I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 322 Qian Daoliu who does all the bad things

Blood stained a large area of ​​​​the sea.

Huge evil killer whales floated on the sea, drifting with the current.

They are already dead.

In front of Qian Daoliu, the frightened evil killer whale was like paper.

At this time, Qian Daoliu was sitting cross-legged on the evil killer whale king that was more than thirty meters long, absorbing its soul ring.

It doesn't take a moment.

Qian Daoliu stood up, with a look of surprise in his eyes that could not be concealed.

"It is worthy of being a hundred thousand year old soul beast. Even though its own attributes are not very compatible with mine, it has given me two powerful soul skills with its powerful cultivation!"

"More importantly, if I use the secret technique now, my combat power will be improved by a whole level compared to before."

"A hundred thousand year soul ring is really amazing!"

The improvement brought by the hundred thousand year soul ring made Qian Daoliu extremely excited.


Suddenly, an object emerged from the body of the Evil Killer Whale King.

Qian Daoliu was not surprised but delighted, "Soul bone? A left leg bone?"

That's right.

What appeared in front of him was a strange-looking bone.

It is completely transparent and full of amber-like feeling, and there seems to be dark red liquid flowing inside.

It does not release light outward, but seems to swallow up all the light around it. From the leg bone to the ankle, the shape looks more like the tail of a killer whale than a human foot.

Gently reaching out and holding the soul bone in his hand, he felt the cool touch of a thousand drifting ice.

"A soul bone that is one hundred thousand years old. In terms of age alone, even the position of the left leg bone of the angel god's costume cannot be compared to it."

Qian Daoliu was amazed. It would be a lie to say that he was not moved by such a piece of soul bone.

"What a pity, I already have all six soul bones in my body."

"Go back and ask Boss Lin if there is any solution to this problem in his jar."

He felt very sorry again.

After all, the age and quality of the leg bone he had were far from comparable to a hundred thousand year old soul bone.

However, he is not desperate. Boss Lin has great powers and will definitely find a way.

With this in mind, he had no nostalgia, boarded the Moby Dick, and left with satisfaction.

the other side.

In the central square of Poseidon Island.

Tang Hao stood up with a smile on his face, "Poseidon Island is indeed a treasured place blessed by Lord Poseidon. If I want to restore my cultivation to the current level in the outside world, it will cost at least ten times more than on Poseidon Island." time!"

"Dad, are you leaving again?"

Tang San was not too far away from Tang Hao. When he saw Tang Hao getting up, he quickly came over.

"Yes, the matter of hunting down the evil killer whale king is imminent. Only by completing this matter can I safely complete the assessment left by Lord Poseidon."

Tang Hao said to Tang San seriously.

"Yeah, dad, you will definitely get what you want this time."

Tang San nodded heavily.

Hearing the sound, Tang Hao smiled proudly: "Haha, it's just a small hundred thousand year soul beast, I can deal with it easily. I also believe that the information given by Poseidon Island will not be wrong."

After saying that, he stretched out his big hand and gently rubbed Tang San's head, "Xiao San, you should also practice well."

Tang San nodded vigorously, "Don't worry, when you come back, I will also start the first assessment."

On the sea, Tang Hao drove the speedboat and used all his strength.

In just two hours, he arrived at the sea area where the Evil Killer Whale King was active.


The scene before him made him dumbfounded.

The sea water was dyed red, and there were huge figures floating on the sea.

"How could there be such a dead evil killer whale?"

Tang Hao looked at everything in front of him and felt a thump in his heart. An extremely bad feeling came over him, "Is something wrong with the Evil Killer Whale King?"

Continuing forward, Tang Hao saw a large ship dragging a huge figure more than thirty meters long.


Tang Hao only felt a wave of cold air rising from his feet and going straight to the Tianling Cap.

It's cold, it's really cold!

The evil killer whale king was killed!

"I want to see who kills a thousand swords!"

Tang Hao could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and soared into the air, reaching the sky above the big ship in the blink of an eye.

"Captain, look there is a person in the sky."

Haider of the Purple Pearl Pirates was directing people to salvage the body of the Evil Killer Whale King when he heard a reminder from his subordinates.

"Is there someone in the sky?"

He looked up subconsciously.

That man stands in the sky

"Oh my god, this is a titled Douluo!"

Haider panicked and quickly bowed to Tang Hao: "Your Majesty, I am Haider, the captain of the Sea Devil of the Purple Pearl Pirates."


Tang Hao waved his hand. He didn't seem to understand these things.

"Let me ask you, but did your Purple Pearl Pirates kill this soul beast?"

Tang Hao said, pointing to the body of the evil killer whale king in the sea.

