I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 315 First experience with medicine, mirror copying mirror

Item: [Ice Qi]

Level: [Advanced]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [Taken from the magical martial arts world of martial arts. 】

Effect: [Practice this method to absorb the cold air between heaven and earth for your own use]

Not surprisingly, this should be Zuo Lengchan’s secret skill in The Swordsman, right?

Lin Xiao still remembered that Zuo Lengchan relied on this martial arts to freeze his true energy and resist Ren Woxing's star-absorbing technique.

At the same time, if the ice energy enters the enemy's body, it will freeze the person's energy, making them extremely difficult to deal with due to the cold poison.

It can be said that this is a good martial arts technique.

"If it is fused with Shui Bing'er's own martial soul attributes, the power of the ice's true energy may increase dramatically."

Lin Xiao analyzed secretly.

"The ice is really angry."

Shui Bing'er's eyes flashed with surprise and uncertainty, "Is this the self-created soul skill that is spread among the outside world?"

After listening to Shui Bing'er's words, Lin Xiao nodded slightly, "Yes, you can understand that this is a self-created soul skill, and it is a self-created soul skill that is extremely consistent with your own attributes. As long as you read it normally, you can understand the records. exercises."

"Sister, you have become rich."

Shui Yue'er was also surprised and said: "I heard from people outside that the grade of martial arts skills cannot be measured by normal levels.

At least the original level of the item must be upgraded by one level. In other words, your Ice Qi is only a high-level item, but it is also comparable to a rare item! "

Shui Yue'er said, staring at the cold energy in Shui Bing'er's hand with her big eyes, unable to move away.

"Okay, Yue'er."

Dean Tianshui shook his head helplessly, "Get out of the way first, don't delay your sister's understanding of this martial arts technique. Besides, even if you drool with envy, there is nothing you can do. This kind of martial arts technique cannot be taught to others."

Lin Xiao smiled slightly when he saw this. He could tell that the three people from Tianshui College had learned a lot about opening jars recently.

However, it saves him a lot of explanation process, so he can be considered at ease.

"Oh, okay."

Shui Yue'er nodded, looked at Shui Bing'er and said, "Sister, you must tell me how you feel after you realize it later?"

"Don't worry." Shui Bing'er shook her head helplessly, and then she set her sights on the books.

Swish swish swish.

For a while, the only sound left in the shop was the sound of turning books.

"Xiao Ao, are you sure we went correctly? It's been so long, why haven't we arrived at Wuhun City yet?"

On a quiet alley, Ma Hongjun complained beside Oscar.

"If you ask me, I don't know. According to the location recorded on the map, it should be correct."

The unshaven Oscar looked at the map in his hand, then raised his head and looked around, wondering how could this happen?

Where has Wuhun City gone?

"Xiao Ao, you don't know the way and you took me in the wrong direction, right?" Ma Hongjun finally began to doubt.

"How could it be? How could I not know the way? Ha, haha."

Oscar smiled unnaturally.

However, at this moment, a call came from behind the two of them.

"Oscar, Ma Hongjun, why are you here?"

Who is calling us?

The two looked back almost at the same time.

Suddenly, he was startled.

"Tang San."

"And Master?"

The two of them were stunned. They didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here.

At this moment, Tang San also walked closer, "Why do you appear here?"

"Let's go to Wuhun City to find Teacher and Teacher Zhao."

Ma Hongjun asked in surprise: "Are you going to Wuhun City too? Why don't we go together?"

"Are you sure you are heading to Wuhun City?"

Tang San suddenly looked strange.

"What? Is there any problem?" Ma Hongjun's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.


"You are going in completely different directions. You are going in the opposite direction to Wuhun City."

"If you walk along this road, you will be able to see the sea for most of the day."

On the side, Yu Xiaogang answered the two people's questions.

"What did you say? The opposite?"

Ma Hongjun felt like he was struck by lightning.

After accepting this reality, his eyes almost burst into flames: "Xiao Ao, didn't you say there is no problem?"

Oscar looked shocked and quickly shook his head in denial: "It's impossible. I followed the map. How could I be wrong?"

Hearing the sound, Yu Xiaogang looked over, held his forehead and sighed: "If only you had learned more knowledge, you wouldn't have made such a mistake. The map in your hands was held upside down."


