I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 319 Throwing Yu Xiaogang out of Poseidon Island, the White Whale was shocked

"Senior, didn't you ask me to call you Kaiba?"

Yu Xiaogang looked at a loss.

If you say anything else, he can tolerate it. On this issue, he wants to get justice for himself.

Hearing the sound, Seahorse Douluo became even more angry.

Originally, he wanted to form a good relationship with Yu Xiaogang.

Unexpectedly, I dug a hole and jumped into it.

"Made, bad luck."

He cursed secretly in his heart, and then waved his hands impatiently, "Stop saying anything more. There are only two roads in front of you now."

"So, I still have hope?"

Yu Xiaogang's eyes lit up and he said in surprise.

"You're thinking too much."

Seahorse Douluo shook his head, "The two paths I'm talking about are, you can leave Poseidon Island on your own, or you can be thrown out of Poseidon Island by me."

"No, you can't do this to me!"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head and refused Seahorse Douluo's proposal, "If I don't leave, even if I die, I will die on Poseidon Island."

"Then you chose the second path?"

Seahorse Douluo said, stepping out in front of Yu Xiaogang, grabbing Yu Xiaogang with his big hand. Yu Xiaogang had no ability to resist at all, and was caught by Seahorse Douluo.

"Oh no"

Yu Xiaogang shouted in panic, "Xiao San, yes, Xiao San, please help me. I am your teacher and you are the future heir of Poseidon Island. You will definitely let me stay, right?"

Yu Xiaogang looked at Tang San and shouted to him, as if he had found the last life-saving straw.


Let him down.

Tang San just stood there, as if watching someone who didn't want to be taken away.

"How can you be so cold and heartless?"

Yu Xiaogang's mentality collapsed and he screamed desperately.

"Teacher, accept the reality."

"Once upon a time, I also thought that you might be dragged down by your own martial arts, so we brought you to Poseidon Island to accept Lord Poseidon's assessment in order to give you a chance to prove that you are not a waste."

"As it turns out, I was wrong."

"I was severely slapped in the face by reality. I thought that your assessment results would not be very high. However, I did not expect that you did not even obtain the lowest level white assessment!"

"To put it bluntly, I thought you were rubbish, but I never dreamed that you would be rubbish to this extent."

Tang San looked at Yu Xiaogang and said sadly: "Give up those unrealistic dreams. Any soul master on the mainland will laugh at you. I don't think you should go back. On the islands around Poseidon Island, do Become a sea dweller and start a new life."

"By the way, this is also the last time I call you teacher."


Are these words really coming from the mistress who talks about being a teacher for a day and a father for a lifetime?

How could he say such a thing.

Yu Xiaogang felt that Tang San's words were like a knife severing his heart.

He never thought that the disciple he had high hopes for would one day trample on his dignity!

In Yu Xiaogang's view, although this was said euphemistically, it was no different from pointing his nose at Yu Xiaogang and calling him an out-and-out loser.

My heart hurts so much that I can't breathe.

Bloody tears even flowed from the corners of Yu Xiaogang's eyes, "Tang San, I, Yu Xiaogang, am really blind to teach a traitor like you."

"I taught you what I have learned throughout my life without reservation, but you abandoned me ruthlessly."

"The crow feeds back, the lamb kneels to breastfeed, but you Tang San are really worse than a beast!"

Yu Xiaogang's eyes were splitting with anger, his mentality immediately collapsed, he pointed at Tang San's nose and cursed loudly.

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard."

Tang San suddenly laughed, "What kind of rubbish is what you call what you have learned in your life? Ask which soul master in the world of soul masters doesn't sneer at it?"

"In my opinion, the most useful knowledge you taught me is to identify the age and type of soul beasts. But these things can also be learned in other academies. In addition,"

After saying this, Tang San's voice turned cold: "Apart from that, what kind of rubbish did you teach me? It's just a bunch of rubbish theories."

"Oh, by the way, especially the one you often talk about. There are no useless martial arts spirits, only useless soul masters. Then may I ask, who are you? You are just garbage who can't even pass the first white level test."

"You, you." Yu Xiaogang was stunned, not knowing what to say at all.

If we talk about Tang San before, it was a knife that cut his heart.

Now Tang San's words were like a sledgehammer smashing his heart into pieces.


Yu Xiaogang was so furious that he couldn't bear it anymore and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Senior, please send Yu Xiaogang out of Poseidon Island."

"It's best to send it to a place where I can never see it."

Seeing that Yu Xiaogang stopped making any sound, Tang San said to Seahorse Douluo.

"I'll do the work, don't worry."

Seahorse Douluo nodded slightly, then carried Yu Xiaogang, who looked like a dead dog, and strode out of the central square of Poseidon Island.

