I sell jars in Douluo

Chapter 335 Fengxiao Tiankeng Ren, Bo Saixi breaks up with Tang Chen

In a small shop.

Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo looked at Lin Xiao eagerly.

"You can prepare to become a disciple."

Lin Xiao looked at Ghost Douluo and said.

"What? Old Chrysanthemum really guessed it right. Is this thing really so evil?"

Ghost Douluo's eyes widened, looking in disbelief.

"This thing is called a grandmaster's sign. As long as you write the corresponding profession in front of the grandmaster, you will get the corresponding grandmaster-level experience."

"Moreover, after hanging this plaque, you can attract more people to come to you to become your disciple."

Lin Xiao pointed at the plaque in Ju Douluo's hand and said.

"Good stuff, this is really good stuff."

Ju Douluo beamed with joy. Before, he was worried about when he would be able to start playing iron.

In a blink of an eye, he will become a master.

Immediately, he couldn't help his curiosity, took out a pen from the space soul guide, and wrote the word "blacksmith" on the wooden sign.

The next moment, a large number of memories and experiences about forging emerged in his mind.

Lin Xiao could clearly detect that Ju Douluo's eyes were gradually becoming weathered.

"Old Juhua, how do you feel?"

Ghost Douluo asked with concern.

"Yes." Ju Douluo said maliciously, "Now I feel like you are just a scumbag."

Ghost Douluo: "."

"Old ghost, when will you become my master?"

Ju Douluo said again.

Ah this

Ghost Douluo glanced at the sign in Ju Douluo's hand subconsciously.

Not to mention, it really gave him the urge to become a disciple.

It's really evil.

But, is this possible?

He just had a moment of excitement and never thought about actually becoming a disciple.

"You'd better open the can quickly and strike while the iron is hot. You might be able to get something good out of it."

he advised.

"Hmph, it's impossible to just let this matter go. Just wait."

Ju Douluo said, first putting away the Grandmaster sign, then turning his head and focusing on the jar again.

"Feng Xiaotian, what are you doing here?"

On the other side, in the Thunder Team's station, Yu Tianxin, the captain of the Thunder Team, looked at Feng Xiaotian who suddenly appeared with a puzzled expression.

"Haha, didn't I hear that you just arrived here last night? Today I came here specifically to see my old friends."

Feng Xiaotian laughed.

"When did we become friends?"

Yu Tianxin snorted angrily.

You know, except for the Botanical College, the relationship between the other four elemental colleges can be said to be incompatible with each other.

You can't call them enemies, but they definitely can't be called friends.

He always felt that Feng Xiaotian was not doing anything good here.

"What is this? Have you ever heard the saying "friends and foes"? The major element schools compete with each other. That is also an internal matter. Externally, they are still on the same page. Rounding it off, there is no problem that we are friends."

Feng Xiaotian said persistently.


Yu Tianxin frowned, Feng Xiaotian's words were not very reasonable, but they were not unreasonable either.

"Tell me, what are you here for?"

Yu Tianxin asked again.

"Hey, forget it, originally I wanted to find some girls for you to warm up and relax. If you refuse, forget it."

Feng Xiaotian said and turned around to leave.

"Brother Feng."

"Brother Feng"

"Master Feng, don't leave!"

Suddenly, several more people rushed out of the camp, calling Feng Xiaotian.

They are also wearing the uniforms of Thunder Academy, and they are the other members of Thunder Team.

Feng Xiaotian stopped and asked with a smile: "What, you want to relax?"

Everyone nodded like a chicken eating rice.

"But your captain doesn't seem to agree?"

Feng Xiaotian said, frowning.

"Hmph, I'd like to see where you take them, and then I'll criticize them."

Yu Tianxin snorted and said angrily.

Everyone: "."

"Just pretend."

Seeing this, Feng Xiaotian shook his head.

He chuckled inwardly, finally taking the bait.

Ever since Huo Wu promised him yesterday that she would be his girlfriend as long as she defeated Team Tianshui, he hadn't slept well all night.

In order to be sure, he thought for a night and decided to encourage the people from Thunder College to try the water again and see how strong the Tianshui team was.

After a while.

Everyone from the Thunder Team appeared in front of Tianshui Academy.

"Brother Feng, what did you bring us here for?"

"Let's go relax quickly."


Some of them asked in confusion.

