I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 304 Tang Chen wanted revenge, Dugu Yan drove to Xuantian Baolu

The Star Forest is a hundred miles away.

In an unknown mountain stream, Tang Hao was sitting cross-legged in a dark cave, meditating.

In the battle with Mr. Xiong, he was seriously injured, and it is only now that he has stabilized.

"who is it?"

Tang Hao suddenly opened his eyes and stared outside the cave.

It seemed like there was some kind of terrifying presence outside.

"Hao'er, don't be afraid, it's me!"

Such a sound came from outside, and the next moment, a figure appeared in front of Tang Hao.

He was wearing blood-colored clothes and a cape with a stand-up collar.


Tang Hao's pupils shrank and he shouted in surprise.

There is no doubt that the person in front of him is Tang Chen, the ancestor of the Haotian Sect!

"Ancestor, how did you find this place?"

Tang Hao asked puzzledly.

"Before we parted ways last time, I left a mark on you. As long as you are on Douluo Continent, I can easily find you."

Tang Chen said, and couldn't help but frown: "Didn't I ask you to find your son and go to Poseidon Island to participate in Poseidon's trial? How come you are here and you are seriously injured?"

He didn't quite understand what happened to Tang Hao.

"Ancestor, you don't know, so many things have happened to me in these short few days. Thinking about it now, it's like a dream."

Tang Hao said with a complicated expression.

To be honest, my experiences these days can really be said to be ill-fated.

He is too difficult.

"Then let's talk about it one by one."

"I don't care what you went through, I want to know how you did the things I just said."

Tang Chen said in a deep voice.


Tang Hao let out a long breath and said: "I took Xiaosan to Poseidon Island to participate in Poseidon's trial. Very good, Xiaosan did not disappoint us, and indeed won the favor of Poseidon."

"Haha, how can I, a disciple of the Haotian Sect, not be good at it?" Tang Chen laughed loudly upon hearing this.

As expected of his seed

"It's just that Poseidon has set two additional conditions. Xiao San needs to awaken the bloodline of the Blue Silver Emperor and find the lost Heart of Poseidon."


Seeing Tang Chen's surprised look, Tang Hao quickly explained: "But don't worry, I have achieved both of these things now."

Why didn't I notice before that Hao'er had a problem with breathing heavily when talking?

Tang Chen made up his mind and asked Tang Hao to change it in the future!

"No matter what, it's all worth it if we can get the results we want."

Is it really worth it?

Tang Hao thought of what he had lost, and his eyes were full of complexity.

"Then why are you here again? With your strength, there should be very few people on Douluo Continent who can hurt you."

Tang Chen asked again.


But every person I meet is someone who can hurt me.

When Tang Hao mentioned this, he felt so depressed that he wanted to cry.

It was just to replace a soul ring, and he almost lost his life.

"This matter also starts from a small shop I went to before. There I found a treasure called the water of the Forgotten River. After using it, I can wash away my original soul ring and hunt for a new one. And the upper limit of this soul ring can be the limit that I can bear now."

Tang Hao said slowly.

"What? There is such a treasure?"

Hearing this, Tang Chen's eyes were filled with shock.

He has been in the Douluo Continent for many years, and this is the first time he has heard of such a treasure.

"Yeah, if it weren't for the many incredible items I found in that little store before, I wouldn't have believed it was true."

Tang Hao said with a wry smile: "Coincidentally, I heard that a powerful soul beast overlord appeared in the Star Dou Forest, the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear. My grandson thought this was an opportunity, but he didn't expect that Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear The strength of Xiong is far superior to mine. I was defeated and I used the secret method of Haotian Sect to escape."

Now that he recalled how powerful Xiong Jun was, Tang Hao felt powerless for a while.

The attack power that I was so proud of was only suitable for massage or tickling in front of that savage bear.


What a shame!

This is definitely the worst hack in the history of the Clear Sky Hammer.

But what made Tang Hao even more unacceptable was that this stain actually appeared on his body.

"I see."

Tang Chen's heart moved, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes: "I used to hunt for souls in the Star Dou Forest, and I always felt that there was some powerful soul beast overlord hidden deep in the Star Dou Forest. But something happened later, which caused me to I wasn’t able to explore it, but now it seems that it’s likely to be this Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear.”

"My grandson was reckless." Tang Hao quickly lowered his head.

"It doesn't matter."

