I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 321 I, Flanders, will never smoke

Chapter 321 I, Flanders, will never smoke.

"Master Dean, Bing'er, Yue'er, you are finally back."

At the gate of Tianshui College, Xue Wu also spotted the three deans of Tianshui with expressions of surprise on their faces.

After the three of them walked in, Shui Yue'er asked with a puzzled look on her face: "Sister Xuewu, what's wrong with you? Where are you going in such a hurry?"

Dean Tianshui and Shui Bing'er also looked at Xue Wu, waiting for her answer.

"Of course I'm looking for you. You guys haven't come back yet. The teachers in the college are worried, so they sent me to look for you."

"Looking for us?"

"Yes, the people from Chihuo Academy have been dragging us people from Tianshui Academy to sparring almost every day these days, and they have tortured everyone into unspeakable misery."

Xue Wu said with a bitter look on her face: "What's more important is that in our college, no one among the peers is the opponent of Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang. After they won the victory, they looked down on our Tianshui College even more. explain"

At this point, Xue Wu could not continue talking.

"It doesn't matter. If they say anything else, just tell me."

Dean Tianshui said in an almost commanding tone: "They also said that this year's Tianshui Academy is not good. They are all cowards and no one can beat them."

After Xuewu finished speaking, she quickly lowered her head, not daring to look at Dean Tianshui again.

"What a Blazing Academy, what an arrogant Blazing Academy."

"Master Dean, don't stop me, I'm going to kill them right now."

Shui Yue'er was so angry that she just grinded her teeth.

But Xue Wu stopped her directly, "Yue'er, this is not the time to show off your strength. Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang are still very capable."

Her words were tactful, but she was actually telling Shui Yue'er that she was no match for the two of them.

"Sister Xuewu, you don't know my strength now. Otherwise, you wouldn't have said that."

Shui Yue'er said with pride.

"What's your strength?"

Xue Wu said: "Did you break through to level 37? But even level 37 is not enough."

Shui Yue'er shook his head, "Guess again."

"Is it level 38?"

Xuewu said in disbelief: "Oh my God, how could you break through two levels of soul power in a period of time? You shouldn't."

Uh, you look down on me, don't you?

Shui Yue'er was speechless and waved her little hand, "Forget it, Sister Xue Wu, you'd better not guess. Normally, we would have returned to the academy long ago, but we only came back now. Do you know why?"

Xue Wu shook his head, Mr. Dean

Shui Yue'er said leisurely, "I'm going to hunt for souls."

"Hunting souls?"

"You are so anxious about the affairs of the academy, but you still have the heart to help people hunt for souls?"

Xuewu exclaimed, not knowing what to say at all.

It doesn't matter that Shui Yue'er is unreliable, why are the dean and Shui Bing'er so unreliable?


The smile on Shui Yue'er's little face suddenly solidified.

In her imagination, Xue Wu should then ask who to help hunt for souls, and then she could show off her performance.

Unexpectedly, Xue Wu was not curious about whose soul he was hunting for, but instead complained about it.

"Xue Wu, just ignore her Yue'er, she is willing to give in."

Seeing this, Shui Bing'er shook her head helplessly, "We are not helping outsiders to hunt souls, but helping Yue'er."

"Yue'er, does she need to hunt for souls when she is over level 30? Didn't she already obtain the third soul ring a few years ago?" Xue Wu looked puzzled and subconsciously looked at Shui Yue'er.


However, she saw Shui Yue'er raising her chin arrogantly, with yellow, yellow, purple and purple, and four soul rings appearing one after another.

"Soul Sect?!"

Xuewu was shocked. She pointed at Shui Yue'er in disbelief: "She, how could she become a soul sect? She was only level thirty-six when she left. In just a few days, she has grown. Level four soul power? How is this possible!"


At this time, Dean Tianshui also sighed slightly, yes!

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, or experienced it personally, she wouldn't have believed that there was a magical place like the Jar Shop on Douluo Continent, and a magical person like Boss Lin.

Ning Fengzhi's combat power exploded.

Black Elephant Hu Yanzhen became a titled Douluo.

All kinds of magical items and outrageous things, don’t want too many

Dean Tianshui said: "This matter is a long story, let's talk about it later."

"The dean is right, sister Xue Wu, please take us to find Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang. Watch me beat them to pieces!"

Shui Yue'er said, waving her delicate fists heavily and punching the air.

the other side.

