I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 293 Emperor Xingluo’s decision, Dai Mubai is the successor


In the main hall of Xingluo Palace, Emperor Xingluo smashed his beloved glass cup to pieces with an angry look.

Even so, he still felt uncomfortable. He stretched out his trembling hand, pointed at Davis who was kneeling and shouted angrily: "You traitor!"

"Who asked you to touch Zhu Zhuyun?"


Facing Emperor Xingluo's question, Davis shrank back in fear like a frightened quail.

"Father, father, my son also saw the arrogance of the Nether clan and wanted to kill them?"

Davis defended himself with a trembling voice.

"The energy to kill them?"

"The one who rides the horse makes me laugh."


Emperor Xingluo put his hands on his hips, raised his head and laughed.

Davis was even more frightened.

He could see that Emperor Xingluo was laughing with anger.

as expected.

After a while, the laughter gradually subsided, and Emperor Xingluo said coldly: "If I could kill his spirit, I would have done it long ago. Where is the need for you?"

"Don't you know that I am secretly accumulating strength and preparing to deliver a fatal blow to the Nether Clan? It's good now that your actions have successfully alerted the enemy."

"They are on guard. It will be difficult for me to suppress them with thunder."

The more he talked, the angrier he became.

Emperor Xingluo couldn't help the anger in his heart. He strode forward and kicked Davis to the ground. "You loser, it would be better if you succeeded. At least we have one more person who can negotiate with the Grand Duke of Netherworld." chips."


Davis rolled over and knelt in front of Emperor Xingluo again, kowtowing repeatedly, "Father, I was wrong. Please give me another chance. I will definitely be able to make meritorious deeds."

"Dedicate your crime to meritorious service?"

"Haha, that's easy to say."

Emperor Xingluo sneered.

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a voice outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, the third prince wishes to see you."

Emperor Xingluo was startled, and after a while he made a confused voice, "What did you say, the third child is back?"

To be honest, he had almost forgotten that he had a third son named Dai Mubai.

"What's that guy Dai Mubai doing who doesn't have it back?"

Davis was also stunned for a while.

Similar to Emperor Xingluo, he almost forgot that he had a younger brother who could compete with him for the throne.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that Dai Mubai's return at this juncture would mean nothing good.

"Hmph, I'll take care of you later."

Emperor Xingluo glanced at Davis, and then said in a deep voice to the outside of the palace: "Let him come in."

With that said, he turned around, walked to the throne that symbolized the imperial power of the Star Luo Empire, and sat down.


At this time, the palace door opened wide.

Dai Mubai walked in with a very extraordinary demeanor.

"My son, please see your father!"

He took a few steps forward, came to Davis, and knelt down to Emperor Xingluo.

"Humph, after so many years, you are finally willing to come back. I thought you had forgotten me as your father."

Emperor Xingluo snorted coldly.

He didn't know if Dai Mubai had forgotten him, but he had almost forgotten Dai Mubai anyway.

"My son, I dare not forget, and I cannot forget!"

Dai Mubai answered in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

After meeting Tang Hao, Poseidon Douluo Bo Saixi, and the mysterious boss Lin in the shop, he felt that his horizons had been extremely broadened.

He once regarded Emperor Xingluo as a god, but he felt that there was nothing left.

"It seems that you have made a lot of progress over the years."

Emperor Xingluo also had a strange color on his face.

Apart from anything else, Dai Mubai's current magnanimity alone cannot be matched by Davis.

He didn't know why, but he found this son more pleasing to his eyes.

"Brother, it seems that after so many years outside, you have not forgotten my father, but you have forgotten me as your brother?"

"At the same time, have you also forgotten the etiquette of respecting elders and younger ones?"

Davis couldn't help but feel a little angry when he saw that Dai Mubai had finished the ceremony with Emperor Xingluo without even looking at him.

Finally, Dai Mubai gave him a neutral look, "Why do you think of me as your younger brother?"

"Besides, how can the younger generation of the royal family talk about brotherhood?"

Dai Mubai's indifferent attitude almost made Davis angry!

"What words!"

"What is this nonsense!"

Davis pounded the ground with his hand angrily, "Father, look at him!"

"Okay, get out of here now, go back and think about your mistakes behind closed doors. Don't step out of the room without my order!"

Emperor Xingluo waved his hand impatiently, indicating that Davis could get out.

Davis' expression changed for a while, and in the end he could only say one thing, "Yes."

Then his body tilted and rolled up.

Just get out of the hall.