Tang Chen shook his head, "This is a good thing for you. After all, being able to fight against such a powerful being is still very beneficial. It will also be of great help to your cultivation in the future."

Is it really?

Tang Hao doesn't think so.

After all, what experience can be gained by being hammered unilaterally?

However, for the sake of his own face, he decided not to talk about it.

"Indeed, I feel that my cultivation will break through again soon." He lied casually.

"Well, in that case let's go now."

Tang Chen nodded and walked out of the cave.

"Ancestor, where are we going?"

Tang Hao asked puzzledly.

"Of course I'm going to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for souls for you."

"Since you have a treasure that can replace the original soul ring, of course you can't waste it."

Tang Chen said, his eyes filled with a strange look, "You know, a powerful soul ring combined with our Haotian Sect's secret method can produce amazing effects. No matter how you say it, I love this dark gold fearclaw bear. The hunt is decided, there is no one more suitable for you than him."

Ah this

After listening to Tang Chen's words, Tang Hao felt warm in his heart, feeling like he was being cared for.

Then, he hurriedly stood up and followed Tang Chen out of the cave.

Suddenly, he remembered something: "Ancestor, you are taking the Ninth Examination of God this time."


Tang Chen snorted displeasedly upon hearing this: "This matter needs long-term consideration."

The ninth test of God Shura was really too difficult, and he didn't dare to try it easily.

However, this time he did not return without success. In the river of blood, the injuries left by Qian Daoliu had healed.

Wuhun City.

In a small shop.

Dugu Yan wrinkled her little face, looked at Dugu Bo and said, "Grandpa, are you no longer young? I can even see your stomach."

She felt that she had been seriously disturbed in opening the jar.

"I pay attention, I pay attention."

Dugu Bo suppressed the smile on his face and patted his chest in assurance.

no way.

It’s hard for people to be in high spirits when happy events happen, even if they don’t feel proud.

This time, he unlocked the skills and evolved his martial soul again. The benefits he got were really his wife.

Let's put it this way, what he wants to do most right now is to have a fight with Tang Hao.

That's right, it's that swollen.

"Then I'll continue."

Dugu Yan was determined again.

"Go on, I saw someone coming outside Boss Lin's shop. Go ahead and leave early, so we don't delay Boss Lin's business."

Dugu Bo said as he glanced outside the store with a strange look in his eyes. He did not expect that people from the Star Luo Empire would also come to open the cans.

Why are you and I opening the can just delaying Boss Lin's business?

Dugu Yan secretly cursed, but he didn't want to dwell on this issue with Dugu Bo.

The little hand fell gently and broke several more jars in succession.

Click click click.

The jars in front of me were all ordinary items without exception.

"Have I been poisoned? Not even a single high-level item came out of the six jars?"

Dugu Yan felt that he was not ordinary black.

Especially after watching Dugu Bo open the can, Dugu Yan felt as black as the bottom of the pot.

"Don't think so much. Fear cannot solve the black problem."

Dugu Bo advised from the side.

Dugu Yan: Is there anyone so comforting as you?

She didn't want to spend time with Dugu Bo anymore.

She was afraid that nothing good would come out of her jar and she would become angry again.


The seventh jar shattered, revealing a bottle of magic juice.

Dugu Yan just glanced at it and smashed the next jar.

With a click, a different light finally appeared in her eyes!


"Blue, blue grandpa!"

"Grandpa doesn't have a bald head!"

Dugu Yan was so excited that he even became a little incoherent.

On the other hand, the corners of Dugu Bo's mouth twitched in various ways. What are these words?

This reminded Lin Xiao of a character on TV in his previous life.

Gigulas Zhao Si

"Boss, this is also a martial arts technique, right?"

At this time, Dugu Yan had already picked up the items in the jar and asked Lin Xiao.


Lin Xiao's answer is yes.

However, to Lin Xiao's surprise, the item Dugu Yan picked up turned out to be Xuantian Baolu!

"I'm afraid that Tang Sect generals will be everywhere in the future, right?" Lin Xiao thought silently.

"Swish, swish, swish"

Lin Xiao didn't need to say anything else, Dugu Yan was already flipping through it impatiently.

Similar to Dugu Bo's previous situation, she also fell into a state of enlightenment.

Dugu Bo also suppressed his smile, clenched his fists secretly, and looked at Dugu Yan nervously.

