I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 296 As long as the hoe is wielded well, there is no blue silver grass that cannot be dug

On the long street, Tang San suddenly looked back and saw Yu Xiaogang in a dimly lit place.

At this moment, the scene seemed to be frozen.

After several breaths, Tang San said in disbelief: "Teacher, is it really you?"

"It's me, Xiaosan. It's great to see you in Wuhun City."

Yu Xiaogang's voice trembled, and he came to Tang San in a few steps, holding his arms tightly with both hands.

Tang San was a little stupid.

To be honest, although Yu Xiaogang was down and out in the past, he was still down and out. But the word abjection no longer fits him. Tang San felt that embarrassment was more suitable for Yu Xiaogang.

"Do you think the teacher is miserable?"

Yu Xiaogang sighed, "It's a long story."


Before he could start pouring out the bitterness in his stomach, he was interrupted by Tang Hao, "Master, we, father and son, have more important things to do, and we don't have time to listen to your complaints."

Ah this

Yu Xiaogang's face froze, and Tang Hao's tone made him feel that he couldn't get off the stage.

This is completely ignoring him!

"Teacher, now is not the time to talk. Let's talk in a place where no one is around."

Tang San looked left and right, then suggested.

Yu Xiaogang realized something and nodded solemnly: "You guys, follow me."

Not long after.

The three of them came to a deep alley.

"Almost no one comes here, it's very safe."

"I usually stay here."

Yu Xiaogang said with a somewhat unnatural expression.

If it weren't for Tang Hao's great strength and Tang San's Purple Demon Eyes, it would really be difficult to notice the strangeness on the other party's face.

"Master, do you usually stay in a place like this?"

Tang Hao frowned.

This place is just for stray wild dogs, and the wild dogs don’t stay here.

"Please don't worry about these details. Can you tell me why you are here now?"

Yu Xiaogang asked curiously.

"Open the can." Tang San simply stated his purpose without hiding anything.

Are you here to open the can too?

Yu Xiaogang had a complicated look on his face.

Looking at Tang Hao and Tang San's calmness, it's not hard to tell that they must have gotten something good, right?


Why are you stretching your hips like this?

Yu Xiaogang was speechless.

"Mistress, I think it's very quiet here, and there won't be many people coming. Why don't we just use the lucky poker here."

Tang Hao suddenly suggested.

Hearing the sound, Tang San's eyes lit up, Tang Hao's words completely spoke to his heart.

"Without further delay, let's start now." Tang San said, reaching out and taking out the lucky poker from his arms.

"This is a rare item!" Yu Xiaogang's pupils suddenly shrank.

Although he didn't know what it was, he could guess from the lavender light lingering on the card that it must be extraordinary.

"This thing is called the Lucky Poker, and it can fulfill one of my wishes."

Tang San found Yu Xiaogang looking at him eagerly and explained casually.

"Can you see wishes?"

"Then what if I have such a card and my wish can come true?"

Yu Xiaogang's mind suddenly became active and he had many ideas.

However, no one paid attention to him.

"Xiaosan, first we need the Vast Sea Universe Cover."

Tang Hao whispered something in Tang San's ear.

"I see."

Tang San nodded, silently making a wish in his heart.

At this moment, everyone focused their attention on his hands, and they were all nervous.


The next moment, purple light flashed, and a crystal-like triangular object appeared in his hand.

"What's this?"

Yu Xiaogang had a confused look on his face.

"Heart of Poseidon!"

"The Vast Sea Universe Cover!"

Tang San and Tang Hao made sounds of surprise.

Vast sea and universe cover? !

Yu Xiaogang was confused again.

"But how should I use this thing?"

Holding the Vast Sea Universe Shield in his hand, Tang San looked confused.


Something strange happened, a burst of strange light suddenly erupted from the Vast Sea Universe Cover, and then it penetrated into Tang San's eyebrows with lightning speed.


"Get in!"

Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed.

Yu Xiaogang was also stunned for a while, shocked by the battle in front of him.

"Mistress, how are you?"

But no matter how Tang Hao called, Tang San seemed to be stupid and didn't give any response.

"How can this be good?"

Tang Hao was so anxious that he was spinning in circles, but he didn't dare to touch Tang San.

Time passed by minute by minute.

"Your Majesty, how is the mistress doing now?"

Yu Xiaogang asked worriedly.

After all, that big thing got into my head. Are you sure there's nothing wrong with your brain?

"Ask me, how could I know?" Tang Hao rolled his eyes and said angrily.

He was also panicked.

