I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 333 The gift from the Grand Duke of Netherworld, Tang Chen and Tang Hao confront each other

"How did things turn out to be like this?"

After a while, Tang San said in a somewhat hoarse voice.

He had suspected that there was something wrong with Bo Saixi, but he didn't expect that Bo Saixi was hiding such a big secret.

"What a wonderful Bo Saixi. Before, I thought she was trying to please us because of our status. Now that I think about it, we are still too naive."

"From the moment I started Master Poseidon's assessment, I was plotted by Bo Saixi."

Recalling all the past events, Tang Hao felt so angry that he felt so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

Originally, he thought that successfully inheriting the position of High Priest of Poseidon Island would be a great thing. Now Tang Hao doesn't think so anymore. This is a funeral.

Moreover, it is still the kind of digging your own grave.

Dig a hole for yourself and bury yourself.

"Xiaosan, let me ask you again, does that bitch Bo Saixi deserve to die?"

Tang Hao asked Tang San in a deep voice.

"Damn, she's so damn good."

Tang San said in a deep voice.

Then, he solemnly promised Tang Hao, "Dad, don't worry, when I become the God of Poseidon, I will kill her even if I go to the ends of the earth."

Originally, he wanted to express his determination to make Tang Hao happy, but Tang San found that Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed.

Not only did he not show any joy, but he was actually terrifying.

Does this filial son want me to sacrifice to him?

If I give it to you, you can take it. If I don’t give it to you, how dare you ask me for it?

At this moment, Tang Hao's face was so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping with water.

Immediately, Tang San's pupils suddenly shrank, and his heart trembled.

not good!

When I said this, I should have offended Tang Hao.

Tang San realized that Tang Hao most likely did not want to sacrifice to him

However, even if you sacrifice it to me, I will be able to resurrect you when I become Poseidon. What are you afraid of?

It was not like this when you persuaded the Blue Silver Emperor.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I just said the wrong thing. If I want you to sacrifice, I, Tang San, don't want this Poseidon!"

He quickly thought of a remedy.

Before Tang Hao stormed off, he quickly spoke out to comfort him.


His methods are effective.

Tang Hao's expression softened a bit in an instant.

Finally, Tang Hao spoke again, "Xiao San, don't think so much. With your strength, it's still early for you to inherit the throne of God."

"Besides, I think this matter can definitely turn around. Unfortunately, after I become the high priest of Poseidon Island, I can't easily leave Poseidon Island too far, but I will ask the ancestor Tang Chen to go to Poseidon Island to discuss it.

The old man is well-informed and powerful, so he will definitely find a way. "

Hearing this, Tang San nodded quickly, "Ancestor Tang Chen will definitely find a way."

Tang Hao nodded slightly, and just as he was about to say something, he suddenly turned his gaze away.

Wherever he looked, Sea Dragon Douluo walked quickly from a distance and arrived in front of Tang Hao in a short time.

"Did you discover the trace of that bitch Bo Saixi so quickly?"

Tang Hao asked coldly, murderous intent rising in his body.

If he really saw Bo Saixi again, Tang Hao swore that he would cut her into pieces.

Hearing this, Sea Dragon Douluo's face instantly turned extremely pale.

Lord Poseidon, have you seen that the high priest helped him so much, and he will kill the high priest when he comes back? I have never seen such an ungrateful person!

Did you choose such a violent person to protect your people and heritage?

For the first time in his life, Sea Dragon Douluo felt resentful toward Lord Poseidon, whom he had held for most of his life.

"I met Tang Chen outside Poseidon Island. He wanted to see you, and I came here to tell him."

Seahorse Douluo suppressed the anger in his heart and whispered.

Ancestor Tang Chen is here?

A look of surprise flashed in Tang Hao's eyes. He just wanted to take a pillow if he wanted to doze off.

Tang Chen has almost become the only hope in his heart!


Before that, he had one more thing to do.


He waved his hand, and invisible soul power exploded, hitting Sea Dragon Douluo hard on the face.

"Tang Hao, what are you doing?"

Sea Dragon Douluo glared at Tang Hao angrily.

Tang Hao stared back without fear, "In front of Bo Saixi, you are as docile as a dog. After changing the master, do you want to devour the master? Or do you think that I, Tang Hao, am not as good as Bo Saixi?" Sisi?"


Sea Dragon Douluo was immediately defeated.

He was unable to defend himself, so he had to lower his head and said in a deep voice: "High Priest, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Tang Hao laughed, "Go away and continue to trace Bo Saixi's traces. As the same saying goes, if you want to see a person in life, you will see a corpse in death."

"Hai Long understands."

