I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 288 Hidden personality, arrogant Bibi Dong

"How could it not be found?"

"I obviously smelled her scent disappearing here."

Under the big tree where Zhu Zhuyun was hiding, there were three soul masters wandering around. One of the gray wolf soul masters kept wrinkling his nose with a puzzled look on his face.

The smell is cut off here, but you just can't find anyone. Is it strange?

"That bitch must not have gone far, she is hiding around. I suggest you launch a blanket search, but I don't believe you can't find her!"

Someone else suggested in a deep voice.

Obviously, Zhu Zhuyun will not give up until he catches him.

"Haha, don't waste your energy, I'm here."

Suddenly, a sneer came from above the heads of several people.

Everyone looked up and saw a graceful figure descending from the sky.

It was Zhu Zhuyun in tight clothes.

"No, flash!"

The gray wolf soul master's pupils shrank suddenly, his back felt cold, and he was about to retreat.

"Don't worry, look at her. She hasn't even activated her martial spirit. She's already at the end of her strength."

"Since the elder brothers don't want this credit, I will be disrespectful to you."

Some people retreated in fear, while others stepped forward in surprise.

In his opinion, wasn't Zhu Zhuyun's credit for falling from the sky?

That was a soul master carrying a turtle shell, and it was the Rock Turtle Martial Spirit known for its defensive power.

"(Fuck, fuck)!"

"How come we didn't discover this."

"This credit may fall into his hands."

Only then did Gray Wolf Soul Master and another soul master react, with regretful expressions on their faces.

In fact, they were closer to Zhu Zhuyun at first.

A girl who can't activate her martial soul, isn't this just giving away her head?

However, at this moment, Zhu Zhuyun's palms were like knives, and a cold light flashed away.

"Be careful, she may have some kind of weapon."

On the side, Gray Wolf Soul Master frowned, vaguely noticed something unusual, and spoke out to remind him.


The Rock Turtle Spirit Master smiled disdainfully, what weapon could break through his defense?

Even ordinary martial arts can't do it!

The next moment, he jumped up and stretched out his big hands to grab Zhu Zhuyun.


In mid-air, a flash of silver light disappeared.

The scene seemed to be frozen.

Gray Wolf Soul Master and another soul master saw a silver light that seemed to penetrate through the rock turtle.


"It must be an illusion. With his defensive power, it is impossible for Zhu Zhuyun to hurt him."

The two of them shook their heads secretly.

But, the next moment, a strange scene appeared.

I saw the body of the Rock Turtle Spirit Master split into two parts and fell from mid-air.


Both of their eyes were wide-eyed, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

What could allow a soul sect who didn't even activate his martial soul to instantly kill a defensive soul master possessed by a martial soul with one blow?

This is completely incomprehensible.


Zhu Zhuyun landed lightly and made a slight sound.

The remaining two people immediately looked over and were startled.

Zhu Zhuyun's right hand has turned into a terrifying sharp blade, shining with a cold light.

"Quick, someone is coming! We found Zhu Zhuyun!"

Even though there are countless doubts in his heart, the Gray Wolf Soul Master also knows that now is not the time to delve deeper.

He immediately shouted at the top of his lungs, trying to attract more people.

"over there!"


As soon as his voice fell, he got an immediate response from the people around him. They quickly gathered around.

"Come on, let's go there too. We must not let that little bitch Zhu Zhuyun escape this time."

Davis heard the sound and rushed over.

With luck and soul power, he bent down and exerted his strength for a few ups and downs, and he came to the field.

But his pupils shrank suddenly.

I just feel a chill down my spine.

Not far away, several people had fallen to the ground around Zhu Zhuyun, and the ground was stained red with blood.

Very miserable.

No one is complete.

Zhu Zhuyun is like a demon from hell


Davis felt that Zhu Zhuyun was the devil.

At this time, the girl has changed drastically, and her hands and feet have turned into sharp blades.

I saw her retreating and kicking out, from bottom to top, very fast.

The next moment, the Gray Wolf Soul Master had no time to dodge, so he knelt on the ground slumped.

A thin line of blood divided him in half from the middle of his eyebrows!

Even to the point of death, his eyes were still filled with fear and deep confusion.

He didn't understand why a soul sect who couldn't activate his martial soul could still unleash such terrifying combat power!

He even felt stronger than when he could activate his martial soul.

It's really outrageous.