He put everything on Tang San. If something went wrong, it would be devastating.

"Dad, teacher, I made you worry. I'm fine. I even feel very good."

At this moment, Tang San's voice sounded faintly.

Yu Xiaogang and Tang Hao both looked over in surprise.

Sure enough, Tang San stood there perfectly fine

"I really can't understand why there is no abnormality when such a big thing is stuffed into my brain."

After Yu Xiaogang was pleasantly surprised, he frowned and said.

Tang Hao asked with a dark face: "Yu Xiaogang, do you still hope that something will happen to Mistress?"

"No, how could it be?"

Yu Xiaogang smiled awkwardly and quickly defended himself.

"Dad, don't you still have a lucky poker card? Please summon mom quickly."

Tang San said to Tang Hao impatiently.

"Summon Ah Yin?"

Tang Hao's eyes were suddenly filled with complexity.

Another moment passed.

He finally made up his mind, and the complexity in his eyes suddenly turned into determination, "It's time for our family to reunite."

With that said, he took out the lucky poker card he got.

At the same time, in the small shop.

Lin Xiao's expression suddenly changed and he quickly opened the system space.

"The vast universe is gone!"

He glanced around and found the items he was missing.

"Is there something wrong with the system?"

Lin Xiao immediately thought there was something wrong with the system.

But, then I thought about it, something was wrong!

"It was Tang San and Tang Hao who took action!"

Lin Xiao suddenly remembered something was wrong.

In the original work, if you want to truly start the Poseidon inheritance, the Vast Sea Universe Cover is indispensable.

"Although Tang San has the aura of Poseidon, it is not strong. In other words, he has been to Poseidon Island, but he has not started the true Poseidon inheritance!"

Lin Xiao figured it out in an instant, "It must be Tang San or Tang Hao who used the lucky poker to make a wish and took away the Vast Sea Universe Cover!"

However, at the next moment, Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed and he found that another item disappeared in the system space.

That's the Blue Silver Emperor!


"Your Majesty, you actually used a treasure that can make a wish in exchange for a piece of grass?"

In the alley, Yu Xiaogang didn't understand Tang Hao's behavior very much.

Secretly, he felt heartache.

What a waste of natural resources!

How could such a precious thing be exchanged for a piece of grass?

It's still bluesilver grass without any value.

"Dad, this, this is"

At this moment, Tang San's eyes were completely attracted by the Bluesilver Grass in Tang Hao's hand.

He didn't even notice that his voice had begun to tremble.

"Ah Yin? Is it really you?"

"I actually saw you again."

Tang Hao held the Blue Silver Emperor in both hands, his expression full of emotion.

Ah Yin? This bluesilver grass actually has a name? Yu Xiaogang became more and more confused.

"Mistress, kneel down for your mother!"

After another moment, Tang Hao said in a deep voice.


"Tang Hao wants the mistress to call this grass mother?"

"Crazy, absolutely crazy! It's impossible for a normal person to say such a thing, at least not."

Yu Xiaogang felt that his brain could no longer keep up with Tang Hao's rhythm.

What Tang Hao did was becoming more and more shocking.


On the other hand, Tang San knelt down without any hesitation.


Then he kowtowed three times and called out: "Mom!"

It’s over!

The father and son are hopeless!

Yu Xiaogang's heart almost collapsed. How could a well-titled Douluo and a peerless genius go crazy?

If you think about it with your toes, you will know that a piece of grass cannot give birth to a human child.

However, at this moment, a soft voice sounded.



Who is calling?

Yu Xiaogang felt that the younger generation was a little chilly. He looked around quickly, but there wasn't even a ghost, let alone a human being.


It's Blue Silver Grass!

His eyes rested on Tang Hao's palm. At this time, some unknown changes occurred on the Blue Silver Grass. Faint golden lines appeared on the leaves, and then the gold and blue light complemented each other, making it extremely gorgeous.


Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened and he swallowed hard, "Is this the Blue Silver Grass I know? Is this still Blue Silver Grass?"

"Of course this is not Blue Silver Grass, but Blue Silver Emperor!"

Finally Tang Hao spoke and answered Yu Xiaogang's question.

Blue Silver Emperor Yu Xiaogang was obviously shocked by this term.

"As of now, I won't hide it from you. Xiao San is currently the Blue Silver Emperor, a 100,000-year-old soul beast that has transformed."

Tang Hao took a deep look at Yu Xiaogang, and slowly told Tang San's secret.

"A hundred thousand year soul beast?"

"Blue Silver Emperor!"

