I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 302 As long as you are brave, you can take maternity leave next year

"What's happening here?"

"Is his body glowing with gold?"

In the shop, Tuoba Xi looked at Hu Yanzhen in disbelief, not understanding what was happening to him.

"He should be using the Golden Bell's technique."

Lin Xiao's voice rang in Tuoba Xi's ears, answering his doubts.

"Self-created soul skills?"

Tuoba Xi's eyes were full of curiosity.

In his eyes, the exposed skin on Hu Yanzhen's body seemed to be coated with a layer of gold paint.

"Haha, Tuoba Xi, hit me!"

At the same time, Hu Yanzhen came out of his awakening state and looked at Tuoba Xi and said excitedly.

At this time, Tuoba Xi discovered that Hu Yanzhen's eyes were golden. It looks breathtaking.

"Are you sure?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Of course! Don't pity me and hit me hard!"

Hu Yanzhen said with great certainty.

"This is the first time someone has made such a mean request. Don't worry, I will definitely satisfy you."

Tuoba Xi's eyes shone, and he took a step back slightly. At the same time, the soul power in his body began to flow rapidly like a mountain torrent.


The next moment, he punched Hu Yanzhen hard on the head.

However, the strange thing is that there was a thunderous sound.

Tuoba Xi felt as if his punch had hit gold and iron.

"how so?"

Tuoba Xi was shocked. Although the Diamond Mammoth's defense was strong, there was a limit to Hu Yanzhen's physique even if his martial spirit was not activated.

Normally, if he punched like this, Huyan would be so shocked that he would be knocked backwards.

But now Hu Yanzhen acts like no one, motionless?


This wasn't the end yet, a powerful counterattack force suddenly burst out from Hu Yanzhen and fed back to Tuoba Xi himself.

Thump thump thump.

He actually took several steps back to offset the force of the counterattack.

"Is this the Golden Bell? So powerful!"

After standing still, Tuoba Xi said with admiration.

"It's really strong!"

Even as the owner of the golden bell, Hu Yanzhen couldn't help but admire it.

Subconsciously, he reached out and rubbed his forehead.

There was no feeling at all, just like being bitten by a mosquito.

He felt like he had activated his martial spirit to face Tuoba Xi's punch.

"Such a strong defense. In your current state, you can probably withstand a bombardment weighing tens of thousands of kilograms, right?"

Although he was an opponent, Tuoba Xi had to admire him.

Of course, he obeyed the martial arts, not the person Hu Yanzhen.

"Hmph, you still have some perspective, let me tell you this. After activating the martial spirit, the endurance will be increased tenfold."

"Moreover, I'm just getting started now, and this upper limit can be increased in the future!"

After Hu Yanzhen finished speaking, he couldn't help but smile proudly.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Now he can only make his soul power spread all over his body like gold paint, and he has a certain amount of counterattack power. These are just the beginning.

If you are at the peak of your cultivation, if you have a golden bell outside your body, you can advance, attack, retreat and defend, then that is the real peak.

"Hmph, what are you showing off for? I didn't get the martial arts skills this time, but I will definitely get them next time."

Tuoba Xi looked as usual at this time and said coldly.

Haha, it will definitely be a classic next time. Lin Xiao smiled inwardly when he saw this.

At this time, Tuoba Xi was very much like himself when he saw his friend selling good things, and he was obviously very envious but still said something tough.

"But I want to remind you that after today, I am not sure when the martial arts skills will be available in the jar." Lin Xiao's long voice sounded at this time.

Tuoba Xi suddenly felt like he was struck by lightning.

"What? You don't even give me a chance to avenge my shame?" He was dumbfounded and opened his mouth not knowing what to say.

"Hahaha, Tuoba Xi, it seems that I will be the insurmountable peak in front of you."

"Not bad."

Hu Yanzhen was in a good mood. He looked at the eight ordinary jars and a lucky prayer jar left in front of him, and his mood suddenly improved. "Ah, I still have so many jars that have not been opened. Don't prescribe any more martial arts skills." , this cannot be done.”

"Open your can!"

Tuoba Xi said angrily.


Seeing that his opponent was uncomfortable, Hu Yanzhen felt comfortable for a while.

But he didn't forget about business, which was to continue opening cans.

Click click click.

Three jars were opened in succession, all of which were ordinary-level items.

But Hu Yanzhen stared at the third item and said, "The proficiency capsule is worth it."

Beside, Tuoba Xi's eyes twitched.

