I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 295 Tang San and Tang Hao’s Two Wishes

"Boss deserves to be the boss, I'm convinced."

Yan admired Xie Yue's attitude.

He believed that if he had so many upgrade scrolls, he would definitely not be able to resist using them. It is unforgivable for a perseverant person like Xie Yue not to become a strong man.

"Don't think so much. Now it's time for you to open the jar. Good luck to you."

Xie Yue put away the items one by one at this time, and then patted Yan on the shoulder.

"I hope I have the same luck as you."

Yan said with a smile.

After that, he passed by Xie Yue and came to the counter.

"Boss, I have no money anymore, I only have these things."

Yan said as he took out the rare antiques that had been repaired with the restoration fluid, almost covering the counter.

Calligraphy, painting, sculpture, porcelain, etc. are all available.

In fact, Yan still felt a little uneasy.

I am afraid that these treasures of mine are mixed with fakes.

Lin Xiao smiled when he saw this: "I don't think you are a can opener, but more like a stall owner."

"Ah this." Yan also scratched his head in embarrassment, it seemed like this.

At this time, Lin Xiao had already begun to search among many items.

After a long time, he selected a dozen items before gathering together items worth one million trading points.

"Okay, choose the jar you like."

Lin Xiao put away many items and then said to Yan.

"Boss, thank you." Yan nodded heavily and quickly pointed out ten jars.

Like Xieyue, while waiting for Hu Liena, he had already thought about which jars he wanted to open. Now when Lin Xiao asked, he immediately told Lin Xiao what he thought.

"no problem."

Lin Xiao nodded and placed the eleven jars in front of Yan.

This time, neither Hu Liena nor Xieyue asked Yan what he wanted. However, their curious eyes were fixed on Yan, for fear of missing every detail.


With a crisp sound, the self-selected jar was smashed by Yan.

Then, he reached into the jar and took out an amplifier.

"Why did you make this choice?" Xie Yue asked curiously. He remembered that Yan said before that he also wanted to choose a soul bone.

"After reading Nana's choice before, I really wanted the soul bone. But later, I thought you were right, boss. I already have enough skills, but I haven't mastered them yet. What's next? A soul skill's improvement in my strength is not very obvious. I've bitten off more than I can chew."

"What's more, the most important foundation for a soul master is the martial soul. If the quality of my martial soul is higher than before, the training speed will become faster, the ability of the martial soul will become more powerful, and the upper limit that can be reached in the future will be higher. high."

After listening to Xie Yue's previous words, Yan also had his own considerations and changed his previous thoughts.

"It's great that you have such an idea." Xie Yue said she was very pleased, with a smile like an old father's face on her face.

"Huh, so that means I made the wrong choice?"

Hu Liena said unconvinced.

"No, each has its own benefits."

Xie Yue explained with a strong desire to survive.

"That's pretty much it." Hu Liena folded her arms and snorted.

And at this time.

Yan couldn't wait to use the amplifier.

Lin Xiao frowned, because the air in the shop had become hot and the temperature was rising rapidly.

And all this is because of the figure behind Yan.

Fire Lord!

I have to say that this is a very strange martial spirit, and also a very powerful martial spirit.

After increasing once, it becomes even more powerful!

"This feels really good."

"It's unimaginable what kind of existence my Fire Lord will become if it continues to increase."

"It's a pity that I only have one amplifier in my hand."

The improvement in strength brought endless reveries to Yan. But in the end I had to return to reality.

"Don't worry, this is just the beginning."

"As long as you keep opening the can, the Fire Lord will eventually become what you want."

Lin Xiao's faint voice sounded.

"Boss Lin, you are right!"

Yan suddenly raised his head and looked at Lin Xiao, "I have a hunch that we might still be able to ship it today!"

Of course, as for what can be produced, he can’t say!

Haha, you are not the first to feel this way, nor are you the last.

Lin Xiao laughed and said nothing.

I remember many people saying similar things.

As for the ones that actually get what they want, there aren't many.

After a long time.

Yan was dumbfounded.

"That's not right. I have a hunch that I can get some good stuff."

He was dumbfounded looking at a counter of ordinary items.

Why is the script different from what I thought?

feeling bad.

"It's ready to be carried away"

"It's cold."

After Lin Xiao muttered something in his heart, he glanced at Xie Yue with deep meaning.

