I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 318 Yu Xiaogang’s assessment, a pure waste

In the square in the center of Poseidon Island.

The guardians under the sacred pillar opened their eyes one after another and looked into the distance.

Wherever he looked, Seahorse Douluo came with Tang San, Tang Hao, Ma Hongjun, Oscar and Yu Xiaogang.

"What's going on? You, Kaiba, actually brought an outsider in again?"

Sea Dragon Douluo, the head of the Seven Sacred Pillars, asked in a deep voice.

"That's wrong!"

After walking in, Seahorse Douluo shook his head slightly, "They are not outsiders. The three of them are Tang San's partners and teachers, and they also want to join Poseidon Island. I brought them here to start Master Poseidon's assessment for them."

"I see."

"Then you start the assessment for them now. As long as Lord Poseidon agrees, they will be considered as members of Poseidon Island."

Sea Dragon Douluo nodded slightly and said nothing more.

After all, both Tang Hao and Tang San were not simple.

Tang Hao is the future successor to the high priest of Poseidon Island, and Tang San is even more remarkable, he is the heir to the throne appointed by Lord Poseidon. There is hope to become the master of Poseidon Island in the future.

The person brought back by two future big men, he is a small guardian, what more can he say?


Seahorse Douluo nodded and said to the people around him: "Everyone, please come with me."

After saying that, he strode to the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, and everyone followed closely behind.

Even, it's not just them.

Even the remaining six guardians of the Holy Lord came together.

Last time, whether it was Tang San, Tang Hao or Dai Mubai, they all proved their amazing talents.

They wanted to see how talented the three people this time were.

What's more important is that they just heard clearly that among these people, there was Tang San's teacher.

In their minds, they subconsciously thought that this person should be an extremely strong man.

Presumably, Master Poseidon's test to him must be even more shocking, right?

"Next, Senior Kaiba will start the test for you. There is no danger in this process. If you can complete the test, there will be huge benefits in the future. I wonder who among you will come first?"

At this time, Tang San also asked Oscar, Ma Hongjun and Yu Xiaogang.

When the three heard this, they all fell into a brief silence.

Yu Xiaogang even frowned and silently retreated behind everyone.

"How about I come first." Oscar suddenly said.

"Xiao Ao, you have a good journey."

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun patted Oscar on the shoulder.


Oscar snorted angrily, turned around and ran towards Seahorse Douluo.

"Senior, please excuse me, please start the assessment for me!"

Oscar first bowed slightly to Seahorse Douluo, and then said.

"My child, you are very good. Don't be nervous, Lord Poseidon will bless you."

Seahorse Douluo smiled slightly.

As he spoke, blue light was released from his hands.

At the same time, a blue light also lit up on the Seahorse Holy Pillar behind him.

"here we go!"

“I don’t know what level of assessment Oscar can get!”

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

Tang San's eyes flashed and he thought to himself.

He brought Oscar and Ma Hongjun with him, but he saw their potential and with support, they might become capable men!


A blue beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped Oscar.

"Has the assessment begun?"

Ma Hongjun and Yu Xiaogang were immediately excited when they saw this.

Although Tang San said, there is no danger in this process. But they were still a little scared.

It is their nature to fear the unknown.

Swish swish swish.

At this moment, the blue light on Oscar's body had begun to change.

It first turned into white, then turned into yellow and purple without stopping.

Then, the purple gradually deepened, and finally turned into black.

"You are gifted, you are indeed gifted."

"I would say that anyone who can become Tang San's partner will have great talent. In the future, our Poseidon Island will produce another titled Douluo!"

Seeing this, Seahorse Douluo secretly exclaimed in his heart, his face showing uncontrollable joy.

In fact, not only him, but several other guardians of the sacred pillar were also greatly shocked.

Both eyes were fixed on the Seahorse Holy Pillar, wanting to see how far this young man named Oscar could reach.

Everyone watched as the black magic pattern slowly climbed up on the Seahorse Holy Pillar, and did not stop until it reached two-thirds of the way.

At the same time, six light curtains quietly appeared in front of Oscar.

"Black level six exam!"

"It's actually another black-level sixth exam! The same level as Dai Mubai!"

"It's rare, it's really rare!"

Before Seahorse Douluo could make a sound, Seadragon Douluo and several other guardians who were waiting on the side suddenly made a sound.

Especially Sea Dragon Douluo's eyes were extremely complex.

He is the owner of the Sixth Black Level Test. Of course he knows how powerful the talent is to reach this point!

"Black level six exam!"

"It seems that this Oscar can also bring a lot of help to Xiao San in the future."

