I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 303 The Evolution of the Jade Lin Snake King

In a small shop.

Dugu Bo shrank his neck angrily, with a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

After much deliberation, I could only relieve my embarrassment by opening the can.


The jar shattered and a round object fell out.

Nothing else but the fruit of the Sky Tree.

"Haha, good stuff."

To Lin Xiao's surprise, Dugu Bo was surprised.

"Grandpa, weren't you beaten stupid by others?"

Dugu Yan frowned. She also had two of these but hadn't used them yet.

But she felt it was not very effective.

"It's no use?"

Dugu Bo smiled, "Yanyan, you are wrong. The reason why your grandfather and I were able to escape from Tang Hao's men was largely due to the fruits of the Sky Tree. Apart from anything else, I alone have the Sky Tree." The fruits blew him away three times."

"This is a life-saving artifact. Don't underestimate it."

"Is that so?" Dugu Yan was startled.

After all, being chased was a shameful thing, so no matter how much Dugu Yan asked Dugu Bo, he never told the truth.

Only now did he understand a few words from Dugu Bo's mouth.

"Of course." Dugu Boy said earnestly: "Don't underestimate anything you buy in a small shop. You never know when it will be of great use and it can bring you a great surprise. .”

Hearing this, Dugu Yan nodded, and suddenly asked: "Are wild strawberries and mountain grapes useful too?"

Ah this

Dugu Bo was startled for a moment, then nodded, "Of course, I can support you when you are about to starve to death."

Dugu Yan: "."

She was choked by Dugu Bo's words and didn't know what to say at all.

"You'd better open the can."

Dugu Yan said resentfully.

Dugu Bo smiled and said nothing more.


Another jar was smashed, and a white light flashed.

Lin Xiao looked and saw that the item inside was the classic small blue bottle.

"Okay, that's great. It's actually magic juice?"

At this moment, Dugu Bo's surprised voice sounded again.

"Grandpa, what are you doing?"

Dugu Yan frowned, a bottle of magic juice, are you really excited?

"Yanyan, don't underestimate this thing. It also saved grandpa's life. If it weren't for the abundant magic juice, how could your grandpa and I's soul power last longer than a titled Douluo whose cultivation level is far above mine? ?”

"Don't look at this thing as inconspicuous, but it can save lives at critical moments."

Dugu Bo smiled.

This is also true.

If he hadn't poured down bottles of magic juice that could restore soul power, he wouldn't have been able to defeat Tang Hao despite all the effort.

"I see."

Dugu Yan's heart moved, and she couldn't help but pay more attention to the items in the jar.

"Yanyan, grandpa tells you as a person who has been here, you must keep the contents of the jar. It will definitely be of great use."

Dugubo once again confessed that as a personal beneficiary, he felt the most deeply.

To put it simply, without Lin Xiao and without the items in the jar, he had been captured by Tang Hao.


Seeing Dugu Yan nodding heavily, Dugu Bo also withdrew his gaze with satisfaction.

Looking at the jar again, his eyes were filled with anticipation.

"I've already opened two cans, should I get something good?"

He muttered to himself.


The third jar was smashed.

rusty katana

The corners of Dugu Bo's eyes twitched, it was really of no use.


Click click click.

He smashed several jars in one breath, and suddenly a burst of purple light lit up, which was very sudden and unusual.


A thick book fell out.

"This is."

Dugu Bo was startled. He had never seen this thing before, but his intuition told him that it was extraordinary. It's very possible that you've hit the jackpot.

Martial arts skills!

Lin Xiao condensed slightly. The thing in front of him felt familiar just by looking at it.

Item: [Great Method of Transforming Gong]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical skill taken from the world of martial arts. 】

Effect: [Smelting toxins into internal energy, good at eliminating other people's internal energy, can make a person's lifelong martial arts training become useless.

Bone-Transforming Cotton Palm: The person hit by the Bone-Transforming Cotton Palm seems to be unconscious at first, but after two hours, the power of the palm will take effect, and the bones in the whole body will be as soft as cotton, with every inch broken, the internal organs ruptured, and there is no hope of treatment. 】

Good guy, isn't this the secret skill of Ding Chunqiu, the old weirdo from Xingxiu?

When he got the item prompt, Lin Xiao called him good guy.

You must know that this skill itself is not weak, but its practice is extremely troublesome and demanding. It requires highly toxic substances, and it must constantly absorb toxins to balance the toxins in the body.

Success is also highly toxic, failure is also highly toxic.