He was secretly thinking about how to just throw Yu Xiaogang into the sea outside Poseidon Island and feed it to the Demonic Great White Shark.

"It seems that the successor chosen by Lord Poseidon is not simple."

"He is a ruthless person who can do anything to bully his master and destroy his ancestors!"

The six titled Douluo, including Sea Dragon Douluo, Sea Star Douluo, Sea Fantasy Douluo and others, looked at each other in confusion.

"Everyone, Tang has something to ask for your help with."

Seeing that several sacred pillar guardians were about to leave, Tang Hao suddenly stopped them.

Sea Dragon Douluo glanced at Tang Hao: "Can you tell me what is going on first?"

Tang Hao asked: "It's like this. The ocean is extremely wide. I think there should be many powerful soul beasts. Are there any that are over a hundred thousand years old?"

Returning to Poseidon Island this time, Tang Hao prioritized improving his strength.

After all, after going back for a walk, not only did the number of enemies not decrease, but they actually increased.

Replacing the soul ring and completing the Poseidon's assessment are all things that need to be done now.

Of course, he also remembered Tang Chen's instructions, telling him not to use the Forgotten River water. When Tang Chen inherited the throne, he would be able to kill the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear and give it to Tang Hao as a soul ring.

But how long ago?

He couldn't wait.

"A soul beast that is over one hundred thousand years old?"

Sea Dragon Douluo frowned.

"Senior, do you have anything to hide?"

When Tang San saw this, he couldn't help but ask.

"That's all, it's nothing. Although some things are classified as confidential by Poseidon Island, you can find out if you inquire carefully."

Sea Dragon Douluo immediately no longer hesitated, "In the ocean, as far as we know, there are three soul beasts that are over one hundred thousand years old."

"The first one is the Demon Soul Great White Shark King. It was Lord Poseidon's former mount, and it also guarded the sea area around our Poseidon Island."

"The second one is the Demonic Killer Whale King. He is also the most ferocious sea soul beast in the ocean, and his strength is higher than the Demonic Great White Shark."

"The third one is the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. It is said that it has been cultivated for millions of years. However, everyone who has seen it has died."


And a million-year-old soul beast?

Tang Hao and Tang San looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"This is a map of the sea area. Take a look at it carefully. The areas where the three soul beasts move are all marked."

Sea Dragon Douluo said and handed a map to Tang Hao.

"Thank you."

After Tang Hao took it, he looked grateful.

"Dad, are you going to hunt for souls?"

After Sea Dragon Douluo left, Tang San asked.


Tang Hao nodded, "The Demonic Great White Shark King is Lord Poseidon's mount. We cannot move it. The Demonic Orca King is my target. As long as I replace my century-old soul ring with a hundred thousand-year soul ring, my strength will There will be a big improvement.”

"As for the legendary million-year-old soul beast, I know myself and will not seek death."

As Tang Hao said this, he subconsciously thought of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear that blasted him. Soul beasts that are 400,000 years old are so powerful. Wouldn't a million-year-old soul beast kill him instantly?

Although a million-year-old soul ring is tempting, one must have a life to take it.

Hearing this, Tang San nodded, this is very reasonable.

"Then when do you plan to leave?" he asked again.

"When I faced Mr. Xiong before, I used the Haotian Sect's secret method to explode the ring. The ninth soul ring was temporarily unavailable."

"Without further delay, once my ninth spirit ring is restored, I will set off for the sea area where the evil killer whale king lives."

At the same time, on an island.

This is the base camp of the feared Purple Pearl Pirates.

"My lord, my lord, my lord"

A middle-aged man in his fifties hurriedly ran into the main hall of the Pirate Center.

On the main seat of the main hall, sitting with a golden sword, a woman dressed in purple.

She has a well-proportioned figure, looks to be twenty-seven or eight years old, and has a very beautiful appearance. He has a high nose bridge, big eyes, and short purple hair that looks tight and neat, making him look heroic.

There is no doubt that she is the famous pirate Purple Pearl.

An existence that countless pirates love and admire.

Unfortunately, she only likes women.

At this time, her beautiful big purple eyes stared closely at the fat man who rushed in, and asked in a deep voice: "Haider, what made you so anxious? Could it be that your Sea Demon sank?"

Haider, a captain under Purple Pearl's banner, can be considered a capable officer.

"No, no."

Haider shook his head quickly, "Captain, something bad is going on. There is a big ship coming towards us at an extremely fast speed!"

"Big ship!"

Purple Pearl's eyes lit up, then she laughed and said: "Haider, are you stupid? This is a good thing. As pirates, don't we encounter bigger ships, the better? A big ship came, this is a gift. It's a good thing to come to your door, come on, I'll go and have a look with you!"

