I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 334 Tang Chen’s plan, Iron Master Ju Douluo

The sea breeze blows.

Tang Chen felt cold all over.

The woman he loves cheated on his most valued junior?

He had the feeling that there was a fire in the backyard.

"Is it possible that Xixi has any reason for doing this?"

Tang Chen tried to comfort Tang Hao.

"The reason?" Tang Hao smiled, "Ancestor, how long has it been, and you are still trying to help Bo Saixi?"

"She just doesn't want to die and wants me to die. Your old lover only sees herself!"

Tang Hao became more and more excited as he talked, and completely forgot about discussing with Tang Chen. Now he just wants to pour out all the dissatisfaction in his heart.


Hearing this, Tang Chen's eyes flashed with anger.

He shouted angrily: "It's endless, right? So you hate me now too?"

When his voice fell, powerful soul power surged out, and the sea water boiled.

Tang Hao suddenly felt a pressure.

"Tang Hao, have you forgotten what you said when you asked the Blue Silver Emperor to sacrifice? And how righteous your words were?"

Tang Chen asked Tang Hao in turn.

Ah this

Hearing the sound, Tang Hao was startled, and the expression on his face seemed to be petrified.

So what if it was a sacrifice?

After Xiaosan becomes a god, I can resurrect you and our family can be reunited.

Gradually, Tang Hao's spirit became a little dazed, and the scene in Wuhun City unconsciously appeared in his mind, and he also remembered what he said to the Blue Silver Emperor.

"Even if you sacrifice one day, what does it matter? Your son Tang San can still resurrect you!"

Seeing that Tang Hao stopped talking, the anger on Tang Chen's face softened a bit, and he said again: "You even said that I can resurrect you even if I become a god."

"Our Tang family has two gods, are you still worried that you can't be resurrected?"

As he said that, he looked at Tang Hao with burning eyes.

On the other hand, Tang Hao opened his mouth, not knowing what to say at all.

Because what Tang Chen said makes perfect sense.


I still don't want to die.

This time Tang Hao wasn't excited anymore, and he didn't want to argue with Tang Chen about Bo Saixi's fault. He just wanted to live now.

He lowered his body and begged in a low voice: "Ancestor, Hao'er doesn't want to die yet. I have level 99 strength and the power of Poseidon. In addition, I also have magical self-created souls like martial arts." Skills.

I feel that my life will be more useful to the revitalization of Haotian Sect.

Please help me think of a way to see if there is any other way so that I don't have to sacrifice and still let Xiao San inherit the position of Poseidon! "


Tang Chen snorted coldly, "What can I do? According to you, as long as you are a high priest, you have the mission of sacrificing sacrifices to the inheritors of the Poseidon. This cannot be changed."


As he spoke, Tang Chen suddenly thought of something, "The high priest has the mission of offering sacrifices. What if you are not the high priest?"

"You, you mean"

Tang Hao's eyes widened, "Let someone else inherit the position of high priest?"

Tang Chen nodded slightly, "Yes, as long as you are no longer the high priest of Poseidon, of course you will not need to sacrifice in the future. However, you will no longer have the power of Poseidon."

Hearing this, Tang Hao's expression suddenly changed, "It doesn't matter if you don't need the power of the Poseidon. I, Tang Hao, think that I am not weaker than others. Even if I don't need the power of the Poseidon, I can still be invincible against time."

"Haha, that sounds domineering."

Tang Chen smiled coldly.

If he hadn't known that Tang Hao was greedy for life and afraid of death, he would have appreciated Tang Hao even more.

Now, he really looked down on Tang Hao.

"But don't have too much hope. The candidates who can succeed the high priest of Poseidon Island are all talented and stunning people. It is impossible for ordinary people to win the favor of Poseidon."

Tang Chen said in a deep voice.

Tang Hao was silent for a moment and then said: "Ancestor, I can understand what you said."

"After all, I am also the youngest titled Douluo in the history of Douluo Continent. There should be no one from the older generation or my contemporaries who is qualified to inherit the inheritance of the High Priest of Poseidon."

"So now we have to look at the younger generation."

Hearing this, Tang Chen raised his eyebrows slightly, "It seems you already have a suitable candidate?"

Tang Hao said: "I heard that there are three young people with outstanding talents in the Wuhun Temple generation, known as the golden generation. Maybe some of these three people have talents that can meet the requirements of the Poseidon High Priest."

"Golden Generation?"

Tang Chen frowned, "It's impossible, how could they willingly make wedding clothes for Haotian Sect disciples?"

"What's even more frightening is that we don't want to turn around and make a wedding dress for Wuhun Palace and hand over Poseidon Island to others."

