.

There was also Sword Douluo who had fought Qian Daoliu outside Wuhun City before.

"Are they here to open cans too?"

He looked at Lin Xiao numbly and asked blankly.

"As you can see." Lin Xiao shrugged.


A flash of embarrassment flashed across Yu Luomian's face, and he said hurriedly: "I'll leave right now to make room for them."

After saying that, he turned around, picked up Yu Xiaogang and left the shop without any ambiguity.

"Sect Master Ning, even after we said goodbye back then, your style remains the same."

When he came outside the shop, Yu Luo Mian had a smile on his face and said to Ning Fengzhi, cupping his fists.

"It turns out to be the second boss. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you."

Ning Fengzhi also had a smile on his face and returned the favor with fists in his hands.

Yu Luomian glanced at the shop again, and said: "I think Sect Master Ning has something big to do, so I won't bother you. If you have free time in the future, Sect Master Ning might as well come and sit with my Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family?"


Ning Fengzhi smiled and greeted, "The door of Qibao Glazed Sect is also open to the second master at any time."

After speaking, he said to Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo beside him: "Uncle Sword, Uncle Long, let's go in too."

After his voice fell, he nodded to Yu Luomian and walked into the shop first.

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo followed closely behind.

"Second uncle, where are we going now?"

After everyone entered the shop, Yu Xiao just asked.

"You come back to the sect with me."

Yu Luomian glanced at Yu Xiaogang and said, "You have made great contributions to the sect, and the sect will definitely reward you well."

"Xiao Gang is a member of the sect, and death is the soul of the sect."

Yu Xiaogang lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

In fact, he has no backer. Apart from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, he can't find anyone who can open the jar for him at the cost of millions of gold soul coins every week.

"Credit is credit. Although I still dislike you, I won't do it for personal gain."

Yu Luomian said bluntly: "When you return to the sect, I will build a shop for you and let you run it as your own boss. I can also let you go to Thunder Academy as a teacher and pass on your theory of martial arts. .”

What? Yu Xiaogang was startled, not expecting such a result at all.

At the same time, this is not the result he wants.

"What? Do you have any objections?"

When Yu Luo Mian saw this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "If you have any opinions, just say them, although I may not necessarily adopt them."

Yu Xiaogang:''

He was speechless.

However, when it comes to the future, he has to bite the bullet and say it.

"Second uncle, I don't want a shop, nor do I want to be a teacher. I just want to open a lot of jars, so that my strength can reach level 30 or higher."

Yu Xiaogang expressed his thoughts.

Yu Luomian's decision was completely equivalent to ending the possibility of him continuing on the path of a soul master.

He couldn't accept it.

"You still want to open the can?"

Yu Luomian frowned even more tightly, almost frowning together: "You have to know that competition among sects has always been cruel. Resources are completely tilted based on talent, and you..."

He paused for a moment and then said: "With your talent, you can hardly get any resources in the sect. If it weren't for your father, the patriarch, you wouldn't have the chance to see those precious books in the sect. . Besides, the sect has already paid one million gold soul coins for you, so it’s not like we haven’t given you a chance.”

Although he looked down upon Yu Xiaogang, he would still not violate anything within the rules.

If you say that Yu Xiaogang's talent is as high as that of the rising stars of the current sect, Yu Tianheng, and Yu Tianxin, let alone one million, even three to five million must be cultivated.

However, he is really bad.

Let me ask, who would throw resources at a pig that can only fart? And it’s still the kind that can’t break through to level 30.

In his opinion, Yu Xiaogang was really hopeless.

"Second uncle, I beg you to give me another chance. I think I still have hope."

"I believe Sanpao has unlimited potential in the future. If it has enough amplifiers, it can also become the Holy Dragon of Light."

Yu Xiaogang refused to give up easily, and persevered in begging for Yu Luo Mian.


Yuluo Mian sighed, "If you say that, I won't be stubborn with you. Amplifiers are indeed rare artifacts. If there are enough of them, it will indeed be possible for your martial soul to evolve, and you will become the Saint of Light. It’s not impossible for dragons.”

"However, there is a prerequisite for that, and that is enough amplifiers."

"Think about it, how much does it cost to evolve a pig into the Holy Dragon of Light? With those amplifiers, I am afraid that all the direct descendants of our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family will have the Holy Dragon of Light spirit."

Yuluo Mian struck mercilessly.

In his opinion, Yu Xiaogang's idea was completely wishful thinking.

If the sect wanted to train him, he would have to be crazy.

That's similar to using gold soul coins to fill the sea.


After hearing what Yu Luo Mian said, Yu Xiaogang's face turned pale as if he had been struck by lightning.

Subconsciously, he raised his hand to cover his chest. Yu Luomian's words were like knives stabbing him hard.


It’s so heart-breaking to step on a horse.

"Am I, Yu Xiaogang, so insignificant in your eyes?" he asked in a hoarse voice.

Hearing this, Yu Luo Mian shook his head, "You are wrong."

"It's not that you're not worth mentioning, it's that you're not in my eyes at all."

When the voice fell, Yu Luo Mian had already passed Yu Xiaogang and walked towards the distance.


Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but was speechless.

Friendly reminder, if you haven't finished your homework, hurry up. There is not much time left for you.

Good night.

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