I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 287 Davis’s containment and Zhu Zhuyun’s strength

The western border of the Golden Crow falls into the distant mountains.

Only wisps of rays of sunlight were left, illuminating the sky red.

"It's almost time. We'll reach Xingluo City in another hour or two."

On the forest path, Zhu Zhuyun glanced at the sky and then withdrew his gaze. Just about to continue on his way.

But, the next moment, she put down her right leg. There was also a look of vigilance on her pretty face, and she arched her body like a frightened kitten.

"Swiss, swiss, swish."

At this moment, there was a rustling sound in the jungle, which was obviously something approaching.

"Zhuyun, we are all old acquaintances meeting, do you need to be so nervous?"

As soon as the voice fell, several people suddenly appeared in front of Zhu Zhuyun.


A look of surprise flashed in Zhu Zhuyun's eyes.

"Are you surprised?"

A smile appeared on Davis' handsome face.

Very proud.

Zhu Zhuyun's reaction was exactly what he wanted to see.

"Step aside!"

Zhu Zhuyun was too lazy to argue with him and just said two words coldly.

She no longer seemed to have too much entanglement with this guy.

"Step aside?"

"No, no, no, I'm waiting for you here because I plan to invite you to my house. But don't refuse."

"Also, let's talk about our remarriage."

Davis said and winked at Zhu Zhuyun.

Suddenly, the look in Zhu Zhuyun's eyes became deep and cold.

She knew that the Grand Duke of Netherworld must have broken off the engagement for her. Davis was dissatisfied and wanted to take some extreme measures.

"Don't waste your efforts, no one can come to save you."

"As we speak, my people have surrounded you. Now you can't escape."

"With the ten soul sects and the soul king beside me, you can't escape even if you have wings."

Davis was very proud and flicked his fingers lightly as he spoke, with a look of disdain on his face.

When his voice fell, figures in black clothes climbed up to the treetops, looking down at Zhu Zhuyun. Or they might form a siege and block all Zhu Zhuyun's escape routes.


If Zhu Zhuyun was just an ordinary soul sect in the past, it would be impossible and impossible for him to face so many powerful men of the same level.

But, that’s all in the past!

"Davis, you just can't keep me!"

Zhu Zhuyun said something coldly, and his soul power suddenly exploded.

"What nonsense!"

"These people are making a fuss out of a molehill to capture you. If you were fast, I could easily capture you by myself!"

Davis said with disdain.

Apart from speed, the Nether Civet Cat cannot be the opponent of the Evil-Eyed White Tiger in any case, there is no doubt about this.

But, the next moment, a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

"What's going on? Am I dazzled?"

Davis rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

He was sure, he read it right!

At this time, Zhu Zhuyun has completed the possession of the martial spirit, and everything else is considered normal, but why are there so many tails on his back?

What's going on?

"The third soul skill: Vajra Palm!"

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and a soul sect fused with the Barbarian Bear martial spirit had launched an attack on Zhu Zhuyun.

White, yellow, and purple, four soul rings surrounded him in the middle, and the third soul ring lit up.

A pair of big hands, as big as cattail leaf fans, slapped Zhu Zhuyun hard.


When Davis saw this, he quickly reminded him.

"Your Highness, don't worry, I will be more careful and won't hurt him."

The soul master responded confidently.

"I'm telling you to be careful, there are abnormal changes in Zhu Zhuyun."

Davis was directly defeated by this subordinate who didn't know what to do.

But before Davis could finish his words, the Barbarian Bear Soul Master over there was already enveloped by a burst of sharp energy.

It is Zhu Zhuyun’s soul skill, Netherworld Hundred Claws!

But Zhu Zhuyun was so fast that he couldn't see the shadow clearly.


Davis took a deep breath and said, "Her speed is more than twice as fast as before!"

Davis' eyelids twitched wildly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

At the same time, the savage bear soul master let out a shrill howl and then became silent.

The edge is gone.

His tall figure knelt on the ground slumped.

His eyes looked forward silently, there was no sound anymore.

"Instant kill!"

In the field, those who witnessed all this could not help but feel frightened.

With the combat power of the Savage Bear Soul Master, it would be difficult for an ordinary Soul King to kill him in an instant!

But Zhu Zhuyun did it?

"When did her attack power become so strong?"

More people discovered the problem.

"No, stop her quickly! Protect the prince!"

Suddenly, the powerful Soul King next to Davis noticed something unusual.

