I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 311 Epic Item, Buddha’s Angry Tang Lotus Blooms

In the courtyard.

After listening to Dugu Bo's words, Dugu Yan showed a strange look on his face.

"Grandpa, I don't blame you if you don't know what this is. It's your fault if you keep talking about it if you don't know it."

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about!" Dugu Bo snorted coldly: "Grandpa You, I have eaten more salt than you have eaten. How can I talk nonsense?"

Dugu Yan:''

So what are you doing now?

Lonely Yan said with a sullen face: "The King of Hell told you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep someone alive until the fifth watch! This is the poisonous hidden weapon I made by merging dozens of poisonous weeds, the King of Hell's Tie!"

The King of Hell’s message? Dugu Bo frowned and was shocked.

Not to mention anything else, just the word 'King of Hell' made him feel an inexplicable pressure.

"Quick, show me."

Dugu Bo said this and was about to reach out to take the King of Hell's Tie in Dugu Yan's hand, but was stopped by Dugu Yan.

"Yanyan, you are so stingy, grandpa, my love for you is really in vain."

Dugu Bo pretended to be angry.

"It's not that I don't want to show it to you. This thing is highly poisonous and cannot be touched easily."

Dugu Yan explained.

"Is it really so terrifying?" Dugu Bo's pupils shrank suddenly, "I haven't heard of toxins that I can't be exposed to."

"Even if a titled Douluo is scratched, it will turn into a puddle of pus."

Dugu Yan said solemnly, took out a jade box and put the King of Hell's Tie in it before giving it to Dugu Bo.

"Grandpa, when you want to use it, you must be careful and don't hurt yourself."

In the end, she didn't forget to tell her.

"Hahaha, okay, okay."

Dugu Bo took the invitation from the King of Hell, his body trembling, "The King of Hell told you to die at the third watch, who dares to keep you until the fifth watch? Tang Hao, take your life!"

"Already fifty jars, not even a rare item."

"Yes, very true, very true. This is an epic story for me."

"There are still ten jars. It would be unreasonable if it were not epic."

Lin Xiao's eyes were red.

Fifty jars were wiped out. It had never been so miserable since he opened the jars.


He waved his hand and ten jars landed on the counter.

"The last group is for me."

Lin Xiao said something and knocked on the jars one by one.

Click click click.

The result was extremely smooth, and all ten jars were smashed without any hindrance.


"Dog system, you've gone too far. Sixty jars, not a single rare item? How about playing?"

"Do you know that your actions have made another sad person in this world?"

Lin Xiao kept complaining.

[Ding, the compensation reward has been distributed, please pay attention to the host to check it. 】

Suddenly, a mechanical voice sounded in Lin Xiao's mind.

Compensation award?

Then Lin Xiao remembered that the system should have taken away the compensation from the Vast Sea Universe Cover and the Blue Silver Emperor.

"Let me see what it is? Otherwise I won't be done with you today."

Lin Xiao cursed and opened the system space.

"Damn it, you're not playing with me, are you?"

Lin Xiao discovered that the so-called reward was actually two jars: "Can't you just be a human being? Knowing that I just kneeled down with all sixty jars, giving me two more jars is disgusting, right?"

"Let me tell you, I don't agree with this reward."

[Ding, compensate for the explosion rate of the jar by 100 times. The worst item is also of artifact-level quality. 】

A guaranteed artifact-level item? Lin Xiao rubbed his chin.

If so, it would be interesting.

First of all, he is not very interested in wives.

Secondly, all the divine thoughts in the Vast Sea Universe Barrier were crushed by him.

These two things, to him, are just two pieces of trash.

"Open it first and then talk."

Lin Xiao took out the two jars with a thought.

Suddenly, the shop was covered with a layer of pink.

"A pot with a hundred times explosion rate, this card is really extraordinary."

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up and he immediately broke a jar to test the water.


The jar shattered, and Lin Xiao looked at the contents in the jar with a strange look on his face.

In the jar is an artifact-level +10 enhancement scroll.

Normally, this would be something to be happy about.

but now

Lin Xiao didn't feel any fluctuation in his heart, and even wanted to laugh a little.

"Okay, really okay."

"There's nothing wrong with a guaranteed artifact coming out of a jar."

Lin Xiao cursed the dog system in his heart and broke the second jar.


A touch of golden light, extremely dazzling.



Lin Xiao knew very well what the golden light represented.

He often dreams of such scenes in his dreams.

Today is a dream come true!

When the light dissipated, he hurriedly looked over.

I saw a coin covered with strange patterns floating in the jar.

