I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 298 Tang Hao’s Target Dark Gold Hole Claw Bear

"Help? Save whose life?"

Lin Xiao was very puzzled.

Apart from shortness of breath, this old boy Tang Xiao doesn't have any major problems.

"Ah Yin, it's Ah Yin."

Tang Xiao hurriedly stretched out his hands.

Lin Xiao looked over.

Suddenly, he was startled.

If it weren't for his eyesight that was much better than ordinary people, he wouldn't have been able to notice that Tang Xiao was holding a seed in his hand.

Ah Yin?

Is this the Blue Silver Emperor?

Lin Xiao frowned and asked: "This is the Blue Silver Emperor, the overlord among the majestic soul beasts. How could she become like this?"

"It was Tang Hao and her son Tang San who forced A Yin to sacrifice to Tang San."

Tang Xiao's voice was extremely cold when he mentioned the father and son, and his eyes were still shining with hatred.

"Sacrificed to Tang San?"

Lin Xiao frowned and repeated, and couldn't help but curse in his heart, does the sacrifice even get rain and dew on it?

Ah Yin was too miserable.

"Hey, this is a shame for my family. Please don't dig into it, boss."

Tang Xiao sighed, his voice full of shame.

This matter involved too much, and he was really embarrassed to say it.

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, expressing understanding.

"Boss, I know you have great powers, so please take action to save Ah Yin. She is really pitiful."

"As long as you can save Ah Yin, I, Tang Xiao, will be willing to work for you."

Tang Xiao spoke very emotionally and even knelt down in front of Lin Xiao.

However, he was stopped by Lin Xiao.

"It doesn't have to be this way."

Lin Xiao said: "But her vitality is weak, and I don't know if it is possible to survive."

Lin Xiao said, picking up the Blue Silver Emperor from Tang Xiao's palm.

He didn't lie.

Many places on the seed of the Blue Silver Emperor's incarnation have turned yellow.

Only the core has a little golden light flashing, just like a human heartbeat.

But, this is also very wrong.

In terms of the Blue Silver Emperor's ability to live forever, since it didn't die immediately, its vitality should be getting bigger and bigger.

In fact, Lin Xiao felt that the aura on the seeds was getting weaker.

"First he sacrificed to Tang Hao, and now he is forced to sacrifice to Tang San. Under such a blow, the Blue Silver Emperor's heart is probably dead. He feels that there is nothing left in this world, and he has given up on his life."

Lin Xiao expressed his guess.


Tang Xiao was shocked after hearing what Lin Xiao said.

The scene before Ah Yin's sacrifice appeared in his mind unconsciously, and the voice was full of despair. It can indeed be said that I no longer have any nostalgia for this world.

"Boss, I don't know if you have any special means. You can even trade my life for Ah Yin's."

Tang Xiao's eyes turned red.

As long as there is a slight chance, he doesn't want to give up.

"Try it." Lin Xiao shook his head slightly. He took out a flower pot filled with soil from under the counter, and then stuffed the seeds of the Blue Silver Emperor's incarnation into the soil.

These things were all available when he opened the store, and they were also provided by the system like the counter rocking chair and other items.

Lin Xiao felt that these things were not ordinary gadgets, and they could not be said to have miraculous effects.

Tang Xiao was startled, "Is this enough?"

"Of course not." Lin Xiao said, rolling up his sleeves and revealing the watch on his wrist.

This thing is a watch that changes the date. Then, he began to adjust the time.

one day, two days

one month, two months

one year, two years


Tang Xiao could feel a mysterious power coming, filling the entire shop.

However, he didn't know what effect this power had.

"Could it be that the Blue Silver Emperor really committed suicide?"

Lin Xiao frowned and said, "Try again."

He thought to himself and adjusted the numbers on the watch again. It was nothing to him and Tang Xiao, but to the seeds of the Blue Silver Emperor's incarnation, ten years had passed.

Finally, a young green seedling emerged from the soil.

"Ah, Ah Yin, is that you?"

Unconsciously, Tang Xiao was in tears, and his face looked like he was crying and laughing at the same time.


No one could answer him.

"She may be the Ah Yin you call her, or she may not be."

Lin Xiao looked at Tang Xiao who looked miserable and said in a low voice.

The feeling on this blue silver grass brought to Lin Xiao was both familiar and strange.

"how so?"

Tang Xiao was shocked, as if struck by lightning.

"Maybe it's because betrayal makes people so desperate."

"It's very possible that she forgot the past and chose a new life."

Lin Xiao's faint voice sounded.


Tang Xiao was confused at first, then relieved, and soon changed to praying.