After Zhu Zhuyun instantly killed the Barbarian Bear Spirit Master, he did not retreat but instead advanced, charging towards Davis.

Capture the thief first and capture the king!

Zhu Zhuyun understood that if Davis was not dealt with, these people would not give up.

"Okay, she is indeed the woman I like. I like this arrogance!"

Davis had also calmed down and looked at Zhu Zhuyun with eyes full of desire to conquer.

Swish, swish, swish!

Black shadows were already standing in front of Zhu Zhuyun, and various soul rings were activated.



"Wind Blade!"


Each soul skill was thrown at Zhu Zhuyun as if it was free of charge.


Zhu Zhuyun frowned and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

Although her strength has increased a lot, she still can't resist the soul skills of so many soul sects.

In desperation, she had no choice but to abandon the straight-line charge and approach Davis. The figure was like an afterimage, crossing a z-shape and approaching a soul master.

His whole body was hot, and after being possessed by the martial spirit, he had some characteristics of a fox. Zhu Zhuyun recognized that this soul master's martial soul was Fire Fox.

so what?

The first soul ring on Zhu Zhuyun's body lit up, and the netherworld stabbed!

tear apart

The figure that was originally as fast as an afterimage appeared behind the Fire Fox Spirit Master as if teleporting in the next moment. Then there was a sonic boom sound like tearing cloth. And the line of blood shot out from the soul master's neck.


Everyone was stunned.

They couldn't believe that Zhu Zhuyun just killed another soul sect of the same level in the blink of an eye?

That state is no different from chopping vegetables and melons.

Is this really the strength that the Soul Sect can possess?


The Fire Fox Spirit Master finally lost all his strength and fell straight to the ground.

"What are you still doing? Using two soul skills in succession to instantly kill a strong man of the same level will definitely consume a lot of energy for her. Let's take action!"

Davis reacted and called out: "Control type soul master, limit her speed. Agility attack type go up to entangle her, and power attack type soul master, you can attack with all your strength, just give her a breath, whoever takes the lead Capturing her will reward you with one hundred thousand gold soul coins."


Everyone answered in unison, and even several soul sects around Davis joined the battle circle.

If it weren't for the fear that Zhu Zhuyun would have some trump cards and break out, the powerful soul king next to Davis would also join the battle.

"This time we are completely surrounded. Let alone Zhu Zhuyun, not even a fly can fly out. There is no need to be so nervous."

When Davis saw this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

I have to say that Zhu Zhuyun's terrifying combat power just now really shocked him.

Ask yourself, if you have to endure the Netherworld Hundred Claws and Netherworld Thrusts, you will probably have to pay a high price.

The battle situation on the field can also be said to be one-sided.

Controlling or restricting soul skills such as ghost vine entanglement, quagmire traps, and ground desertification caused Zhu Zhuyun a lot of trouble.

Even if Zhu Zhuyun desperately wanted to launch a surprise attack, there was no chance. Moreover, there was an extremely fast agility attack type soul master who interrupted her attack rhythm. The battle circle visible to the naked eye is constantly shrinking.

She is being suppressed.

"Hahaha, it's our turn!"

A loud laugh spread throughout the venue, and a mountain-like soul master entered the room.

His exposed skin was covered with long yellow hair. A pair of hands is as big as a pot lid.

There are two half-foot-long fangs on the ferocious face.


Zhu Zhuyun's pupils shrank and he immediately recognized the origin of the other party.

The attack power of a spirit master with this kind of martial spirit is stronger than that of a wild bear, and his defense power is also extremely good. Although it is not as good as the Diamond Mammoth of the Elephant Armor Sect, it is only inferior by two.


Zhu Zhuyun made a decision instantly, and with a flash of his figure, he retreated several meters away.

However, a fishy wind came from behind.

She glanced and saw a soul master wearing black clothes and cold eyes suddenly appearing behind a thick ancient tree.

He was as soft as a bone, coiled on a thick tree trunk, hidden in the canopy. Like a cold and poisonous snake, waiting for prey to come to you.

"It's poison gas!"

Zhu Zhuyun's expression suddenly changed. But it was too late, she felt dizzy. Almost fell over.

"Brothers, do it, she has been poisoned. My poison will not only make her lose control of her body, but even suppress her soul power!"

With that said, this soul master who was like a poisonous snake took the lead in taking action.

He was even more joyful in his heart, and he could faintly see one hundred thousand gold soul coins waving at him.


He swept across Zhu Zhuyun's lower abdomen with a side kick.