In a small shop.

The gold coin jar finally stopped spitting out gold soul coins.


Flanders had long been numb.

He didn't know how much he paid, but he was sure of one thing.


He, Flanders, made a fortune!

"Boss, how much did Boss Fu get in total?"

Liu Erlong was really shocked when he looked at the gold soul coins all over the ground.

"I estimate that there must be 40 to 50 million gold soul coins anyway."

After swallowing hard, Flanders' voice was still a little dry and hoarse.

"It should be more than that."

Liu Erlong shook his head slightly.

At this time, Lin Xiao slowly stretched out his finger.

"This is this"

Flanders' eyes widened, his chest heaved violently, and his blood pressure soared.

He has thought of a possibility.

Lin Xiao nodded slightly and said slowly: "Congratulations, you have received 100 million gold soul coins."

"How much?" Flanders' whole body trembled.

"Boss Fu, congratulations, you opened a 100 million yuan!" Liu Erlong excitedly patted Flender on the shoulder.

"What? One."


Before Flanders could finish speaking, he fell straight back.

"Boss Fu, Boss Fu, what's going on?"

Liu Erlong looked confused and at a loss.

"It's no accident. It was probably because I was so excited that I convulsed."

Lin Xiao shook his head helplessly, Flanders couldn't accept it well.


Liu Erlong looked weird.

Sister, is it okay for you to keep looking at me like this?

Lin Xiao reminded helplessly: "I suggest you detain him, he should be fine soon."


After listening to Lin Xiao's words, Liu Erlong hurriedly squatted down and grabbed Flender's middle with his right hand.

After about a few breaths, Lin Xiao saw Flanders' tense body relaxing.

There should be no problem.

"Erlong, what happened to me just now?"

Flanders seemed to have lost his memory.

Liu Erlong looked strange, "Boss Fu, you just had a seizure because you were too excited."

"What? Did you smoke?"

Flanders was embarrassed for a while.

It’s really embarrassing to be thrown into grandma’s house.

"Boss Lin, how many gold soul coins did you just say I got?"

Flanders asked again.

Just as Lin Xiao was about to answer him, he suddenly remembered what happened before, "Flanders, I suggest you hold on to your own people first."

He was afraid that after telling Flanders the truth directly, Flanders would no longer be able to hold on.

"is this necessary?"

"Boss, just tell me, I don't feel like it this time."

Flanders said this, but his body was very honest, and he used his right hand to hold his philtrum.

At this time, Lin Xiao stretched out a finger again, "You, Flanders, have opened 100 million gold soul coins. You are the only winner of the gold coin jar grand slam in our store."

"One, billion!"


When Flanders heard the sound, his body stiffened and he was about to twitch again.

"Boss Fu, dunk him, dunk him hard!"

Liu Erlong reminded loudly when he saw this.

Flanders quickly followed suit.

After a while, Flanders' breathing gradually calmed down.

"One hundred million gold soul coins, you really offered me 100 million gold soul coins!"

"As I said before, people should have dreams. Sure enough, my dream came true."

Flanders was extremely excited.

Lin Xiao couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

This is not difficult to understand.

In his last life, he had seen many lottery winners on TV. They couldn't be said to be exactly the same as Flanders now, but they were all very similar.

Cheering and jumping for joy, Flanders was beyond excited.

After another moment, he finally calmed down.

"Erlong, how should I get these gold soul coins? In addition to the 30 million I promised you, there are still 70 million more."

"My space soul guide cannot store so much money."

Friend feels that rich people also have troubles.

"Since you haven't figured out what to do with it yet, just put the money aside."

Lin Xiao waved his hand as he spoke, and the gold soul coins in the store were pulled by invisible forces, arranged neatly together, and fell aside.

It occupies about one-fifth of the space in the front hall of the store.

"Let's open the can first."

Flanders said as he came to the shop again.


However, what is surprising is that another rare item dropped.

"This is going against heaven!"

Flanders was overjoyed and really shocked.

However, when he saw the contents of the jar clearly, he looked confused.

It was a crystal-like ball with a miniature door in it.

"Isn't this really a door?" Flanders looked at Lin Xiao with a puzzled look.

Lin Xiao pointed to the items in the jar and said: "This is not an ordinary door, it is called an arbitrary door."

