I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 310 Dugu Yan’s message from the King of Hell

Tang Xiao's voice fell, and the place instantly became quiet.

"Did I hear wrongly? It was Tang Hao, a sinner, who became the leader of the sect!"

"I disagree. I have known since I was a child that if it weren't for Tang Hao, a sinner, our Haotian Sect would not have closed the mountain gate. The once number one sect in the world would not have declined. How could he, a sinner, be the sect leader."

"That's right! Tang Hao is not worthy of becoming the leader of Haotian Sect. Apart from him, I can accept even Tang Long as the leader of the sect!"


After a short silence, people continued to raise questions.

Some even spoke out against it.

On the other hand, Tang Hao's complexion suddenly changed and turned into the color of pig liver.

I have to say that every word spoken by the disciples of the Haotian Sect pierced his heart.


"Humph, that's enough!"

At this moment, Tang Chen snorted coldly, and powerful pressure erupted. Facing this coercion, the Haotian Sect disciples were immediately speechless.

The place became quiet again.

My ears are finally clean.

Tang Chen slowly exhaled and said in a deep voice: "It is my decision to let Tang Hao succeed as the sect leader. Do you still question it?"

"If so, come forward."

As he spoke, his eyes swept over the crowd with a cold look.

Everyone who was caught by his gaze lowered their heads, not daring to look at him at all.

"very good!"

Seeing that no one raised any questions, Tang Chen nodded with satisfaction, "Then this matter is settled."

He stretched out his hand and pointed at Tang Hao, "From today on, Tang Hao is the sect leader of our Haotian Sect."

Tang Hao heard the sound and stepped forward with his head raised.

"What are you doing standing still? You haven't met your new sect master yet!"

Tang Chen said again.

At this moment, everyone did not dare to hesitate and knelt down on one knee:

"Meet the sect master!"

"Meet the sect master!"


Although there are not many remaining disciples of Haotian Sect, their voices are loud and loud, giving people a feeling like a mountain roaring and a tsunami.

However, although they behave respectfully now, many people are still unconvinced. They couldn't help but think of the grumpy seventh elder.

If his old man were here, he would be very angry, right?

"Is this what it feels like to be admired?"

“It’s really good!”

Tang Hao suddenly felt that he enjoyed this honor.

Moreover, this honor originally belonged to him, but Tang Xiao had occupied it for so many years.

Immediately, he sent a message to Tang Xiao, who had a cold face: "What? Are you not convinced?"

"Haha, Tang Xiao, you should actually thank me. If it weren't for A Yin's incident, I was left homeless. How could you inherit the position of the sect leader?

Aren't you satisfied that you have enjoyed my honor for so many years? Now I just want to take back everything that belongs to me. "

Do you still have the nerve to mention Ah Yin?

Tang Xiao's eyes turned red instantly and his fists were clenched tightly.

For a moment, he wanted to leave here and break away from Haotian Sect.

There was also a moment when he wanted to fight Tang Hao without any scruples, regardless of life or death!

On the other side, Star Luo Imperial City.

Emperor Xingluo looked nervous and expectant: "Dai Mubai sent news that people from the Haotian Sect will arrive tonight, but why haven't they come yet?"

The Nether Clan has become a serious problem for him, and he will not be happy to get rid of it.

However, just as his voice fell, a voice suddenly came from outside the palace hall.

"My son, I want to see my father."

"I have brought you the elders of Haotian Sect."

Emperor Xingluo's eyes showed a look of surprise, and he recognized the voice of Dai Mubai.

finally come! He said something secretly in his heart, and then left the throne.

"Please come in quickly."

The voice fell.

The door of the main hall was opened.

Emperor Xingluo looked over hurriedly and saw Dai Mubai standing side by side with a thin old man wearing a black robe.

"This old man has extraordinary bearing. He should be the elder of Haotian Sect!"

His eyes flashed and he confirmed the other party's identity.

At the same time, Emperor Xingluo also noticed that there were many young faces behind Dai Mubai and others.

They were wearing uniform clothes, and Emperor Xingluo understood that these people must be disciples of the Haotian Sect.

"Father, this is the seventh elder of Haotian Sect."

At this moment, Dai Mubai took the lead in introducing the old man beside him.

"I've met the Seventh Elder." Xing Luo cupped his fists and saluted.

After all, he was asking for help, so he kept his attitude very low. As an emperor, giving such a great gift can be said to give the seventh elder a lot of face.

However, the seventh elder glanced at Emperor Xingluo lightly and had no intention of returning the greeting. He just nodded slightly and said, "Your Majesty, you're welcome."

With that arrogant look, he seemed to be the monarch of the Star Luo Empire.

