I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 285 Eight Treasures Glazed Pagoda, Star Forest changes to the sky

But before going far, Yu Luo Mian suddenly stopped.

He was attracted by the small shop opposite Lin Xiao's shop.

"Purchase Devil Fruit, five million gold soul coins?"

He raised his eyebrows and was shocked.

"What is a devil fruit? The purchase price is actually higher than the price of some soul bones? It's really outrageous." He couldn't help but whisper.

"Today is different from the past. If a soul master wants to improve his strength, he no longer relies on soul rings and soul bones. The effect of devil fruit is far beyond that of ordinary soul bones."

At this moment, Ning Rongrong walked out of the shop, looked at Yu Luo Mian outside the shop and said.

But she saw it. She came out of Boss Lin's shop. Did she get something good?

However, she was disappointed, Yu Luo Mian looked like he had never seen the world.


"Why didn't I know there was such a thing in the soul master world?"

He looked at Ning Rongrong and asked in confusion.


Ning Rongrong sighed, pointed at Lin Xiao's shop and said, "You also came from Boss Lin's shop. Do you still have a few things you haven't seen before?"

Ah this

Yuluo Mian's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly remembered what he had just experienced.


There was nothing outrageous in the shop, so I was indeed a little surprised.

"I wonder what this devil fruit can do?"

Yuluo Mian was extremely curious.

"To put it simply, ordinary people can have powerful combat power after using Devil Fruit. It is comparable to a soul master." Ning Rongrong said with a wrinkled face.

Is that so? Yuluo Mian's heart moved and she looked back slightly.

He remembered what Yu Yuanzhen had said to him before.

The case was solved.

Ning Fengzhi must have used the devil fruit at his eighth achievement.

the other side.

In the small shop, Ning Fengzhi first exchanged greetings, and then went straight to the topic.

"Boss, here are three million gold soul coins. Please click on them."

He said, waving his hand and placing the gold soul coin on the counter.

Lin Xiao waved his hand and collected the money.

Judging from the numbers given on the system, it is three million gold soul coins, no more, no less.

"No problem, who do you plan to open the can first?"

Lin Xiao's eyes swept across the three of them, waiting for their choices.

"Uncle Jian, Uncle Long, you guys."

Ning Fengzhi spoke, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Sect Master, don't shirk this time, just drive first."

Sword Douluo said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Sect Master, I also want to see what the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit will look like after it evolves."

Bone Douluo rarely echoed Sword Douluo's words.

"It's not like you haven't seen Rongrong's Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda before."

Ning Fengzhi said with a wry smile.

"Can the Eight Treasures and the Nine Treasures be the same?"

Bone Douluo spoke again.


Why do I feel like Uncle Long is reminding me that even if my martial soul evolves, it's not worth mentioning?

Ning Fengzhi's expression changed slightly.

At this time, Sword Douluo also noticed Ning Fengzhi's abnormality and quickly comforted him: "Sect Master, don't listen to old bones' nonsense. Have some confidence in yourself. What happened to the Eight Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda? As long as we open enough amplifiers in the future, It’s not like there’s no hope of becoming the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.”

Ning Fengzhi: "."

He saw it.

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo no longer looked down upon the Glazed Pagoda under the Nine Treasures after Ning Rongrong's martial soul evolved.


It’s just too floating.

Simply, Ning Fengzhi stopped worrying.

"Then let me open the can first."

He said, already coming to the counter. His eyes swept over the many jars on the shelves, and suddenly his eyes froze.

He found a different jar.

"Boss, I shouldn't be able to choose that jar with the pink pattern, right?"

Ning Fengzhi looked at Lin Xiao and asked.

Haha, don’t you just want to know what effect this jar has? Lin Xiao smiled.

He saw Ning Fengzhi's intention at a glance.


He nodded and said, "This jar is an upgraded version of the Lucky Prayer Jar."

Upgraded version?

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, not only Ning Fengzhi, but also Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo pricked up their ears.

"Yes, the purple-patterned prayer jar allows you to choose rare items, but this pink one allows you to choose artifact-level items."

Lin Xiao said slowly.

When the voice fell, he found that the three people opposite him had changed.

The eyes are red, like rabbits.



The three of them swallowed hard involuntarily. There are so many things they want in the artifact jar.

He was stunned for a long time.

Ning Fengzhi then spoke: "Boss, are the conditions for opening this jar very harsh?"

"Is it harsh?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows slightly: "As long as you purchase eighty ordinary jars in total, you can open this jar for free. Is this harsh?"


Ning Fengzhi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "Haha, if you say you can open this jar by spending money, then I don't think it's harsh."

