I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 314 Tang Chen’s iron-blooded skills, Shui Bing’er unleashes her cold energy

In the cave.

The look of shock on the seventh elder's face began to turn into anger: "Tang Hao, do you still have the nerve to return to the sect?"

Tang Hao smiled, "Why can't I return to the sect? My Tang Hao, whose surname is Tang, possesses the world's most powerful weapon, the Haotian Hammer, and is even titled Haotian! Based on this, the Haotian Sect and I are incompatible. Divided!”

"You still have the nerve to talk about this?" After hearing Tang Hao's words, the seventh elder became even more angry.

He pointed at Tang Hao's nose and cursed: "If it weren't for you angering the Wuhun Palace, how could the Haotian Sect be in this situation? The disciples of the sect are homeless and the strong men of the sect are dead and injured. This It’s all because of you, you are the sinner of the sect!”


Tang Hao's face turned frosty when he mentioned the past events of that year: "Tang Lie, remember, don't mention the events of that year in front of me in the future. Otherwise, don't blame me for treating you according to the sect's rules!"


"Tang Hao, are you stupid?"

The seventh elder suddenly laughed so hard, "What qualifications do you, an abandoned disciple of the sect, have to deal with me? Was your brain damaged by the Spirit Hall back then?"

"Maybe the Seventh Elder doesn't know, right? Now the Haotian Sect has the final say!"

Tang Hao said with a gloomy face: "I am the leader of Haotian Sect!"

"When did you become the sect leader? Where is Tang Xiao?"

The seventh elder's expression changed and he was very shocked.

He could tell that Tang Hao didn't seem to be telling lies, but if this were true, wouldn't it be too shocking?

The abandoned disciple and sinner of the sect suddenly became the master of the sect!

"Tang Lie! Why don't you kneel down when you see this sect leader?"

Tang Hao said in a deep voice.

He found that even though he knew his identity, the Seventh Elder had little respect for him.

"Kneel down to you? Are you the only one worthy?"

The seventh elder glanced at Tang Hao disdainfully.

"Don't think that if I'm not in the sect, Tang Xiao can do whatever he wants. It doesn't count if you Tang Hao returns to the sect, and it doesn't count if you Tang Hao succeeds as the head of the sect! Don't talk about Tang Xiao, Even if the King of Heaven comes, I still don’t agree with you becoming the leader of Haotian Sect!”

The seventh elder said angrily.

"Haha, very good, very good!"

"Xiao Qi, I haven't seen you for decades, but you have become more capable."

Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded in the cave, and then a majestic figure walked out from behind Tang Hao.

I have to say that the dark red outfit is very eye-catching.

There is no doubt that this person is Tang Chen.

"Who are you?" The seventh elder was startled. In a daze, he felt that this figure was very familiar.

But I just couldn't remember where I had seen each other.

It was like two acquaintances meeting each other but not being able to pronounce each other's names.

"Can't you even hear my voice?" Tang Chen spoke again, but he had already come to Tang Hao's side and stood side by side with Tang Hao.


When the Seventh Elder looked at the two people's roughly similar faces, it was like thunder exploding in their minds.

"Tang, ancestor Tang Chen!"

"You are the ancestor of Tang Chen!"

The seventh elder looked as if he had seen a ghost, and his voice trembled.

"Humph, is this how you talk to your ancestor? Have you forgotten all the etiquette your father taught you?"

Tang Chen snorted coldly, with an unexplainable majesty in his voice.


When the seventh elder heard this, he immediately knelt on the ground with a look of fear on his face: "Tang Lie pays homage to the ancestor!"

As he spoke, he kowtowed heavily.

"Lift your head and look at me!"

After listening to Tang Chen's words, the seventh elder did not dare to hesitate and quickly raised his head.

He found that Tang Chen was looking at him with a frown, "Are you injured? What's going on?"

Hearing this, the seventh elder unconsciously imagined the scene of Haotian Sect disciples lying dead in Xingluo Imperial City.

His heart was bleeding.

Except for him, no one was spared. It was really tragic.

"Why are you crying? Talk, what's going on!"

Tang Chen frowned, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Finally, the Seventh Elder spoke with a bitter look on his face: "Ancestor, all the disciples of the Haotian Sect are dead! I am the only one who survived! During this trip to the Star Luo Empire, not only did our Haotian Sect not set foot in the Star Luo Empire, After laying the foundation, there were even heavy casualties, and I was the only one left. It was so miserable!"