But even so, Ding Chunqiu's combat power is not considered weak. One person defeated Su Xinghe's eight major disciples, and Yanziwu Murong Fu was no match.

"This is a martial arts technique. You can understand its mystery by reading it by yourself. It should be very suitable for you."

Lin Xiao looked at Dugu Bo who looked puzzled and confused and said.

It has to be said that Dugu Bo was born with the venom of the Bilin Snake and was born to practice poison-based martial arts.

"Since you said so, I'll give it a try."

Dugu Bo was convinced that Lin Xiao would not lie to him.

Because it's completely unnecessary.

Swish swish swish.

The sound of paper turning was heard, and Dugu Bo was quickly attracted by the contents of the book.

"Wonderful, really wonderful."

Didn't Dugu Bo still give such praise?

On the other hand, Dugu Yan also calmed down and waited quietly for Dugu Bo.

She knew that Dugu Bo must have fallen into some kind of epiphany, and it was a rare opportunity.

After a long time.

Dugu Bo has flipped to the last page.

"Can such a powerful self-created soul skill really be composed by a human being?"

Dugu Bo couldn't help but admire.

"Grandpa, what exactly is recorded?"

Dugu Yan couldn't bear it anymore and asked curiously.


Dugu Bo couldn't give her an accurate answer, "I can't tell you, but I can tell you that I'm not far away from the day of revenge. In fact, it won't be long before I can let out a bad breath."

"What?" Dugu Yan said.

Her clever mind had already guessed Dugu Bo's deep meaning.

"Grandpa, are you saying that your strength can be greatly improved in a period of time?" she asked in disbelief.

"Of course."

Instead, Dugu Bo sighed: "Yanyan, we have been wrong for so many years. We are simply guarding the treasure mountain and not entering, and we are wasting the natural resources!"

The contents of the Huigong Dafa simply opened a new door for him.

He couldn't help but admire the various techniques of using highly poisonous internal energy. I have to say the word 'convinced'.

And that extremely sinister bone-transforming cotton palm

He prefers it.

"That's good!"

Dugu Yan was overjoyed, but still did not forget to explain: "Grandpa, if you want revenge, I won't stop you, but your own safety must be your top priority."

"Do not worry!"

Dugu Bo nodded, "I understand these principles as well."

Regarding Dugu Yan's concern, he felt warm and warm.

After all, who doesn’t want a thoughtful little cotton-padded jacket?

"Okay, Yanyan, grandpa will open the can first. I think this time is not bad, and you can also open something good."

Dugu Bo whispered.

"Grandpa, didn't you say you don't believe in things like the right time, place, people, and people?"

Dugu Yan asked curiously.

"This time, that time."

Dugu Bo blushed, "Didn't Grandpa also say that nothing is static? We must learn to use it flexibly."

Dugu Yan: "."

You really have a mouth.

Dugu Bo stopped paying attention to Dugu Yan and opened all the remaining jars in one go.

It is worth mentioning that the last jar contains rare items.

"Haha, two teleportation potions, you can make a lot of money."

Dugu Bo's eyes lit up, "What if I teleport directly in front of Tang Hao and give him a bone-melting palm?"

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

"Wait, you still have a jar."

When Dugu Bo was about to retreat, he was stopped by Lin Xiao.

What's the meaning?

Subconsciously, he checked with his fingers and said, "Yes, I opened ten cans."

Lin Xiao shook his head: "You have already purchased thirty jars in our store, and you can also open a lucky prayer jar."

With that said, Lin Xiao turned around and placed a lucky prayer jar on the counter.

"What? Is there such a good thing?"

Dugu Bo's eyes lit up and he was a little surprised, but the surprise soon turned into hesitation.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xiao asked somewhat puzzled.

"Boss, I'd better not open this jar. I've already gotten a lot of good things in your store, and forget it, you haven't made any money at all. Once this jar is opened, you have to pay for another rare item. Items.”

Dugu Bo said it tactfully, but Lin Xiao understood clearly that he was worried about going bankrupt.

What a joke!

Am I someone who can’t afford to pay?

Lin Xiao smiled slightly: "If I give it to you, just open it. If you don't open it, you won't give me face."


When Dugu Bo heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

Even if you give him ten courages, you won't dare refuse him anymore.


He picked up the lucky magic hammer again and smashed the lucky prayer jar, and a magnificent purple light appeared in front of everyone.

“Put your hand in and choose what you want.”