"What's wrong with you?"

Lin Xiao asked with a frown.

"Boss, Tang does have something to ask for." Tang Xiao said in a deep voice, "I would like to ask you to take care of Ah Yin."

As he spoke, he bent his legs and knelt directly on the ground.

He was even afraid that Lin Xiao would stop his move, so he did not hesitate to use his soul power to speed up his speed.

"Are you sure?" Lin Xiao asked.


Tang Xiao's voice was resounding, "If it were left to the outside world, there's no telling how long it would take for Ah Yin to re-transform. But with you, I feel that I still have a chance to see Ah Yin again in my lifetime."

"Furthermore, you said that the reborn woman is no longer her original self. Then she should not be allowed to be with an old person like me. Let her completely cut off from that tragic past."

Tang Xiao said with great heartache.

Hey, I didn’t expect that the most infatuated person was not Tang Hao but Tang Xiao.

If the Blue Silver Emperor had made a different choice, he might not have ended up being sacrificed.

Lin Xiao sighed slightly in his heart, but did not give an immediate answer.


Tang Xiao's head hit the ground heavily, "Boss, please. I, Tang Xiao, have no talent, but if you wait until I complete the sect's great cause, my life will be yours."

Another moment passed.

Lin Xiao took a deep look at Tang Xiao and whispered: "Get up, I promise you."

the other side.

Wuhun City is a hundred miles away.

On a barren mountain.

Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang both looked at Tang San nervously.

"Your Majesty, is there really no problem?"

Yu Xiaogang finally couldn't help but ask.

Tang Hao said angrily: "Aren't you the so-called master? Come on, analyze for me what's going on with the mistress now."

"Ah this."

Yu Xiaogang scratched his head in embarrassment.

Tang San's eyes were now closed and he was breathing evenly. If he hadn't been standing there, he would have thought he was asleep.

At this time, Tang San had no idea what was happening in the outside world.

He was concentrating on observing the transformation inside his body.

That’s right!

It is transformation, a feeling of being reborn.

An extremely gentle breath traveled through his body. I don't know why, but when he felt this gentle breath, Tang San suddenly felt the urge to cry.

It seemed to be a soothing emotion.

It was as if what he was receiving at this time was his mother's caress.

Gradually, his consciousness became blurred.

He vaguely seemed to see a stunning woman with long blue hair walking towards him.

She is beautiful, gentle, and has a moving brilliance.

"Mom, is that you?"

Tang San shouted in a low voice, tears sliding down his cheeks unconsciously.


When the woman approached, her face suddenly became ferocious, and at the same time she let out a frightening roar.

"Tang San, give me back my life!"

Tang San was immediately frightened to death and backed away, "No, I didn't, I didn't!"

He yelled, waking up from that strange state.

What caught the eye were the faces of Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang.

"Xiaosan, what's wrong with you?"

Tang Hao asked with concern.

"No, it's okay." Tang San shook his head with an unnatural expression.

Suddenly, his expression froze.

What's wrong with me?

He was startled again.

At this time, his skin turned crystal blue, and countless blue silver grass grew on his body.

There was no human appearance at all.

"Xiao San, don't panic. I think you are now in a critical period of martial soul transformation. You may just wait."

Yu Xiaogang said quickly when he saw this.

"Maybe?" Tang San raised his eyebrows.

Yu Xiaogang scratched his head in embarrassment, "Um. I haven't experienced the transformation of a martial soul. This is all based on theoretical speculation."

Waste is waste!

On the side, Tang Hao couldn't help but shake his head.


Changes occur suddenly.

Three yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings emerged from Tang San's feet, and at the same time, blue light began to shine on his body. After a while, touches of golden light appeared in the blue light.

It was the golden lines growing on the bluesilver grass on his body.

"Blue with gold, the Blue Silver Emperor has awakened!"

On the side, Tang Hao couldn't help but exclaimed, his eyes full of surprise.

The journey along the way has been extremely difficult, but Tang Hao now feels that everything is worth it.

Tang San can finally start the road to becoming a god!

"Dad, I succeeded."

Tang San said in surprise.

At this time, he felt that his changes were really great.

His appearance, height, and strength have all made a qualitative leap.

"Finally the joy comes after all the hardships."

He hugged Tang San excitedly and cried with joy.

He paid too much for Tang San.

"By the way, mistress, has your physical disability changed?"

Tang Hao secretly sent a message to Tang San.

"This... I haven't seen it yet."

Tang San said with a somewhat unnatural expression.

Tang Hao really didn't like to pick up any pot.

