I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 309: The Haotian Sect changes and Tang Hao succeeds to the throne!

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

In the cave, Tang Long also discovered some clues belatedly.

"Nothing, let's go."

Tang Xiao calmed down the turmoil in his heart.

No matter it is blessing or disaster, you have to face it, right?

Besides, Tang Xiao's current achievements far surpassed Tang Hao's. He didn't believe that Tang Chen's ancestor could blatantly favor Tang Hao.

Outside the cave.

Tang Xiao saw Tang Hao.

However, his eyes only stayed on Tang Hao for a moment and then moved away.

"Tang Xiao, the unworthy descendant, comes to pay homage to our ancestor!"

As he spoke, he knelt down to Tang Chen beside Tang Hao.

"Humph, you are indeed an unfilial descendant."

Tang Chen still had his back to Tang Xiao and did not turn around, but an angry voice came out, "I, Tang Chen, have traveled across the continent for half my life, but I didn't expect that a wimp like you would appear among the descendants, and you could run the huge Haotian Sect to such an extent. So bleak!”


Tang Xiao immediately clenched his fists and gritted his teeth without saying a word.

But Tang Long behind him could tell from his trembling body that Tang Xiao was extremely uneasy inside and was trying his best to suppress something.

"Don't you have anything to say?" Tang Chen asked Tang Xiao in a deep voice when he saw that Tang Xiao did not respond.

Tang Xiao raised his head, looked at the figure with his back to him and said, "Tang Xiao is speechless."

"Humph, a coward is a coward."

Tang Chen finally turned around, faced Tang Xiao and pointed at his nose and cursed.

"Ancestor, you can't blame the sect leader for the collapse of the Haotian Sect. At that time, all the strong men from the Wuhun Palace came out. There are even 99-level Titled Douluo strong men coming, and we are completely unable to resist them."

Tang Long couldn't help but feel sorry for Tang Xiao.

He recalled that battle with fear in his eyes.

He climbed out of the dead.

If those strong men hadn't regarded him as an ant, he would have had no chance of survival.

"Do you have a say here?"

Tang Chen looked at Tang Long with cold eyes.


An invisible force burst out. Tang Long couldn't bear the pressure and instantly knelt on the ground.


There were crisp sounds, and many bones on the body were broken.

It's hard to imagine how powerful Tang Chen's cultivation was.


Tang Xiao frowned when he saw this, with an angry look on his face.

At the same time, his soul power also burst out to help Tang Long resist this pressure.

The latter suddenly fell to the ground like a puddle of mud.

The whole person looks like he was fished out of water.

"What a great Tang Xiao, but I underestimated you!"

Tang Chen's eyes lit up, "I didn't expect that you actually broke through the threshold of the ninety-sixth titled Douluo, and you are only a hair away from the ninety-seventh level. You are expected to reach the ninety-eighth level in this life. But..."

At this point, Tang Chen's voice suddenly turned cold, "Do you think you can commit the crime like this?"


As soon as the voice fell, the pressure of his soul power erupted like a roaring mountain and a tsunami, suppressing Tang Xiao fiercely.

Tang Xiao gritted his teeth and persisted.

"Hmph, I want to see how long you can hold on."

Tang Chen snorted coldly.

The anger in his heart became even stronger, and he didn't believe that he couldn't suppress this junior anymore.


The stone slabs under Tang Xiao's feet were shattered, and his whole body gradually bent down. One can imagine what kind of pressure he was under now.

However, Tang Chen's actions also aroused the bloody passion in his heart!

"Tang Chen, even though you are the ancestor of the sect, you cannot bully me like this!"

"I, Tang Xiao, am not a wimp!"

He roared in his heart, and the next moment he didn't know where the strength came from, and he slowly stood up straight!

The whole person's energy and spirit have become different.

"No, this is Tang Xiao"

Tang Hao's pupils suddenly shrank, noticing something strange about Tang Xiao.

This is a sign of a breakthrough!

"This Tang Xiao actually becomes more courageous with every setback?"

Tang Chen did not expect that Tang Xiao would undergo such a change.

In his plan, he asked Tang Xiao to plead guilty and even resign as the leader of the sect, so that he could smoothly arrange for Tang Hao to take over.

But what happened now was really beyond his expectation.

"Don't mention you Tang Xiao, I can suppress even the former Qian Daoliu!"

Tang Chen let out a cold snort in his heart, increasing the pressure on Tang Xiao.


Tang Long's eyes were bloodshot.

Originally, the return of the ancestor was supposed to be a blessing for the sect, but why did it turn into a tense situation?

Moreover, judging from Tang Chen's ancestor's posture, he would not stop until Tang Xiao was suppressed.

Dad, give up, you can't fight him

He tried to persuade Tang Xiao, but sadly found that he couldn't even make a sound.