After Sea Dragon Douluo finished speaking, he lowered his head and retreated.

After Sea Dragon Douluo left, Tang Hao looked at Tang San again, "Xiao San, you should go practice too."


Although Tang San also wanted to meet the legendary ancestor Tang Chen, he could also understand that going against Tang Hao's will was not a good decision.

He could also feel that Tang Hao had changed.

In the past, he was Tang Hao's hope, but now he feels that Tang Hao is alienating him

He even sometimes suspected that he had been regarded as an enemy by Tang Hao.

"Tang Hao, Tang Hao, how righteous was he when he asked the Blue Silver Emperor to sacrifice to me, but now he is so afraid of death?"

"So what if you sacrifice it to me? When I, Tang San, become a god, I will definitely resurrect you."

Tang San's resentment towards Tang Hao grew a little more.

Wuhun City.

In a small shop.

Lin Xiao has already smashed the jar he got today.

To sum up, it improved his cultivation level by two levels, reaching level 86.

A few enhancers were opened, but Lin Xiao planned to save them all to strengthen them together.

He plans to make a big move.

Now that his first to sixth rings have been strengthened to 11, the seventh and eighth rings are all still 0. In total, can he hit a wave of twelve?

"There is no way. As a dungeon player, strengthening the increase has a fatal attraction for me."

Lin Xiao thought secretly.

Of course, in other words, it is strengthening and increasing, which is too high.

Don't worry about how much improvement you can get by strengthening or increasing it, but you just want to lose it.

"Master, the bed is already warm."

"You, come here."

Suddenly, Xiao Wu's head poked out from the small door leading to the backyard.

Star Luo Empire Palace.

Zhu Zhuyun stepped into the brightly lit hall.


In front of her was the Grand Duke of Netherworld.

"I asked you to come here because I want to tell you something. Boss Lin has agreed to attend my enthronement ceremony. You will go back and prepare in a moment. When Boss Lin arrives, you and Zhuqing will receive him throughout the whole process. You can't be careless in the slightest."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld explained solemnly.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuyun's pretty face was full of solemnity, "Father, don't worry, I will arrange everything properly."

However, she also remembered one thing, "Father, you said before that you would prepare a gift for Boss Lin. I wonder how the preparations are going. Do you need me to pass it on to Boss Lin?"

Gift? The Grand Duke of Netherworld smiled bitterly, "Zhuyun, as a father, I am also very troubled about the gift issue. I have searched through the empire's treasury, but there is nothing particularly outstanding.

Apart from being valuable, it has no meaning. It is really impossible to get rid of such a gift. After all, the treasures Boss Lin took out were all worth a fortune. If I presented the treasures, it would be a bit of a trick. "

Zhu Zhuyun nodded, "Then, father, have you ever thought about changing the approach?"

"Oh? It seems you have some ideas?" asked the Netherworld Grand Duke.

"There are some ideas, which may be a little immature."

"Okay, between you and me as father and daughter, there is no need to speak in official terms, just speak frankly."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld said angrily.

"Father, since we can't bring out a treasure that makes Boss Lin's heart beat, why not give him rights or reputation?"

Zhu Zhuyun became more and more excited as he talked, "For example, giving Boss Lin the position of Prince of the Empire, just below you."

"Prince of the Empire?"

The Grand Duke of Netherworld's eyes lit up. Zhu Zhuyun's idea was a different one, and he won his heart.


Zhu Zhuyun noticed that the Grand Duke of Netherworld frowned quickly, and she was immediately shocked, "Father, what I just said was all nonsense from me. If you feel it is inappropriate, please don't blame me."

"Haha, Zhuyun, you misunderstood."

Seeing Zhu Zhuyun's frightened look, Grand Duke Netherworld shook his head, "I said before that I can speak freely if I have any ideas. How can I blame you?"

"I just feel that the position of the Imperial Prince is not a good match for Boss Lin."

"For such a strong man to succumb to me is not a thank you, but an insult."

Ah this

Zhu Zhuyun was shocked when he heard the sound.

She knew that what the Grand Duke of Netherworld said was correct. If he really gave Lin Xiao the position of prince, he would probably not be grateful and would go against Lin Xiao instead.

"My daughter didn't think carefully."

Zhu Zhuyun said quickly, sweat breaking out from behind.

"Do not be nervous."

The Grand Duke of Netherworld shook his head when he saw this, and smiled again, "Your thoughts have also inspired me a lot."

"Since Boss Lin cannot be subordinate to others, then there will be no problem if I am subordinate to Boss Lin."

"So, I plan to give Boss Lin the position of Imperial Master!"