Next to Tang San, Tang Hao's eyes flashed and he thought to himself.

It has to be said that this is what father and son are united in. His purpose is almost the same as Tang San's.

At this time, Oscar closed his eyes, sat cross-legged and thought quietly after black light poured into his forehead.

On his forehead, a black six-pointed star appeared.

"Is this done?"

Ma Hongjun asked with his eyes widened.

"Not yet."

"If you want to complete the assessment and officially become a member of Poseidon Island, you still need to complete the tasks issued by Lord Poseidon."

Seahorse Douluo said softly: "He should be thinking and analyzing the mission issued by Lord Poseidon right now."

“So that’s how it is”

Ma Hongjun nodded suddenly and walked out, "I'll be next."

After confirming that there would be no danger, Ma Hongjun did not hesitate.

"Senior, thank you for your work."

He said, bowing slightly.

Seahorse Douluo nodded slightly, then repeated his old trick.

A blue light fell from the Seahorse Holy Pillar, covering Ma Hongjun, and then the three colors of yellow, purple, and black changed in sequence.

"Another black test!"

Seahorse Holy Pillar couldn't help but let out an exclamation this time.

This is so exciting!

What kind of immortal characters have come to Poseidon Island recently? None of them have an assessment level lower than black level!

"It's not like all the geniuses on land have come to our Poseidon Island!"

The other guardians of the Holy Lord thought subconsciously.

"Another black assessment"

"It seems that this black assessment is easy to obtain."

When Yu Xiaogang saw this, a look of relief suddenly appeared on his face.

He thinks it’s not too much to take a black test, right?


Ma Hongjun's assessment was also fixed at the Black Level Sixth Examination.

Tang Hao nodded with satisfaction, "This is also a useful talent."

"Finally it's my turn!"

Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath and stepped forward step by step.

"I'm Yu Xiaogang, senior."

He opened his mouth to say two words, but was stopped by Seahorse Douluo before he finished speaking.

"Since you are Tang San's teacher, you can just become my peer."

In fact, Seahorse Douluo still had a good idea to sell Yu Xiaogang.

On the other side, several guardians of the sacred pillar also secretly discussed through sound transmission.

"Is this person Tang San's teacher?" Sea Spear Douluo asked, "I feel something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Sea Ghost Douluo said he disagreed with Sea Spear Douluo, "The person who can entrust a strong man like Tang Hao must also be a strong man. There is no doubt about this. Moreover, this Neither arrogant nor impetuous, calm and calm is the demeanor of a strong man!"

"Hai Gui is right. I also think that this Yu Xiaogang is a rare strong man, and his strength may even be higher than that of the boss."

This time, a female voice joined in.

Everyone looked at Zhenghai Witch Douluo!

"Then tell me, what level of assessment can Yu Xiaogang get? I think with his strength, the black level six examination is not a big problem!"

At this time, Starfish Douluo also said in a message.

"It's smaller, the layout is smaller!"

"For a strong man like Yu Xiaogang, I think it is very likely that he will pass the red level assessment!"

Sea Fantasy Douluo, who had been silent all this time, also joined the chat group.

"Red level?"

"Isn't this a little too high?"

There was some surprise in Sea Ghost Douluo's voice.

He believed that Yu Xiaogang was a strong man, but he did not think that he would be so highly appreciated by Lord Poseidon.

"I think what Hai Huan said is impossible."

Finally, Sea Dragon Douluo, the most authoritative among the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars, spoke.

Sea Ghost Douluo, Sea Spear Douluo, Sea Witch Douluo and several other titled Douluo all looked over.

They stopped talking, just waiting for Sea Dragon Douluo to give an explanation.

"It's very simple. I can't see through this Yu Xiaogang."

Sea Dragon Douluo said with a complicated expression.

In fact, it's not that he can't see through it, but that he can't believe the results he perceives.

After all, no titled Douluo would let a great soul master of more than 20 levels teach his son, right?


At this moment, another ray of blue light had risen from the Seahorse Holy Pillar and landed on Yu Xiaogang's body.

"here we go!"

Everyone's minds were affected.

Even the guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars were more concerned about how far Yu Xiaogang could reach than Tang San and Tang Hao.

Under the gaze of everyone, the blue light on the Seahorse Holy Pillar turned white at an extremely slow speed.

"What's going on? Why is it so slow?"

The guardians of the Seven Sacred Pillars were all stunned. Logically speaking, the white color should be fleeting.