Ah this

Emperor Xingluo had some embarrassment on his face. You really don’t treat the emperor as a human being, right?

Suddenly some anger arose in his heart.

What a rude elder of the Haotian Sect. Do you really think that the Haotian Sect is still the number one sect in the world?

He cursed in his mind.

At this time, Dai Mubai saw the clues between the two and quickly spoke to ease the awkward situation, "Father, these are the young talents of the Haotian Sect. They are training with the Seventh Elder on this trip."


Emperor Xingluo was startled, we are watching being beaten to death, you actually call this training?

It looks like you guys are here to play house.

It was okay if Dai Mubai didn't explain, but once he did, Emperor Xing Luo became even more angry.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. Now that I'm here, it proves that nothing can go wrong."

"The Grand Duke of Netherworld is just entering the realm of Titled Douluo for the first time, I can suppress him easily!"

"My disciples are also here to see the world with me, so please don't mind me."

The Seventh Elder seemed to understand what Emperor Xingluo was thinking and said calmly.

That tone did not put the Grand Duke of Netherworld in his eyes at all. It seems that suppressing the Grand Duke of Netherworld is like squeezing an ant to death.

Quite arrogant! Emperor Xingluo's pupils shrank and he said with a smile: "Haha, I am relieved by your words, elder."

"Come here, prepare a banquet to welcome the Seventh Elder and the geniuses of the Haotian Sect."

Emperor Xingluo said to the waiter waiting outside the hall.

However, the Seventh Elder waved his hand and said, "Your Majesty, you don't have to be like this. You won't get rewarded for your efforts. I think it's better to deal with the Grand Duke of Netherworld first. It's not too late to hold a celebration banquet."

"Celebration party?"

"Ha ha."

After hearing what the seventh elder said, Emperor Xingluo laughed: "Then just follow what the seventh elder said."

After saying that, he shouted again to the outside of the palace: "Come here, put on my armor, I want to lead the expedition myself!"

the other side.

In the palace of the Grand Duke of Netherworld.

Zhu Zhuyun shouted in surprise: "Father, you are back. Has Boss Lin promised to help us?"

Isn't the person who suddenly appeared in front of her none other than the Grand Duke of Netherworld?

"Boss Lin said it was easy, but secretly he gave me a lot of help."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld nodded, with joy on his face.

That's right.

He wishfully thought that Lin Xiao was secretly helping him.

"Father, you came back just in time. We have found out a lot of information. The number of powerful people in Xingluo Imperial City is at least ten times that before. And they have not appeared since they entered the palace."

After the surprise, Zhu Zhuyun quickly told the latest information, "Many elders and I speculated that the royal family is likely to take action against us in the near future. The situation is not optimistic!"

"Hmph, the royal family is really determined to kill me."

There was a fierce look in the eyes of the Grand Duke of Netherworld: "If the royal family dares to fight with us, I will definitely make them miserable. In fact, the Star Luo Empire may even have to change its surname in the future!"


Zhu Zhuyun's eyes were full of brilliance. She wanted to know what kind of treasure Boss Lin had given her father to give him such confidence?

"Haha, how could my father lie to you about this matter?"

"Here, let me show you a baby."

A smile appeared on the face of the Grand Duke of Netherworld, and he put his hand into his arms.

Zhu Zhuyun's little face was also full of expectation.


At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Where is the Grand Duke of Netherworld?"

"Old Tang Lie comes to pay his respects!"

The sound boomed over the Duke's mansion.

Looking for the voice, the face of the Netherworld Grand Duke suddenly changed.

Wherever he looked, an old man in black robes stood in the sky, holding a huge black hammer in his hand.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, nine souls are surrounding him, rhythmically moving up and down, and his aura is extremely extraordinary.

"Tiled Douluo, the Hammer Spirit with such an exaggerated appearance, he is the Titled Douluo of the Haotian Sect!"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld recognized the other party's identity instantly.

Then, without thinking, he took to the air.

"I don't know, why did Elder Tang of the Haotian Sect come to my Nether Clan?"

If it were before, he would still have to think carefully when facing the Seventh Elder.

But now I'm afraid of a ball.

With the Lingbo Weibu, even if he couldn't defeat the opponent head-on, the seventh elder would still have a huge headache if they got into a fight.

What's more, there is a Buddha's Angry Tang Lotus in his arms?

"Being entrusted by others is a matter of loyalty."

"I will borrow the head from the Duke's neck."

The seventh elder said expressionlessly.

His voice was cold, and the temperature in the arena dropped sharply.

"The royal family actually invited a strong man from the Haotian Sect!"

"How can this be good?"

Zhu Zhuyun in the distance couldn't help but shudder after hearing this.