The latter immediately understood and stepped forward to comfort his little brother.

"Yan, be strong. This failure is nothing, just pave the way for the next failure."

Xie Yue patted Yan's shoulder and said in a deep voice.


Is there something wrong with that?

Are you sure it's comforting?

Yan frowned and asked Xie Yue: "Boss, although I know you mean well to comfort me, why do I feel that what you said is not a good thing?"

It was okay that Xie Yue didn't speak. After listening to Xie Yue's words, Yan felt even more uncomfortable.

"Brother, if you can't speak, stop talking."

Hu Liena knew that she could no longer remain silent, "Yan, don't listen to my brother's nonsense. I believe you will not be so miserable next time."

"Well, I think you can also get a high-level item."

Premium items?

Yan thought Hu Liena's words were pleasing to the ear a moment ago, but after Hu Liena finished speaking, he felt that Hu Liena's words were similar to Xie Yue's.

As expected of brother and sister.

Well, why do you need to have a mouth?

"Yan, pack up and leave first. If there is anything else, let's talk about it when we go back. Don't stay here and delay Boss Lin's business."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Xie Yue changed the topic.


"We did waste too much time today."

Hu Liena also nodded and agreed.

"Boss, let's leave first."

The three of them said goodbye.

"Looking forward to your next visit."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly and waved goodbye to the three of them.

Golden Crow Western Frontier.

Outside the shop, two men covered in cloaks walked towards them.

Tang San raised his head slightly and asked Tang Hao beside him: "Dad, can we really get what we want this time?"

Tang Hao's assurances made him disappointed again and again. Tang San no longer believed in Tang Hao's words.

Or I can't believe it.

"Xiao San, believe me, this jar store will definitely give us what we want."

Tang Hao patted his chest in assurance, and then without any explanation, he pulled Tang San and strode into the small shop.

"Is there someone here again?"

Inside the store, Lin Xiao cast his gaze over.

They were two weirdos wearing black cloaks.

When the two took off their disguises, two familiar faces appeared in front of Lin Xiao.

"Boss Lin, long time no see."

Tang Hao greeted Lin Xiao with a smile on his face.

In front of others, he can maintain the attitude of being the boss and the second child.

But not in front of Lin Xiao.

Gotta keep a low profile.

"Rare visitor."

Lin Xiao was a little surprised. He didn't expect Tang Hao and Tang San to come.

"Some things have been delayed recently. To make a long story short, let's just open the can."

Tang Hao said and took out the prepared gold soul coins.

In fact, they have no money left.

He borrowed all this money from wealthy merchants and nobles on his way here. And it’s the kind that you don’t have to pay back.


Lin Xiao is open to anyone who can open jars.

"Xiao San, please open the can first this time."

Tang Hao said to Tang San.

Tang San nodded and stepped forward step by step.

Lin Xiao suddenly frowned, and he actually felt a slightly familiar aura on Tang San.


He suddenly remembered, wasn't this aura similar to the remnant soul of Poseidon that he had dispersed before?

"Could it be that they went to Poseidon Island?"

Lin Xiao's heart moved and he thought of a possibility.

If you don't want to go, just go, it has nothing to do with you.

What happened to Poseidon?

If you dare to come, he will destroy you!

"Boss, I just need these ten jars."

At this moment, Tang San had already made his choice.

In fact, he was also worried.

Because he didn't know if he could get what he wanted this time.

When Lin Xiao placed the jar before and after Tang San, Tang San picked up the Lucky Magic Hammer without any hesitation!

"This is the feeling, I, Tang San, am back again!"

I have to say that opening cans is a very exciting thing.

Now Tang San had only one thought in his mind: Pan it!

Take it hard!

Click click click.

A series of sounds sounded, and Tang San completed three consecutive attacks in an instant.


In the third jar, a burst of purple light is very dazzling!

"Three jars are enough to get a rare one. You seem to be pretty lucky?"

Tang San was very surprised.

Does it matter what you open?

Just shipping is worth being happy about.

Item: [Lucky Poker]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A mysterious prop taken from the world of Doraemon. 】

Effect: [After use, the wish-fulfilling poker can help its owner realize all his wishes. Every time a wish is realized, there will be one less playing card. 】

"Boss, what kind of treasure is the mistress driving this?"