Oscar looked confused, and he really had nothing to say this time.


Ma Hongjun couldn't help complaining: "If I give you a blueprint and ask you to dig a well, why don't you build a chimney? You are too stupid!"

"Is it all my fault? Didn't you say it was okay before?" Oscar said with a pinched neck: "I can't bear this responsibility alone!"

"You" Ma Hongjun suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Stop arguing. Now that you know how to go, go back."

Tang San frowned and said lightly.

"Then where are you going?"

Ma Hongjun asked curiously.

"Go to sea."

"What are you doing at sea?"

"Go to a place called Poseidon Island. I want to practice there."

Tang San made no secret of this.

Because, after seeing Oscar and Ma Hongjun, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

"Poseidon Island?"

Ma Hongjun and Oscar looked at each other with confusion on their faces.

"It was a place blessed by the gods."

At this time, Yu Xiaogang explained quietly.

After a while.

Both Ma Hongjun and Oscar showed yearning in their eyes.

"Good brother, you must take me to such a good place."

Ma Hongjun even spoke to Tang San hastily.

Then, Oscar didn't show any weakness, "To be honest, I also want to see it."

"It doesn't matter whether you are strong or not. I just want to experience the customs and customs of Poseidon Island."

Tang San pondered for a moment: "It's not impossible to go to Poseidon Island, but you must promise to follow my arrangements."

"rest assured!"

"no problem!"

Oscar and Ma Hongjun nodded repeatedly.

the other side.

In the small shop, the books in Shui Bing'er's hands had completely disappeared.

Instead, she was struck by an epiphany.

The temperature in the shop dropped suddenly.

"Sister, what's wrong? There won't be any problems, right?"

Shui Yue'er pursed her lips and looked at Dean Tianshui.

Dean Tianshui smiled slightly and rubbed Shui Yue'er's little head: "Don't worry, not only is everything fine, I can also feel that Bing'er's strength is increasing, well. It's not just her soul power that is increasing, her martial arts There seems to be some changes in the soul."


Suddenly, a loud phoenix cry came from Shui Bing'er, followed by the shadow of an ice phoenix fleetingly disappearing.

At this moment, Shui Binger also opened her closed eyes.

"Sister, how do you feel?"

Shuiyue asked nervously.

"Feels so good, stronger than ever!"

Shui Binger waved her hand as she spoke, and ice cones condensed in the air.

Then she waved her hand, and the ice picks shot out like sharp arrows.

"You don't need any soul skills to actually have such an ability!"

Dean Tianshui couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

This power is comparable to ordinary soul skills.

"Master Dean, these are just some small tricks."

Shui Bing'er shook her head slightly, "Just like Boss Lin said, the ice energy is extremely consistent with my attributes. If I continue to practice it for a long time, it will have huge benefits for my martial soul."

"If I absorb enough ice power, my martial spirit will even evolve!"

"What? Evolve!"

Dean Tian Shui looked shocked, "Your martial soul is already considered to be the top-level beast martial soul. If it evolves again, what level of beast martial soul will it become?"

"I'm afraid I can only give you an answer after I complete my evolution." Shui Bing'er couldn't help but smile bitterly upon hearing this.

"Haha, no rush, no rush."

Dean Tianshui smiled. She saw in Shui Bing'er the hope of Tianshui Academy's rise.

"The harvest this time is no less than the last time, Bing'er, thank you boss."

Don't forget the well digger when you are ready. Dean Tianshui is not finished. Shui Bing'er can get these benefits entirely because of the gift of this mysterious boss Lin.

"thank you."

Shui Bing'er also suddenly woke up and quickly bowed deeply to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao waved his hand, "It doesn't have to be like this, this is your own opportunity. If there are no problems, just keep opening the can."

From Lin Xiao's point of view, all thanks are empty and not as practical as opening two more jars.

"No problem, I'll keep driving."

Shui Bing'er nodded heavily and broke each jar again.

However, her good luck ended there today.

From the remaining jars, not even a single high-level or above item was found.

"Sister, don't be sad." Shui Yue'er stepped forward to comfort her.

Unexpectedly, Shui Bing'er asked instead: "Why should I be sad?"