Its whole body is surrounded by a faint golden halo.

"Damn it, resurrection coins!"

Lin Xiao's eyes were filled with excitement.

As a player who played dungeons and became ashes, he was all too familiar with this thing.

Item: [Resurrection Coin]

Level: [Epic]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the dungeon. 】

Effect: [Use after death, resurrected at full status. 】

"Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river."

"I remember when I was playing dungeons, there was no day when I didn't spend ten or eight resurrection coins. The subsistence allowance in the jar was basically resurrection coins."

"But what now? There are more than 800 jars, and I just opened such a resurrection coin."

Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly and carefully put away the resurrection coins.

This is truly an extra life.

Afterwards, Lin Xiao received a reward for selling 800 jars and a reward for opening 800 jars.

Very surprised.

This time the two rewards are the same, both unlocking the world and unlocking progress.

However, after Lin Xiao saw the unlocking status of Dou Po World, he decided to go to sleep.

"Forty Soul Saints, counting your Majesty's nine great Soul Douluo, there is also a titled Douluo elder of the Haotian Sect. Your Majesty, you have really taken great pains to deal with my Nether Clan."

In the Star Luo Empire, above the residence of Duke Netherworld, the Grand Duke Netherworld glanced at the enemies in front of him, his expression extremely gloomy.

Behind him, strong men from the Nether Clan also mobilized, but they were far from being able to compare with the power mobilized by the royal family.

"Hahaha, you can't say that. You are the Grand Duke of our Star Luo Empire, a person who is inferior to ten thousand people. The more powerful people I gather, the more it proves that I value you?" "

Emperor Xingluo laughed.

In this situation, at this moment, he felt that his side had a chance to win.

After all, our own strength is two or three times that of the Nether Clan, so it would be difficult to lose!

After hearing what Emperor Xingluo said, the Grand Duke of Netherworld fell silent. He was already secretly thinking about how to maximize the effect of the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus in his hand.

"My dear, don't worry too much. You can go on your way without worries."

"The Nether Clan will not perish after your death. I am magnanimous and can pardon your Nether Clan to become a subordinate of my White Tiger Clan. In this way, the Nether White Tigers will not be cut off."

Emperor Xingluo smiled coldly, with indescribable pride in his voice.

"What kind of subordinate clan? That's the slave clan!"

"Yes, the Nether clan will never be slaves!"

"Yes, I would rather die standing than live on my knees."


Emperor Xingluo's words can be said to have stirred up a thousand waves with one stone. It aroused a lot of opposition.

"You would rather die than surrender, right?"

"Then I will help you. Seventh Elder, please take action."

"Don't worry, I promise I won't let anyone disturb you."

Emperor Xingluo said respectfully to the seventh elder.

A cooked duck cannot fly. Since such strong men were dispatched today, and even the strong men from the Haotian Sect were invited to help out, it is destined to be impossible for them to be virtuous.

"It's natural."

The seventh elder nodded lightly.

Then he walked towards Tang Xiao step by step.

"Your Majesty, do we want to take action?"

Next to Emperor Xingluo, the Imperial Marshal, who was also wearing armor, asked.

"Not urgent."

Emperor Xingluo shook his head, "The Grand Duke of Netherworld is a powerful Titled Douluo after all. If he really comes to a dead end, no one knows what he can do. In order to reduce unnecessary losses, we will wait until the seventh elders deal with him before we take action. "

"Yes." Marshal of the Star Luo Empire nodded respectfully.

"However, you must always keep an eye on the changes in the Nether Clan, and remember not to let anyone escape. Moreover, when we attack the mansion later, the women will stay and all the men will be killed. In a few years, the entire Nether Clan will be destroyed. The clan will be completely in our hands.”

Emperor Xingluo ordered again.


On the side, the Marshal of the Star Luo Empire trembled in his heart and responded quickly.

The most ruthless emperor's family, he really understood this sentence.

"Your Majesty, why do I feel that something is wrong with the battle situation?"

Suddenly, the Marshal of the Star Luo Empire said.

"Something's wrong?"

"Could it be that the Grand Duke of Netherworld's fighting power was too poor and he was easily defeated by the elders of the Haotian Sect?"

"This is normal. After all, the Grand Duke of Netherworld has just broken through and become a Titled Douluo, while the Seventh Elder has been a titled Douluo for many years. With the addition of the Clear Sky Hammer, the world's best martial arts weapon, it is normal for the Grand Duke of Netherworld to be defeated. .”

Emperor Xingluo said lightly.

Ah this

The Marshal of the Star Luo Empire didn't know what to say at all.