On the side, Davis witnessed everything with his own eyes. He suddenly felt a coldness in his crotch and subconsciously tightened his legs.

Too perverted.

He didn't think he could withstand such a sharp attack intact.

"Your Highness, save me!"

The last Soul Sect ran towards Davis while shouting.

However, when he was still two steps away from Davis, it was like he was under a immobilizing spell. His body was still in a running posture, but his face showed a look of pain.


He wanted to speak, but could no longer form complete sentences. All I could do was ‘ha’.

There was blood foam overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

He slowly looked down and saw that a blade had penetrated his chest.


The blade was pulled out, and a stream of blood surged out, covering a distance of two to three meters and falling on Davis.


On the side, the Soul King who was guarding Davis suddenly let out a surprise and quickly pulled Davis behind him.


The last soul sect also fell, revealing Zhu Zhuyun's figure.

She flicked it casually, and dots of blood dripped from her arm in a string.

The sharp blade once again emits a heart-stopping cold light.


Davis swallowed hard when he saw this, with a look of panic in his eyes: "Are you a devil? The Zhu Zhuyun I know is not like this."

He might not have even noticed that his voice was trembling.

"I just want to protect myself."

Zhu Zhuyun said lightly, feeling heartbroken for a while.

You know, five million gold soul coins are just gone.

But, immediately afterwards, there was a sense of satisfaction.

Five million gold soul coins gave me such combat power, it was worth it!

"Your Highness, please leave first. I will give you a break."

At this time, the Soul King in front of Davis finally spoke.

The voice was extremely solemn, and the alert look on his face had already regarded Zhu Zhuyun as a formidable enemy.

"No, let's go together."

Davis finally mustered up some courage.

"Your Highness, this is not the time to be hot-headed. Zhu Zhuyun's fighting power is too strong. Even I may not be able to escape unscathed! If you don't leave."

The Soul King in front of Davis spoke again, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Davis.

"If I don't leave, it will delay your action, right? Then you can stay behind."

Davis rolled his eyes and said immediately.

Are you kidding me? The Soul King can't stand it, so I won't pretend to do this. The most important thing is to hold on to your own life first.


I want to say that if you don't leave, we may not have no chance of winning, okay?

The Soul King was dumbfounded. He was just saying a polite word, but Davis had already taken it seriously.

"You are very good. When you come back, you will be rewarded greatly!"

"If you can't come back, your wife and I will take care of you."

However, just when the middle-aged Soul King was stunned, such a voice came to his ears.

Judging from the distance from which the sound came, Davis was already a hundred meters away.

Damn it, Davis!

The middle-aged Soul King's expression suddenly changed, but it was too late to do anything else.

Because Zhu Zhuyun's attack is approaching.

He could only resist with all his strength.

After a long time, in the dense forest.

The middle-aged Soul King's martial soul protective body was chopped into pieces, and finally he fell straight down.

"Devil fruits are indeed extraordinary, they can really give people the power of demons!"

Zhu Zhuyun's eyes flashed with a strange light.

The power of Devil Fruit was truly beyond her imagination. Moreover, at present, she is only initially fused and has not been able to exert the full power of the Quick Slash Fruit.

"If the power of the Devil Fruit is brought to its fullest, it may not be inferior to the power of the Spirit."

Realizing the power of the Devil Fruit, Zhu Zhuyun's beautiful eyes became brighter and brighter.

After all, just after fusion, you can crush the Soul King and kill the Soul Sect instantly. What if more new postures are developed in the future?

Just thinking about it made her feel excited.

However, after the excitement, she felt empty for a while.

This is a physical abnormality. Such a high-intensity battle consumes her soul power, physical strength, and mental power greatly.

"Hmph, Davis, that courageless coward, if he doesn't run away and chooses to join forces with this Soul King, then I will definitely turn around and leave without hesitating for a moment."

Zhu Zhuyun glanced at the direction Davis disappeared, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and revealed a sneer.

"But even if he escapes, so what. It will be difficult for him to escape the psychological shadow I left on him for the rest of his life, right?"

Then, she withdrew her gaze again, turned around and walked towards Xingluo City.

She wanted to inform the Grand Duke of Netherworld about what happened today and ask him to make preparations in advance.

The sky in Xingluo is about to change.

Wuhun City.

In a small shop.

Lin Xiao waited for the last ray of light to disappear before preparing to close the store.

But, the next moment, he changed his mind.

"Boss Lin, I should have arrived just in time, right?"