Lin Xiao's voice seemed to have some kind of magic power, and Dugu Bo reached out his hand into the light ball by accident.

What would Grandpa choose?

Dugu Yan blinked his dark eyes, full of curiosity.

However, before everyone could wait, Dugu Bo held a piece of purple paper in his hand.

"It's amazing. It's really amazing. This small ball of light is like a treasure house. There are all kinds of treasures in sight."

he praised.

"Then what did you choose?"

Dugu Yan was very curious.

"+7 gold amplification scroll, after use, it can increase my martial spirit to +7."

Dugu Bo shook the paper in his hand and said.

"Really? Is there such a treasure?" Dugu Yan's eyes lit up and he was so surprised that he even decided to choose this one when he opened the jar of his own choice.


Dugu Bo saw his granddaughter's little thoughts, coughed slightly and said: "Of course, this is not guaranteed, the chance of success is only 30%."

What? Dugu Yan was startled at first, and then said: "There is only a 30% success rate, you choose it? Isn't it the same as pouring gold soul coins into the sea?"

Dugu Bo: "."

How to speak?

Is it really okay to be so honest?

"As a human being, you must have dreams. What if your dreams come true?"

Dugu Boy said earnestly.

"Then your dream is too unrealistic, right?" Dugu Yan made a last strike.

"Then just watch how grandpa sets an example for you!"

Dugu Bo is really going to scream like this today.

When the voice fell, he summoned his martial spirit without hesitation.

A giant python with green scales appeared in the shop.

"This Green Snake is a bit interesting and very domineering."

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up.

However, the fly in the ointment is that this martial spirit has a relatively weak ability in single combat.


Without any hesitation, Dugu Bo directly tore up the amplification scroll in his hand.


The next moment, a mysterious force enveloped Dugu Bo's martial spirit.

"Grandpa, please be angry."

Dugu Yan clasped his hands together and secretly made a wish.

Dugu Bo's green eyes were also filled with red bloodshot eyes.

I am also praying for myself in my heart.

At this moment, a mechanical voice sounded in his mind:

[Congratulations, the increase is successful! 】



Dugu Bo was startled, but the sound was fleeting, and he even wondered if it was an illusion caused by being too nervous.

However, the facts are the best proof.


The green python shadow behind him roared.



On the top of its head, there were actually pieces of scales the size of a face plate falling down.

"This is."

Dugu Bo was about to say something, but suddenly he covered his head. It looked painful.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

Dugu Yan panicked, running around in circles, but there was nothing he could do.

Tears even rolled down his cheeks uncontrollably.

She was really worried.

"Don't be nervous, this should be a side effect of the evolution of the Jade Lin Snake King."

"I can feel that your grandfather's vital signs are gradually increasing, and there is no concern for his life."

Lin Xiao signaled Dugu Yan not to worry.

There's no point in being anxious.

"Transformation, does that mean grandpa succeeded?" Dugu Yan burst into tears and smiled, overjoyed.


As soon as he finished speaking, Dugu Bo looked up to the sky and let out a long roar.

There is pain, there is freedom, in short it is very complicated!

At the same time, his martial soul also began to change. On the top of the Jade Lin Snake King's head, where the scales faded, two ferocious sharp horns actually grew!


"The Jade Lin Snake Emperor has become different!"

As the owner of the Jade Lin Snake Emperor, Dugu Yan can feel that the Jade Lin Snake Emperor is now more than twice as powerful as before!

too strong!

Looking at their Jilin Snake clan, Dugu Bo is undoubtedly the strongest.

"What is this, turning into a dragon?"

Lin Xiao's eyes also flashed with surprise.

He did not expect that the Jade Lin Snake Emperor also had the potential to evolve. Such martial spirits were still rare.

So, the question is, if the Jade Lin Snake King evolves successfully, what should it be called?

Bilong? Green dragon?

You can't call him Poison Dragon, right?

For a moment, Lin Xiao didn't notice that his thoughts were going astray.


Dugu Bo still has a long way to go before his martial soul can completely evolve successfully.

The increase of seven is just the beginning, and it is not impossible to drop directly back to the increase of three. Everything is possible!

"Haha, it's really too strong!"

At this moment, Dugu Bo let out a hearty laugh: "It's no longer possible, it's swollen. Now I want to go find Tang Hao and have a showdown."

However, Lin Xiao had a strange look on his face.

If you put it that way, Dugu Bo had already won without even fighting.

Good night.

Something has happened recently, so the update will be a little later.

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