I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 320 Billionaire Flender, the changes in Tianshui College

"Boss, we won't be the first to open the can today, right?"

After Flender entered the store, he couldn't help but ask Lin Xiao.

"Why, do you have anything else to say?" Lin Xiao smiled slightly.

Flanders smiled, "I don't have any explanation, it's just pure curiosity."

To put it simply, he also heard some mystical theories about opening jars.

Rumor has it that the first one to open the jar has extra luck.

Lin Xiao said: "You two are the first batch of customers to enter our store today."


Flender's eyes lit up, and he turned sideways and said to Liu Erlong beside him: "Erlong, hurry up, open the can first."

Liu Erlong smiled: "Boss Fu, you'd better open the jar first. I'm not in a hurry."


What the hell?

Is this cooing person really the Liu Erlong I know?

Flanders was stunned and completely shocked by Liu Erlong's unusual behavior.

"Erlong, what's wrong with you today? Are you feeling unwell somewhere?"

What words?

What is this nonsense?

The expression on Liu Erlong's face froze and he smiled forcefully, "Boss Fu, aren't people like this every day?"

But I hate it secretly in my heart, Boss Fu, you can see that there is something wrong with me, don’t you know how to cooperate?

Let me ask you, how many men don’t like sweet girls?

"Erlong, are you pretending to be a sweet girl?" Flanders asked again with a frown.

"Hey, how could that happen?"

Liu Erlong shook his head, "It's tiring to pretend to be a sweet girl, but luckily I'm a real sweet girl."


Flanders couldn't bear it anymore, "Forget it, it's up to you."

He didn't know which of Liu Erlong's tendons was wrong, but he estimated that it might have something to do with Boss Lin.

"I'll drive it first, so I'll drive it first and test the water for you."

With that said, Flanders walked up to Lin Xiao and said, "Boss, please excuse me."

At the same time, he placed the prepared gold soul coins on the counter.

Of course, all this money was lent to him by Liu Erlong.

"No trouble."

Lin Xiao shook his head slightly. It was a good thing that someone came to sell the cans.

It's a big problem if no one comes.

Soon, Lin Xiao placed the ten jars that Flender needed in front of him.

And he stretched out his hand to indicate that Flanders could start.

"Here we go again, I hope this time I can get some valuable items that can be traded."

"It would be better if we could get a soul bone. Well...one soul bone is just enough to pay off the debt of the second dragon. It would be just right if we could get two soul bones."

Flanders couldn't help but mutter.

"You are really not greedy." Lin Xiao said, giving Flanders a thumbs up.

"Haha, I didn't ask for five or six yuan, and I think I'm still very kind."

Flanders laughed.

Does this have anything to do with kindness?

Five or six soul bones, you really dare to think about it.

Lin Xiao secretly cursed, but said no more.

And Friend also put the center on the jar.

Click click click.

A series of crisp sounds echoed throughout the shop.

In the blink of an eye, Flanders had broken six jars.

"Ah this."

"Is there something wrong? Why are there magic juices, sapphires, and Sky Tree fruits?"

Flanders looked confused, and everyone else was numb.

What the hell?

They were all ordinary items, not to mention the two soul bones he expected, not even a single high-end item.

"Boss, don't be anxious."

"I believe you can make something good."

Liu Erlong tilted his head and encouraged Flanders.

"Erlong, can you be a normal person?"

Flanders was very speechless, "I think you are more real with your fiery personality."

"Humph, I don't want to." Liu Erlong stroked his hair beside his ears and gave Flanders a big eye roll.


At this moment, Lin Xiao coughed lightly.

He felt that if he didn't comfort Flanders a few words, his mentality would collapse.

"Many of the people who came to our store to open cans this week encountered a situation like yours at the beginning. Some of them ended up dying at the last moment." He said slowly.


"Boss, you mean to say that I can still be saved, but it's very possible that I will be killed, right?"

Flanders was startled at first, then overjoyed.

His eyes were full of hope.

Of course, faced with such a question, Lin Xiao could only shake his head, "This question is also difficult to answer. What if you are an exception?"

Ah this

Flender's expression changed slightly, and he twitched the corners of his mouth, "If possible, I still don't want to be an exception."


Finally, he regained the confidence to open the jar and continued to open it.


After finally smashing the eighth jar, he immediately let out a cheer of surprise: "It's out, it's really out, my God, it's rare!"

The purple light occupied all his eyes.

Great joy filled his heart.