However, just when everyone was puzzled, another change occurred on the Seahorse Holy Pillar.

white light


Then, the light on Yu Xiaogang also dissipated.

"Fuck! It's gone!"

Sealance Douluo couldn't hold back and immediately cursed.

no way.

In this situation, at this moment, only the word "fuck" could express the surprise in his heart.

“Lord Poseidon’s assessment is over like this?”

Hai Huan Douluo was also dumbfounded. He had previously thought that Yu Xiaogang could at least obtain the red level assessment.

"Boss, how do you say this?"

Sea Star Douluo and Sea Witch Douluo also looked at Sea Dragon Douluo.

"What can I say? As you can see, Master Poseidon thinks that he is not worthy of taking the assessment to become a soul master on Poseidon Island."

Sea Dragon Douluo's expression changed for a while, and then he said in a deep voice.

"What! You don't deserve to be a soul master on Poseidon Island!"

"There has never been anything like this in the history of Poseidon Island."

"One of a kind! Truly one of a kind!"

Everyone was shocked after hearing what Sea Dragon Douluo said.

The existence of Yu Xiaogang refreshed their understanding.

In other words, Yu Xiaogang's existence has broken Poseidon Island's records from ancient times to the present.

"Hey, I knew Yu Xiaogang was a loser, but he couldn't even pass the lowest level test."

Tang Hao sighed. He now felt that bringing Yu Xiaogang to Poseidon Island was a wrong decision and a waste of emotions.

"If he hadn't taken care of me for several years, I really wouldn't have brought him to Poseidon Island."

"Now his heart that always wants to counterattack should be dead."

Tang San whispered to Tang Hao.

On the other hand, at this time, Yu Xiaogang looked confused and asked, "Haima, how could this happen?"

"Yu Xiaogang, how old are you, your cultivation level, and your martial spirit."

Seahorse Douluo was indifferent to Yu Xiaogang's attitude and asked calmly.

"I must be over fifty today."

"The great spirit master who has cultivated to level 29, his martial spirit is the mutated martial spirit of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, Luo Sanpao!"

Yu Xiaogang answered quickly.

With that said, he summoned Luo Sanpao, who was as fat as a pig.

Luo Sanpao blinked his eyes in confusion and looked around.

When it discovered that it was surrounded by strangers, it immediately hid behind Yu Xiaogang in fear. Only a small head stuck out, looking around cautiously and angrily.

"I see, a great soul master in his fifties and such a rubbish martial soul, what's the use of joining Poseidon Island?"

"Lord Poseidon's choice is correct. It is estimated that Yu Xiaogang's abilities are not even as good as those of the sea people above the sea."

"Such a waste is really not qualified for Lord Poseidon to waste his divine power and lower his assessment."

"This Yu Xiaogang is just a pure waste."

"This is the first time on Poseidon Island that a soul master has stretched his hips like this. I really don't know what courage he has to stand here."

At this moment, many of the guardians of the sacred pillar suddenly realized and started talking one after another.

It turns out they were all wrong.

Yu Xiaogang is not a powerful titled Douluo, but a rubbish great soul master.

"Let me tell you, there is something wrong with Yu Xiaogang, but you don't believe it."

At this moment, Sea Spear Douluo said with aggrieved expression.

"Well, we were also blinded by the name Teacher Tang San."

"Who would have thought that Tang Hao, a mighty Titled Douluo, would actually choose a twenty-nine-level useless soul master to be his son's teacher."

"Yes, it's Tang Hao who doesn't do human affairs."

All the titled Douluo secretly sent messages to Sea Spear Douluo to comfort him.

"Am I a waste?"

"How could I be useless?"

There was no hesitation in the words of the many guardians of the holy pillars, and Yu Xiaogang's expression immediately changed.

He couldn't accept this fact, nor could he bear such a blow!

You know, Poseidon didn't even give him the lowest level of white level test.

It's so disrespectful.

Before, he thought he could also pass the black level assessment.

"It's a mistake, yes, it must be a mistake!"

Because Yu Xiaogang was anxious, his eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes.

"Kaiba, this must be a mistake. I am a great soul master after all. There is no way that you won't even give me a white-level exam!"

"There must be something wrong with the pillar behind you. Please change someone else and give me another chance to take the test!"

As he spoke, he went to hug Seahorse Douluo's thigh.


Seahorse Douluo's face suddenly became extremely cold, and he kicked Yu Xiaogang five or six meters away: "The Seahorse Holy Pillar was built by Lord Poseidon himself. It represents Lord Poseidon's will. How can I allow you to blaspheme it?"

"Also, you can call a seahorse?"

Good night.

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