Don't think too much, Hu Yanzhen's yin and yang aura is just to show off to himself.

Seeing that Tuoba Xi was even more depressed, Hu Yanzhen grinned with satisfaction and lowered his head to open the jar again.

Click click click.

Three more cans passed.

Hu Yanzhen exclaimed again: "Good guy, experience capsule. This experience capsule can increase my upper limit of soul power by one-tenth. With my current level 91 soul power cultivation, I can save several Months of time.”

However, Tuoba Xi curled his lips and said, "Then you are too inferior. I will increase the upper limit of soul power by one-tenth in just two months."

Well? The smile on Hu Yanzhen's face suddenly froze.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile. Hu Yanzhen's typical pretense failed.

Then, Hu Yanzhen stopped talking.

Of course, he was unlucky with the remaining jars and didn't produce anything to show off.

"Only the last jar of your choice is left. What are you going to choose?"

Tuoba Xi asked curiously.

"Want to know?"

Hu Yanzhen asked humbly.

"Yeah." Tuoba Xi nodded.

"Just think about it, I won't tell you."

Hu Yanzhen smiled and smashed the can of his choice, turned his back to Tuoba Xi and reached into the light ball. Then he took out an item with lightning speed and put it directly into the soul guidance space. .

"Hmph." Tuoba Xi snorted with a very ugly expression.

This Hu Yanzhen is really so annoying.


Simply not human.

At least people shouldn't do these things.

However, apart from Hu Yanzhen, Lin Xiao saw clearly the items Hu Yanzhen chose.

It's an amplifier.

This is normal, the essence of a soul master is martial soul. The stronger the martial spirit, the higher the future achievements will be.

So when there is no better choice, there is nothing wrong with choosing an amplifier.

As for there being no useless martial souls and only useless soul masters, that's all bullshit.

If that were the case, even a sickle or a hoe could become a titled Douluo.

"Boss, Tuoba Xi takes his leave."

At this moment, Tuoba Xi said something to Lin Xiao and turned around.

"Hey, wait a minute. Did you forget something?"

Hu Yanzhen disagreed and called after Tuoba Xi.

He had not forgotten the bet they had made before. Now that he had won, Tuoba Xi hadn't called him dad yet.

On the other hand, Tuoba Xi walked even more hurriedly after hearing what Hu Yanzhen said.

"Tuoba Xi, even if you don't want to call me dad, it's okay. Then let's open the jar together again next week, okay?"

"I feel safe with you here."

Hu Yanzhen hurriedly followed after saying goodbye to Lin Xiao.

Hearing the sound, Tuoba Xi even used his soul power to speed out of the shop.

If I, Tuoba Xi, open a jar with you Hu Yanzhen again, I will be a dog!

The next time you open a can, no matter what, you have to find your good brother Snake Spear Douluo!

After Hu Yanzhen and Tuoba Xi left, Lin Xiao felt that the whole world had become quiet.

"These two are really enemies."

Lin Xiao shook his head slightly.

However, before he could calm down for a while, someone else came.

It was Dugu Bo and Dugu Yan's grandfather and grandson, and Lin Xiao also saw a heavy look on both of them.

"This must be what happened."

Lin Xiao saw it.

"Boss, I don't want to open a can this time. I just want the power to kill level 97."


"It's better to be level ninety-eight."

Dugu Bo said murderously: "Boss, as long as you can help me, I don't want all these flowers and plants."

As he spoke, he took out all the items in the soul guidance space.

Lin Xiao looked over and saw that 80% of them were various elixirs picked from the Ice and Fire Eyes, and there were also many fairy herbs among them.

"What happened?" Lin Xiao asked in confusion.

You know, Dugu Bo can now roughly guess the value of these things. What kind of hatred and resentment is this that makes him willing to spend such a high price to kill the other party?

"Boss, I wonder if you know Tang Hao?"

"Tang Hao? You know."

"It's Tang Hao. He broke into my medicine garden and wanted to take away my herbs. If I didn't obey, he would even kill me. If it weren't for the magical equipment and some healing souls that he found in your store. If you take the powerful medicine, you may not be able to see me.”

Dugu Bo said through gritted teeth, and even Lin Xiao could see that his eyes were red, like a rabbit.

"Although I, Dugu Bo, am not a decent man, I can't help but feel shame in my eyes. If I don't avenge this, I, Dugu Bo, will not be able to rest in peace even if I die."

Dugu Bo said loudly.

Tang Hao? Lin Xiao was startled, this old boy was really naughty.