"That's right here. Tomorrow is the day of the competition between the four major element colleges. I will take you to find the girls from Tianshui College to have a battle, warm up and relax. Is there a problem?"

Feng Xiaotian asked back with a puzzled look.

"I'll wipe it."

"You are really stubborn."

"You shouldn't be believed."


There was a lot of curses behind Feng Xiaotian.

But, does he care about Feng Xiaotian?

"Are you afraid of the girls from Tianshui Academy?"

Feng Xiaotian said pretending to be surprised.


Everyone's expressions changed.


At this moment, figures appeared one after another in Tianshui Academy.

Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er, Xue Wu and other members of Team Tianshui are here.

"Sister, the people from Thunder College are here."

Shui Yue'er said with a cold face.

On the other hand, everyone in the Thunder Team discovered something was wrong.

"Boss, what's going on? It seems they know we're coming?"

Facing the doubts of the people around her, Yu Tianxin frowned and looked at the person next to her, Feng Xiaotian.

"Well, I know you're coming, and I've written a challenge for you in advance, so you don't need to thank me!"

Feng Xiaotian rubbed his hands and said with a dry smile: "No need to say thank you, just prepare to fight."

"Feng Xiaotian, I thank you grandma." Yu Tianxin said through gritted teeth.

And at this time.

Shui Yue'er had already arrived in front of everyone, "Hey, people from Thunder Academy, do you still want to fight?"

If I say I won’t fight, does it mean that my Thunder Academy is cowardly?

If you hit him, wouldn't he be used as a weapon by Feng Xiaotian?

For a moment, Yu Tianxin was also very tangled in her heart.

It’s really hard to choose.


In the small shop, Ju Douluo broke a jar again.

There was a flash of purple light, and an amplifier appeared in the jar.

"Old ghost, have you seen it? The amplifier!"

Ju Douluo was excited.

You know, he has really wanted this for a long time.

Although Qirong Tongtianju is a good martial spirit, its potential has almost reached its limit. It is really too difficult for him to break through again.

But the emergence of the amplifier undoubtedly brought him hope.

"Well, let me tell you, you will definitely do well today."

Ghost Douluo also said with a look of surprise.

In fact, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

What's going on?

Is Old Chrysanthemum so lucky today? Two rare items were released?

Could it be that I read the almanac wrongly when I went out?


After putting away the amplifier, Ju Douluo smashed the remaining jars in succession.

Then Lin Xiao handed a lucky prayer jar to Ju Douluo, "You deserve the jar of your choice that can be opened after purchasing thirty jars."

"Thank you very much, boss."

Ju Douluo thanked him, took the jar and smashed it into pieces without hesitation.

Immediately afterwards, he took out another item from the purple light group.

Both Lin Xiao and Ghost Douluo recognized it.

"Old Juhua, didn't you already get an amplifier before? Why did you choose another one?"

Ghost Douluo asked puzzledly.

"I'm afraid that an amplifier won't be enough for me to break through."

Ju Douluo answered seriously.

Hearing this, Ghost Douluo said: "Old Juhua, I'm not telling you, you are really not confident in yourself."

"I can't help it. As I get older, I no longer have the energy of young people." Ju Douluo sighed.

"That's not okay."

Ghost Douluo shook his head, "You must try to prove yourself. If you don't work hard, how can you prove that you are a waste?"


Ju Douluo said angrily: "The first words sounded like human words, but the second words are like dogs that can't spit out ivory from their mouths."

Hearing this, Ghost Douluo was not angry, but smiled and said: "Hey, just watch, I'll give you some treasure."


Ju Douluo smiled, "I just hope you don't cry."

"Although the Douluo Continent is small, it is more colorful than the ocean."

On the other side, Bo Saixi, dressed in a red dress, couldn't help but look at the beautiful scenery on the land.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was in a relaxed and happy mood.

Taking a deep breath, she felt that the air was free.

"I finally found you."

Suddenly, a voice came from behind Bo Saixi.

"Tang Chen?"

Bo Saixi turned around in surprise. She could tell who it was just from the voice.


Wherever he looked, Tang Chen was walking from a distance wearing a bloody cloak.

However, the smile on Bo Saixi's lips slowly faded, and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

She could feel that Tang Chen was not as happy to see her as she was to see Tang Chen.

Even judging from the ups and downs of Tang Chen's aura, he was in a very uneasy mood now.