"Da da da"

Emperor Xingluo tapped the armrest of the seat gently with his hand and stared at Dai Mubai for a long time before slowly speaking, "I want to know who gave you the confidence to look so confident?"

"Haotian Sect!"

Dai Mubai said the name of Haotian Sect without thinking.

He even took out a token from his arms, with a Clear Sky Hammer entwined with thunder.

This object cannot be held by anyone other than a direct descendant of the Haotian Sect. It is a symbol of the Haotian Sect's status and is something that Tang Hao always carries with him.

This is his confidence.

Seeing this, Emperor Xingluo's pupils shrank: "They must have something to say to me."

Dai Mubai nodded, "They want to rebuild the Haotian Sect in the Xingluo Empire, and they also hope that I can become the crown prince of Xingluo."


Emperor Xingluo was startled, he didn't expect it to be such a thing.

He also got some news before, and the rumors of Haotian Sect were shattered.

Now Dai Mubai's words also prove this fact from the side.

However, even if the Haotian Sect is now destroyed, there is still a lot of residual power, and he is also very afraid of raising tigers!

"Father, I heard that the Nether Clan is trying to make a move. I'm afraid it will be difficult to suppress it by relying solely on the power of the empire, right?"

"Even if it can be suppressed, I'm afraid the vitality will be severely damaged, and it is very likely that the Tiandou Empire will take advantage of it."

Dai Mubai was not in a hurry and talked calmly about what he had learned recently.

"If the Haotian Sect can show enough sincerity, I am willing to let the Haotian Sect be reestablished in our Star Luo Empire."

"At the same time, you will become the heir to the Star Luo Empire."

Emperor Xingluo is also a ruthless character who makes decisions in an instant.

Drive away the tiger and devour the wolf!

Maybe he will be the biggest beneficiary!

Is this it? Dai Mubai was startled at first. Things went smoothly beyond imagination.

"I will contact the Haotian Sect now. Ask them to send strong men to get rid of the biggest hidden danger, the Grand Duke of Netherworld."

"Go ahead."

Emperor Xingluo waved his hand.

Dai Mubai left the palace hall in a hurry.

Wuhun City.

Outside the shop.

Yan couldn't help seeing Hu Liena's dull look, "Nana, if you want to get close to Boss Lin, you can't do it this way."

Asking for it but not getting it.

In this regard, he is the authority.

"Now, this is for you."

With that said, Yan took out a drink from the soul guidance space.

"Yan, you should know that I don't drink honeysuckle tea." Hu Liena glanced at Yan and frowned.

"This is for you to give to Boss Lin."

Yan quickly took out another drink from the space soul guide, "70% milk, 30% tea, warm, no pearls, your favorite."

"That's right, Yan, you are such a good person."

Hu Liena took two drinks from Yan's hand and jumped into the shop.

It is not difficult to see that he is in a good mood.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work."

At this time, Xie Yue stepped forward and patted Yan on the shoulder to express encouragement and sympathy.

"It's not hard."

"In exchange for Nana's praise of me, everything is worth it."

Yan looked excited.

Xie Yue could see from his eyes that Yan was really happy.

However, he was puzzled.

"When did Nana praise you?"

"She said I was a good person."

Xie Yue: "."

never mind.

I'd better go open the jar and don't disturb Yan from being immersed in his own world.

Thinking like this, Xie Yue also walked into the shop.

"This honeysuckle is really quite defeated."

When Xieyue walked into the shop, she found Lin Xiao and Hu Liena enjoying tea.

Hu Liena chuckled on the side.

The eyes are curved like crescent moons.


After seeing Xie Yue come in, Lin Xiao gently put down the honeysuckle tea in his hand and said seriously: "Everyone has almost come in, who will open the jar first?"

"I'll go first."

Xie Yue said and was about to step forward.

"Brother, let me be the first." Hu Liena disagreed.

"I'm the elder brother, I go first." Xie Yue had listened to many elders' experiences in opening jars and understood the benefits of opening jars first.

"I am my sister"

"All beings are equal before the jar."

Hu Liena rolled her eyes and had an idea, "Just stick to the old rules and vote."

"Boss, I also agree to let Nana open the can first. Two to one, you lose."

At this moment, Yan entered the store and stabbed Xie Yue in the back.

Xie Yue: I'm so damn convinced that Yan is a licking dog.

Growing up, he never won when it came to voting.

Without any choice.

Xie Yue had no choice but to take two steps back.

"Yan, there are really too few good people like you."

Hu Liena smiled sweetly at Yan.