Fortunately, Dugu Yan flipped through the pages very quickly, and he and Lin Xiao did not have to wait too long before they finished comprehending the Xuantian Baolu.

"How's it going? Yanyan?"

Dugu Bo couldn't help but ask.

"very good!"

"very powerful!"

Dugu Yan recalled everything recorded in Xuantian Baolu, his expression full of admiration.

"Grandpa, the book I got is called Xuantian Baolu. Its value is so great that I won't change it even if you give me an increase scroll that increases 100% to seven!"

"Are you serious?" Dugu Bo asked in disbelief. You must know that Dugu Yan witnessed the evolution process of his martial soul before. It should be pretty clear what this means.

"Definitely, and eleven points sure!"

Dugu Yan nodded firmly: "Grandpa, do you know? To me, the Jade Lin Snake Venom is nothing now. I can treat it by relying on medical and poison skills, as well as some external substances."


Dugu Bo said in disbelief.

He even took several steps back because he was so shocked.

"This is real."

Dugu Yan's expression was also extremely complicated. You must know that many of their Jade Lin Snake Spirit Masters had died due to snake poison.

"And I have made an even more important discovery. Don't you want revenge? I think I can give you a lot of help."

As he said that, Dugu Yan's expression became more complicated.

In Xuantian Baolu, in addition to poisons, hidden weapons, and martial arts skills, she also saw something, which was a plant illustration.

And there are many things called fairy grass recorded in it.

There is also a treasure called the Ice and Fire Eye.

And they also have these.

"Boss Lin, you are such a good person."

Dugu Yan said to Lin Xiao sincerely.

You know, they were once ignorant and packaged the fairy grass and gave it to Lin Xiao in exchange for jars. But Lin Xiao only took what he deserved.

Now that she knew the true value of these immortal grasses, she realized how noble and great Lin Xiao was!


Lin Xiao heard the sound and smiled slightly: "Go and do your own business."

As he spoke, he waved his hand again.

Afterwards, he watched his grandfather and grandson leave.


To Lin Xiao's surprise, the figures that were wandering outside the hall before disappeared.

"Master, the chicken soup is ready."

Just at this moment, Xiao Wu's voice came from the backyard.


Lin Xiao responded and walked to the backyard.

After a long time.

When he returned to the front hall, a figure came to the shop in a hurry.

Lin Xiao recognized this person as the Grand Duke of Netherworld.

"Boss, Mr. Zhu dares to ask for your help."

As he spoke, he bowed to Lin Xiao with great respect.

On the other hand, Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. Another person came to me for help?

What an eventful year it has been.

"Ancestor is here."

"There is still a powerful aura left here. I think it must be the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear. It is not unfair for you to lose to it."

Outside the Star Dou Forest, corpses littered the fields and it was a mess.

When Tang Hao followed Tang Chen here, his eyes twitched.

Because, he found several familiar faces here, those who had flattered him when he entered the Star Dou Forest.

"Hey, I once wanted to be a good person, but my strength didn't allow it."

Tang Hao sighed secretly.

In fact, he hoped that those who saw him entering the Star Dou Forest would die.

There is no evidence to prove it, this is the only way to avoid losing the Haotian Sect's face.

However, at this moment, another voice sounded:

"Tang Hao, you are Tang Hao."

"This cheater is back again!"

"It's okay if you can't defeat the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear, but if you piss him off, tell us and run away together. Several brothers in our soul hunting team thought you had won, so they rushed straight into the Star Dou Forest. "

"Our boss is also so helpless"

Anyone else?

Tang Hao looked over in search of the sound, and saw seven or eight people crawling out of an underground pit.

Obviously, this was how they escaped the disaster in the first place. The resentment towards Tang Hao in my heart was huge.

As they say, if you can't beat them, just say so. At worst, everyone will run away together.

"Hao'er, these things are very harmful to Haotian Sect and to you. You can handle it yourself. I will wait for you in the forest."

Tang Chen frowned and listened for a long time, and he roughly understood what was going on. He coldly said this and entered the Star Forest.

"Ancestor, my grandson is here."

As Tang Hao spoke, the Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand.


The hammer head of the Clear Sky Hammer fell to the ground, and the ground seemed to tremble.

Then he dragged the Clear Sky Hammer towards the survivors step by step.


"You, don't come here!"

They were all panicked and had no idea that Tang Hao was so ungrateful.

Good night

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