You know, he not only got a good thing, but it also saved his life.

Let's put it this way, for someone who values ​​wealth as much as his life, if you leave him bald and unable to drive anything good, it will be even more uncomfortable than killing him.

Now, he finally found a reason to continue living.

"Boss Fu, what did you hit?" Liu Erlong also hurriedly came over. At this time, she also forgot that she wanted to be a sweet girl.

"It's a smaller jar. Boss, do you still have matryoshka dolls here?"

After seeing the contents of the jar clearly, Flanders looked strange.

He didn't understand what this was.

"It turns out to be Yunmi's marriage jar."

At this moment, Lin Xiao saw the contents of the jar clearly, "This is different from the previous jars."

"Is there anything special about it?"

Flanders looked confused.

Liu Erlong boldly guessed, "Could it be that from this jar, we can still find rare items?"

"You have a good idea, but it's not what you say it is."

Lin Xiao said again: "Then let me put it another way. I wonder if you have ever heard of a jar that can open gold coins?"

He has opened the shop for so long, and the news about the gold coin jar has long been spread outside.

Not many people know about Yunmi's bonding jar, but not many people don't know about the gold coin jar.


When his voice fell, Flanders couldn't help but exclaimed.


"Is this the legendary jar that can obtain up to 100 million gold soul coins?"

Flanders was immediately shocked, pointed at the jar in the jar and said in disbelief.

Liu Erlong's beautiful eyes were also filled with a strange look.

There is no way, the name of 100 million gold soul coins is really too big.

"Yes, that's it."

Lin Xiao nodded slightly.

He could see that it was similar to what he thought. Flanders still knew something about the jar, so he simply said no more.

"It's coming, it's coming."

"With this blow, I, Flanders, will become the leading rich man on Douluo Continent."

Flanders became excited.

His eyes were full of longing and fantasy.

"Two dragons!"

Suddenly, he shouted, which startled Liu Erlong.

"Boss Fu, what's wrong with you?" Liu Erlong asked with a frown.

"Didn't you say before that you wanted to build Lan Ba ​​Academy into a first-class college? Build it hard. I will give you 30 million gold soul coins to expand the teaching staff and invite a few Contras to be teachers at Lan Ba ​​Academy."

Flanders waved his hand and said with great arrogance.

How many?

thirty million?

Although Liu Erlong is not short of money, he has never seen 30 million gold soul coins.

This is an astronomical sum of money for her.

But, the question soon came, “But where does the money come from?”

"Don't worry, haven't I opened a jar with 100 million gold soul coins?" Flanders pointed at the gold coin jar with a look of pride on his face.

"By the way, your Lanba Academy has been expanded, and my Shrek Academy can't be too shabby. I plan to buy the land and villages around Shrek Academy and rebuild the academy. I plan to invest a thousand dollars in this project Ten thousand gold soul coins.”

"By the way, there are also Lao Zhao, Lao Li, Lao Lu, and Lao Shao who have been with me for so many years. They have worked hard even if they don't have any merit. The brothers have become prosperous. I plan to give them two million each, not two hundred each. Let them squander half a million gold soul coins!"

Lin Xiao:''

Liu Erlong:''

Good guy, in the blink of an eye, you have already spent 50 million gold soul coins?

Even Ning Fengzhi is not so arrogant, right?

Liu Erlong was full of curses, but he couldn't help but asked curiously: "If you calculate all the money, it's 50 million gold soul coins. What about the remaining money? What are you going to do?"

It was time to say nothing, but Liu Erlong was curious about Flender's next plan.

"Well, the remaining fifty million."

"Of course it's Tiantian Club."

"Of course I will keep it for retirement. From now on, I won't have to work hard anymore."

Flanders said excitedly.

Thinking about the future, he felt that the prospects were bright.

The real pinnacle of life!

Lin Xiao was speechless.

This scene is very similar to those lottery players in the previous life who started to figure out how to spend their money before they won the lottery.

The results of it?

Most bamboo baskets come up empty-handed.


Liu Erlong couldn't help it anymore, raised his hand and slapped Flanders on the back of the head.

"Erlong, why did you hit me?"

Flanders felt slightly pained and said with a puzzled look on his face.

"I feel like you are really drifting. This jar has a maximum opening of 100 million gold soul coins, but it is not the most stable 100 million gold soul coins."

Friend: "Is there a difference?"

Liu Erlong: "."

"Boss Fu, I feel that your illness is more serious than mine. If you really pay a lot of money, I suggest you find a better healing soul master to treat yourself."

