I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 323 Proud Huo Wu, Shui Binger’s choice

Shrek Academy, outside Flender's office.

Shao Xin, Li Yusong, and Lu Qibin looked at Flanders with puzzled expressions.

"Dean, why did you ask your brothers to come here?"

Flanders waved his hand, "Come in, there's a surprise."

With that said, he pushed them away.

The three of them discovered that four large boxes appeared in the office at some point.

Very obviously.

"Dean, what is this?"

The eyes of the three people were full of curiosity and confusion.

"This is the salary I prepared for you."

Friend didn't mince words, "One for each person."

"Our salary?"

The three of them were startled, "How much does it cost?"

"Two hundred and fifty."

Flanders smiled and slowly said a number.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Shao Xin, "Two hundred and fifty gold soul coins? But this box is a bit too big."

Well? I can only hold more than two hundred gold soul coins in such a big box? As for that?

Flanders was speechless.

"With the power of the dean, it is very likely that the two hundred and fifty gold soul coins were exchanged for silver soul coins. Only in this way can we see that the amount is huge."

Li Yusong's eyes lit up and he guessed.

"I don't think your statement is very conservative."

At this time, Lu Qibin, who had a steady personality, spoke, "To fill up such a large box, I think the gold soul coins should be replaced by copper soul coins."

"Lao Lu still has some insights."

"I also think Lao Lu is right."

Shao Xin and Lu Qibin greatly agreed with Lu Qibin's words.

"Stop guessing, I beg you guys, please stop guessing."

"What you said is really hurtful."

Flanders was speechless: "In your hearts, am I a shoddy person?"

When the voice fell, he opened the boxes one by one.

Suddenly, the office was filled with golden light.

"Oh my god, are there all gold soul coins in the box?"

"No way, this is definitely an illusion."

Li Yusong, Shao Xin and others all stared wide-eyed, seriously doubting the authenticity of everything in front of them.

Lu Qibin even picked up a gold soul coin and bit it.

"That's right, these are gold soul coins!"

He was shocked.

"How many gold soul coins are these?"

The three of them were shocked and then at a loss.

"There are two and a half million gold soul coins in one box, and ten million gold soul coins in four boxes."

"These are the wages I will give you three and Lao Zhao. How about it? Be careful, right?"

Seeing the shocked expressions of Shao Xin and the others, Flanders felt extremely comfortable.

In one word, cool!

I've been asked to arrange things for you all the time, but now I'm being slapped in the face, right?

"Two and a half million per person, a total of one, ten million gold soul coins?"


After a long moment, the three of them finally changed their minds, but the shock in their eyes did not disappear.

"I have inquired that the highest-ranked Tiandou-level teacher in the Tiandou Royal Academy only has three thousand gold soul coins a month. Thirty-six thousand gold soul coins a year. The money you are getting now is enough for them to earn for seventy years. .”

"Of course, you won't actually be able to use this money. Because I, Flanders, will cover all your future expenses."

Flanders said extremely arrogantly: "How about it? When I asked you to found Shrek, I said that one day, Shrek will become a prosperous company. If you follow me, you will be sure to be popular and drink spicy food."


Flanders found that the three of them were looking at him seriously.

"This is what you are doing?"

Flanders was a little panicked and didn't understand what the three of them meant.

"Boss, tell the truth, have you robbed some bank?"

"Boss, to be honest, even if we don't have enough food to eat and starve to death, we can't use such dirty money."

"Boss, don't we always say that the right path in the world is subject to vicissitudes of life?"

Lu Qibin, Li Yusong, and Shao Xin were talking to each other.

"Ah this."

Flanders was speechless, "Who do you think I am? Do you still remember the jar shop Dai Mubai mentioned before?"

After a long time.

The three of them were shocked.

"Boss, you got 100 million gold soul coins from that jar?"

"That's right." Flanders nodded, "Do you still think this money is dirty money?"

"What dirty money? This is good money!"

“It smells so good!”

Shao Xin squinted his eyes and grinned.

However, Lu Qibin and Li Yusong kept staring at Flanders, which made Flanders feel a little scared.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Isn't it just a few million gold soul coins? I won't be willing to commit myself to you. What's more, you also know that I am not interested in men."

Flanders subconsciously took two steps back.

"Boss, what are you talking about? Lao Li and I also want to open the can."

Lu Qibin said with a strange expression.

"Ah, that's it."

"did not ask."

Wait, Flanders was just about to say, no problem, but something came to mind.

"I'm telling you, before I said I would help you with all your expenses, that didn't include opening jars."