After hearing what Grand Duke Netherworld said, Zhu Zhuyun was shocked.

This means respect and surrender!

She had never expected that the Grand Duke of Netherworld would make such a decision. You have to know how supreme a being is to be the master of a country and control the fate of hundreds of millions of creatures? Do you actually have to show your surrender to others?

She subconsciously said: "How is this possible?"

"What's not allowed?"

"Without the help of Boss Lin, our Nether Clan would not be the Xingluo Royal Clan we are today. We would have even become slaves of the White Tiger Clan."

"This is a huge kindness. Even so, I don't think it's enough to repay."

Having said this, the Grand Duke of Netherworld smiled bitterly, "But, there is only so much we can give."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuyun's delicate body trembled again.


The Grand Duke of Netherworld is right.

Back then, the titled Douluo elders of the Haotian Sect and the masters mobilized by Emperor Xingluo all arrived outside the Netherworld Duke's mansion and almost wiped out the clan.

Without Lin Xiao, how could they women stand here and speak?

"Father, I was wrong."

Zhu Zhuyun had a look of regret on his face.

"It's okay. Just change your attitude from now on."

After the Grand Duke of Netherworld finished speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Go down and get ready."


Zhu Zhuyun nodded.

Just when she was about to walk out of the hall, the Grand Duke of Netherworld said again: "Wait a minute."

"Father, do you have anything else to explain?"

Zhu Zhuyun turned around and looked at the Netherworld Duke in confusion.

Just listening, the Netherworld Grand Duke said in a deep voice: "In order to show my sincerity, I decided to go to Wuhun City in person to invite Boss Lin and finalize the date of the enthronement ceremony. For the time being, I will leave the affairs of the empire to you."

Zhu Zhuyun nodded heavily, "Father, you can go in peace."

Grand Duke of Netherworld: "???"

There's nothing wrong with that, so why does it sound so unpleasant?

"Ancestor, why are you here?"

Outside Poseidon Island, Tang Hao saw Tang Chen wearing a bloody stand-up collared cloak.

"I came here to see how you're getting on."

"So far, the benefits you have gained are not small. Even I can't see through you."

There was a faint bloody light flashing in Tang Chen's eyes, trying to see through Tang Hao.

"Ancestor, I have lived up to your expectations and have become the high priest of Poseidon Island."

Tang Hao didn't sell it out and directly told Tang Chen the real situation.

"It's progressing so fast!" Tang Chen's voice suddenly became a little louder, "So, you have become a level 99 titled Douluo and have the power of Poseidon?"

Tang Hao could clearly hear the shock in his voice.

"Yes, I was able to become the high priest of Poseidon Island so quickly, thanks to Bo Saixi's help."

"Hahaha, I knew that Xixi would definitely help her family. By the way, where are the Xixi people? Why didn't they come out to see me?"

After listening to Tang Hao's words, Tang Chen couldn't help laughing loudly.

Very heartwarming.

However, smiling, smiling, he discovered something was wrong with Tang Hao.


Something is very wrong.

It's like eating a dead fly.

"Hao'er, what's wrong with you?" he asked in confusion.

"Ancestor, you don't know, Bo Saixi is not helping me, but trying to trick me!"

"What are you talking about?" When Tang Chen heard this, he immediately became unhappy. "If it weren't for Xixi, how could you have such strength? It's really ungrateful to say this."

Facing Tang Chen's scolding, Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed, and he said coldly: "Ancestor, you are wrong."

"Tang Hao, you are so presumptuous!"

Tang Chen suddenly became furious.

"Haha, am I presumptuous?"

Tang Hao laughed angrily, "Then do you know why Bo Saixi helped me?"

"No need to ask, of course it's because of my relationship with her." Tang Chen answered almost without thinking.

"Wrong, very wrong."

Tang Hao once again refuted Tang Chen, "He passed me the position of high priest of Poseidon Island just to make me die."

"You may not know, but if there is a ninth test of the Nine Poseidon Tests, the high priest must make a sacrifice to start the final inheritance!"

"That is to say, she was originally supposed to be sacrificed to Xiaosan, but now she has become me!"

"Bo Saixi is a bitch. I, Tang Hao, swear that I will cut him to death with a thousand knives!"

Tang Hao's voice was almost squeezed out from between his teeth, and his back molars were almost broken.

"how so!"

"How could this be possible?"

On the other hand, Tang Chen looked as if he had been struck by lightning, with a look of disbelief on his face.

On the one hand are the descendants that he values ​​most, and on the other hand are the women he loves.

Tang Chen, who was unparalleled in dominance and decisive in killing, was rarely in a dilemma.

Good night.

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