Liu Erlong said and made a gesture to escape, "I don't want my 30 million gold soul coins anymore. Please definitely find a better healing soul master."

"What words? Is this?" Flanders felt like he was being ridiculed, "Don't you believe me?"

"Is it so obvious?" Liu Erlong shrugged.

"Then just watch, I have a hunch that we will definitely hit a small target today!"

Flanders said solemnly.

Liu Erlong shrugged: "Then we'll see."


Flanders immediately smashed Yunmi's bonding jar.


To Lin Xiao's surprise, those golden soul coins exploded like a blowout.

So fierce?

Lin Xiao took a deep breath. This was not the first time he saw someone opening a gold coin jar.

However, Flanders is definitely the largest among them.

He couldn't help but wonder to himself, is the first Grand Slam player about to be born?

at the same time.

On the other side, in Liu Erlong's courtyard, an uninvited guest came.

His beard and hair are all white, and his expression is calm and intimidating.

His whole body exudes the aura of a superior person, making people unable to help but surrender.

"The address given by the second brother is correct, but there is no breath of Liu Erlong?"

"Don't even talk about Liu Erlong, but there's not even one person?"

Yu Yuanzhen frowned and felt a thump in his heart.

Didn't he leave here?

"Now that she has awakened the power of the Holy Dragon of Light, we cannot let her continue to wander outside under any circumstances. She must be returned to the clan and protected without any deviation!"

Yu Yuanzhen whispered.

In the past, he was too lazy to care about the life and death of an illegitimate daughter, but now Liu Erlong's value is greatly different.

Even if Liu Erlong's martial spirit can completely evolve into the Holy Dragon of Light, it won't matter if Yu Yuanzhen hands over the clan leader to Liu Erlong.

As long as the sect is prosperous, everything will be worth it.


At this moment, a gust of wind blew behind Yu Yuanzhen, and a black figure knelt on one knee behind him.


Yu Yuanzhen took a long breath and then whispered: "Say it."


The sect disciple wearing the blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family costume said in a low voice: "Clan leader, I have searched for Yu Xiaogang according to the address left by the second master, but I have not found him."


There was some surprise in Yu Yuanzhen's voice. Logically speaking, even if Yu Luo Mian looked down on Yu Xiaogang, he would not deceive himself on this issue.

"Clan leader, I have asked the disciples of the sect to search around."

The disciple of the Blue Dot Tyrannosaurus Rex family said again.


As soon as he finished speaking, three more figures landed in the courtyard.

"Just tell me the result. Is there any news about Yu Xiaogang?"

Yu Yuanzhen said in a deep voice.

Everyone replaced all answers with silence.

"Back to the sect master, we learned that Yu Xiaogang has been active in that alley before."

"But just a few days ago, no one saw him again. It was like he disappeared out of thin air."

These disciples of the Blue Dot Tyrannosaurus Rex family have not gained anything.

"disappear suddenly?"

Yu Yuanzhen was startled at first, then his brows relaxed, with a look of bitterness and helplessness on his face, "How could he disappear suddenly? He must still not want to see me or return to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family."

"That's all, let him be."

Yu Yuanzhen waved his hand in disinterest, "You go down and continue to track down Liu Erlong's whereabouts. I'll wander around by myself."


Everyone responded in unison and turned into black shadows and left.

Yu Yuanzhen also walked out of the courtyard slowly.

He remembered that Yu Luomian said that there was a small shop selling jars in Wuhun City, and that was the source of the evolution of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex's Wuhun.

Anyway, he was going to have a look.


"Finally home."

"Master Dean, look at me this time I will definitely beat the teeth of the other major elemental academies."

"Whatever Huo Wu, Huo Wushuang, you have to crawl for me!"

On the other side, Shui Yue'er looked at Tianshui Academy in the distance with excitement on his face and waved his fists.

You know, I have gained so much from this trip.

Not to mention anything else, in terms of cultivation alone, she is already a Soul Sect.

A grandmaster among soul masters, his cultivation is very strong among the younger generation.


Dean Tianshui unceremoniously gave her a blow, "When have you ever been as steady as your sister? I feel relieved."

"Woo." Shui Yue'er cried out in pain, covering her head, tears welling up in her eyes.


At this moment, Shui Yue'er pointed in the direction of Tianshui Academy and exclaimed: "Dean, look, is that Xue Wu? What's wrong with her being in such a hurry?"

Good night

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