Seeing that Shui Yue'er was a little stunned, Shui Bing'er said again: "I am extremely satisfied to be able to open the martial arts skills this time. Not to mention this time, even when I open the jar next time, I will open a high-end item. If you don’t come out, I can accept it.”

"Okay then, you have mastered the martial arts skills, no matter what you say, it makes sense."

Immediately, Shui Yue'er said nothing more.

"Dean, please."

At this moment, Lin Xiao made a gesture of invitation.

"Come on, Master Dean!"

Sisters Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er cheered her up at the same time.


Dean Tianshui came to Lin Xiao and said, "Boss, I'm in trouble."

In response, Lin Xiao just smiled.

Within a moment, Dean Tianshui successfully smashed the first jar.

A burst of blue light suddenly rose in the shop.

Premium items!

"Master Dean, you are so lucky." Shui Yue'er's voice was full of surprise.

"It's just that the high-end item that the dean opened is different from the one we opened before?"

Shui Bing'er frowned and said after seeing the contents of the jar clearly.

"Boss, what is this?"

Dean Tianshui was at a loss and couldn't do it at all.

Looking at the pill the size of a pigeon egg in my hand, I was at a loss.

Item: [First time experience medicine]

Level: [Advanced]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the world of Doraemon. 】

Effect: [As long as you take this medicine, no matter what you do, you can experience the same feeling as when you first tried it. 】

Well? This thing actually exists?

Lin Xiao glanced at the still charming Dean Tianshui in a strange way and said: "This item is called the first experience medicine."

"After using it, whatever you do will feel like you are trying it for the first time."

Ah this

After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Dean Tianshui's face turned red even though he had gone through many storms.

This thing is a bit rogue.

In fact, not only her, but also the sisters Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er looked unnatural.


At this time, Lin Xiao coughed lightly and said, "Think about it differently. This little pill can allow you to experience the most beautiful things that have ever been to you. Isn't it worth it?" You know, some Things that no amount of money can buy. "

"According to what Boss Lin said, it seems right."

Dean Tianshui nodded thoughtfully, and his expression returned to normal.


Lin Xiao let out a sigh of relief and finally brought the three people's thoughts back on track.

His reputation has been preserved for the rest of his life.

"No problem, just keep opening the can."

"Yeah." Dean Tianshui nodded heavily and smashed the second jar.

When she saw the light after the jar shattered, her eyes widened and she whispered: "Another high-level one?!"

Just after opening the high-end items, another high-end item appeared. The dean's luck is really good today.

Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er sisters were very surprised.

At this time, Lin Xiao had already seen clearly the item in the jar, which was a mirror.

Item: [Replication Mirror]

Level: [Advanced]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the world of Doraemon. 】

Effect: [As long as the items are placed in front of the mirror, the items in front of the mirror will be reflected. However, the grade of copied items cannot exceed rare grade. (Number of uses 1/1.)]

Mirror copy? Lin Xiao rubbed his chin, this thing is a bit interesting.

"Boss, boss"

"This mirror is not just for looking into, right?"

After confirming that the items in the jar were unknown to her, Shui Yue'er turned her head and asked first.

Lin Xiao nodded slightly.

"Then there must be some usage restrictions, right?" Shui Yue'er asked again.

Let's leave it to troubleshooting the wrong options, right?

Lin Xiao was too lazy to answer the questions one by one. He pointed to the mirror in the jar and said: "This is a mirror that can be copied. It can be copied as long as it is an item that does not exceed the rare level, but it can only be used once, and it can be copied. Items will be mirror images."


After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Dean Tianshui immediately fell into thinking, thinking about how this thing could be used to its maximum effect.

"It sounds useful, why do I feel like it's useless?"

Shui Yue'er had already pouted her little mouth.

"What words?"

“How can the things in my store be useless?”

Lin Xiao faced doubts and decided to prove himself.

He looked at Shui Bing'er and asked, "If my guess is correct, you should have copied Ghost Leopard Douluo's 'frost stone giant's left arm bone', right?"

Shui Bing'er nodded, "Yes."

Lin Xiao asked again: "Then have you refined it?"

"Not yet."

"That's great." Lin Xiao smiled, then looked at Dean Tianshui and asked, "Now I ask you, do you need a right arm bone of the same quality?"

Good night.

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