"If I could, I would buy thirty jars from him right now."

He really doesn't care anymore.

If something can be done with money, is it still a thing?


This is now, after using the compound interest bank, he has achieved the great achievement of becoming as rich as two countries.

In the past, no matter how wealthy the Qibao Glazed Sect was, if a few people opened jars and hundreds of millions of gold soul coins were spent, he would feel a burst of heartache.

"The sect leader is right. Problems that can be solved with money are indeed not problems."

On the side, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo also breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the sound.

In their opinion, this artifact-level self-selected jar will definitely be able to be opened.

Now they can think about what to choose when the time comes.

+10 equipment enhancement volume?

A powerful weapon?

For a moment, it was really hard to make a choice.

"Well, I don't object to you being full of hope for the future. But can you finish opening the can first and then make your choice?"

Lin Xiao looked at the three people who couldn't help but interrupt them.

You really think you don’t exist, right?

Simply outrageous!

"Yes, yes, yes, what the boss said is absolutely true."

The embarrassment on Ning Fengzhi's face flashed away, and he quickly said: "Ning, don't choose anymore. You can just take ten jars from the first row."

Lin Xiao nodded slightly and waved his hand, and the ten jars fell neatly on the counter.

After that, he personally took down the rare lucky prayer jar and handed it to Ning Fengzhi.

On the other hand, the corners of Ning Fengzhi's eyes twitched unconsciously.

Even though he always acted like he didn't care very much.

In fact, could he not care about this jar?

After all, if you can choose an amplifier, it will be of great use to you.

"Whether we can evolve the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda depends on this time."

Ning Fengzhi thought about it, raised the hammer, and took the lead in smashing the lucky prayer jar.

Then, as if his soul was blessed, he stretched his hand into the purple light.

Very moist!

This was his first reaction.

"Ning Fengzhi, Ning Fengzhi, is this the time for you to feel this?"

He hurriedly put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind and focused on finding what he wanted.

Not long after.

Everyone saw Ning Fengzhi taking out an item from the light ball with a happy face.


A smile flashed across Lin Xiao's lips. It can be said that Ning Fengzhi's choice was expected.

With the amplifier in hand, Ning Fengzhi activated it directly without much hesitation.

Under everyone's gaze, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tower fell into the amplifier.

"Can it evolve?"

Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo all had their hearts in their throats.

If it doesn't succeed this time, I don't know how long it will take to wait for the next opportunity for growth.

After all, whether the amplifier can be used depends on fate. No matter how much money you have, it is useless.

[Congratulations, the increase is successful! 】

Suddenly, a mechanical voice sounded in Ning Fengzhi's mind.

Instead he became more nervous.

Because the time has come to witness a miracle. And will a miracle happen?

Red, yellow, orange, green, blue and purple.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda flew out from the amplifier, and various lights reflected each other.

In the blink of an eye, seven colors appeared.

Then, the eighth color appeared.


"Sect Master, it's successful!"

"Eight colors, eight treasures colored glaze!"

On the side, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo made sounds of surprise.

In Lin Xiao's opinion, this appearance was just like their own martial arts evolved.

"Yes, I, Ning Fengzhi, also entered the realm of Contra today!"

"Ha ha."

As Ning Fengzhi said this, she couldn't help the joyful feeling in her heart and laughed.

Can you be dissatisfied?

You know, he had already given up on his breakthrough. He placed all his hopes on Ning Rongrong.

But today, he did something he had never dared to think of.

"Congratulations to Sect Leader Ning."

Lin Xiao had a smile on his face and said a few polite words.

"Thanks to Boss Lin for his generosity."

Ning Fengzhi quickly responded to Lin Xiao's words.

He has not forgotten that the fact that he was able to fulfill his long-cherished wish of Eight Treasures Glazed was all thanks to the man in front of him.

"But having said that, I don't recommend that you go hunting for souls in the Star Dou Forest for the time being."

Lin Xiao thought of Gu Yuena.

Now that the soul beast co-master has awakened, the future Star Dou Forest will not be a peaceful place.

Especially for high-level soul masters, there will definitely be no good things to gain if you enter it rashly.

"Why is this?"

Ning Fengzhi asked puzzledly.

It was rare for him to see Lin Xiao speak outside the jar.

"I've said everything that needs to be said. Whether you believe it or not is up to you."

Lin Xiao didn't explain more, and then stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

"Ning took note of it."

Ning Fengzhi's eyes flashed, he nodded slightly, and continued to open the can without saying anything else.

the other side.

Star Forest.

On the Lake of Life, a powerful aura suddenly descended.

On the shore, Zi Ji, Bi Ji and other beings were not surprised but overjoyed, and they all hurriedly lowered their proud heads.