"Don't worry, there is still hope when your strength improves."

Tang Hao whispered.

"Dad, when I awakened my bloodline, I had already officially started the Poseidon test. Let's return to Poseidon Island to officially take the test now."

Tang San suggested impatiently.

However, Tang Hao hesitated, "You and Master will wait for me at the beach for now. I still have something important to do."

"What?" Tang San was startled.

"Did you forget? I also found a treasure in the shop that can replace the soul ring, called the water of the Forgotten River. Now I will go to the Star Dou Forest to hunt a soul beast and replace my first soul ring. , so my strength can be improved a lot."

Tang Hao expressed his inner plan.


Replace the soul ring?

Yu Xiaogang was shocked. This was the first time he heard someone say this.

But when I think about the items Tang Hao said he bought in a small store, although it is outrageous, it is also normal.

"Okay, then let's go to the beach and wait for you." Tang San didn't say much.

On the side, Yu Xiaogang seemed hesitant to speak.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

"But never say you won't come with us, because you have no choice."

Tang Hao glanced sideways at Yu Xiaogang and said coldly.

Don’t the weak have human rights? Yu Xiaogang felt a sudden pain in his heart, secretly complaining.

"Your Majesty, you misunderstood. It is my honor to continue to follow Xiaosan and take care of Xiaosan. I have something to remind you," he said again.

"whats the matter?"

Tang Hao frowned.

He didn't understand what this useless master was trying to teach him?

To be honest, if he hadn't been Xiao San's teacher, Tang Hao would have chosen to kill someone and silence him.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang spoke, "I heard from many soul masters in Wuhun City that there was a riot of soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest, and many soul masters were injured by the beast tide. Nowadays, the soul masters only I can now move around the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest."

"How could this happen?" Tang Hao frowned.

There have been soul beast riots in the Star Dou Forest, but they have never been this serious.

"I heard that a hill-like Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear came out of the forest. It was the one who commanded the spirit beasts to counterattack the human spirit masters. Even several powerful Contra-level warriors failed to take action."

When Yu Xiaogang mentioned this matter, his eyes could not help but show palpitations.

What a powerful existence that must be.

"What kind of hill-like dark gold Dreadclaw bear?"

Tang Hao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he said in a deep voice: "How many years will it take?"

"Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I guess it must be 200,000 years old."

Yu Xiaogang expressed his guess.

"Two hundred thousand years?" Tang Hao was startled at first, and then he couldn't help laughing and said: "Hahaha, okay, two hundred thousand years is good. Just give me a replacement soul ring, so that my strength will be improved." A huge improvement.”

Tang Hao is now filled with joy.

It can be said that as soon as I feel sleepy here, someone will give me a pillow over there.

"Your Majesty, the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear is still very powerful, so be careful."

Yu Xiaogang originally wanted to persuade Tang Hao not to be impulsive.

But when the words reached his mouth, they were swallowed back in his stomach.

He could see that Tang Hao was not an ordinary titled Douluo, and he might actually succeed.

"Don't worry, it's just a 200,000-year-old soul beast. I'm still confident that I can deal with it."

"Even if it is a Dark Gold Hole Claw Bear, it has to bow its head."

Tang Hao was full of confidence.

For a moment, Yu Xiaogang was infected by Tang Hao's style.

He said regretfully: "Such a powerful soul beast overlord is unique. It would be great if I could see it with my own eyes."

"You?" Tang Hao smiled, "You'd better save yourself. With your strength, you can kill the Dark Gold Hole Claw Bear instantly with just one breath."

Ah this

Is it really okay to expose someone’s background nakedly?

Yu Xiaogang looked embarrassed.

"Okay, I'm leaving. Xiaosan, please remember to take care of your teacher on the way and don't let him get hurt."

After Tang Hao finished speaking to Tang San, he turned around and disappeared into the darkness.

After a long while, Tang San slowly withdrew his gaze.

"Teacher, let's go."

"Xiao San, can you tell me where Poseidon Island is?" Yu Xiaogang suddenly asked.

"A very magical place that can change people's destiny."

Tang San thought for a moment and gave the answer.

"What about me?" Yu Xiaogang asked with expectation on his face.

"It's possible." Tang San hesitated and gave an ambiguous answer.


He felt that with Yu Xiaogang's talent, he might not even be able to officially set foot on Poseidon Island, right?

Most likely, they would only stay on the outskirts of Poseidon Island.

After all, Poseidon's assessment is not for waste.

However, he couldn't say these words because Yu Xiaogang seemed to be trapped in some kind of dream.

Good night,

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