I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 297 There is no greater sorrow than the death of heart, Ah Yin’s transformation

"Dad, calm down."

Tang San noticed Tang Hao's abnormality and couldn't help but remind him.


Tang Hao's eyes fell on Tang San, and he suddenly became energetic again.


I also have Xiao San, who is the inheritor favored by Poseidon. In the future, he will be the strongest person on Douluo Continent.

Even if Lin Xiao is strong in front of God, he will still be vulnerable, right?

"Xiaosan, come here and see your mother."

Tang Hao waved to Tang San.

Tang San also behaved very well and came to Tang Hao, and then called out very simply: "Mom."

For a moment, the audience fell into silence.

However, the intertwined light and shadow of gold and blue continued to tremble.

Clearly very restless.

"Ah Yin, he is our son, Tang San."

"I know, I know."

Ah Yin's voice trembled when he answered Tang Hao.

No need for Tang Hao to say more, the blood connection between her and Tang San also allowed her to confirm Tang San's identity.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Ah Yin came to Tang San step by step. She stretched out her hand, wanting to touch Tang San's face.

It failed.

Her hand passed through Tang San's face.


Ah Yin couldn't help but make a whimpering sound.

If she had a real body, she would be in tears right now.

"Ah Yin, don't cry."

"We should be happy to have a child like Xiao San. He has extraordinary talent and possesses twin martial spirits. He even won the favor of Lord Poseidon on Poseidon Island and was given the test of inheriting the throne of Poseidon. In the future, Xiao San will become The strongest person on Douluo Continent is a god!"

Tang Hao said, his voice full of pride.

It looked like he had inherited the divine throne.


"Heritage of divine throne!"

Ah Yin and Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but let out their own exclamations.

They all now feel like they are listening to a myth.

Because the word God is too vague for them.

"That's right, it's the inheritance of the divine throne."

Tang Hao nodded solemnly. However, his expression soon turned gloomy again, "It's just that Xiao San needs two conditions to start the inheritance test left by Lord Poseidon."

"The first is to find the Heart of Poseidon. We have just completed it. The Vast Sea Universe Cover is it."

"What about the second one?"

Yu Xiaogang asked impatiently.

On the other hand, Ah Yin fell silent. She had already vaguely guessed something.

"The second condition is for Xiao San's martial soul to evolve into a true Blue Silver Emperor. Only in this way can Xiao San's talent be truly recognized by Lord Poseidon."

Tang Hao said, staring at Ah Yin closely.


Ah Yin's face was blurry and he couldn't see anything.

"Have you ever gone to find King Blue Silver?" Ah Yin suddenly asked.

There was still a trace of luck in her heart. If Tang Hao had not found Blue Silver King, everything would have been easier.

Hearing this, Tang Hao showed a sad look on his face, "I've been there. I don't know who hunted down the Blue Silver King."

“That’s true”

Ah Yin murmured softly.

She was not surprised by the result.

If something hadn't happened to the Blue Silver King, Tang San's current martial spirit would have been the Blue Silver King.

"Ahao, so you want me to help Xiaosan now, right?"

Ah Yin asked again.

But no one could hear the joy or sorrow in her voice.

Tang Hao was silent.

Tang San's eyes also dodge for a while.

It was difficult to speak for a while.

"I think you should help Xiao San. Xiao San's future is limitless, but he can inherit the throne of God."

On the side, Yu Xiaogang spoke.

In fact, he felt a burning sensation in his heart.

In terms of God's ability, it wouldn't be a big problem for him to break through the shackles of a great soul master, right?

When one person attains enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

Tang San was Yu Xiaogang's disciple. If he could become a god, wouldn't Yu Xiaogang just take off from the same spot?

It was even said that he could follow Tang San to leave the Douluo Continent and live in the legendary God Realm!

To put it bluntly, even if he has no substantial benefits, just the title of teaching a god-level powerhouse is enough for Yu Xiaogang to use him for the rest of his life.

At that time, who would dare to laugh at him as a waste master?

"Go away, there is no place for you to talk here."

Ah Yin's voice suddenly turned cold. Suddenly, a vine surged out of the Blue Silver Emperor in Tang Hao's hand, and it struck Yu Xiaogang hard like a long whip.

Immediately, Yu Xiaogang was beaten to the ground and gasped in pain.

This is normal. With his strength, how can he be the opponent of the ten thousand year soul beast?

He was able to survive entirely because of A Yin's mercy.

"Ahao, you should know what kind of price I have to pay if I allow Xiao San's martial spirit to evolve, right?"