"In addition to my disciples of the Haotian Sect, the Xingluo royal family also suffered heavy losses. Forty soul saints and several titled Douluo were also killed instantly. When I evacuated, the Xingluo Emperor also took the two beside him Contra also started to escape."


Tang Chen and Tang Hao both let out a cry of surprise. The powerful force caused dust to fall in the cave.

"This is impossible!"

Tang Hao shook his head in disbelief, "Dai Mubai is my chess piece in the Star Luo Empire, and I also know the strength of the Grand Duke of Netherworld. There is no way you will not be my opponent! I considered this plan repeatedly before sending a message to Tang Xiao to implement it." Yes, how could there be such a big loss!"

"What? It turns out that it was you, the turtle son, who made the plan to let us die!"

The seventh elder rushed towards Tang Hao with red eyes, "I'll fight you!"


Tang Hao's soul power exploded, and he kicked the seventh elder away.


The seventh elder's body hit the wall like a sandbag, and then slowly fell down.


Unable to control himself, he opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Ancestor, I really didn't know that a small noble from the Star Luo Empire could have such strength."

After Tang Hao finished all this, he knelt on the ground with a look of panic on his face.

"I don't blame you for this."

Tang Chen's face softened a bit as he said this, "But I hope you can learn your lesson next time."


Tang Hao let out a long breath, feeling as if he had been granted amnesty. Then he said: "Ancestor, I will go to the Star Luo Empire now to kill the Netherworld Duke and avenge the sect disciples."

However, Tang Chen glanced at Tang Hao coldly: "Do you think you can kill dozens of Soul Saints and several Soul Douluo in an instant, and also severely injure a titled Douluo elder of the Haotian Sect?"

Ah this

Tang Hao suddenly felt like he was struck by lightning.

The answer is simple.


He can’t do it even if he’s exhausted!

"Tell me what's going on?" Tang Chen looked at the seventh elder and asked.

At this time, the seventh elder also calmed down a lot, and said quickly without hesitation: "The Grand Duke of Netherworld used a magical object. When this object came out, all kinds of flying needles filled the sky. It looked gorgeous but it hid a terrifying murderous intention. .”

As he spoke, the seventh elder took out several thin needles of different shapes from his arms, "These are the things. My defense is vulnerable to these silver needles!"

These silver needles were taken out of his body.

"What is this?" Tang Chen looked confused when he saw this.

He picked up a silver needle and easily broke it into two pieces.

He couldn't understand how this thing could be so lethal!

This object is very similar to Xiao San's hidden weapon. Tang Hao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he felt like he had seen it before.

"I don't understand how he can kill so many powerful men. This is me. If I were an ordinary titled Douluo, I would have fallen!"

The eyes of the seventh elder were filled with sadness.

"Ancestor, do you plan to take action personally?" Tang Hao couldn't help but ask Tang Chen.

In his opinion, apart from Tang Chen's few opponents, Tang Chen was an invincible strong man!

However, what is surprising is that Tang Chen shook his head: "Xiao Qi just said that the Star Luo Empire's royal family has suffered heavy losses. With the methods of the Netherworld Grand Duke, it is very likely that the Star Luo Empire has changed hands now. "

"Even if he becomes the new emperor of the Star Luo Empire, he won't make you fearful, right?" Tang Hao was very puzzled.

Tang Chen sighed: "You underestimate the power of an empire. If it were as you said, Wuhun Palace would have unified Douluo Continent long ago."

Having said that, Tang Chen didn't say much.

"Then how should our Haotian Sect proceed? Ancestor please give us clear instructions."

Tang Hao had a questioning look on his face.

Tang Chen said quietly: "Such a bloody feud cannot be ignored. Aren't we, the Haotian Sect, looking for a new sect? I think the entire Xingluo Empire is good."

Tang Hao's pupils suddenly shrank, he didn't expect Tang Chen to be so ambitious!

"This matter cannot be completed overnight. It requires long-term planning."

Tang Chen said: "Hao'er, next you go to Poseidon Island to assist Xiao San and improve your own strength. As for the disciples of Haotian Sect, I will take them to the Killing City for training to quickly improve their strength."

"With the strength of the remaining disciples of the sect, can they survive entering the killing city?" Tang Hao's pupils suddenly shrank, expressing concern for the future of the Haotian sect.

"Don't worry, the Killing City is almost under my control now. Nothing will happen." Tang Chen said with relief.

"Don't worry, ancestor, you will be surprised by my improvement next time we meet again!" Tang Hao promised, patting his chest.

Tang Chen nodded slightly, "Without further delay, let's set off now."

Tang Hao bowed slightly and was about to leave.