Purple Pearl stood up from her seat and pulled Haider towards the edge of the island.

Both of them were soul masters, and it didn't take long for them to arrive on the coast at the edge of the island.

At this time, many people had gathered on the coast, and they all felt like they were facing an enemy.

"Captain, that's the direction"

Haider pointed.

Purple Pearl took out her telescope and looked carefully.


The telescope fell to the ground.

Purple Pearl is numb.

"Captain, what's wrong with you?"

Haider asked nervously.

"This ship is too big. I don't think it will be a problem for thousands of people to live on it. Even if the purple pearl I am proud of is in front of it, it is not worth mentioning!"

"Moreover, this speed is extremely fast."

"Wait, there's the word "Moby Dick" on the ship. It's really like a whale in the sea, and we are just fish roe at most."

Purple Pearl said with a shocked look on her face.

"Captain, look, that ship is gone!"

Suddenly, Haider pointed into the distance and said in disbelief.

"How is that possible? Was what just happened an illusion?"

Purple Pearl grabbed the telescope in Haider's hand without belief and looked over.

Sure enough, there was no trace of the big ship on the sea.

"Is it really an illusion?"

Purple Pearl was shocked.

She searched relentlessly, but the big ship really seemed to disappear out of thin air.


After a long time, a water column rose into the sky more than ten miles away from the island.

The big ship that Purple Pearl had been searching for rushed out of the water.

"It, it can really dive!"

"Is this horse riding on a boat or a fish?"

"It's so exciting! It's really exciting!"

The pirates on the island were shocked.

The scene in front of me is simply outrageous!

"Tuan, Mr. Tuan, what is the origin of this ship?"

After Haider swallowed hard, he asked Purple Pearl in confusion.

"How do I know?"

Purple Pearl said angrily.

"Is it possible that the powerful forces in the surrounding ports want to encircle and suppress us?"

Haider was even more panicked.

"Look at your cowardice, making me look down on you."

"Can it survive such a big ship?"

"There are thousands of brothers on our island. What are we afraid of? Can they still fly over?"

Purple Pearl looked at Haider and said angrily.

Men are all cowards, and there is no one she can like.


As soon as Zi Zhen finished speaking, someone shouted.

"Tuan, Captain, someone flew down from the ship."

"Have you never seen a flying soul master? What are you afraid of?" Zi Zhenzhu felt a headache, and none of these subordinates were worry-free.

However, at this moment, the subordinate spoke again: "I have seen a flying soul master, but this is the first time I have seen one who can fly without wings."

"What's wrong with the rare and strange soul master who flies without wings?"

Purple Pearl waved her hands disdainfully, but the next moment she realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Wait, what did you say?"

"Fly without wings?"

"The person who is riding the horse is a Titled Douluo!"

Purple Pearl suddenly panicked and hurriedly looked into the distance.

At this time, the man transformed into golden light and came to everyone, transforming into a handsome middle-aged man.

"I'm Qian Daoliu of Wuhun Palace!"

The man smiled slightly, showing a warm smile.

It’s over!

It was actually the powerful Titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace who took action, and this time it was really over!

At this moment, all the pirates were desperate!

They never dreamed that the small Purple Pearl Pirates would attract such a strong man.

"Mian, Mianxia."

"I'm the leader of the Purple Pearl Pirates, Purple Pearl."

"Of course, you can also call me Little Pearl."

Purple Pearl's voice also trembled, and she felt desperate in her heart.

"Don't be nervous. I heard that your Purple Pearl Pirates are the largest pirate group in the area and are well-informed. I want to ask you if you know where there are powerful sea soul beasts."

Qian Daoliu smiled slightly.

In fact, Qian Daoliu was also helpless. He wanted to find a powerful soul ring to replace his existing soul ring, but the problem was that the ocean was too big. He didn't know where to find a powerful sea soul beast.

So I can only go to these pirates who often roam the ocean and ask about the situation.

"What? Are you looking for a powerful sea soul beast?"

Purple Pearl asked in disbelief.

"if not?"

"Harm, that's it! I, I thought you were going to destroy our Purple Pearl Pirate Group."

Purple Pearl was relieved, and then she took out a sea map without hesitation: "Your Majesty, this is a sea area marked on it. It is rumored that the evil killer whale king, the overlord of the soul beast for 100,000 years, has been haunted!"

Seeing this, Qian Daoliu smiled, "Haha, it seems that I have found the right person. A hundred thousand year old soul beast is really an unexpected surprise."

Wuhun City, in a small shop.

Lin Xiao welcomed today's guest.

To be exact, two people.

Liu Erlong and Flanders.

Thank you all for your generous monthly votes.

So touching.

I will remember all the good things you did to me.

Good night.

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