"This thing is more ruthless than Harmony's three items. It's too expensive."

Flanders quickly explained to the three of them.

Lu Qibin shook his head: "Boss, since you will be taking care of me for the rest of my life, I will just use the two million and a half million to open the jar."

When his voice fell, Shao Xin and Li Yusong quickly agreed:

"Boss, so are we."

Hearing this, Flanders nodded, "Know yourself and your enemy and you will win in any battle. Let me first tell you some techniques and matters for opening cans."

And at this time.

In the small shop, a loud dragon roar suddenly sounded.

Fortunately, this was Lin Xiao's small shop and the sound was not transmitted, otherwise it would have shocked many people.

However, Lin Xiao was not surprised by this. Liu Erlong should have woken up by the time.

At this time, Liu Erlong had changed a lot compared to before.

Her skin is fairer, her figure is getting taller, and her long hair has actually turned golden.

From the inside out, it exudes a bright atmosphere.

Behind her, there was the shadow of a giant golden-armored dragon.

"The Holy Dragon of Light, this is the real Holy Dragon of Light!"

On the side, Yu Yuanzhen couldn't help but exclaimed.

He stared at Liu Erlong with wide eyes, shocked and surprised.

Deep in his soul, that kind of innate pressure made him very sure that he had not admitted his mistake.

"A member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family?"

Liu Erlong also looked slightly sideways, because the joy brought by the improvement in strength disappeared in an instant and was replaced by a cold face.

Ever since she was a child, she had not had a good impression of this family. Even her father Yuluo came from this family.

"I am the leader of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Yu Yuanzhen. Logically speaking, you have to call me uncle."

Yu Luo Mian tried his best to put on a kind smile on his face.

However, Liu Erlong just glanced at Yu Yuanzhen lightly and then withdrew his gaze.

"Boss, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Liu Erlong looked at Lin Xiao again and said apologetically.

Originally, she wanted to thank Lin Xiao properly, but the appearance of Yu Yuanzhen disrupted her plan.

"you busy."

Lin Xiao nodded lightly.

Hearing the sound, Liu Erlong turned around and left.

However, the moment she stepped out of the shop, the golden dragon disappeared.

My hair color has also returned to normal, and everything is as if it never happened.

However, Yu Yuanzhen knew that this was not an illusion.

Seeing that Liu Erlong was about to walk out of sight, Yu Yuanzhen hurriedly said to Lin Xiao: "Boss, I'm very sorry. I have some important things to deal with. I'll open the can another day."

"Go to hell."

Lin Xiao waved his hand.

However, Yu Yuanzhen glanced at Lin Xiao gratefully and hurriedly chased him out.

It was also at this time.

The random door in the shop was opened.

Flanders walked out with the three of them.

"Hey, boss, where is Erlong?"

Flanders immediately noticed Liu Erlong's absence, and his expression immediately changed.

Lin Xiao said: "She said she had something to do and left first."

gone? Flanders was startled for a moment and said continuously: "Brothers, you guys are opening the jar here. I have something to do. I'll be back as soon as I go."

After saying that, without waiting for anyone to answer, he immediately rushed out of the shop.

Hey, are you so addicted to being a licking dog?

Shao Xin, Li Yusong, and Lu Qibin shook their heads almost at the same time, with helpless expressions on their faces.

Of course, they were not done with the business of the trip and quickly introduced themselves to Lin Xiao:

"Lu Qibin"

"Shao Xin."

"Li Yusong"

"Hello boss, we are here to open the can."

After saying that, the three of them bowed slightly to Lin Xiao.

On the other hand, Lin Xiao's face looked strange. Why did he feel that the three of them didn't look like they were opening a jar, but instead looked like they were worshiping the mountain?

"Master Dean, the people from Blazing Academy are here."

In Tianshui Academy, in the martial arts arena, Xue Wu whispered beside Dean Tianshui.

In the distance, a dozen people were walking slowly.

Both men and women wore red clothes, which formed a sharp contrast with the Tianshui students who wore aqua blue.

There is no doubt that these people are the students of Blazing Academy and the teachers who lead the team.

"Unexpectedly, the dean is back? I'm disrespectful."

The leading teacher of Blazing Fire Academy was a middle-aged man. When he saw Dean Tianshui in the crowd, he immediately cupped his fists and handed him over.

"Tianshui Academy welcomes you."

Dean Tianshui smiled politely.

"I'm afraid now I wish we could leave."

At this time, someone among the students of Blazing Fire Academy whispered.

Immediately, as the captain, Huo Wushuang frowned and said: "What nonsense are you talking about? Shut up."