At this moment, a beautiful figure walked into the shop.

"Had it been half a minute later, you wouldn't have been able to walk through my door."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly at Bibi Dong who walked into the shop.

Today, as usual, Bibi Dong was still slightly disguised, covering up her stunning appearance.

However, if you compare it carefully, it is still much more beautiful than the first two times we met.

"Then if I knock on the door, will you open the door for me?"

Bibi Dong looked directly at Lin Xiao and asked with interest.

"Does this need to be said?"

"Based on our relationship."

"Of course I won't open the door for you."

Lin Xiao said seriously.

Ah this

Bibi Dong felt as if she was struck by lightning, and even the smile on Lin Xiao's face turned to stone because of Lin Xiao's first two sentences.

I thought he would say, given our relationship, he will definitely open the door for you.

Bibi Dong's eyes gradually changed, becoming somewhat resentful.

"Is there nothing else between us besides money?" She suddenly asked quietly.


Lin Xiao frowned slightly and shook his head slowly, "I think your question is a bad one. I think the pure relationship between money and business should not be mixed with any personal emotions. This is blasphemy against money."


Bibi Dong almost jumped in anger.

Who is she?

The unrivaled female pope is admired by countless people. Secretly, I don’t know how many people regard her as the lover of their dreams.

It's rare for me to put down my dignity and talk to someone about something off-topic, but why was I rejected so miserably?

Is he still human?

At least people shouldn’t!

Bibi Dong was thinking fiercely in her heart, and had already begun to arrange Lin Xiao.

"Master, are you done? You are ready to eat."

Suddenly, Bibi Dong's ears moved and she heard such a sound coming from the backyard.

This little voice has a high sugar content, right?

Bibi Dong immediately recognized that the owner of this voice must be young.


The next moment, Xiao Wu, wearing a pink short skirt and showing a pair of fair, delicate and long legs, walked out of the backyard.

"Well, it turns out there are still guests here."

Xiao Wu was startled and stuck out her tongue cutely.

"Go and do your business. If there are no guests, I will go to the backyard."

Lin Xiao waved his hand, signaling Xiao Wu to leave.

Waiting for you! Xiao Wu winked at Lin Xiao, turned around and walked out of the front hall again with long legs.

However, when she left, she glanced at Bibi Dong one more time and felt that he looked familiar.

However, I clearly don’t recognize this face.

And this scene was seen by Bibi Dong, and she felt strange in her heart.

Girl, long legs, rabbit?

More importantly, is this girl not a human?

"Boss Lin, do you have anything to say?" Bibi Dong looked back at Xiao Wu and then looked at Lin Xiao and asked in a low voice.

"Do I need to say anything?"

Lin Xiao said helplessly, with a baffled look on his face.



Dare you look like this on me?

Bibi Dong didn't understand how long someone dared to do this to her. More importantly, the other person is still a man.

Simply outrageous!

Very outrageous!

"Excuse me, are you here to open the can?" Lin Xiao asked another fatal question.

"Yes, why am I not here? Open ten jars."

Bibi Dong said, took out the golden soul coin and threw it on the counter angrily.


No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't smash Lin Xiao's counter.

"Now. The jar you asked for."

Not long after, Lin Xiao placed ten jars on the counter as requested by Bibi Dong.

And don't forget to give her a rare lucky wishing jar.

What he had to do next was to wait for Bibi Dong to finish opening the can and then close the door and open the can himself.

"When you look at me like that, I feel a little uncomfortable doing business."

Bibi Dong did not open the jar immediately, but said this to Lin Xiao.


Lin Xiao was startled, what was wrong with this.

It's the first time, the second time it's familiar. This is the third time. It's not the first time for everyone. You've seen everything you should see, but you're actually embarrassed?

This is the first time Lin Xiao has encountered such a thing after opening a store for so long.

It's really a long time to see each other.

But Bibi Dong obviously refused to open the can just by looking at it.

"Although you are also a regular customer, what should you do if you find items you don't recognize?"

Lin Xiao asked.

"You don't have to worry about it," Bibi Dong said angrily.

It is unimaginable that the mighty Pope, who is extremely majestic and supreme, would behave like a little girl.

If Ghost Douluo, Ju Douluo and others saw this, their jaws would definitely drop.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want." Lin Xiao said and turned around.

He believed that Bibi Dong would beg him to watch it.

By then, I won’t be curious about it anymore.

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