At this moment, a crisp sound suddenly came from Tang Xiao's body, and his aura suddenly became stronger.

Before, Tang Chen could still put a lot of pressure on him, but now the pressure was gone.


"Thank you, ancestor, for wishing me to enter the ninety-seventh level!"

Tang Xiao laughed loudly and even cupped his hands and fists at Tang Chen.

But there was not much respect in either voice or look.

He had already seen that Tang Chen had favored Tang Hao's side and put pressure on him.

"Okay, okay."

"I didn't expect that you, Tang Xiao, are already so outstanding. You are really a formidable person."

Tang Chen's eyes moved slightly, but he had an ugly look on his face.

He didn't expect that Tang Xiao was like a rubber ball, the greater the pressure, the stronger the rebound.

On the side, Tang Hao's face was also ugly.

In terms of soul power cultivation alone, the gap between him and Tang Xiao was already quite large.

"Tang Long, can you still move?"

"Hurry down and let all the clan members gather to pay homage to our ancestors."

Tang Xiao looked at Tang Long who was getting better and said in a deep voice.


Although Tang Long was injured by Tang Chen just now, Tang Chen was still very measured in his actions, just to leave a deep impression on Tang Long.


Before Tang Long could leave, Tang Chen waved his hand: "No need, the gathering of clan members can wait. I have a more important matter to discuss with you now."

Tang Xiao looked calm: "Ancestor's words are serious. If you need anything, just give me your orders."

Tang Chen nodded slightly, and then said: "I hope you can let Hao'er take over as the leader of the Haotian Sect."


"Give up your position as sect leader?"

Before Tang Xiao could speak, Tang Long already made a shocked sound.

"Go down, you have no place to speak here."

Tang Xiao looked at Tang Long with a frown and shouted coldly.


Tang Long knew that this was Tang Xiao's protection for him.

Otherwise, the crime of bumping into the ancestor again and again would be enough for him to drink a pot of wine.

After Tang Long left, Tang Xiao looked at Tang Hao and Tang Chen calmly: "Ancestor, it's not that I can't step down as the sect leader, but I want to ask why!"

"Tang Hao, he is not as good as me in terms of strength, not as good as me in terms of qualifications, and even less so in terms of reputation in the sect."

As he said that, he looked at Tang Hao and said calmly: "Brother Hao, don't forget, you are still a sinner of the sect. I'm afraid you can't convince everyone."

At this moment, why couldn't he see that Tang Hao must have said something in front of Tang Chen when Tang Chen treated him like this.

Simply, he just broke up with him!

As Tang Xiao's voice fell, Tang Hao's expression changed drastically.

It can be said that every word Tang Xiao said touched his sore spot.

Especially the last sentence, now that he is still a sinner of Haotian Sect, it makes him breathless.

Tang Chen's pupils also shrank slightly. He didn't expect that this loser would have the courage to talk back to him?

There was a brief silence in the field.

"Tang Xiao, I have to say, you are a bit impressive to me."

Tang Chen shook his head slightly, "But since I have returned to the Haotian Sect, then the Haotian Sect is up to me. I will give the position of sect leader to whomever I want."

"Is this a good reason?"

At this moment, Tang Chen's attitude was resolute.

After a brief silence, Tang Xiao said calmly: "You are the ancestor of the sect, and it is your right to make whoever becomes the sect leader."

"I will summon the people of the sect and announce your decision."

Tang Xiao's voice fell and he turned to leave.

Looking at Tang Xiao's leaving figure, Tang Hao's eyes were filled with excitement.

Are you still trying to get revenge for Ah Yin?


A coward is a coward. Now that the only capital of the Haotian Sect is gone, what else do you have to fight with me?

"Hao'er, from now on the rise and fall of Haotian Sect will be left to you."

Tang Chen also withdrew his gaze and said to Tang Hao.

"Ancestor, don't worry, I, Tang Hao, will definitely rebuild the Haotian Sect's former glory!"

Tang Hao assured him by patting his chest.

If Tang San saw this scene, his heart would definitely tremble.

Tang Hao once again assured himself that the Haotian Sect might be doomed.

"Boss, I've thought about it, I'd better leave these gold soul coins with you."

In the small shop, Ghost Leopard Douluo accepted the fact that he had five million gold soul coins.

At the same time, he also made the best arrangements.

The money that comes out of the jar is, of course, used to open the jar.

There's nothing wrong with that.


Lin Xiao went to ask Ghost Leopard Douluo again.

It's not that there is no way to withdraw the money stored with him.

But, you already exist here, do you have the nerve to take it?


Ghost Leopard Douluo said categorically: "At my current status and level of cultivation, there are very few things that make me excited. Opening jars is one of the few pursuits."

He said this very implicitly.

