I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 294 Hu Liena’s choice, Xie Yue’s determination

In the sect's main hall.

Yu Yuanzhen was so shocked that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

You must know that the power Yuluo Mian is showing now has exceeded his knowledge.

"Brother, don't be so excited. I am only preliminary awakening now. I am still far from the true Holy Dragon of Light."

Upon seeing this, Yu Luo Mian quickly explained with a smile.

Seeing Yu Yuanzhen being shocked, he felt that his goal had been achieved and he could tell Yu Yuanzhen the truth.

"What's going on?"

"Explain everything to me clearly."

Yu Yuanzhen grabbed Yu Luomian's shoulders, as if he wouldn't let go until he understood.

"It all starts with the jar."

Yuluo Mian said slowly.

He told Yu Yuanzhen about his experience in the jar shop.

After a while.

Yu Yuanzhen numbly let go of Yu Luo Mian's hand.

"Unexpectedly, a so-called amplifier is actually the key to unlocking the hidden power in our family's bloodline inheritance."

"I thought it was Xiaogang who had made some major breakthrough in martial arts research."

Yu Yuanzhen was ashamed and funny at the same time.

"Brother, the process is not important, what is important is the result. As long as we find a way to awaken the blood of the Holy Dragon of Light, it is enough."

Yuluo Mian advised.

"Second brother, you are right, the result is the most important."

As Yu Yuanzhen spoke, his eyes were filled with energy again. He stared at Yu Luo Mian and said: "Second brother, now that your martial spirit has awakened, even if you only have a trace of the power of the Holy Dragon of Light, it is not easy. As long as you practice well, it won't be a big problem to break through to a titled Douluo."

"Brother, don't worry. From now on, I will definitely concentrate on my cultivation. I won't be able to leave until I am titled Douluo."

Yu Luo Mian patted her chest and said.


His expression suddenly darkened.

With Yu Yuanzhen's sharp eyesight, he instantly noticed something was wrong with him, "What's wrong? But you still have something on your mind?"

"Hey, it would be great if Erlong is willing to come back."

Yu Luomian sighed: "The awakening level of Erlong's martial soul is much higher than mine. And his potential is much greater than mine."

"Is there such a genius in my Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family?"

Yu Yuanzhen looked shocked and exclaimed.

Of course he knew that Liu Erlong was Yu Luomian's illegitimate daughter.

But, to round things off, he is also a disciple of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, right?

"She is indeed a genius. There should be no one in Erlong's generation who can be as talented as her."

Yuluo Mian said with a complicated expression.

He doesn't just brag about his daughter. But he said it matter-of-factly.

He felt that the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus might not have the fire dragon spirit to be close to the bloodline of the Holy Dragon of Light.

As for why such a situation occurred, he was not very clear.

"Second brother, why didn't you bring Erlong back?"

"What should I do if something happens to her out there alone?"

Yu Yuanzhen blamed Yu Luo Mian.

That's my daughter, okay?

Why do I feel like you are his biological father?

Faced with the blame, Yu Luo Mian cursed in her heart.

But after the slander, a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Brother, do you think I don't want to?"

"With Erlong's temper, she will never come back with me."

He spread his hands helplessly.

"Ah this."

Yu Yuanzhen's expression changed, and he waved his hand helplessly.

"That's all, this matter needs to be considered in the long run. You tell me where she is later, and I'll go tell her."


Yuluo Mian nodded simply.

"Brother, do you have anything else to say?"

He noticed that Yu Yuanzhen was hesitant to speak, so he couldn't help but speak.


He patted his forehead and said, "I understand, you want to ask about Yu Xiaogang."

"I told him that this time he has made great contributions to the family. I can let him teach in the college or be assigned a shop. But he is unwilling."

Before Yu Luomian finished speaking, Yu Yuanzhen had already waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to say any more.

"That trash."

"After all, I still can't forget the dream of becoming a strong man."

Yu Luo Mian could tell that Yu Yuan Zhen was very angry.

After a long time.

Only then did Yu Yuanzhen calm down. He slowly came to the chair and sat down. He said calmly: "Second brother, you go and summon Tian Heng and Tian Xin to return to the clan. After that, I will personally take them to Wuhun City. Can."


Yu Luo Mian agreed, turned and left.

After Yuluo Mian left.

Yu Yuanzhen's energy and spirit were much sluggish, as if he had aged seven or eight years in an instant.