"Ancestor, what you said is true, let me think about it again." Tang Hao heard this and fell into thinking again.

Suddenly, he exclaimed: "Yes!"

"When there is, there is life."


"Just tell me if you have it, stop talking nonsense."

Tang Chen felt like his mouth was filled with anger.

"There is also a young girl with extremely outstanding talent in the Qibao Glazed Sect's generation, named Ning Rongrong. I have seen her talent, and she is the most promising person in the Qibao Glazed Sect to break through the martial soul into the Eight Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Martial Spirit. , or even higher.”

Tang Hao thought of that quirky girl.

"Oh? Is there such an outstanding person in this generation of Qibao Glazed Sect?"

Tang Chen was also a little surprised.

You know, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is known as the best martial spirit in the world, and its quality is not inferior to the Clear Sky Hammer.

If the martial spirit can really take a step forward, the quality of the martial spirit will not be comparable to that of the Clear Sky Hammer.

"This is a good choice. If we can bring Ning Rongrong here, we may be able to obtain the top-level examination on Poseidon Island, just below the divine examination."

He nodded, more agreeing with Tang Hao's statement.

"But Ning Fengzhi regards Ning Rongrong as his treasure, so he may not let his daughter come."

Tang Hao was a little worried again.

"Hahaha, if it is someone else, forget it. But Ning Fengzhi is not necessarily the case."

"Why is the ancestor so sure?"

"Don't forget, Ning Fengzhi is a businessman at heart. As long as it's profitable, what else would he not want to do?"

"If his daughter becomes the high priest of Poseidon Island, all the inexhaustible resources on the sea will belong to their Seven Treasure Glazed Sect. What a huge wealth that is, can you imagine?"

Tang Chen said in a deep voice, his eyes looking dazed for a while.

"But Ning Rongrong can still offer sacrifices."

"Then why don't we promise to resurrect it? When Xiao San becomes a god, as long as the Qibao Glazed Sect is willing to attach itself to the Haotian Sect, we can completely support it to become the second sect in the world."

"I just don't like the trash of the four major affiliated families. It is more suitable for the Qibao Glazed Sect to become the new affiliated family."

Tang Chen said and snorted, "With so many benefits, his daughter only needs to die once. What do you think Ning Fengzhi will choose?"

Tang Hao clenched his fists in excitement, "As expected of you, ancestor, you are so considerate. According to what you said, I think Ning Fengzhi will definitely choose to let Ning Rongrong come to Poseidon Island."

As he spoke, a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

"It's nothing."

Tang Chen nodded indifferently and said, "You don't have to think so much for the time being. Just practice and consolidate your realm with peace of mind. I will go to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect and bring Ning Rongrong here."

"Ancestor, please wait a moment."

Suddenly, Tang Hao stopped Tang Chen, "I was in front of the jar shop in Wuhun City, and I heard that people from the Qibao Glazed Sect opened jars in Wuhun City.

There is even their annex not far from the store. Maybe you don’t need to go to Qibao Glazed Sect, you can also find Ning Fengzhi and the others in Wuhun City. "

"Martial Spirit City?"

When Tang Chen heard this, his eyes flickered.

This place can be regarded as the place where his nightmare began.

After bidding farewell to Tang Hao, Qian Daoliu found his direction and flew towards Wuhun City.

After a long time, he suddenly frowned.

"what's the situation?"

"I seem to have sensed Xixi's breath!"

"She is also heading to Wuhun City?"

Tang Chen was startled and sped up again.

He wanted to catch up with Bo Saixi and ask about Tang Hao. How to explain it?

On the other side, in the small shop in Wuhun City.

Lin Xiao just opened the door for business and welcomed two customers.

Lin Xiao recognized none other than Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo.

"I thought you weren't coming to open the can?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said hello.

Hearing this, both of them shook their heads.

Ghost Douluo grinned even more, "How is that possible? I have regarded the great career of opening jars as my second life."

Lin Xiao did not answer his words, but asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you? You all have big dark circles under your eyes?"

In fact, Lin Xiao noticed their big panda eyes as soon as they entered the door.

He didn't ask just out of politeness.

Now he couldn't hold back his curiosity.

"Hey, don't mention it boss."

Ju Douluo lamented, "Isn't it this old ghost who pulls me to pound iron day and night?"


What kind of iron are you rolling?

Have the iron pestles been turned into embroidery needles?

Lin Xiao had a strange look on his face when he heard this.

"Boss, to be honest, we have recently been forging a powerful hidden weapon called the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus. It contains several rare metals that can only be tempered by a Titled Douluo to increase its speed."

Ghost Douluo continued to explain.