"Welcome, Your Majesty!"

They all spoke in unison, and there was no doubt that the only one who could make them so respectful was Gu Yuena, the co-leader of the soul beasts.


Gu Yuena hummed softly as an answer.

"Lord, why didn't Lord Ditian return with you?"

Not seeing Di Tian's figure, Zi Ji asked bravely.

Gu Yuena's eyes turned slightly, staring at Zi Ji, and an invisible pressure burst out.

On the other hand, Zi Ji felt as if she was carrying a mountain on her back, and the strong pressure made her breathless.

"I left Emperor Tian in a place for training, and he cannot return for the time being."

Just when Zi Ji was about to be unable to bear it any longer, she suddenly felt that the pressure was suddenly relieved.

At the same time, Gu Yuena's indifferent voice floated into her ears. Let her breathe a sigh of relief,

"It seems that Lord Ditian has gained a lot of opportunities this time. When he returns, his strength will be greatly improved, right? He may even be able to break through the 800,000-year-old soul beast barrier."

In her heart, Zi Ji was sincerely happy for Di Tian.


I just don't know if she can still be happy after knowing what happened to Di Tian.

"Ditian has made a lot of money this time."

At this moment, Mr. Xiong spoke.

He said in a rough voice.

There was unabashed envy in his voice.

"Why do you want to go too?" Gu Yuena heard the sound and looked over.

Xiong Jun suddenly stiffened and said quickly: "No, I don't want to. I have known Ditian for many years, and our brotherhood is stronger than gold. I am just happy for him."

"Yes, just happy."

His mind turned quickly and he defended himself.

hehe? Is there a sense of brotherhood between you?

If the so-called brotherhood were to be taken out and weighed, it would only amount to two taels at most.

Zi Ji sneered secretly.

You know, Mr. Xiong is like Brother Pingtou, who comes to trouble Ditian every now and then.

Of course, it would all end with Mr. Xiong being suppressed.

"Since you don't want to go, I just have something for you to do."

Gu Yuena looked at Mr. Xiong and said again.

"Lord, if you can find a place for me, old bear, just give me your orders."

Mr. Xiong said, patting his chest.

Gu Yuena's eyes flashed and she said leisurely: "Tens of thousands of years have passed, and today's soul beast group is much smaller than before. If this continues, the high-level soul beasts will probably become extinct in another tens of thousands of years. .”

"You go and integrate the major soul beast groups in the Star Dou Great Forest, let them stop their disputes and unite to face the outside world. From now on, the areas where all the ten thousand-year-old soul beasts are located in the Star Dou Great Forest will become a restricted area for humans."

Gu Yuena's voice fell, and there was a silence in the place.

Immediately afterwards, many soul beast overlords let out rapid breathing sounds.

They were all excited.

Because Gu Yuena's decision officially represents the return of the king. The fate of soul beasts that can only be hunted will be rewritten!

"Mr. Xiong takes the order!"

Mr. Xiong also responded in a deep voice at this time.

A pair of big copper bell eyes were full of excitement.

"Go." Gu Yuena nodded slightly and waved her hand casually.

Boom boom boom!

Mr. Xiong walked away with heavy steps.

This day.

The Star Dou Forest, the soul hunting holy land of soul masters, has changed.

Soul beasts riot.

The soul masters who were hunting souls in the Star Dou Forest were frantically attacking, driving them to the edge of the Star Dou Forest.

"It's scary. It's really scary. I've never seen so many soul beasts forming a beast tide!"

Outside the Star Dou Forest, a soul master said with lingering fear.

"I don't know if you have noticed anything unusual. They seem to be organized and premeditated. It is different from the beast tide that happened before!"

"I heard that someone once saw a dark golden Dreadclaw bear that looked like a hill."


As soon as this voice appeared, there was only a gasp of air in the room.

It is self-evident how powerful the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is as big as a small mountain.

"With such a powerful soul beast overlord, no wonder he can integrate the soul beasts to launch a beast wave!"

"It seems that if we don't get rid of it, human soul masters will no longer be able to step into the depths of the Star Forest!"

Someone has realized the crux of the problem and wants to get rid of the huge hidden danger of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear.

But the question is, who can take action?

Soon, someone else came up with a solution.

"Martial Spirit Hall, Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, or the two great empires, there are always forces that can compete with them, right?"

"This matter is related to the future of the soul master world. I believe they will not sit idly by and ignore it."

Recommend a friend’s book, "Man Zai Super God: Starting from the Gun of Dexing"

Anyone who likes super gods should go check it out and treat it as a favor to me.

Good night.

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