Before Tang San could ask, Tang Hao on the side had already spoken.

"Lucky playing cards, as long as you make a wish for him, it will come true."

Make a wish come true?

Isn't this exactly what you need?

Tang San's eyes lit up, "Can any wish come true?"

Lin Xiao thought about it seriously, "As long as it's not too outrageous, it's not a big problem, but if you say you want to become a god directly, I'm afraid it won't work."

A look of embarrassment suddenly flashed across Tang San's face.

He felt that Lin Xiao had seen through his heart and deliberately reminded him.

"Xiao San, we can use this thing later." Tang Hao knew what Tang San was thinking and stopped him immediately.

Because he didn't want Tang San's secret to be exposed to Boss Lin.

Tang San also nodded slightly and put away the items in his hands.

Keep opening the jar.


Bursts of white light were like flashlights, almost shaking Tang San so much that he couldn't open his eyes.

"what happened?"

"All ordinary items?"

Tang San was dumbfounded, there was something wrong with this probability!

If nothing else, why don't you give me another lucky poker!

One is to find the Blue Silver Emperor, and the other is to find the Vast Sea Universe Cover. I have two wishes!


A pair of big hands fell on his shoulders.

"Xiaosan, this result is already good. Don't worry, there is still daddy."

Tang Hao lowered his head and comforted Tang San.

In fact, Tang San also understood that once the jar was opened, it was the only way to make a loss or gain.

Tang San retreated.

Tang Hao stepped forward.

"Boss, just take ten of them from the third row."

Tang Hao pointed his hand and spoke to Lin Xiao with a smile on his face.

Soon, ten jars were arranged neatly.

"It's about to begin!"

Tang Hao rubbed his hands, his eyes filled with excitement.


When the first jar was smashed, a burst of purple light lit up.

"So lucky?"

Tang Hao wiped his eyes in disbelief to make sure he wasn't dazzled.

However, when he saw the contents of the jar clearly, he was even more pleasantly surprised.

"This, this is."

Before he could finish his words, Tang San exclaimed, "Lucky poker, this is the lucky poker that can make wishes!"

He was excited.

With this lucky poker card and one wish, wouldn't the father and son be able to get the Blue Silver Emperor and the Vast Sea Universe Shield back?

The divine test can finally begin!

Tang San got excited just thinking about it.

"Yeah, that's really great."

"Let me just say, coming to the store must be the most correct decision."

Tang Hao let out a long breath, with a look of relief on his face. A smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Then, he said to Tang San: "Xiao San, calm down, I still have a few cans to open. We'll leave immediately after it's over."

All the money has been spent, so why not finish it?

"Dad, don't worry. I believe you can still find something good."

The beaming Tang San finally gave Tang Hao some good looks.


One jar after another was smashed.

In the blink of an eye, it was already the eighth one.

Finally, a color different from the white light appeared again!


"Damn it!"

"It's actually pink! It's an artifact!"

Tang Hao exclaimed with disbelief on his face.

"What is this?"

Looking at the items that seemed to be potions, Tang Hao looked confused.

"The water of the Forgotten River can wash away the soul rings you own and replace them with new ones."

"And the age of the soul ring is not limited by the location of the soul ring. In other words, your first soul ring can also become a hundred thousand year soul ring."

Lin Xiao looked at the items in the jar and said slowly.

"What? There is such a treasure?"

Tang Hao was shocked. The power of this treasure is too incredible, right?

Moreover, this thing means more to him.

Not to mention being able to regain a powerful soul skill. The long-lasting soul ring further improves the Haotian Sect's unique skill of ring explosion.

Worth it!

It’s really worth coming this time!

After the shock, came the surprise.

"Boss, you don't have to keep me here. I'm leaving now."

After casually smashing the last jar, Tang Hao put away many items and couldn't wait to say goodbye.

Keep you?

Thinking too much.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly and waved his hand.

Outside the store.

Tang Hao smiled and said: "Xiaosan, dad is right this time!"

"Your decision is so wise. With this wishing treasure, we can get back everything we lost."

Tang San's eyes were also filled with excitement

However, when they wanted to find a deserted place to make a wish, they were suddenly stopped by a voice from behind.

"Mistress, is that you?"

Tang San stiffened and turned around

I wish everyone a happy Mid-Autumn Festival and eat more mooncakes.

Good night.

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