Everyone knows that the Clear Sky Hammer is the best martial spirit in the world. For such a powerful person, can my father be his opponent?

"Are you being dragged into taking my head?"


The Grand Duke of Netherworld suddenly smiled.

"Do you think what I said is ridiculous?" The seventh elder frowned, with murderous intent already erupting from his body.

"It's not that I think what you said is ridiculous, but I didn't expect that the dignified elder of the Haotian Sect would be so overestimating his abilities!"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld shook his head disdainfully.

After his voice fell, several powerful auras erupted from the mansion.

There are more than ten Soul Saints, and there are as many as five Soul Douluo people.

"The Nether Clan does indeed have some background!"

The seventh elder's pupils shrank slightly.

It has to be said that with so many strong men, it is indeed difficult to cooperate with a titled Douluo.


At this moment, there was a voice behind him.

"Seventh Elder, don't panic, I'm here to help you!"

The next moment, there was a sound of heavy footsteps, and dozens of figures rushed from a distance.

There was actually no one whose cultivation level was lower than that of Soul Saint.

Further away, the Grand Duke of Netherworld saw the shadows of some Soul Sects and Soul Kings.

"Your Majesty, I never thought we would meet again in this way."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld looked at the figure wearing golden armor at the front of the team and said.

The man was wearing golden armor and a white cloak, looking majestic.

It’s none other than Emperor Xingluo!

On the other side, in a small shop.

Lin Xiao had already burned incense and bathed, ready to open the jar.

"As of today, I have sold 858 jars. After today's 60 jars have been opened, I have also opened 858 jars, let alone myths. I haven't even read the epic. Arrived."

"Isn't it too much to ask you for an epic jar today?"

He kept grumbling.

The system remains silent.

"If you speak out, I'll take it as your acquiescence!"

“Let’s test the water first with Shifa”

Lin Xiao said, waving his hand and taking out ten jars.

As he spoke, he knocked down with excitement in his eyes.


I felt lonely.

Most of them were ordinary items, and Lin Xiao vaguely saw a few high-end items.

But who is Boss Lin now? He is no longer very fond of high-end items.

Literally floating.

"Yes, that's right!"

"In the early stage, it was all mats. Today I am going to see what the epic items are."

"Come out!"

With that said, Lin Xiao took out ten more jars.

As a result, I am still lonely

Of course Lin Xiao was dissatisfied, "Come again."

at the same time.

In a courtyard not far from the shop, Dugu Yan wiped the sweat from his forehead and felt relieved.

"Finally it's made."

In the palm of her hand, as white as jade, lay a thin black needle.

Looking at this thin needle, Dugu Yan's little face showed a look of satisfaction again.

There is no doubt that this thing is the King of Hell's post.

But the next moment, she looked at Dugu Bo's retreat room with emotion.

There was a powerful wave of soul power coming from the room.

"Hahaha, it's done!"

"I, Dugu Bo, can be regarded as reaching the ninety-fifth level in one step!"

After the voice fell, Dugu Bo pushed the door open and walked out.

At this time, Dugu Bo was in high spirits, and even the wrinkles on his face had opened.

"Grandpa, you, you look more than ten years younger."

Dugu Yan kept looking at Dugu Bo and said with a look of disbelief.

"Yanyan, this is all thanks to the fairy grass you chose for me."

"The effect of the medicine is really too strong. I feel like I have endless energy in my body. I haven't experienced this feeling of energy for a long time."

"Even if I live for a few more decades, it's not a dream. I didn't expect that the herbs I looked down on at the beginning could actually bring me such new life."

Dugu Bo's voice was full of admiration. The benefits this time were really great.

It simply gave him a second life.

"Hehe, grandpa, when you open the jar next time, you'd better thank Boss Lin. If it weren't for him, even if these fairy grasses were left to rot, I don't know what effect they would have."

Dugu Yan shook his head and said with a smile.

Dugu Bo heard this and nodded solemnly. Then he sighed: "How about you try harder?"

On the other hand, Dugu Yan immediately made a face: "If you say such things again, I will ignore you."

"Hahaha, that's what I said."

Dugu Bo was a little embarrassed. Suddenly he noticed something abnormal on Dugu Yan's hand and asked hurriedly: "Yanyan, what's wrong with your hand? Are you poisoned?"

Dugu Yan:''

"This is the mysterious jade hand of the Tang Sect. It is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, and is invulnerable to all kinds of poisons."

She explained helplessly, then spread her palms: "Grandpa, I have prepared a treasure for you, which can help you defeat Tang Hao!"


Dugu Bo was startled when he saw this, "Isn't this just a needle? What kind of treasure is this?"

Good night.

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