He sighed: "Yu Xiaogang, Yu Xiaogang, when are you going to give up your dreams and recognize the reality?"

at the same time.

In the small shop in Wuhun City, Hu Liena finally selected the items she wanted.

The next moment, she took out a piece of bone surrounded by a faint fluorescent light from the purple light group.


The light group also dissipated.

"Huh, I'm exhausted."

Hu Liena wiped the sweat from her forehead with her other little hand.

It looked like he was doing some physical work.

"Hey, where's Boss Lin?"

Hu Liena looked left and right, but when she didn't see Lin Xiao, she couldn't help but ask.

"We'll wait for you until the flowers have faded. Boss Lin has gone to have lunch."

At this moment, a complaining voice came from behind Hu Liena.

It is the evil moon.

He now extremely suspected that Hu Liena's difficulty in choosing had reached a hopeless point.

"What? Is it already noon?"

Hu Liena looked shocked.

"Nana, what soul bone did you choose? Why did it take you so long to choose?"

Yan's voice sounded at this time, asking curiously.

"Now, this is it."

Hu Liena opened her hand, revealing the complete picture of my soul bone in her hand.

Xie Yue and Yan looked over at the same time. They both wanted to see what Hu Liena had been struggling with for a long time.

"Is this an arm bone?"

When the two of them saw the appearance of the soul bones, they let out a soft cry.

"Yes, it's the arm bone."

"Nana, you are good at mental attacks. Logically speaking, skulls should be your best choice."

Xie Yue frowned.

"Hehe, how do you know this soul bone is not suitable for me?"

"You don't think I chose a soul bone that isn't very useful to me after so long of selection, do you?"

Hu Liena smiled mysteriously.

"Then what do you mean? Could it be that this soul bone can still have spiritual attacks?"

Xie Yue looked unbelieving.

"Brother, you are really right."

Hu Liena did not show off and told the information she knew, "This soul bone is called the left arm bone of the Puppet King. After using it, I can gain a mind control skill, domination!"

"Dominate?" Xie Yue and Yan were both startled and curious about what kind of ability it was.

"The enemy who enters the dominant state will not be able to distinguish between up, down, left, south, east, and west, nor can they distinguish between friends and foes. They have completely lost their sense of self and are controlled by me like a puppet on strings."

When the two were confused, Hu Liena's voice sounded faintly.


This ability is a bit abnormal!

Xie Yue and Yan both gasped.

"Hehe, and the life of this soul bone is as long as fifty thousand years. After I refine it, my soul power will increase."

Hu Liena said happily.


Or a 50,000-year-old soul bone?

Beside, Xie Yue and Yan were both moved.

I have already begun to wonder, should I also choose soul bones when it is my turn to open the jar?

"Hey, have you finished choosing?"

At this time, Lin Xiao had also finished the lunch carefully prepared by Xiao Wu and walked out of the backyard.

"Well, the attributes are pretty good."

He just glanced at it and already got the attributes of the soul bone.


"After all, I have chosen for a long time."

Hu Liena pulled her clothes a little embarrassedly.

"Then go ahead."

"They can't wait any longer."

Lin Xiao said and glanced at Xie Yue and Yan.

Yan is okay.

Xie Yue made a lot of complaints.

"Huh, I'll settle the score with you when I get back."

Hu Liena waved her fists at the two of them as if she was being aggressive. Then she picked up the lucky hammer and opened the jar.


Ten jars have been opened.

Nothing too new appeared.

But it's not bad.

The enhancer is turned on to three. In addition, there are three proficiency capsules and two experience capsules. All that's left are items that don't have much value.

"It's your turn." Hu Liena knew that she wasted too much time, so she put away all the items without using them immediately.

As he said that, he came to the side and made way for Xie Yue and Yan.

"Boss, you drive first."

Yan turned on humility at this time.

"My love for you is not in vain." Xie Yue looked at Yan's meaningful smile, and then stepped forward step by step.

"Boss, I'm sorry."

After Xie Yue paid the money, she quickly named the ten jars she wanted.

While he was bored waiting for Hu Liena to choose the soul bone, he made a deal with Yan.

He felt that with the right time, location, and people, it would be difficult to even think about shipping.


Lin Xiao snapped his fingers, and eleven jars fell down, one of which was a lucky prayer jar.

"Brother, what do you want to choose?"

Before the evil moon turned on, Hu Liena couldn't help but ask.

"Just watch."