Yu Xiaogang's eyes suddenly widened, and then he slowly turned his head to look at Tang San, his eyes filled with disbelief.

It was unimaginable that Tang San was actually the child of a human soul master and a soul beast.

"By the way, Yu Xiaogang, there is one thing I want to remind you. Xiao San's martial spirit is not ordinary Blue Silver Grass, but Blue Silver Emperor."

"Only a martial spirit like the Blue Silver Emperor, which is not inferior to the Clear Sky Hammer, can coexist with the Clear Sky Hammer and maintain balance. If Xiao San's martial spirit was really Blue Silver Grass, he would have exploded due to the imbalance of soul power. And died."

Just when Yu Xiaogang was shocked, Tang Hao's voice sounded in Yu Xiaogang's ears.


Yu Xiaogang felt as if an invisible big hand slapped him hard on the face.

What a slap in the face!

He claims to be invincible in theory, knows the secrets of martial arts, and even created the so-called ten core competitiveness theories.

But you didn't notice anything unusual about Tang San's martial spirit?


"Yu Xiaogang, I hope you know that I want you to be Xiaosan's teacher because of your rich knowledge of soul masters. This is cultivated by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family and the collection of books in Wuhun Palace. I don't want you to Teach Xiaosan the theoretical theories you summarized on paper. Please take care of yourself in the future."

Just when Yu Xiaogang was feeling ashamed, Tang Hao's voice sounded again.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with my theory, it's just that it's not perfect yet."

Yu Xiaogang suddenly looked at Tang Hao and said nervously.

"wake up!"

Tang Hao shook his head, "Let's take what you often say, there are no useless martial spirits, only useless soul masters. Huh, if that's really the case, who do you think you are?"

"And if this is really the case, why does Shrek Academy still want to recruit genius soul masters?"

Thump thump.

Facing Tang Hao's successive questions, Yu Xiaogang didn't know what to say.

Every sentence is the truth, it’s so heartbreaking.

"Ahao, it's really you"

At this moment, the golden blue light began to gather, and a blurry figure actually appeared.

Appeared in front of Tang Hao.

Tang San, Tang Hao, and even Yu Xiaogang's eyes were instantly attracted.

Tang Hao even felt that his eyes were blurred.

In his eyes, the light and shadow in front of him is a real person.

An extremely beautiful and gentle lady.

"Ah Yin."

"It's really you."

Tang Hao made a sound as if he was talking in his sleep.

Subconsciously, he reached out his hand to touch the woman in front of him.


But he missed it.

"Ahao, it's useless. I only have 30,000 years of cultivation. I can only condense my spirit and will to meet you, and it won't last long."

"I see."

Just when everyone was lost, Ah Yin's voice sounded again, "But if you send me back to that place, in the master's shop, I will be able to re-transform and reunite with you soon."



Everyone's expressions changed.

"What's going on? Can you tell me in detail?" Tang Hao's voice unconsciously became deeper.

He felt that his eyes were turning green and his chest was a little tight.

"I don't have much time, so I'll keep it short."

"When I couldn't hold on anymore, it was the owner who rescued me in the cave. Then he took me to a small shop and raised me. And when the owner improved the cultivation of his other pets, I didn't benefit from it. Young Master, this is how you have achieved your current level of cultivation.”

Ah Yin's voice was full of regret.

Lin Xiao's power exceeded his imagination. What's more, Lin Xiao had saved her life, and she had long been deeply impressed by Lin Xiao.

Although she didn't say this to Lin Xiao, she also called Lin Xiao the same name as Da Ming, Er Ming, Xiao Wu and others.

Ah this

Did you even let someone hide your beauty in the golden house?

Tang Hao clenched his fists unconsciously, "Who is the master you are talking about?"

His voice was almost forced out from between his teeth.

He really wanted to know whose hoe wheel was so good that it dug into the corner of his own wall.

"Dad, is it possible that it's Boss Lin?"

Suddenly, Tang San's voice sounded faintly.

Boss Lin!

When Tang Hao heard the sound, he felt as if he was struck by lightning.

His face turned pale!

"Yes, that's right. I once heard that people who came to the owner's shop called him Boss Lin."

At this time, Ah Yin also responded in the affirmative.


Boss Lin is really poaching me!

Tang Hao was struck by lightning.

The whole person was like a deflated rubber ball.

Judging from Lin Xiao's strength, it is unlikely that he will be able to avenge this hoe in his lifetime!

(By the way, Ah Yin is just a tool, used to promote the plot and for show. She is not worthy of being a heroine, even if she is a harem.)

Good night.

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