Item: [Any door]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the world of Doraemon. 】

Effect: [Behind the door can be connected to any space on Douluo Continent, and the existence time is 3 hours. Number of uses 1/1. 】

It's a pity that this door has an expiration date, otherwise Flanders would be really awesome.

Lin Xiao felt sorry for Flanders.

Of course, if there is no restriction on any door, then the grade must be more than rare.

"Any door?"

Flanders and Liu Erlong were both confused.

"Let's put it this way, you all know the effect of the teleportation potion, right?"

"After any door, you can connect to any place you want to go, such as Lanba Academy, Shrek Academy, or the Tiandou City Palace, no problem."

"You can get there just by opening the door."

Lin Xiao thought for a while, and then added: "But the existence time of this door is also limited, three hours."

"In other words, this random door will disappear in three hours?" Flanders asked.

Lin Xiao nodded slightly.


There was uncontrollable joy on Flanders' face.

"Hahaha, if you really want to doze off, just use the pillow. Set the address behind the door to Shrek Academy, then transferring these gold soul coins won't be a problem."

He figured out how to use this arbitrary door in an instant.

Soon the remaining jars were smashed.

As a result, although nothing good came out of the jar, Flanders had a smile on his face.

He came to the corner where the gold soul coins were stacked and smashed the crystal ball with the arbitrary door on it.

A wooden door with a simple shape and a height of two meters appeared.


Flanders opened the door.

Lin Xiao looked over and saw that the world behind the door was a shabby office.

"It's Shrek, no problem."

"It's amazing!"

Flanders clicked his tongue as he shuttled through any door.

"How on earth is this done?"

"Can anyone really travel thousands of miles away to open a space portal?"

Liu Erlong was also speechless for a while.

"Okay, Erlong, you go ahead and open the can. I'll start working first."

Flanders said, using his soul power to carry it, and he threw a large number of gold soul coins into the space over Shrek Academy.


Hearing the clear sound of the gold soul coins hitting each other, Flanders was very motivated.

He wanted to see what his old brothers would do when they saw that he had so many gold soul coins.

"No, their mental quality is not much better than mine. They haven't seen any big scenes. Maybe they will be beaten."

Flanders felt that it couldn't be too sudden, and that they had to be allowed to accept it step by step.


At this moment, Liu Erlong took a long breath and came to the counter.

"Wait, boss, I paid the money."

Flanders suddenly raised his hand and spoke one step ahead of Liu Erlong.

"Boss Fu, no need."

"I have my own money."

Liu Erlong's attitude was firm.

She didn't plan to spend a single gold soul coin from Flanders.

Flanders spread his hands helplessly, "Isn't this considered my debt repayment? If nothing else, you lent me two million gold soul coins just for opening the jar."

Liu Erlong bit his lower lip lightly, "Okay then."

Seeing that Liu Erlong didn't insist, Flanders said to Lin Xiao: "Boss, I'm done."

Lin Xiao nodded, stretched out his hand, and the gold soul coin next to Flanders suddenly lost one million.

"Is this the pleasure of rich people?"

"One million gold soul coins, if you spend it, it's like you didn't spend it!"


Although one million gold soul coins were taken away by Lin Xiao, Flanders felt that there was no reduction.

Lin Xiao: "."

This is the typical mentality of sudden wealth.

If Flender doesn't adjust his mentality, he won't be able to hold on to the money.

"Boss, I've made my choice. Just these ten jars."

At this time, Liu Erlong whispered to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, expressing understanding.

Soon he placed ten jars in front of Liu Erlong.

Above the boundless sea.

Qian Daoliu stood on the deck of the Beluga, looked at the sea in the distance, and then lowered his head to get the chart from Purple Pearl, "That's right, ahead is the sea area where the evil killer whales move. According to Purple Pearl, As said, the leader of the evil killer whale should be a hundred thousand year old soul beast overlord."

"I hope she didn't lie to me, otherwise."

Qian Daoliu didn't finish this sentence before he drove the White Whale into the sea.

Not long after, he discovered a group of dozens of evil killer whales.

Among them, an evil killer whale with a body length of more than thirty meters and a gray-black skin shining with a faint metallic luster caught his attention.

"This is it, the Evil Killer Whale King!"

"In terms of a single momentum, it is indeed over 100,000 years old!"

Qian Daoliu was extremely excited.

After all, no soul master can resist the temptation of a hundred thousand year soul ring and soul bone!

Good night.

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