Ah Yin asked again.

Tang Hao and Tang San fell silent again.

Of course they knew.

Because in the original plan, Tang San was to swallow the Blue Silver Emperor and refine the blood within it.

"Ahao, let's leave here as a family. Wouldn't it be nice to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the world and live in a place without people?"

After another long while, Ah Yin spoke again.

But her voice was full of prayer.

Tang Hao was silent as always, his eyes were lowered, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Ah Yin asked Tang San again, "Xiao San, are you willing to give up the inheritance of God for your mother? Our family can find a place with no one and live a simple life."

Tang San also dared to see Ah Yin.

"Ah Yin, you may not know. Now Xiaosan and I are burdened with too much."

"Now we can no longer let it go if we want to, or stay away if we want to."

"Only when Xiaosan becomes a god can we take revenge."

Tang Hao finally summoned up the courage and said in a deep voice.

At the same time, he stopped dodging. His eyes also fell on the light and shadow transformed by A Yin again.

"So, even if you have to sacrifice me, you won't hesitate?" A Yin's ethereal voice sounded. Full of questioning.

"Do you really care about my life and death for your own sake?"

"Tang Hao, Tang San, I'm really disappointed in you. Do you know? I almost died countless times, but you are the belief and reason that keep me going."

Ah Yin felt like the sky was falling at this moment.


Tang Hao suddenly knelt down, "The Haotian Sect is gone, and I have also suffered heavy losses. There is too much hatred in me. But the opponent is too powerful, and I will never be able to take revenge in my life. Xiaosan is the sect. The hope is my hope.”

"Ah Yin, I beg you. Help me, help the mistress."

"Besides, Xiaosan will definitely resurrect you after he becomes a god. Right, Xiaosan?"

As he spoke, Tang Hao looked at Tang San beside him.

Immediately, Tang San also knelt down with a plop, "Mom, I swear, the day I become a god will be when you are resurrected."

He said, holding out his hand in a gesture of oath.

His tone was extremely sincere.


Their words were like an invisible knife, cutting Ah Yin's heart into pieces.

"Once upon a time, I risked my life to accompany you on your travels across the continent."

"Once upon a time, I took the initiative to sacrifice for the sake of your father and son's survival."

"Once upon a time, I thought you would love me as much as I love you."


Ah Yin whispered, countless memories emerged in his mind.

But the sweeter the memory was, the more heartbreaking it is now.

Suddenly, she smiled, "Hehe, hehe. It turns out that all this was my wishful thinking. I was wrong, so wrong."

Tang Hao, Tang San felt his cheeks were burning, and he never dared to look at Ah Yin again.

However, they didn't even say a word of redemption.

Silence means everything.

"Hiss, it turns out that letting Blue Silver Grass evolve into Blue Silver Emperor requires her to pay the price with her life."

"No wonder she was so excited just now."

There was also a storm in Yu Xiaogang's heart, and he could not calm down for a long time.

He subconsciously looked at Tang Hao and Tang San, and thought to himself: "What a cruel father and son. One can give up his wife, and the other can sacrifice his mother. It's really like a tiger father and no dog son."

"Don't you want my life? Then take it."

At this moment, Ah Yin's voice came out again.

Very peaceful.

It's like nothing happened.

Also very indifferent, like facing a stranger.

There is no greater sadness than heartbreak, and Ah Yin is nothing more than that now.

"Mom, don't worry, after I become a god, I will definitely resurrect you, and our family will definitely be reunited."

Tang San was overjoyed and hurriedly said the oath he just made.

Unexpectedly, Ah Yin's shadow waved his hand and said, "No need, how can I be worthy enough to become a family with you?"

Her voice was filled with an indifference that would alienate people from thousands of miles away.

Tang Hao was distracted for a while, "Ah"

But before she could finish her words, Ah Yin stopped her, "Stop calling me, I feel sick when the name Ah Yin comes out of your mouth."


Tang Hao's expression was frozen as if he had been struck by a petrification spell.

Immediately afterwards, she saw Ah Yin's body break into pieces and turn into dots.

"Ah Yin, no!"

Suddenly, a loud roar sounded, like thunder that shook the sky.

Yu Xiaogang felt his head buzzing, and then his eyes blurred, and a figure wearing a black cloak appeared in front of him.


"Why are you here?"

Tang Hao recognized the figure in front of him and couldn't help but said in surprise.

"Ah Yin, don't leave"

However, Tang Xiao only had eyes for Ah Yin. He tried to catch the little bits and pieces of Ah Yin after it collapsed, but not a single fragment was left.