"Your Majesty, you really think too highly of us. Our Purple Pearl Pirates Group only has a small amount of strength. How can we compete with a hundred thousand year soul beast?"

"It's just that before that, we accidentally bumped into another Titled Douluo strongman and learned that he wanted to hunt this soul beast overlord, so we followed him to see if we could get some benefits."

Haider rolled his eyes and did not dare to say that they had guided Qian Daoliu here.


He felt that he might be beaten to death by the man in front of him.

"Who is that powerful Titled Douluo?"

Tang Hao asked in a deep voice.

"He said he came from Wuhun Palace and was called Qiandaoliu. We once saw him hunt down many sea soul beasts from a distance, and left after absorbing the soul rings and obtaining soul bones."

Haider pointed to the corpse of the Evil Killer Whale King in the sea and said: "We thought this is the corpse of a hundred thousand year old soul beast overlord. It is worth a lot of money. Based on the principle of waste utilization, we want to take it away. If your Majesty, If you like it, we can give it to you."

Wuhun Palace!

Qian Daoliu!

After hearing what Haider said, Tang Hao was shocked.

"The soul rings and soul bones are gone, so what's the use of this dead body?"

Subconsciously, Tang Hao looked at the body of the Evil Killer Whale King.

Suddenly, he was startled.

"That is."

His pupils shrank and he made a major discovery.

The figure fell like a meteor on the body of the Evil Killer Whale King. In front of him was a spear, which penetrated deeply into the body of the evil killer whale king!

Blue Silver Overlord Gun!

Even though a long time has passed now, it has not dissipated yet, which is enough to show the strength of Qiandaoliu's soul power.

However, Tang Hao is not in the mood to care about Qian Daoliu's strength now.

What made him behave so strangely was that the aura on the spear was so familiar.

"Blue, Blue Silver King"

"This is the soul skill I obtained after hunting the Blue Silver King!"

Tang Hao has the soul ring left by the Blue Silver King on his body, and he can determine the Blue Silver King's aura better than anyone else.


Tang Hao's eyes flashed with understanding.

He understands everything.

Qian Daoliu obviously also owned the water of the Forgotten River, so he hunted the Blue Silver King and the Evil Orca King in order to replace the soul rings!


I need the Blue Silver King and I'm being hunted by you.

I needed the Evil Killer Whale King, and I was hunted by you again!

Are you deliberately trying to embarrass me?


And was Ah Yin also poached by Qian Daoliu?

Tang Hao felt that it was most likely this old boy who did it!


Tang Hao couldn't bear it anymore, and endless resentment burst out in his heart.

"Qian Daoliu, you really don't dare to do anything involving others!"

"Qian Daoliu, you have done all the bad things!"

"Qian Daoliu, I, Tang Hao, are incompatible with you, and we will fight to the death!"

Tang Haoru was as crazy as a demon and felt so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

If his strength allowed, he could not wait to destroy Wuhun Palace right now and cut Qiandaoliu into pieces a hundred times with thousands of swords!

Wuhun City.

In a small shop.

Flender asked: "Boss, I have already moved all the gold coins. Has Erlong never woke up?"

He looked at Liu Erlong, who was standing there with his eyes closed, his expression full of worry.

"Don't worry too much."

Lin Xiao shook his head slightly, "Liu Erlong's martial spirit should have reached the edge of evolution. It may take some time, but there shouldn't be any big problems."

It's magical to say the least.

Liu Erlong was very lucky today. He opened ten jars and got a +7 gold booster scroll and three enhancers.

What's even more outrageous is that the amplification paper was actually successful, and after losing three hands in a row, the martial spirit was directly amplified by ten.

Can you believe it!

Lin Xiao recalled the old saying in the game for no reason, dog day care may be late but never absent.

Obviously, Liu Erlong gave him a hard slap today.

At the same time, after Liu Erlong's martial soul increased by 10, he entered an extremely mysterious state.

"Then I'll come back later."

Flender nodded, then turned around and entered the arbitrary door, returning to Shrek Academy.


As soon as he left, Yu Yuanzhen entered the shop.

"Is this the small shop that my second brother mentioned?"

He looked around and saw Lin Xiao and a woman with her back turned to her.

"Hello, boss, I was introduced by Yu Luo Mian."

"I'm Yu Yuanzhen."

Yu Yuanzhen did not show off the airs of the head of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family when facing Lin Xiao.

"Haha, even if it is recommended by an acquaintance, there will be no discount."

Lin Xiao made a joke.

"That's for sure. My second brother told me some of the rules."

Yu Yuanzhen nodded when he heard the sound, and at the same time he walked forward step by step.