In fact, opening cans is his entire pursuit.

After all, as long as you open the jar, you can improve your cultivation. As your cultivation improves, your status will also increase.

There is no way around everything.

"That's good." Seeing that Ghost Leopard Douluo was already so determined, Lin Xiao simply said no more.

He waved his hand, and the gold soul coins in the shop disappeared instantly.


Ghost Leopard Douluo couldn't help but gasp. He was really curious about how much storage space Lin Xiao had.

"You can continue." Lin Xiao's voice sounded, bringing Ghost Leopard Douluo back to his senses.

I hope that the next jar will allow me to open a few more upgrade papers.

Ghost Leopard Douluo thought to himself.

no way.

The old brothers like Demon Bear and Snake Spear who we used to play with have all become level 95 banned. But he is not yet, he is somewhat embarrassed in terms of face.

Of course.

He is not the last among several people.

In the Tiandou Empire, next to His Highness, there was a Level 92 Array Douluo.

But, people have to look forward, right?

If you compare yourself with Douluo the agouti, wouldn't your life be over?

Click click click.

Ghost Leopard Douluo smashed each jar.

In the blink of an eye, five or six more jars were smashed, but not even a single high-end item was found.

However, Ghost Leopard Douluo looked indifferent, as if these jars had been smashed by someone.

"Aren't you nervous?" Lin Xiao asked curiously.

That's it? Ghost Leopard Douluo shook his head, "These jars are for free."


"What I mean is that the money to open the jar was obtained from the gold coin jar before. Rounding it off, it means I spent nothing to open the jar."

Ghost Leopard Douluo was very calm.

Lin Xiao: "."

This made so much sense that he was speechless.

Seeing that Lin Xiao stopped asking questions, Ghost Leopard Douluo concentrated on opening his own jar.


In a blink of an eye, the last jar was smashed.

After seeing the items in the jar clearly, even Ghost Leopard Douluo, who had always been in a good mood, could no longer calm down.

"Two, upgrade coupons?"

he said in disbelief.

"Not bad." Lin Xiao nodded slightly.

Sent, sent!

Did Boss Lin see through my mind?

Ghost Leopard Douluo said excitedly: "This time I can catch up with my old brothers and reach level ninety-five. I can also hold my chest up and my head high as a human being!"

Lin Xiao: ‘.’

He said this as if he had been wronged a lot before.

"And one last jar of your choice."

Lin Xiao looked outside the shop and could no longer see any light.

"I got it."

Ghost Leopard Douluo nodded heavily and smashed the jar of his choice without hesitation.

Afterwards, Lin Xiao saw that he seemed to have taken out a soul bone from the jar.

"Boss, I won't disturb your rest."

After saying these words, he left in a hurry.


Why don't you show me what kind of soul bone it is?

Lin Xiao was speechless.

However, where is the shadow of Ghost Leopard Douluo in his sight?

"Forget it, don't show it to me, I'll drive it myself."

Lin Xiao shook his head, walked to the door and closed the store, "Sixty jars, I hope there will be a good harvest today."

In the mountain stream.

Tang Chen stood on a huge rock, and Tang Hao stood beside him.

On the other side was Tang Xiao.

"Why are there so few people?"

"I remember Lao Qi, he should have survived, right?"

Tang Chen looked at the Haotian Sect disciples below and frowned.

"The Seventh Elder has taken Tang Hu and other members of the Haotian Sect to the Star Luo Empire."

"First, to help Emperor Xing Luo stabilize the situation in the Star Luo Empire. Second, to allow the disciples of the sect to gain experience. This matter is the proposal that Brother Hao gave me before."

Tang Xiao said.

However, when he mentioned the word "Haodi" again, his voice was not mixed with any emotion, just like calling someone's name.

"Hao'er, you did a good job."

When Tang Chen heard the sound, he looked at Tang Hao and praised him.

"Ancestor, even if I, Tang Hao, am not in the sect, I can still devote myself to the sect!"

Tang Hao made an impassioned speech.

Tang Chen nodded slightly, and then said to Tang Xiao: "Now, it's time for you to announce those few things."

Tang Xiao did not hesitate and took two steps forward: "From now on, I, Tang Xiao, will resign as the head of the Haotian Sect!"


"The patriarch wants to abdicate?"

"Is it the ancestor of Tang Chen who wants to take charge of the sect again?"

"I have no problem with Patriarch Tang Chen being in charge of the sect, but we must not let that troublemaker Tang Hao be the sect leader, otherwise the dead souls of our Haotian Sect will not be able to rest in peace!"

Tang Xiao's voice fell, and the whole place was in an uproar.


Tang Xiao shouted loudly, and the place suddenly became quiet.

He announced again: "The second thing is that Tang Hao will inherit the position of sect leader!"

Good night.

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