Then, the Blue Silver Emperor in Tang Hao's hand also shattered, turning into a stream of gold and blue light that fell on Tang San.

And there was only one voice echoing in his ears:

"Brother Tang Xiao, goodbye."


I haven't even met you yet, but I'm saying goodbye again? !

I don't!

Tang Xiao was filled with grief and anger, and endless anger erupted.

"Tang Hao, I want you to die!"

As he spoke, he used his soul power to punch out, heading straight for Tang Hao's chest.

"Brother, you are crazy!"

Tang Hao was shocked by the sudden change.

Caught off guard, he was knocked upside down and flew out.

But, he soon rushed back.

"Tang Xiao, you are crazy!"

Tang Hao asked again.

"I am indeed crazy. Otherwise, why would I entrust Ah Yin to your care?"

"It's okay if he died for you once. Now you actually force him to die!"

"Tang Hao, are you still a human?"

Tang Xiao asked loudly, like a madman.

"Brother, I am also doing it for the benefit of the sect. As long as Xiao San becomes a god in the future, our Haotian Sect will rise again, and even dominate the Douluo Continent, unrivaled."

"As long as Xiaosan becomes a god, it's not a problem to resurrect Ah Yin in the future. Sooner or later our family will be reunited."

Tang Hao explained quickly.

"Hahaha, what a good one to become a god, what a good one to serve the Haotian Sect."

"Tang Hao, remember, no matter how desperate our Haotian Sect is, we don't need a woman to make sacrifices."

Tang Xiao's voice was cold, and he said almost word for word: "If a woman really needs to make sacrifices, then I would rather the sect perish."

"Ha, haha. Tang Xiao, you are very righteous, so then I, Tang Hao, am a villain?"

"You're talking about the Haotian Sect. The leader of the Haotian Sect is so majestic. Have you ever thought about how you, the leader of the Haotian Sect, came to be?"

"Without my concession, would you be where you are today? It's simply ridiculous!"

Tang Hao also had anger in his heart.

But before he could get angry, he heard Tang San say from the side.

"Dad, let's leave here first. My martial soul is about to transform, and I'm afraid there will be a lot of noise."

Tang Hao's eyes flashed slightly, and he stretched out his hands to clamp Tang San around his waist. After thinking about it, he reached out and picked up Yu Xiaogang and ran away.

As for why?

Very simple.

Yu Xiaogang knows too much.

Tang Xiao watched numbly as the three people left. As if all his strength had been drained, he knelt on the ground with a plop.

Sadness, anger, disappointment, heartache.

For a moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart.

Tang Hao's actions gave him a feeling of betrayal and alienation.

However, these are not important. What makes him sad the most is the fallen Blue Silver Emperor.

"Ah Yin, I'm sorry, I'm still a step late."



It was unimaginable that Tang Xiao, the majestic leader of the Haotian Sect and now a ninety-sixth level titled Douluo, would cry like a child.

There was endless grievance in the voice.

"Wait, what is that!?"

Tang Xiao looked at the place where Tang Hao was before, and there was a faint glimmer of light.

"Is it my imagination?"

Tang Hao subconsciously rubbed his eyes with his thick hands and crawled forward little by little.


He saw clearly that the golden light he just saw was not his fault.

On the ground, there is a small seed. It is also dotted with extremely tiny golden light spots.

"Ah, Ah Yin, is that you?"

Tang Xiao's voice trembled.

Bata, bah.

Drops of round tears fell uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes.

These are tears of excitement.

He seemed to see the hope of Ah Yin's resurrection again.

"Ah Yin, you wait for me. I thought of a person, he must be able to save you, you wait for me!"

Tang Xiao quickly stood up and ran out of the alley.

the other side.

In a small shop.

Lin Xiao had a gloomy face.

"I don't really care about the dog system, a ruined Vast Sea Universe Shield, or the wife Blue Silver Emperor. But when will the compensation you promised arrive?"

"It's unreasonable not to give me two epic items."

However, Lin Xiao's scattered thoughts fell and he didn't get a response for a long time.


somebody is coming?

Suddenly, Lin Xiao's expression changed, and he heard a rush of footsteps coming from outside the store.

And the sound is getting closer.

Without letting him wait, a figure in a black cloak hurried in.

Lin Xiao was startled and asked in surprise: "Tang Xiao, why is it you? Didn't you finish opening the jar today?"

Tang Xiao shook his head and uttered a few words hastily, "Old, boss, help, help!"

(Come back again, didn’t expect it?)

Good night.

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