At this moment, Dugu Yan, who was beside Dugu Bo, tugged at the corner of Dugu Bo's clothes, "Grandpa, why don't you forget it. Then Tang Hao is too strong, and you are no match. Just endure the calm for a while, and take a step back to open up the world."

If this thing happened to someone else, Dugu Yan would definitely not say anything and would even watch the excitement more actively than anyone else.


The person involved was her closest grandfather, and she couldn't help but worry. I don't even want Dugu Bo to risk his life for revenge.

"What words? What are these words?"

"I, Dugu Bo, repay kindness and revenge. Taking a step back will only make me angrier."

Dugu Bo raised an extremely rare eyebrow at Dugu Yan.

"But, your strength," Dugu Yan said weakly.

"Isn't it because I'm not strong enough that I came to see Boss Lin?" Dugu Bo said, looking at Lin Xiao again, "The boss still said the same thing, as long as you can help me kill that guy Tang Hao, All my wealth belongs to you."

His voice fell and he stopped talking. He looked at Lin Xiao with diligence and expectation, hoping that Lin Xiao could give a positive answer.

Lin Xiao rubbed his chin and said, "It's not that you have the item to kill a ninety-eighth-level titled Douluo. It's just..."

"Just what?" Dugu Bo said, looking at his granddaughter, who looked like a beautiful snake beside him, and said, "Boss, if these things are not enough, do you think it would be okay to add my granddaughter?"

"She has a delicate body and a soft body"

The air suddenly became quiet.

"Grandpa, what are you doing!"

After a brief silence, Dugu Yan spoke angrily.

And while talking, he also stamped his little feet.

"Yanyan, grandpa is doing this for your own good." Dugubo sighed: "What if something unexpected happens when I go to settle accounts with Tang Hao. It is definitely the safest to stay with Boss Lin."


There were already tears in Dugu Yan's eyes.


Lin Xiao felt that he could no longer remain silent, so he coughed lightly and said, "There are the items you need, but the rules cannot be changed. Open the jar and it depends on whether you can get what you want from the jar."

Lin Xiao is not talking nonsense. You must know that the attributes of many epic equipment in the dungeon are already incredible, not to mention that there are myths on top of the epics.

As long as Dugu Bo is lucky enough, revenge will be a matter of minutes.

Hearing this, Dugu Bo was startled, "Is it really impossible to be accommodating?"

"She is my granddaughter." Dugu Bo persisted.

Lin Xiao said angrily: "Even if you give me your granddaughter now, the problem of principle cannot be changed."

"That's really hopeless."

Dugu Bo murmured.

Dugu Yan's pretty face next to him was so red that she almost buried it in her chest. However, he didn't forget to reach out and twist Dugu Bo's lower back.


Dugu Bo took a breath of air.

However, at this point, there is no back door. Even if there is endless anger in my heart, I can only vent it later.

He could only nod: "Then open the can."

When the voice fell, he got rid of Dugu Yan's clutches and walked to the counter, where he quickly selected ten jars.

"Grandpa, did you choose this jar too casually?" Dugu Yan couldn't help but complain.

However, Dugu Bo shook his head slightly, "Yanyan, haven't you seen through it yet? What a person can get out of a jar actually has nothing to do with which jar he chooses."

Dugu Yan was startled, wasn't that what you taught me before?

Who was it before that made a long speech and told me that opening a jar depends on the right time, place, and people?

"What does that have to do with anything? Luck?"

But Dugu Yan still couldn't help but asked out of curiosity.


Dugu Bo shook his head, but what he said next was to Dugu Yan through sound transmission: "Actually, what we can offer depends entirely on the reward from Boss Lin. He is the boss, and what he wants us to get is just It’s just a thought. So, you should be more courageous and courageous. Grandpa, what do I want? "

Dugu Yan:''

She didn't know what to say to this grandpa at all.

Say it again.

Who is Boss Lin?

No matter how brave she is, she can't take maternity leave!


At this moment, Lin Xiao had already placed the jar that Dugu Bo needed on the counter. He coughed again, interrupting the beaming grandfather and grandson, "Dugu Bo, you can open the jar now."

You don't need to ask to know that the two of them are plotting something ulterior.

To put it simply, this book relies on characters to drive the plot. It may be different from the fan fiction you have seen before. Some of the foreshadowings are laid first and then revealed later. I hope you all can be patient.

This is also my first time writing like this. I didn’t write well, so I ask readers to bear with me.

So be it.

Good night.

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