"I see."

Lin Xiao nodded and did not forget to remind: "But even if you are powerful titled Douluo, you cannot masturbate day and night. You must know how to exercise moderation, otherwise your body will not be able to bear it."

"Thank you boss for your concern, we will remember it."

Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo nodded solemnly.

Later, Ju Douluo couldn't help but sigh: "I used to think that hammering out iron could be done by one person, just by hammering continuously.

Now I find that the strength and the control of the heat are both indispensable.

At the same time, I can also understand why Gengxin City is so big and there are so few master craftsmen. This industry also requires talent, and it is not something that can be done by strong strength and strength. "

Hearing this, Ghost Douluo nodded with deep sympathy, "Let alone a divine craftsman, even if one of you and I has master-level forging experience, it would not be that difficult to create the Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus."

"Grandmaster, there is no chance of you counting on me. I haven't gotten started these days. By the time I have master-level skills, Buddha's Fury Tanglian will have been made long ago."

Ju Douluo gave Ghost Douluo an encouraging look.

"Huh, nothing."

Ghost Douluo snorted angrily, "I didn't count on you at all. At least I also gained some hammer forging knowledge when I obtained the Xuantian Treasure Mirror.

I can’t say how superb my skills are, but I’m still at the beginning. I estimate that with a hundred and eighty proficiency capsules, I hope to become a master-level blacksmith. "

"Tch, let's wait and see."

Ju Douluo said angrily.

Ghost Douluo frowned and retreated behind Ju Douluo.

"What do you mean?"

Ghost Douluo's actions surprised Ju Douluo.

"Didn't you say before that you would lose a lot if you opened the jar later? Today I want you to open it first, so feel free to open it. It will definitely not be a trap."

Ghost Douluo snorted as he spoke, "Lest anyone say I'm unjust."

"Haha, who are you talking about in such a weird way?"

"Today I will open the jar first and give you the palm of my hand."

Ju Douluo said and stepped forward step by step.

Open it, open it, I am going out today but I am looking at the almanac, so it is not appropriate to open the jar first!

Ghost Douluo thought to himself: Brothers offer sacrifices to the sky, good luck is boundless, everything is just to open the jar, I'm sorry.

At the same time, he swore in his heart that after opening the jar, he would take Ju Douluo to the best bathhouse in Wuhun City to relax.

Technicians choose the best!

At this time, Ju Douluo had already paid and selected the jar.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly and said, "I'll help you have good luck."

"Thank you!"

Ju Douluo nodded heavily and immediately smashed the first jar.


The light flashed, the purple light was dazzling!

"Damn it! What the old ghost said is actually true."

"Damn it! What I said is actually true."

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo let out two exclamations one after another.

The first item turned out to be rare, which neither of them expected.

"Hahaha, old ghost, it's okay. You're really right. There's really no trick."

Ju Douluo laughed and gave Ghost Douluo a thumbs up.


Ghost Douluo also smiled.

But he secretly thought, something is wrong.

I went out to read the almanac. Opening the jar first is a sacrifice. This is correct.


Suddenly, there was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground.

Lin Xiao, Ju Douluo, and Ghost Douluo all saw clearly.

It was a yellow wooden board three feet long and two feet wide.

On the front of the board, there are two big words written, Grandmaster!

Ju Douluo hurriedly bent down and picked it up. He asked with a puzzled look on his face: "Boss, what is this rectangular wooden board? And what does this grandmaster represent?"

"Is it possible that it is a washboard where a certain master knelt?"

Ghost Douluo guessed.

"No." Ju Douluo shook his head, "I think if you write the corresponding profession on the wooden board, you will most likely become a grandmaster of the corresponding profession."

"Tch, stop dreaming. Then if you write Master Blacksmith, you will be in heaven in an instant?"

Ghost Douluo didn't believe it.

"How many of the treasures produced in Boss Lin's shop can be seen with normal eyes?" Ju Douluo insisted on his own idea.

"Oh, the vision is opening up."

Ghost Douluo sneered, "If you can really become a master right away, I will worship you as my disciple immediately."

"Don't worry, let's see what Boss Lin says."

After Ju Douluo finished speaking, Ghost Douluo also joined him, looking at Lin Xiao eagerly, looking for the answer.

And at this time.

Information about the item appeared in Lin Xiao's eyes.

Item: [Grandmaster Signboard]

Level: [Rare]

Type: [Not Tradeable]

Description: [A magical prop taken from the world of Doraemon. 】

Effect: [Write the name of the corresponding profession on the wooden board, and you will be able to obtain the master-level experience of the corresponding profession, and it will also attract people to learn from it. 】

Good night.

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