However, when he inadvertently looked away and saw Liu Erlong clearly, he immediately showed a look of astonishment.

"Erlong, why are you here?"

"Of course I'm here to open the can."

"Then how could the jar be opened like this?" Yu Yuanzhen asked puzzledly.

"Oh, she should be at a critical moment in the evolution of her martial soul. You'd better not disturb her." Lin Xiao reminded.

Martial spirit evolution? Yu Yuanzhen was shocked, "You said Erlong's martial spirit is evolving?"

"Yeah." Lin Xiao nodded, "Do you want to open the jar now, or wait until her martial spirit evolves?"

"Wait, I am willing to wait for the second dragon spirit to evolve before opening the jar."

"I want to witness with my own eyes the birth of the Holy Dragon Spirit of Light!"

Yu Yuanzhen looked excited.

at the same time.

Shrek Academy.

Flanders looked at all the familiar things and couldn't help but admire: "A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own doghouse."

However, under the old trees in the big playground, he saw a few old acquaintances.

Teachers such as Lu Qibin, Li Yusong, and Shao Xin are all here.

Lu Qibin and Li Yusong were playing chess, and Shao Xin was helping out.

"Hey, are all the brothers here?"

Flanders came over and asked with a smile.

"Dean, are you back?"

The three of them were so engrossed that they didn't notice Flanders at all, and were startled by Flanders' call.

"Haha, brothers, what time is it now? Don't we need to go to class?"

Flanders asked with a smile.

Everyone knew that this was a sign that Flanders would be angry.

Normally, the three of them would be panicking.

However, the three of them are still sitting here today.

"That's it?" Shao Xin tilted his head and lay half on the rocking chair.

"What do you mean this is it? It's ruined, right?"

Flanders was furious.

Lu Qibin, who has a relatively stable personality, advised: "Master Dean, you should calm down. It's not that our brother is bad, it's that there is no one to teach him."

"What do you mean?" Flanders' eyes widened.

"It's just that there is no one in the academy." Li Yusong said in a deep voice: "Originally Oscar and Ma Hongjun were still in the academy, but they also disappeared a few days ago. They left us a message saying that they were looking for you."

"Find me?"

"I didn't see it at all."

Flender was surprised for a moment, "That means, now we don't have a single student at Shrek Academy?"


Shao Xin said helplessly: "Mr. Dean, fortunately you came back in time. If it were later, we wouldn't even be able to see you."

"Why?" Flanders just thought that good times were coming, but Shrek Academy was about to close down?

"To tell you the truth, a thief came to the college two days ago. He walked around in tears and walked out. The next night, the thief came again and left two bags of rice and noodles, so that we would not starve to death." Li Yusong said helplessly.

Flanders: "."

These old buddies of mine are probably the most miserable soul emperors on Douluo Continent, right?

"Brothers, I'm really sorry for you."

Flanders said in a deep voice: "I came back today to announce a good thing to you."

"What a good thing? Dean, have you thought of another way to trick people?"

The eyes of Li Yusong and the three of them suddenly lit up.

Even Shao Xin, who was about to show off, sat up straight and stopped showing off.


Flanders couldn't help but blush, "What are you talking about? What did I say before? Wasn't it because I wanted the college to continue to develop?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone nodded.

Shao Xin even echoed: "Lao Li, I don't allow you to say that to the dean. He could obviously steal money, but he chose to cheat. He is still kind."


Are you praising me?

"This time, you must believe me. We definitely don't need to steal money from outsiders anymore."

"The good thing I want to say is that not only will I not cheat you of money, I will also give you money!"

Flanders's voice was resounding.

According to his idea, there will definitely be cheers from many people.

In fact it is.

"Tch, that's it?"

"Boss Fu, do you think it's hard for people outside to trick you, so you're tricking your own brothers instead?"

"Master Dean, then you have found the wrong person. We have been teachers in the college for so many years, and we don't even get a copper soul coin salary. We are cleaner than our faces."

After the three complained, they continued to mess around.

It doesn't cost money, it costs a life.

Let it be.

At this point, the three of them were very open-minded.

On the other hand, Flanders was dumbfounded, "Don't you believe me?"

"Get up and follow me."

After saying that, he pushed and pulled the three of them to his office.

He wanted to use his actions to slap the three of them in the face.

Coming up next.

I don’t ask for anything every day, but everyone gives me rewards, monthly passes, and recommendations. Very touched.

I feel like it would make my conscience uneasy if I don’t update it.

On the 9th, Sunday, I will update everyone to express my gratitude.

Well, let’s add 4,000 words to base it off.

Good night.

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