"What happened?" Bo Saixi asked in confusion.

"What happened, I should be the one asking you, right?"

Tang Chen stood more than ten meters away in front of Bo Saixi and did not come any closer.

He said calmly: "Do you know that Hao'er is my most valued descendant?"


"Tang Hao?"

Bo Saixi nodded slightly, "I heard you say that before."

"Then you should know that Hao'er is our Haotian Sect's hope for the future, but why do you want to trick him?"

Tang Chen asked coldly.

He was really angry about this matter.

"Is this why you're here?"

Bo Saixi frowned even more tightly, "Aren't you happy that I have regained my freedom?"

After saying that, Bo Saixi added faintly, "I thought you would be happy."


Am I happy?

Tang Chen was angry, and then his voice became a little louder, "If you regain your freedom through legitimate means, of course I will be happy for you."

"Tang Chen, what do you mean by this? Why didn't I use legitimate means?"

Tang Chen said in a deep voice: "You are free, but what about Hao'er? He has become the high priest of Poseidon Island. Not to mention being bound there, he is more likely to be sacrificed to his son Tang San in the future!"

"Even if you want to leave there, you can definitely say so. We can find a way to rescue you together. But Hao'er."

"Are you blaming me?" Bo Saixi suddenly felt cold.

She counterattacked unceremoniously: "Then let me ask you, Tang Hao came to Poseidon Island and accepted Lord Poseidon's assessment. Is this what I asked for?

Now that the assessment has started, it is his destiny to eventually become the high priest of Poseidon Island. Given his strength and talent, it was only a matter of time. The reason why I helped him was just to advance this step a few years. "

"No matter what, when Tang San becomes a god, I shouldn't sacrifice anything. You have to understand this!"

"However, you can inform Hao'er in advance and let him complete the assessment later."

"Then what you mean is that after my sacrifice is over and Tang San successfully becomes a god, do you want Tang Hao to inherit the position of high priest of Poseidon Island?"

After saying that, Bo Saixi smiled: "Hahaha, Tang Chen, you are really good at calculating."

"But, I obviously don't need to sacrifice, but why do I, Bo Saixi, have to sacrifice to Tang San?"

"You have to know that I, Bo Saixi, don't owe you the Tang family anything. Tang San, Tang Hao, they are all your descendants, but not mine. I don't have to sacrifice my life for them."

Ah this

Tang Chen was immediately speechless.

Bo Saixi's voice was not loud, but her words penetrated deeply into his heart.


There was really no need for Bo Saixi to make sacrifices for them.


For some reason, Tang Chen felt very uncomfortable when he heard this.

In the end, Tang Chen could only say in a dry voice: "But Tang San and Tang Hao are our Haotian Sect's hope for the future after all."

"Hahaha, what a hope for the future, Tang Chen, don't you have anything to say?"

After hearing what Tang Chen said, Bo Saixi laughed.

What a pale and weak reason.

"What does your Haotian Sect's future hopes have to do with me?"

"You know, you were once my hope."

There was some sadness in her voice.

What does it mean? Tang Chen's pupils suddenly shrank and he noticed something unusual.

"Xixi, not only was I the past, but I am also your hope in the future."

Tang Chen's voice was filled with nervousness.

Bo Saixi was silent.

Tang Chen felt that with Bo Saixi's silence, the whole world fell into a deathly silence.

Woo woo

Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew by, and Bo Saixi's silky hair danced with the breeze.

Bo Saixi's words also blew into Tang Chen's ears with the gentle breeze.

"Tang Chen, I once thought that when I left Poseidon Island, I would be able to be with you without any worries.

I once thought that you, like me, regarded you as the most important.

Now that I think about it, it's really funny. I was so naive.

In your heart, I am inferior to your sect and inferior to your descendants. I, Bo Saixi, am nothing. "

Bo Saixi's voice was not loud but full of sadness.

"That's not the case, Xixi, it's really not like that." Tang Chen shook his head in denial.

"Tang Chen, there is no need to argue anymore. From the moment you came to me, I have been being used by you. I helped you fight against Qian Daoliu, and I also used my divine power to help you get rid of the bat. These are all unfair facts. .”

"Enough, really enough!"

Bo Saixi said, tearing off a corner of her long skirt.

"From now on, you take the Yangguan Road and I cross the single-plank bridge. There will be no connection between the two."

Good night.

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