"Your Majesty, you'd better see for yourself." He said helplessly.

"What is it?" Emperor Xingluo raised his head in confusion.

Suddenly, he was startled.

"What's going on? What are the seventh elders doing? After fighting for so long, they still can't touch the Grand Duke of Netherworld?"

He couldn't help but exhale softly.

Wherever he looked, the Grand Duke of Netherworld turned into countless afterimages, constantly walking around the Seventh Elder.

Although the seventh elder's attack was powerful and heavy, it could not hit anyone at all.

The hammer after hammer hit the air.

"Is this the Netherworld Grand Duke's ninth soul skill? It's really weird!"

At this moment, the Marshal of the Star Luo Empire couldn't help but exclaimed.

However, when these words fell into the ears of Emperor Xingluo, they were met with an angry shout: "Nonsense."

"The soul ring on his body didn't even light up. How could this be a soul ring skill?"

Hearing this, the Imperial Marshal was even more shocked: "Could it be that this is a self-created soul skill?"

"It should be right!"

Emperor Xingluo nodded slowly and said in a solemn voice: "This Grand Duke of Netherworld really impresses me. I really can't keep him."


On the other side, the seventh elder was also a little angry.

The delay in taking down the Grand Duke of Netherworld made him feel like he had been slapped in the face.

You know, from the beginning to the end, he did not take this little kitten who had just been promoted to the title Douluo in his eyes.

"No, not enough!"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld smiled coldly, but he became more and more confident as he fought.

I was so excited that I kept praising Boss Lin for being so awesome.

He clearly knew that the cultivation level of the seventh elder was far above his own, and there was nothing he could do to attack him.

You are obviously stronger than me, but you can't kill me. This feeling can only be described in one word: great!

"Hmph, do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

The seventh elder snorted coldly, and his seventh and sixth soul skills instantly lit up.

"Haotian's incarnation!"

"Martial spirit clone!"

The next moment, his Clear Sky Hammer fully doubled in size, and an identical Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his left hand.

Under the blockade of the Double Hammer, the areas where the Netherworld Grand Duke can move are becoming less and less.

"Double hammer!"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld's pupils shrank suddenly and his heart sank.

There is no doubt that without the advantage of physical skills and the head-on challenge against the Seven Elders, he will not gain anything.

"It just so happens that it's time to use Buddha's Fury Tanglian."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld is always paying attention to the changes below.

In addition to the seven elders, the powerful men brought by Emperor Xingluo were scattered around him.

And behind these people, those young soul masters who were wearing very similar clothes to the Seventh Elder had just arrived.

"If these people are more concentrated, it will be the best time to use Buddha's Fury Tang Lotus!"

Thinking like this, the Grand Duke of Netherworld immediately had an idea in his mind.

The next moment, he gave up entangled with the Seventh Elder and swooped down like a meteor.

"To capture the thief first, capture the king, right?"

Emperor Xingluo suddenly smiled. In his opinion, the Grand Duke of Netherworld felt desperate.

But, wouldn’t such an act be self-defeating?

"not good!"

"Protect Your Majesty!"

"Take this guy down!"

There is no need for Emperor Xingluo to give orders. The people around him are also experienced soul masters who have been on the battlefield for a long time. He gathered towards Emperor Xingluo very consciously.

Even the Haotian Sect disciples behind these people unconsciously narrowed the distance from Emperor Xingluo and others.

After all, what have Haotian Sect disciples ever been afraid of?

What happened to Titled Douluo?

That won't make them retreat, hide too far, and lose the character of the Haotian Sect!

"Ah this."

"Are you too self-conscious?"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld, who had witnessed everything with his own eyes, couldn't believe it.

Originally, he was thinking about how to lure everyone together?

Unexpectedly, the process went surprisingly smoothly.

"It's really your own fault!"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld sneered in his heart, and his eyes were also cold.

He had foreseen the fate of these people, but there was no mercy in his heart.

after all.

If these people don't fall, then those who fall will be his relatives, tribesmen and himself.

At this time, he was only a few dozen meters away from everyone. He could already see the people below summoning martial spirits, and some people had even begun to accumulate soul power and prepare to release soul skills.

However, he did not continue to land. Instead, he took out a wooden box from his arms and threw it at the crowd below without hesitation. Afterwards, the soul power exploded again, soaring into the air and escaping at an unparalleled speed.

"What is this?"

Everyone looked at the wooden box in astonishment and had no idea what the Grand Duke of Netherworld was doing.

At this moment, another item fell out of the wooden box.

After it blooms, it is a beautifully shaped metal lotus.

Good night.

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