However, a heartbreaking pain came right after.


He knew immediately that his leg was broken.

"How could it be that I was the one injured?"

He looked horrified and confused.

However, what no one noticed was that one of the tails on Zhu Zhuyun's back was suddenly missing.

Cut off your tail to survive!

This is the ability added after the martial soul evolves.


At this moment, Zhu Zhuyun's voice sounded like a soul-inducing magic sound in the soul master's ears.

The next moment, he felt a cold feeling on his neck, and the head had been separated!

"Didn't you agree to be poisoned? How can you still explode with such fighting power?"

When everyone saw that Zhu Zhuyun had killed another soul master instantly, they all had disbelief on their faces.

This fighting power is too outrageous!

"Your Highness, be careful."

The powerful soul king next to Davis stepped forward and opened his arms to protect Davis behind him.

And Davis couldn't help but shrink back.

Zhu Zhuyun's power really scared her.

"No, she wants to run away!"

"Quick, stop her!"

Suddenly, someone screamed in surprise.

But he was already dead. The death of the poisonous snake-like soul master meant that a hole had been torn open in the encirclement.

Zhu Zhuyun got a chance to escape!

Swish, swish, swish!

Her figure, as light as a feather, disappeared into the dense forest after a few ups and downs.

Everyone was stunned.

It's really cool to just leave as soon as you say it.

But, have you ever considered our feelings?

"What are you doing standing there in a daze? If you don't chase her quickly, she has been poisoned and is already at the end of her strength. And she must pay a price for her terrifying strength."

Upon seeing this, Davis immediately let out an angry roar.

The remaining people in the field realized belatedly and chased after Zhu Zhuyun in the direction where he disappeared.

the other side.

A few hundred meters away, Zhu Zhuyun's speed became slower and slower.

Her martial spirit has even disappeared. This is a side effect of tail docking to survive.

"It's a pity that there is still a soul king beside Davis, otherwise I would have to kill him even if I risk my life!"

Zhu Zhuyun felt furious.

However, she soon felt a sense of powerlessness.

"We can't go on like this. In my current state, I will be caught up before I can return to Star Luo City."

Zhu Zhuyun also knew that Davis had already taken action and would not give up.

And she couldn't even activate her martial spirit!

Desperate situation!

The color on Zhu Zhuyun's pretty face faded.

At this time, unless a strong person helps him or he still has the strength to fight Davis and the others, he can hope to make a comeback!

However, since Davis dared to choose to take action here, there shouldn't be anyone around.

As for strength


"It's not like there's no chance of survival!"

Zhu Zhuyun's eyes suddenly became extremely bright.

She stretched out her right hand, and a strange-shaped fruit appeared in her hand.

It's nothing else, it's the quick-cut fruit she found in the shop!

"But, this thing is worth five million, five million."

Zhu Zhuyun's face showed a look of pain again.

It’s not that I can’t bear it.

I really can’t bear to step on the horse.

Although she is the daughter of the Grand Duke of Netherworld and the former fiancée of the prince, she has never been so luxurious as to eat a fruit worth five million gold soul coins.


A crisp sound echoed in the forest.

It was Zhu Zhuyun who slapped himself with his free left hand, "Zhu Zhuyun, are you stupid? If your life is gone, what's the point of keeping the most precious fruit?"

Immediately, she stopped hesitating and swallowed the quick-cut fruit in a few mouthfuls.

"The five million gold soul coins are gone now?"

"It was too fast. Unfortunately, I didn't even taste it."

But if I’ve eaten everything, what else can I do? Zhu Zhuyun secretly prayed in his heart, "I don't ask for anything else. I just hope that this fruit can be as powerful as Boss Lin said, and can give me the power to fight against Davis and others."

However, at the next moment, she felt a strange force begin to flow through her body.

Has this started to change?

Zhu Zhuyun's eyes lit up.

"Quick, she can't run far!"

"Search carefully, don't miss every corner!"

However, at this moment, Zhu Zhuyun vaguely heard such a voice coming from behind him.

And it keeps getting closer.

"It's them who caught up."

"But it will take some time to integrate this strange power."

Zhu Zhuyun's expression changed, the bracelet on his wrist flashed, and a cup of tea appeared in his hand.

It’s Chameleon Tea!

"I hope this can help buy enough time."

Thinking like this, Zhu Zhuyun drank all the tea in his hand, then jumped into the air and hid in the dense canopy of trees.

All breath disappeared quietly.

Good night.

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