Yan, on the other hand, looked excited and satisfied.

"Boss, I want this, this, and this."

Hu Liena handed over the money and pointed at the jars.

Ten jars were quickly selected.

But Lin Xiao gave her eleven jars.

"This is."

Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan looked at the jar and their breathing became rapid.

"A lucky prayer jar that can only be opened if you purchase thirty jars."

"Finally got it!"

Hu Liena said excitedly.

It can be said that since this jar appeared, it has been a treasure that everyone has been longing for.


Hu Liena happily left a bright red lip mark on the jar.

Yan was envious.

I wish I could replace it with my own body.

"Nana, what do you want?"

Xie Yue couldn't help but ask.

"I want a soul bone."

“I just don’t know what age limit I can choose.”

Hu Liena said and looked at Lin Xiao.

“There are so many types to choose from that I can’t give you any suggestions.”

Lin Xiao looked helpless.


He didn't know what soul bone he could choose.

There are so many monsters in the dungeon, who can remember them?


Hu Liena sighed slightly.

I complained a little in my heart, he is really a hard-hearted person.

Lin Xiao turned a blind eye to Hu Liena's faint gaze.


After the jar was smashed, a purple light flashed.

"Just reach into the light and mentally name the item you want."

Lin Xiao's voice rang in Hu Liena's ears.

Hearing the sound, Hu Liena did not hesitate and did as Lin Xiao said.


She seemed motionless as if under a restraining spell.

"Nana, how are you?"

After a long time, Xie Yue asked with some concern.

Apart from anything else, the cup of honeysuckle in front of Boss Lin has gone cold. You haven't finished choosing yet. Is it that difficult?

"Too many, brother, there are really too many soul bones."

"I still have to choose carefully and choose well."

Hu Liena still had confusion in her eyes, and she finally responded to Xie Yue.

Soul bones, too many?

Is Hu Liena being spoiled for choice?

Xie Yue and Yan analyzed Hu Liena's words carefully, with shock in their eyes.

You know, even the treasure house of Wuhun Palace only has a few soul bones.

How rich is Boss Lin?

This has always been a mystery.

"What is the origin of this Boss Lin? Is he so bold? He actually has soul bones in the jar?"

"And the jar only sells for 100,000 gold soul coins?"

Among the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Yu Yuanzhen's eyes were so shocked that he almost fell out of his head.

"Brother, are you surprised?"

Yuluo Mian's eyes were filled with sadness when he mentioned this matter.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, he wouldn't believe what others said.

But after personally experiencing the magic in the shop, he now believes it even if someone says that Boss Lin is a true god descending to earth.

And I believe it!

"It's just an accident."

Yu Yuanzhen shook his head slightly, "If you hadn't said that the owner of that small shop was named Lin, I would have thought that his surname was Ning. No, even someone named Ning might not have as much background as Boss Lin, right?"

"That's natural."

"Ning Fengzhi has no way to compare with Boss Lin."

When Yu Luomian said this, he remembered another thing: "Brother, do you still remember that Ning Fengzhi broke out with powerful combat power in Tiandou City and suppressed Xue Xing, who was already in the Soul Douluo realm?"

"Why don't I remember such a big event?"

"This is a big event that shocked the soul master world."

When Yu Yuanzhen said this, he was suddenly startled and said in an unexpected tone: "Wait a minute, you mean this matter is also related to the mysterious Boss Lin?"

"It's almost the same."

"Ning Fengzhi must have taken something called a devil fruit to gain such amazing combat power."

Yu Luo Mian expressed his guess.


Yu Yuanzhen felt that his three views had been refreshed again.

"It's getting more and more outrageous. Even if you say this now, I can't believe it."

After a while, he couldn't help but shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"No, brother, you have to believe it."

Yu Luomian smiled mysteriously: "Brother, do you know what my biggest gain is besides bringing back this news?"

Yu Yuanzhen was stunned, "What is it?"

The successive big news has shocked him.

Now I just feel like my mind is a little hard to turn around.

"Brother, look at me."

"What's so good about you? I've been looking at that old face for decades. It's enough."

Yu Yuanzhen looked impatient.

But when Yu Luomian summoned his martial spirit, Yu Yuan was shocked as if he had been struck by lightning.

"This is the power of light"

He said in disbelief: "Second, second brother, have you awakened the bloodline power of the Holy Dragon of Light!?"

Good night.

This one is from today.

Good night.

This sound is to make up for yesterday.

Yesterday I was ignorant.

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