However, the seventh elder stopped him.

"Seventh Elder, what do you mean?" Tang Hao asked with a frown.

The seventh elder did not answer Tang Hao, but looked at Tang, "Ancestor, Tang Hao can't leave. At least he can't leave before relinquishing his position as the sect leader!"

"Let Hao'er resign?"

Tang Chen frowned, "Do you still remember that I said that Tang Hao is the leader of the Haotian Sect that I appointed?"

Although his voice was light, there was a lot of pressure.

The seventh elder suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

It felt like being stared at by a terrifying beast.

However, the seventh elder still nodded firmly: "Ancestor, please forgive me for being unable to obey your orders!"

"I will never forget those who were killed by Tang Hao. In order to give them justice, I asked my ancestor to depose Tang Hao as the head of the Haotian Sect and expel Tang Hao from the Haotian Sect!"

As he said that, he knelt down again and said, "Ancestor, please give justice to the dead heroes of the Haotian Sect!"

"Seventh Elder, you passed!"

Tang Hao was filled with anger and scolded him coldly.

If Tang Chen hadn't been behind him, he would have really wanted to destroy the seventh elder.

"What if I don't agree to your request?"

At this time, Tang Chen asked lightly.

There is murderous intention!

The seventh elder's hair stood on end and his spine felt chilly.

At this moment, he wanted to give in and take back what he just said.

However, those familiar faces appeared in his mind unconsciously, as if they were talking crazily in his ears, demanding justice!

"I won't back down even if I die!"

The seventh elder said in a deep voice, looking at Tang Chen with extremely firm eyes.


"very good!"

Tang Chen smiled: "Hao'er, then you can help him!"


Fulfill him?

Tang Hao looked at Tang Chen in disbelief.

I saw that Tang Chen didn't have the slightest hint of joking in his eyes, and he nodded slowly to him.

"Do it!"

"Do you know how I controlled Haotian Sect back then?"

"The truth is only for the dead!"

Then, Tang Hao thought of Tang Chen's voice in his mind.

Hearing the sound, Tang Hao no longer hesitated, activated his soul power, and slapped the seventh elder hard!

On the other hand, the seventh elder did not dodge at all.

There was no fear on his face, only deep disappointment.

"Haotian Sect is dead!"

He made his last sound, tilted his head and slowly collapsed to the ground. Cut off all life.

"Ancestor, is it really okay to do this?"

"The Seventh Elder is at least a titled Douluo. He may be of some use in the future."

Tang Hao looked at the body of the seventh elder with a complicated expression.

"So what if I keep it?"

Tang Chen slowly shook his head, "Remember, if a person can't be used by me, then destroy him."

"The Seventh Elder is already disabled and seriously injured. Even if he saves a life, at most it will only have the combat power of Contra."

Is this the ancestor's skill? Tang Hao was shocked and bowed: "Thank you, ancestor, for your teaching. My grandson understands."

"Go." Tang Chen waved his hand, "Take Tang Lie out too. Tell the clansmen that this is the fate of the following criminals. I believe that after witnessing the fate of the seventh elder, there will be no more opposition in the clan from now on. sound.”


Tang Hao agreed and dragged the seventh elder's body out.

"Sister, your luck seems not to be very good today."

In Wuhun City, in a small shop, Shui Yue'er looked at Shui Bing'er and muttered to the side.

In fact, that's pretty much it.

Shui Bing'er has opened five jars in a row, and the results are all ordinary items.

At this time, Shui Binger pursed her lips and said nothing.

But Lin Xiao could tell from her two little hands that were holding the magic hammer of luck loosely and tightly, that she was really nervous.

"Why don't we take a break first and have a drink of water to calm down?" he suggested.

Not to mention Shui Bing'er, Lin Xiao felt that he was a little nervous.

Finally, Shui Bing'er spoke: "Boss, thank you for your kindness. I don't think it's necessary."

As she said that, she smiled again, "Don't worry, I can withstand it."

The sound fell and she broke another jar.

There was a click, and a burst of blue light flashed.

"Okay, finally something different appears!"

Next to Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er cheered as if on conditioned reflex.

It was as if she had found something good.

Shui Bing'er also picked up the items in the jar with a look of surprise, looked at Lin Xiao eagerly and asked: "Boss, what is this?"

Not only did she get high-end items, but also different high-end items appeared.

She didn't know if others had seen him, at least she hadn't.

At this time, Lin Xiao also got the item information, and he called out in his heart: "It's actually a martial arts technique, ice energy?"

Good night.

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