Hearing the sound, the people in Blazing Fire Academy became silent, and they all pursed their lips to hold back their smiles.

The faces of the people in Tianshui College became ugly.


Naked ridicule!

This is no different from pointing at your nose and saying, you people from Tianshui College are useless.

"Ah, so arrogant!"

"Master Dean, please let me go on stage, I will bite them to death!"

Shui Yue'er was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

In that posture, as long as Dean Tianshui agreed, she would go up and give it to each of them and two of them.

"Hey, two new girls have arrived at Tianshui Academy?"

Huo Wushuang noticed Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er behind Dean Tianshui.

"Let me introduce myself. I am the captain of Tianshui Academy, Shui Bing'er."

At this time, Shui Bing'er stepped forward, "I was practicing outside before, and I just returned to the academy today. I will appear in the battle today."

The captain of the Tianshui team?

Huo Wushuang was startled. He remembered that the members of the Tianshui team had indeed said before that the captain was not here. He thought it was an excuse for defeat before, but he never thought it was true.

"Okay, finally we have a decent strong man."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Huo Wushuang.

A very beautiful girl with a hot body came out.

"My name is Huo Wu, the vice-captain of the Blazing Fire Team!"

Huo Wu and Shui Bing'er faced each other from a distance and actively invited a fight, "Let's have a fight!"

It must be said that Huo Wu was extremely proud.

Shui Yue'er clenched her fists hard: "Sister, I can't bear it anymore, let me kill her."

"Hahaha, little sister, do you know who you are facing?"

"You may not know, but a few days ago, all the members of your Tianshui battle were tortured by our Sister Huowu, and no one was their opponent. Do you think you can do it?"

Someone in Blazing Academy laughed.

Obviously, Shui Yue'er doesn't look that big. How strong can he be?

Level thirty-five or six, right?

But Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang were already at level thirty-nine. A genius player who can definitely break through level 40 before the continent-wide soul master competition in two years.

"Hey, I'm actually being looked down upon by others. You all look at me with your eyes wide open. Why?"

Shui Yue'er pushed out her chest vigorously.

Everyone was startled, at such a young age, he is still developing well?

However, even if he didn't rely on his strength or his figure, he was still no match for Huo Wu.

But, the next moment, everyone was shocked.

Shui Yue'er's body erupted with powerful soul power fluctuations, and a strong wind blew her hair around wildly.

Four soul rings, yellow, yellow, purple and purple, emerged from her feet.


For a moment, there was only the sound of gasps in the field.

"Yue'er, you actually became a Soul Sect?"

"How long has she been away? How many levels of soul power has she broken through in a row?"

Except for a few people in Tianshui Academy, everyone was surprised.

This is true for all the students at Tianshui Academy, not to mention the people at Blazing Fire Academy.

Shocked sounds came and went.

"How old is she to become a four-ring soul sect? Isn't this talent even higher than that of Captain and Sister Huo Wu?"

"Don't talk about talent, even in terms of strength, it's hard to say who is stronger and who is weaker. I guess even the captain or Sister Huowu wouldn't dare to say that they can win against a Soul Sect, right?"

"It turns out that what the girls of Tianshui Team said before is true. The most talented person in Tianshui Academy has been traveling outside and has just returned now."

Everyone in Blazing Fire Academy was stunned and talking a lot.

They even secretly worried about Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang.

"Okay, Tianshui Academy is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!"

"Little sister, I see that you are much younger than me, but your cultivation level is actually higher than mine."

Huo Wu was not surprised but happy, looking at Shui Yue'er as if he had found a prey.

He didn't feel timid at all because of the one soul ring gap between the two.

"Huh, I'm not young!"

Shui Yue'er wrinkled her little face and snorted coldly, "If you want to fight, just fight. Stop talking so much nonsense."

With that said, she was about to walk towards the ring in the center of the martial arts arena.


Suddenly, Shui Binger stopped her.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid that I will hurt this little sister?"

Huo Wu looked at Shui Bing'er and chuckled: "You are the captain of the Tianshui team, and your strength should not be weak. I can fight with you first."

Huo Wu still acted proud.

However, Shui Bing'er shook her head slightly, "I heard that what your Blazing Academy is best at is team fighting. Almost all of the Blazing members exist to assist you, so let's still fight as a team."

"What? Team battle?"

Huo Wu showed a surprised look for the first time: "You have to know that in a team battle, this little sister's cultivation advantage is gone. Your Tianshui team has almost no possibility of victory."

It's not that she looks down on Team Tianshui, it's just that she has never taken Team Tianshui seriously.

Good night.

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