Xie Yue smiled mysteriously and was also the first to smash the self-selected jar.

However, he was much more agile than Hu Liena, and he quickly took out an item from the blue light.


Hu Liena was startled, she didn't expect Xie Yue to make such a choice.

"I think I have a lot of skills now. Besides, when I acquire martial arts skills in the future, I won't be short of skills."

Xie Yue said this, looked at Yan, and then looked at Hu Liena and said earnestly: "I'm not telling you, since you have such unique martial arts skills as Tongzi Kung Fu and Tian Mo Ce, you should study hard."

"What if it were me."

When he said this, he could only sigh helplessly: "You are so blessed that you don't know how to be blessed."

Every time he mentioned this matter, he felt sour and unspeakably uncomfortable.

I regret it.

"Brother, don't be discouraged. The martial arts academy has it, and so will the kung fu."

"Isn't that right, Boss Lin?"

Hu Liena decided to comfort her brother.

"It's really hard to say."

Lin Xiao didn't seem to see Hu Liena's eyes asking for help.

Help me, can you cut off a piece of meat? Hu Liena suddenly felt resentful.

"never mind."

"I'd better open the can. I hope there will be a little more good stuff to soothe my wounded heart."

Xie Yue whispered.

Click click click.

There was a series of sounds of opening cans, and only thirty of them were opened before a burst of purple light flashed.

"+7 platinum enhancement volume, there is a fifty chance of success in enhancement. If it succeeds, you will make a lot of money."

After Lin Xiao saw the items in the jar clearly, he said to Xie Yue.

"Haha, needless to say, it's definitely a success."

Xie Yue was very excited.

"Boss, you have to be careful. It's best not to have too high hopes. I heard from the elders that 90% of them fail."

At this moment, Yan poured cold water on Xie Yue and returned to reality.


Xie Yue somewhat understood why Yan had made no progress after so many years of licking.

Can't speak.

Too unable to speak.

Why do you have a mouth?

"You can see for yourself whether it works or not."

Xie Yue said as she summoned her soul ring and strengthened the fifth soul ring.

[Congratulations, the strengthening is successful! 】

Soon a mechanical voice sounded in Xie Yue's mind.

Everyone in the shop could clearly see that the fifth soul ring on his body had become deeper.

Even the soul power has been improved by one level due to the skyrocketing years.

"Haha, did you see it? What did I just say? It's already a success?"

Xie Yue laughed heartily.

Yan was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, stop being such a jerk and open the can quickly."

At this time, Hu Liena unceremoniously broke down the situation.

Isn’t it just +7?

What are you proud of!

"Hehehe, you are just jealous of me."

Xie Yue chuckled, suppressed the joy in her heart, and continued to open the jar.


The smile faded from his face.

Click click click.

I opened several jars in a row, but there was nothing too valuable.

"The last one."

"You have to give me a surprise, right?"

After a moment, Xie Yue held the small lucky magic hammer in both hands, with a nervous look on his face.

Want too much, get too little. The last jar is all my hope.

It’s okay to be nervous.

"Brother, it's useless to be nervous. If nothing happens, nothing will happen. So don't be nervous."

As a younger sister, Hu Liena still knows Xie Yue very well and knows what the other person is thinking at this time.

"I don't want to either."

"But is nervousness something I can control?"

Xie Yue was helpless, but she still gritted her teeth and hit it hard.

There was a click and purple light flashed.

"This is..." Xie Yue's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Two upgrade coupons."

Lin Xiao added.

"Haha, that's a killer!"

Xie Yue exclaimed, excited.

"Boss, aren't you going to use it this time?"

Yan asked curiously at this time.

You know, Xie Yue has kept the upgrade coupons and experience capsules from the last time he opened the can.

Xie Yue nodded slightly, "Of course I won't use it."

"Now is the golden period for me to improve my cultivation, and my cultivation speed is still very fast. In the future, when my level is higher and my cultivation will be slower, it will be the best choice to use it again."

He has his own plans.

"But your current strength is not as high as mine."

Yan couldn't help but mutter.

"What does this mean? It's just a temporary gain or loss. Getting fat first doesn't mean I'm fat. Later, when I get a higher level, it will be my time to exert my strength. Then I will make everyone shocked by me!"

There was a blazing flame burning in Xie Yue's eyes.

He also has his own ambitions.

However, it also requires strong perseverance to do this!

After all, not everyone can hold on to several upgrade coupons without upgrading.

Good night.

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